Memory of my broken heart....

Thanks to...

I decided to write this fanfic just because I'm so into Junhyung kkk and it was just for my own pleasure..I don't expect to have readers,but if I have,then I'm more than happy to write for them too ^__^ So here it's my first chapter ^__^ Hope I won't disappoint anyone..well,at least I won't disappoint myself ^__^


   -Dad, I hate you!!! I said while walking towards the door. I'm not going to stay in this house anymore. I'm leaving.

   -What did you say? You are leaving? Where? I heard dad asking in an angry tone mixed with worry that I hated so much. Where do you think you're going, young lady? I didn't allow you to leave.

   -I'm 18...I don't think I need your permission anymore to do what I want, I said while grabbing my luggage.

   -You won't leave anywhere, I heard him trying to soften his voice.

   -No, dad, I won't do what you want. Not anymore. I had enough. Everytime it's the same. I can't stand your attacks of rage, especially when we hadn't even done anything wrong. It's not right to vent your anger on us. I can't accept something like that, I said while I was trying to avoid eye's contact. I knew that if I was giving up this time, I could never escape from this vicious circle.

   -Please, Alex, don't leave. This is your home.

   -I don't think I can call this place a home. So i'm leaving, dad.

   -Where? asked dad.

   -Far away. In a place where nobody knows me and where I can start afresh. In a place that I know for sure it'll heal my wounds.

   -Don't tell me that....

   -Yes! I interrupted him.

   -With whom? I don't think that there's someone who would want to go with you there, he said convincingly.

   -I guess you believe that I don't have anyone, but you're wrong. I'm going with Flor, my bestfriend, the only person that understands my feelings and will support me anytime. She and I will move there. Her parents already agreed even though that wasn't necessary, I emphasized.

   -Her parents agreed? he asked and I could sense the anger from his voice. I guess this is goodbye, I said turning my back to him.

   -You are going to regret this, he screamed after me.

   -I see that you still don't know me. I never regret anything. Never. Goodbye! I walked through the door and closed it after me. 'Be strong, Alex. This is the first step to your freedom and happiness.'


                                                                    ~End of flashback~ 


   'Oh, I dozed off again.' I rubbed my eyes and straightened while looking around me. 'What takes her so long?' I was asking myself when I heard someone calling me.


  I turned around and saw her. The only person that knows me the best, my bff Flor.

    -Ya! What took you so long? I asked pretending to be upset.

    -You know that it doesn't affect me,don't you? So stop pretending that you're upset, she answered me laughing.

    -You know me too well,but even so why were you late?

    -It was a queve, that's way. So..what are you waiting for? Let's go!

    -Where? I asked. I guess the doze affected temporally my memory.  

    -Silly, she said laughing, where else? We are going to South Korea! we are going to change our lives.

   OMG, that's right. we are going to Korea. Kyaaaa!!!!

 so... this is the first chapter. I wrote it in the middle of the night since that's my only free time cuz everyone's asleep kkk

this is the introduction in the story, so for my first chapter of my first fanfic, it's okay ^_^ well, hope u'll like it ^_^

P.S.: I accept requests. Comment if you like. Want to be a co-author? just tell me^__^

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#1 too...well,almost all the time..I go there when I wasn't home to discover the news myself lol ^__^
Aha` It's okay but thanks ! ;) LOL @ the AllKpop thing ; I go on there All The Time !
106 views?? O___O I really have to write the next chapter^__^ kamsa for reading
oh...I'm sorry T__T Be strong oki?
Wow ; Sounds Exactly like my Life ; except I can't even try to leave my house ; I would probably die if I do ! LOL`