Chapter One: The Frustrations of a Leader

4-D GEN [4 Dimensional Generation]


The overwhelming joy at your dreams coming true, the unavoidable worry of messing up your lunch. All of these and more are what the nine members of 4D-GEN  Star Museum Entertainment's latest idol group  are experiencing in their cozy dressing room as what that day meant sunk in. May 26. The day they all were waiting for was finally at their grasp. The day they would finally upgrade from mere trainees to nation idols. A day that means a lot to a trainee, second was being accepted into the same company debuting them. The day they would debut.  




1st Person POV:

In our dressing room, I watched through the mirror in front of me the chaos that was ensuming.


A handful of coordis flocked over the other members as is with me,  each either teasing our newly dyed hair with a fine toothed comb or smudging the eyeliner caked on our eyelids, each with a blow-drier permanently attached to their hands. Despite the harsh head coordi shouting orders at the others and the occasional whooshing sound of the blow-drier, I noticed how everyone else remained unusually silent. How they weren't fighting or bickering as usual. I closed my eyes as the coordi applied some black eyeshadow on my eyelids and silently hoped that the awkward tension would fade and have my members fight or speak - anything. 


Yes. You read right. My members. I am the supposed leader of 4D-GEN. 'Supposed' as even I am not sure. To be completely honest, 


I didn't want to be one in the first place. We were supposed to go as planned and have our eldest member be the leader. That is, until he refused the offer and convinced our manager to let me be it.  I will not lie. I believe I am not capable of taking are of eight hyperactive, stubborn and childish kids. I grew up taking care of myself, since my elder brother had enough on his plate. To be suddenly placed with a burden like this is exhausting  but don't tell our maknae that or he might cry.


When I opened my eyes, I saw how I now have a huge black wing-like eye makeup and a scorpion was drawn from my cheek to my chest. I gaped at my reflection. The coordi frowned apologetically as she saw my 'What the /Who the is that?' expression. 


"Hari-unnie gave specific instructions to make you all look gothic and mystical. You got a bit more extreme because of your image as Janus, Tyler-ah." she said and went away, muttering about hair clay. 




Oh right. I'm Janus - charismatic, fierce main rapper and leader of 4D-GEN - and not naive foreigner from the Philippines Tyler Delarosa anymore. The nervousness on what this day meant sunk in again and I looked through the mirror to look at my other member's conditions to distract myself from my irregular breathing.




As his coordi left him alone to get a can of hairspray, Sky, whose newly dyed blonde hair was styled in messy waves, gripped and pulled at his locks in frustration as his habit. I chuckled a bit at our lead vocal as he rolled his eyes graciously at the  coordi came back soon after to scold him wearily about his messed up hairstyle.



4B, whose eyes project the schizoid shell strangers seem to imprison him in, suspiciously walked from his seat to another end of he room where we couldn't hear him. He braced himself against the wall and I saw the faint shaking of his shoulders. He looked behind him to see if anyone noticed his moment of weaknesswhich was a big no-no for our black-haired lead rapper  and groaned as he saw their main vocal.


Chunghee was perched on the leather sofa in the room, feasting on our Manager-hyung's donuts with whipped cream on top which he miraculously always manages to acquire. The whipped cream never messing up his already made-up face, I always did wonder how that happened; how he ate like a pig but made it seem like his gobbling was similar to a CF shooting.


Another mystery of Lee Chung Hee that I'd rather not solve.


"Yah! Would you quit that? It's sickening." 4B hissed and made a fist.


He always did use his abnormal strength when he felt vulnerable.


The aforementioned halted his actions momentarily to glare at the latter with enough heat to rival the orange hair atop his head. "We have our own ways to calm down. Now let me eat in peace and I'll pretend I didn't hear you make a bird call earlier." he retorted, purposefully raising his voice for all to hear. He smirked and resumed his ministrations. 


4B blanched in embarrassment and advanced over to the eating vocal threateningly when a mop of black hair zoomed between them shouting "Banzaiiii~!!"




Mop of black hair? 


The adrenaline coursing through my veins made me instantly angry. "OKAY. WHO WAS THE WISE GUY THAT GAVE MINKYU CANDY!!??" I shouted, standing up and ignoring the coordi that was nearly finished with styling my hair squeak in surprise.



Now some of you might laugh and call me overacting, but this is a severe and deadly situation. If our maknae Minkyu has even a small grain of sugar in that petite body of his, he'd go absolutely and completely hyper. And not just giggling-uncontrollably hyper. I mean jumping-off-the-walls-biting-the-other-member's-thighs-and-rolling-on-the-floor hyper.

"There's no way in hell we are going to perform out there in front of the entire world when our maknae is basically-" I was cut off as I saw what Minkyu was doing. "Humping. The. Floor." I let out lamely, hoping our maknae's innocence remained.


