Prologue: Just Another Idol Group

4-D GEN [4 Dimensional Generation]

A few months ago:



Three figures sat at opposite sides of a long, wooden table. Their eyebrows knitted together in deep thought as they assessed the profiles scattered all over in front of them. The upper head light was off, almost succumbing the room into darkness if it weren't for the tall window emitting the bright afternoon sunlight.
One of them banged his hand on the table, shocking the other two from their thoughts. "This is ridiculous. Why are we even wasting our time on them when we could focus on EXO?" 
"EXO is famous enough as it is, what with all that teasers you've been releasing." The other one said, without any emotion in his voice.  "Let them rest for a while. We have to focus on them first." He used his chin to point to the profiles each person has in front of them.
"It is to be expected that they're going to fade ever since Jungsoo, and now Jongwoon, are leaving to their military services." The first one retorted. "Let them. We should discuss on how EXO-K and M will debut and just forget those old, dying lo-"
The second one cut him off with a fierce glare. "No. One. Ever. Talks to them that way. No. One." He spit angrily. "You can do whatever crap you desire for those artists you let yourself debut but mess with my kids and you'll regret it."
Both men went into a furious staring contest at each other, neither one refusing to back down.
"Can we just please continue deciding on what to do with them?" The third one who had been silent all this time suddenly piped up. "If we continue arguing, nothing's going to happen."
The second one relaxed onto his chair as he heard that. The first one, though still furious, eased onto his chair as well.
"And Youngmin-sshi," The third one continued. "Sooman-sshi's right. EXO deserve a break. They're kids, not machines."
"Star Museum produces only the best." Youngmin said, picking up a picture then throwing it back to the table angrily. "To be the best means hardwork. To be the best, you need to make sacrifices."
"Such as sacrificing a few million won for distractions?" He joked.
Youngmin grimaced. "Exactly, Jungwoo. This isn't the first time."
His eyes widened. "Did this happen before?"
"Yes. It was before we were both here. When the H.O.T. scandals were at its peak, SMENT sent out DBSK as distractions. We didn't expect that they would be the Hallyu idols they are now. But like their sunbaes, the idiots rebelled." His grimace grew. " Super Junior is going through some problems and as much as we tried, they aren't the same since Hankyung left and Kibum is on that indefinite hiatus. So we sent out EXO-K and EXO-M as distractions. We also planned to conquer the Chinese music market. That was a bit of a problem, since instead of distracting the ELFs, they only served as a reminder that SMENT isn't prioritizing them as they used to."
Suddenly, he smirked. "But the distractions turned out to be international stars. As usual. EXO hasn't even debuted yet and they are as famous as SHINee."
"So it wasn't really a waste then. That's a good thing." Jungwoo commented, looking on his side of profiles and scribbled some words on a nearby notepad. He looked over SMENT's founder. "What do you think, Sooman-sshi?"
He was staring at the profile of Park Jung Soo, the picture staring back up at him was the face every kid wore when they found out they passed the auditions; the face of hope and excitement. He smiled. Up until now, he was proud of Jungsoo's determination. Not everyone would accept being the leader of thirteen members and even though they were only supposed to be together until 2005 ended, it still wasn't an easy task. Sooman, if he was still about to debut himself, couldn't find himself the determination to agree being in charge of thirteen - now fifteen - lives. It was too much work and too many people would count on him. He knew Jungsoo felt that when he told him he would be the leader nine years before. But Sooman told him the only thing Jungsoo needed to hear. That Sooman believed in him. That he believes that if Jungsoo tried hard, the entire world, not just Korea, would wave their Sapphire Blue balloons as they sing their songs. That Jungsoo and s names' would be known all over the world and even the mere glimpse of them would send their fans in a frenzy. That he would be with them every step of the way.
Sooman let out a sad sigh as he closed the folder. It doesn't matter now what happened before. I have to do what's best for them even if it hurts.
"Sooman-sshi?" Jungwoo called him again.
He looked up. "Huh? I'm sorry I didn't catch what you said."
Youngmin snorted. "See, he wasn't even listening."
"Watch your tone, Youngmin." Sooman said, picking up Jongwoon's folder. "Now that Super Junior's leader is leaving in a few months, we need to decide what to do with them."
"Let them die out. Let someone else shine through." Youngmin muttered, glaring at a picture of Kim Hee Chul. Rebellious bastard. Him and that Chinese friend of his.
"Someone like EXO?" Jungwoon muttered back, closing Lee Sung Min's folder and wrote on the notepad.
Youngmin smirked. "Maybe."
"Is that why you want my boys out? Because you want EXO to be the next Hallyu Idols?" Sooman said casually, crossing his legs together.
"As selfish and as stupid as it sounds, yes."
"Is that why you outed Hankyung?" He said casually, but inside he was starting to boil.
"He wanted to leave." Youngmin shrugged, angering Sooman. "He wanted to be out, and I tried to make him stay. He just couldn't stand being here anymore" When Hankyung left, Heechul went over to my office the next day and started punching me. He's lucky that he's an international idol or he would've been thrown out with his friend. He's lucky that he's an idol and not much damage have been done to his face. His body, however...well it's nothing that clothes couldn't hide.
