I Can't Wait for You

Tired of Waiting

I sighed as I placed the letter on the bed and took one, final look at the room we had had so many memories in. To be honest, I would miss it, but I couldn't continue lying like this.

Every man over the legal age of 18 had to spend a year in service. I hadn't wanted to go nor had I told Taemin I was going. He'd be too worried, it wouldn't be good for him, so I had just decided to break it off, to pretend I had never felt anything for him.
After I finish, I can come back and explain everything.

I have to do it.

~ One year later ~

"Ding dong~"
I heard the doorbell ring as I tidyed up the kitchen counter, it was messy from my husbands chicken feast. "Tae? Would you mind getting the door? Sorry, but I've got to finish this!"
I smiled to myself, and went to open the door.
Deep brown eyes met my own, eyes that I thought I'd never see again.
He smiled at me, somehow happy.
"Tae?" a voice called from another room, "Who is it?"
"Nobody!" I replied, moving to shut the door.
His smile faltered and he stopped me.
"Minnie? Don't you remember me?"
I smiled bitterly up at him.
"Yes Minho, I remember far to well. You left me"
"Ah," he looked apologetic but before he could continue, I interrupted.
"But I don't care. I have someone who actually loves me now. I happy, and," I sent Minho a cold glare.

"I don't want you back in my life. I'm tired of waiting, I've found someone better."

"I don't need you anymore"

"I waited for nearly a year" I continued, silently relishing the look of despair slowly seeping into Minho's eyes. "I became quiet and antisocial, but then I met him, and he made me start to smile again. Now I have him"

"Tae? You ok?" the said person called down. "Wait, I'm coming"

I turned as he entered the room and stood on my tippy-toes to kiss his cheek.  He leant down to kiss me back.

"You see Minho? I have Onew now"




Soooo....? First time I've done OnTae ^^

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haha, nice one Tae, he kinda deserved that, love that he didn't go running back to him, and stayed with Onew, I mean I love Min, but Onew is ssoooooooo much better, like Tae said, hehe; and he left without speaking to him, how much could he really care, fantastic job, so cute. ;-D
Taemin... You're so cruel ;-; But then Minho was at fault too....
EveNiN #3
Dreamscape #4
Poor Minho....
But I love me some Ontae. <3
*screams into the sky*