My shouting seemed to open a dam though as the other's started acting as they usually did. 


"Isn't that a good thing though?" Jaehwa said as the coordi added finishing touches to his rockstar-ish makeup.



"Yeah, I mean our image is supposed to be a charismatic rockstar group with a touch of randomness right? So doesn't it deem fitting if our maknae is hyped up?" One of the group's residential main vocalist and smartass M.E asked, using his so-called wide range vocabulary to impress the coordi beside him.


I rolled my eyes. "Yeah yeah yeah, you can speak your alien language to flirt with the coordis later." I pursed my lips in thought. "But you're right. I guess it might be a good thing for him to be hyper."


Chunghee let out a small burp as he finished the last doughnut and looked at me. "At least he's not dead to the world like this guy." He gestured to the asleep boy beside him.


I didn't even need to wonder why our other Main Vocal Hyunki was asleep at a time like this. He was always like this. We call him the Cucumber Kiki because he's so laid back and cool that he can fall asleep instantly despite the situation.



"Would someone please wake him up?" Our eldest member Dongeun said from behind me. "Before our beloved leader starts hyperventilating from all your monkey business?"



Chunghee figured since he was the nearest, he should do it. He let out an evil grin. He grabbed the can of whipped cream and loomed it close to his face.


Minkyu chose that time to jump on the prankster's lap, making the whipped cream shoot out of the nozzle and hit an unsuspecting coordi instead. 


"AISH!" Chunghee shouted angrily and glared at the maknae. "MINKYU. WHAT THE HELL."


The maknae merely grinned and made some kind of garbled whine. "Hyuuuung~ Can I bite your thighs?"


Dongeun wrapped his hand on my forehead in an attempt to hold me down. "Yah. Calm down. Before you murder someone."


I was about to. "Minkyu...thigh biting...candy...murder..." I grumbledd.


The door slammed open to reveal their Manager Won, his bald head shiny in the overhead lights and sweat. "Kids, there is a change of plans. A-Pink and f(x) made a last minute cancellation so you're on in two."


"WHAT!?" All of us exclaimed at him, rousing awake Hyunki. 


M.E rubbed his temples in supposed circles. "This is so not happening..."


"Y-yah, don't be nervous!" Manager Won stammered, failing at trying to lift our moods. "You kids will do great!" He turned to me. "You lead them well, right Janus-ah?"


I looked at him with a passion for no apparent reason. Okay, maybe I was blaming him as the reason why we suddenly had to perform early.


He sweated even more. He walked out hurriedly and called out his shoulder. "Two minutes, you hear?"


I was facing the door with Dongeun-hyung behind me. I inhaled and turned to face the members. As expected, they all stared at me with confusion and fear. This is why I hated this job. I can't handle the feeling of people relying on me. Normally when you were the leader, the members look up to you and expect you to know more than them. Because especially in special moments like this, the leader is the one who encourages the members. I don't know what to do...


I sighed and fiddled with the end of my leather belt before speaking as confidently as I could.


"This is it huh...after the hardest months of my life...we're finally here huh?" 


Dongeun hyung chuckled. "We are. So what do you suggest we do, leader-sshi?"


I smiled. Probably for the first time in three weeks. "Okay guys. I want you to do one thing and one thing only. Because I swear, Eunri-unnie will kill us if we mess up." I put my hand out. "Hands in."


Each followed and looked up at me expectantly.


"Just have fun, arasso? It's our concept after all." I smirked. "What are we!?"

"One Blood!!" They replied.


"What are we!?"


"One Family!!"


"We start as one!"


"We end as one!"




"HWAITING!!!!" We all shouted as we raised our hands up and ran outisde the dressing room.


Despite the new rush of adrenaline in my viens, I can't help but think:


Leeteuk-sunbae...will you have been proud at what I have said?




This is loooooooooooong since overdue. But...yeah. ^_____^ Comment please! Tell me what you  think~





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Chapter 4: lol Cucumber.

That's funny.
Waaaaait can I apply still? D: If I had seen the story sooner I would've~
Bahaha ^^ It's cool. I'm glad you decided to go through with the story anyway instead of just deleting it like others would do ^^
I'm looking forward to seeing the other characters and reading the story :D
That's really intense, and I like your writing style too.

Wow. Can't wait to see where this goes.
Whoa. When I read this chapter, I realized I don't really know much about SM and their idols. I really didn't know DBSK was a distraction group. :O
But this was really good ^^ I really like your writing style, and I like how you have an evil mastermind >:3
Hello, I edited my application ^^
Hello!~ I have applied as Park Jaehwa ^^
Good luck on the story!~