Like a G6

Thanks to...

Dear readers, I'm such a liar, isn't that right? I said I will update weeks ago but I lied...well it's not entire my fault but I want to apologize ^__^ Mianhae!! Sorry sorry! The reason why I didn't update is that I was always on the run...

I mean from 1st January till now I didn't have actually free time ^__^ I was in Italy for 10 days..since 2nd January till 12th January...then I was busy with school and when I thought I will have some free time in the holiday between semesters guess what? I had to go in a school trip to the mountains which was awesome btw ^___^

I returned from it last Tuesday and guess what? I caught a cold there because we went to the skating rink <3 and when I got home I had so many things to catch up watching dramas,MVs.performances and so on ^__^

And again I had to do something else and I didn't update *sigh*

"Candies.....a lot of candies...hurry up, I want to eat them....ya! what have you done? where's my phone? NOOOOOO!!!"

  - Yun Bae, wake up! Yun Bae, please wake up! We arrived in Singapore! Are you going to behave this way again? Fine...then you go back home! Hana said pretending to be angry while she was grabbing her bag.

  - NOOOOO!!!! I screamed.

  - What? What happened? Are you alright? Hana immediately turned to Yun Bae.

  - I guess I'm alright now. I just had a very strange dream, I said trying to get in my sense. But what did you say? That you will leave me here? YA!! Don't joke with me like that.

  - It's not my fault that you can't be woken up unless you are blackmailed, Hana laughed.

  - Well, it's not my fault that my dreams seem so real and I don't know whether it's reality or just a dream. Anyway, I really hope this dream doesn't come true...well..except of the part where you bought me candies kkk.

  - LOL! You really are addicted to sweets,  you know! What am I going to do with you?

  - Buy me candies, I said sticking my tongue to Hana.

  - YA! Stop joking around and let's get off the plane before they throw us out, I heard her saying while trying to lift one of the suitcases.

  - Let me help you, I said.

 We finally got off the plane and trying to find our way out. We wandered through the airport for about 20 minutes while fighting with our luggage until we found a cafeteria.

   -Ah! I'ms o tired and I'm feeling so dizzy, I said while throwing myself on the cozy armchair. This airport is so big and crowded. I think you should give up on your idea of meeting BEAST or at least seeing them. It's impossible, I told Hana.

   - YA! You never know what will happen. And hope never dies. I can still dream, right? Hana said already day-dreaming.

  - You and your fantasies! Could you stop dreaming for a second and order something? I'm starving here you know! I started to raise my voice. Hunger makes me irritated plus the lack of sugar from my blood.

  - Alright alright! Calm down! Let's see! Waiter! Hana shouted. A waiter headed to our table. I will like to order chicken legs, pizza and 2 cokes. And one more thing......she whispered something in the waiter's ear so that I wouldn't hear.

  - YA!! What did you say to him? What are you hiding from me? Tell me tell me! I demanded.

  - I won't. Just wait and see. You'll find out after you finish your food.

  - You are mean! I stickd out my tongue. Fine! Don't tell me, but I'm gonna...I didn't have the chance to finish what I wanted to say cuz the waiter came with our order and I was distracted by a delicious smell. Itadakimasu! I said and started to devore the chicken legs.!

   - Slow down. There's plenty. You should eat more carefully, Hana advised me like she always does. You'll get fat or make an indigestion.

  - LOL. You know very well that I'm different and hat no matter how much I eat, I won't get fat, I said and we both started to laugh.

  - Yeah, I know very well that you have a supermodel's body and I envy you cuz you don't even exercise. And it's not fair! she pouted.

  - It's not my fault that God gave me this body!

  - Ya! Don't get too cocky! But you should stop dressing up like a boy and be more feminine.

  - Shiro! I like the way I am. It's less troublesome.

  - Some people could get the wrong idea. Like those girls over there. I bet they think I'm your girlfriend, I can tell from their glares. They want me to disappear so that they could come and flirt with you, Hana stated.

   - LMAO, Hana. You have such a wild imagination. I look like a boy that much? I raised my eyebrows.

   - Yep, you are. Especially today. You can be easily mistaken for a boy.

   - Good. That's the point! I laughed. Anyway, back to the subject. I already ate so...tell me!!! What's the secret?