"He wouldn't have left if you took care of him." Sooman said, his anger rising again. "You almost killed him!"
"But he's better in China now." Youngmin smiled. "If you really treat him as your son, you would want what's best for him"
"What about my other boys; Hero and Micky and Xiah!!??"
"Same as Hankyung. They're better where they are now."
"I saw Yunho and Changmin the other day. Those weren't the kids I allowed to debut. Those were emotionless robots! They aren't the same! None of them are, because they're apart and it's all because you treated them like trash."
"On the contrary, Sooman-sshi." Youngmin declared, closing the folder of Lee Dong Hae in contempt. "If I hadn't, would they have roped in the title of "Kings of KPOP"? They have to be driven at their best and it only comes out if you persuade them to. Take Eunhyuk and Shindong for example."
"What did you do to them, Youngmin!?" 
"If you were actually here in Korea instead of being abroad all the time, maybe you would have noticed." Youngmin smirked. "Hyukjae started out as the dancing member. He was lovable, but he looked like a drugged worm. So in the next years, after their Don't Don album, I persuaded him to excercise. He worked out for five hours a day. Now look what he is now. Perfectly appealing to the fans. He's even the badboy in the shows. Not the scrawny kid he was a few years ago. Shindong is nothing special. I drove Shindong to do the same, but it only took effect on their A-Cha period. He's nothing special. No one would probably notice if we dropped him."
"Youngmin, if you do that, I swear to God-"
"Well for one thing, you thought you could drive the fans away with the distractions." Jungwoo piped up again, changing the subject to prevent anything else from happening. "It didn't work with the ELFs."
Sooman sighed, trying to resist the urge to strangle the smug CEO. "Godbless the ELFs and Cassiopeia. DBSK and Super Junior couldn't have asked for better fans."
"Maybe the fans could be the reason they'll fail?" Jungwoo commented, remembering the Only13 incident.
"Never hesitate to think on how far a girl would go just for her favorite band. She would fight for them to her death if she could. They always have been the source of her happiness, no wonder she would." Sooman said, looking on a picture of a Sapphire Blue ocean in Kangin's file. "The only thing we could do now is put out another distraction. As fast as we can."
"We'll handle it, Sooman." Youngmin said, collecting the folders of Lee Dong Hae, Kim Hee Chul, Choi Si Won and Kim Ryeo Wook in a clean file. "You can go back to Europe and sample the wine there."
Jungwoo collected his side of folders; Sungmin along with Hankyung, Cho Kyu Hyun and Kim Ki Bum and gave it to Sooman. "You can count on me, Sir."
Sooman, noticing the hidden meaning behind his words, nodded. "Okay. I trust you Jungwoo." He glared at Youngmin as he stood up. "I wouldn't have dragged you in this, but since you're the CEO, I have to inform you of my plans."
"Oh, don't worry Sooman." Youngmin said as he also stood up, smiling. "It has been a pleasure seeing you again."
Sooman's glare increased. "If you do anything to them, I swear Youngmin. I will hunt you down."
"Sure, sure." He said, nodding and not really listening. His hand swept over to point to the door. "You may leave now."
Sooman put the folders in a briefcase and left.
Youngmin flopped back onto his chair when the door closed. He saw that a group shot of Super Junior, complete as fifteen, was left on the table. "Jungwoo, call Jung Eun Ri. Tell her to hold auditions by next week. We need to debut the idol group by the summer of 2012." He said as he grabbed the picture and stared onto it.
"What? But it's too soon!" Jungwoo said, startled.
"It's only a distraction. It shouldn't be as detailed as it should be. We're wasting a few million Won on them but I think SNSD or EXO could replace the money lost in a few months time." He said, still staring at the picture.
"But, Youngmin-sshi-"
"Just do it." He ordered.
Jungwoo scurried out of the meeting room, dialing Eunri's number with shaky hands.
Youngmin stared harder at the picture, his detailed gaze scorching the face of every member. His gaze rested on Leeteuk with his arms around Heechul and Yesung. "You're getting old. All of you are. You'll be just like H.O.T. in a couple years. Disbanded and old. Just another idol group."
He casually ripped the picture. "Bye-bye." He said as he crumpled it up and threw the picture in the nearby dustbin as he walked out of the meeting room.
*Note: Personally, I don't know what's really going on inside SMENT. I researched on this and netizens came up with a half and half thing. Half believe Sooman's the evil mastermind while half believe it's Youngmin. I chose Youngmin to be the evil one in the story. Hope you like this! ^__^
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Chapter 4: lol Cucumber.

That's funny.
Waaaaait can I apply still? D: If I had seen the story sooner I would've~
Bahaha ^^ It's cool. I'm glad you decided to go through with the story anyway instead of just deleting it like others would do ^^
I'm looking forward to seeing the other characters and reading the story :D
That's really intense, and I like your writing style too.

Wow. Can't wait to see where this goes.
Whoa. When I read this chapter, I realized I don't really know much about SM and their idols. I really didn't know DBSK was a distraction group. :O
But this was really good ^^ I really like your writing style, and I like how you have an evil mastermind >:3
Hello, I edited my application ^^
Hello!~ I have applied as Park Jaehwa ^^
Good luck on the story!~