   - Just wait a little. The waiter will come and bring the bill and you'll find out. Patience, Yun Bae! Patience!

   - Fine. I'll wait, but you know we have only a half an hour till our plane will leave. We must hurry.

   - I know. Just a moment, please. It's not that we are going to lose the plane. The gate is only 5 minutes away so don't worry.

   After 5 minutes of waiting, I saw the waiter coming with something big in his hands. It was too far for me to see what it was, but as he approached I could distinguish a bag of.....

   - No way!!!! It can't be!! favorites chocolates in extra size box. Arienai! (I can't believe it!) I could die and go to heaven right now! Gomawo! I shouted and hugged Hana. You're the best!! unwrapping the box. Yummy! They all look so delicious...let's see which one I should eat first, I said while looking through the box. They are so many..well, at least for a normal person, but not for me. Hana started to laugh. Why are you laughing? I asked her but she kept laughing. YA!!!

   - Mianhae! It's just that you are so funny. You just turn into a little child when you see chocolate.

   - Of course! Don't you know? Chocolate is for me like chickens legs for Onew. We burst into laughter and we kept going for about 2 minutes when the waiter interrupted us.

   - Miss, you forgot this, he said while giving a big bag to Hana.

   - Oh, thanks! I almost forgot.

   - Hmmm...what is that? I asked with curiosity.

   - What do you think it is? she teased me. You don't believe that I bought only that box of chocolates, do you/ Of course, I bought choco balls as well, so that we won't be out of something sweet. I knew very well that you will finish that box of chocolates before you could say "water". We burst into laughter again.

   - You know me too well, I said while eating the last chocolate.

   - Ok. Now time to go if we don't want to lose our plane, Hana stood up, took the bag of choco balls from my hand and her luggage. Let's go! What are you waiting for? You already finished the chocolates so come on.

   - Just a minute! I stood up as well while taking my phone,, my satchel with my laptop and the other bags.Ready! Actually I forgot to do this. I got my sunglasses and put them on. Now we can go.

   - Finally! Hana rolled her eyes.Are some kind of celebrity? she laughed at me.

 We left after paying the bill.  We headed to the gateway when I suddenly became dizzy again. Damn it! Why are so many people here?And they are all girls. Aish, they make me dizzy. I think the time zone difference started to affect me.

   - Hana, I muttered without strength. Hana, I tried to raise my voice so that she could hear me. Hana, would you please give me some choco balls? I really need some energy. I'm not feeling too well, I said beginning to move from one side to another and pushing Hana and trying to get the bag of choco balls since she seemed not to hear me.

   - YA! What are you doing? Stop it! You already ate too many chocolates!

   - balls...give head started to spin around and I grabbed the bag from Hana's hand.

  Meanwhile, the people surrounding us started to scream something I couldn't understand. I didn't care since my head was spinning and I still moved forward without being aware that someone else was coming our way as well.

   - OMG!! Hana screamed, too. She grabbed the bag harder without realizing that because of my movements and the strength she put in her hand after she screamed "BEAST!" ripped the bag and I saw how the choco balls flied before us. Suddenly, the song "Fly like a G6" popped up in my mind. But before I could realize what I was doing, I dragged Hana after me and because we stepped on the choco balls, we slipped and fell on the ground.

  But we were about to have a surprise that we'll change our lives forever.


It's not finished...I have trouble with finishing this chapter because I don't have enough free time and I'm writing here and then when I got the chance ^__^ gomenasai. mianhae. dui bu qi. sorry sorry

[UPDATE] I must write this chapter very carefullly cuz it's how their story begins :)) but anyway, I'm sorry I can't finish it more some chocolates for you meanwhile

Yun Bae's favorite chocolates ^___^

[UPDATE] Yay! I've finally finished this chapter. Next chapter tomorrow ^__^

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#1 too...well,almost all the time..I go there when I wasn't home to discover the news myself lol ^__^
Aha` It's okay but thanks ! ;) LOL @ the AllKpop thing ; I go on there All The Time !
106 views?? O___O I really have to write the next chapter^__^ kamsa for reading
oh...I'm sorry T__T Be strong oki?
Wow ; Sounds Exactly like my Life ; except I can't even try to leave my house ; I would probably die if I do ! LOL`