one week past since Victoria accidentally turn down Siwon invitation, she was supposed to meet the person who was responsible of ruining her romantic night with Siwon but she decided not to for she knows that she will blow up and she doesn’t like to ruin her image in front of her boss.


“ Miss Victoria, I meet Mr. Lee on my way here”


She quickly stand after hearing the voice “ah yes sir, he was here a while ago”


“Let me guest, you dumped him again? He said confidently.


“Sir, firstly I want to correct you, Mr. Lee Junho is not courting me and lastly I didn’t dumped him”


He just laughed. Even in his late fifties, the good looks that he posses could be easily seen. Now he looked every inch a dignified man, and not to mention his kindness and warmness that really captures her a lot.


“Well, he might court you now, he doesn’t even do any moves or even reached a first base, you rejected him already”


“It’s your entire fault sir”


“Ms. Victoria how can you get married when you always show that attitude to every man that dares to get your attention?


“I don’t have plan on getting married”


“Oh my god, you must be kidding, how can you say that, your beautiful and smart, you should get married it such a waste if you won’t get a chance to have another generation with such a good genes from you.”


She just smiled at him as she picked up her organizer at her table. This is just how they talk, like they were friends, from the day she start working here, Mr. Horvejkul never treat her as a worker or his personal secretary. He regarded her as his friend, if not his daughter, that’s why she feels so at ease working with him.


“You’re smiling” he said “I wonder how many men have seen that precious smile of yours”


“Only you and my father sir”


“Ah, that’s why I feel like every male employee I have here are mad at me” he laughed “I feel pity for them”


“That’s why I tell them as soon as possible that they are just wasting their time on me.”


“Hmm.. sounds like you’ve been hurt before”


She didn’t answer. He enters his office and she follows him together with her ever reliable pen and organizer.


“I think I should let you met my son”


“No need sir, thank you”


As if he didn’t hear what she says, he continues. “It’s high time that he needs to find a woman like you, not like his previous girlfriend when he was in New York” he suddenly thinks “yeah. You should meet him, with your looks, I bet he will fall for you and if that happens, would you mind making him change for a better”


“Sir, do you know what you’re talking about?”


“Of course” he smiled and continues with what he was talking about “I always wanted my son to have someone like you, beautiful and smart, no-non-sense, tough. Not like the one he introduce as last night. His mother almost fainted when she saw that woman he’s with, as if my son just stepped on someone’s feet and that woman help him stand up, after that she was his girlfriend.”


“Well, at least, you know how generous his girlfriend was”


“I know” he answered. “But I want him to have a decent woman, I’m not judging but you’ll know what I’m talking about when you see his choice of woman”


“Even if your son likes me how can you be sure that I might like him as well?”


“Oh, you’ll like him. For one thing, he’s good looking enough. He’s also smart and good conversationalist. Very opinionated to the point of being arrogant, but you can just ignore that thing”


“If you going to introduce us, I see no problem with it but don’t expect that I’ll fall for him. I don’t like guys who are playboy”


“I couldn’t call him playboy; maybe he was easily attached to a woman, that’s why he easily chose a woman to be his girlfriend”


She didn’t say a word. She will give in to what he wants, she only need to meet his son, he didn’t ask her to like his son.


“But how can we meet, like you said he already have a girlfriend that he introduce to you last night”


“They already broke up”




“Well, while we are eating dinner, her husband call my son”




“I told you my son has a very poor sense of judgment when it comes to women” suddenly he frowned his eyebrow “ the problem is that my son promise that he will never get into any relationship”


“Good for him, I thought he wouldn’t learn his lesson”


“But he’s willing to meet you, I told him to give himself a chance for the last time”


“He knows about me?


“I just mention to him that I have a very smart and beautiful executive assistant, I was about to show a picture of you but I don’t have, but from what I see, I think he was interested to know. Father knows what best. He’ll be here tomorrow”


“It’s my day off tomorrow sir.”


“Perfect. You two could meet at a fancy restaurant and know each other well” he snapped his fingers “yes, that’s perfect. Made a reservation for the two of you and don’t worry about the expenses, ill pay for it”


“Yes sir” she jolts down everything on her organizer. “Is there anything left sir?”


“Order oysters. Oysters are known for their aphrodisiacs effect on lovers”


“Sir were not lovers”


“Ah right, oh I’m sorry”


Oh my god, what was going on with her, why she agree to do this, now her boss was helping her regarding to her love life, can she say that she was waiting for someone to ask her to be his girlfriend that’s why she rejected all of them


“Sir, you have a lunch meeting with the Kim design at one in the afternoon.


“Ah yes” he voice suddenly turn into a business like tone.


 “all the paper that need to be sign are here,  I just have to edit a few details and after that I will print five copies of those document like you said.


“Good. I could really rely on you” he said while picking up few documents on his table “ go back to your unfinished work Ms. Victoria , and by the way”


“Yes sir?”


“Thanks for agreeing with everything I said about meeting my son and all. Lately it seems like all the good hearted person are vanishing into thin air, I think I’m lucky that you are not one of them”


“as long as it’s not going to harm me, it’s no problem sir”


She was about to made her way outside when she suddenly notice that Mr. Horvejkul turns pale, she observe for a minute then again she notice that he was having a difficult in breathing.


“Sir, are you okay?”


“Yeah I’m fine, maybe I just get too happy with what was happening that’s why I had hard time breathing, go back to your work, Ms. Victoria I need those papers finished before lunchtime.


She doubted if she will leave Mr. Horvejkul, this is the first she saw this happen to him and she couldn’t help get worried. She go back to her desk with a heavy heart, throughout the day although her mind was focus on her work, she couldn’t help check him every hour to see if he was doing well. It was eleven in the noon and she decides to ask him to go lunch with him.


“Sir, what about we take lunch first..” she couldn’t finish what she was saying when she saw Mr. Horvejkul laying on the carpeted floor.


“Sir, what happen?” she try to wake him up but there is no response.




She quickly gets her phone and calls an ambulance. After a few minutes the security teams already arrives and help Victoria to bring Mr. Horvejkul to the hospital.












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miss_curang #1
Chapter 9: please update soon
Linanda #2
Chapter 9: Could you update it? cant wait to know what happen next.. Thank youu ^^
vicqian #3
Update pls, what next?? Really curious ^_^
Please update sooooonnnnnnnnn T__T. Thankyou :D
Finally they met, can't wait to know what's happen next ^^
More Khuntoria moments and pls update soon ^^
May1220 #6
Finally our Khuntoria met! update soon please~~! thank you! i love this FF so much^^
pinkyblue212 #7
Finally they met, come on khun confess your love before siwon confess to her..
heartkhun26 #8
Yeay.. They'll work together.. XD
when they want to meet again????huhu:(
Didn't mean to criticize, but isn't it a bit weird or illogical that Vic didn't know the existence of NK or how he looks like at all? Mr. Horvejkul didn't put any photos of him & his son in the office or showed her? She's Mr. Horvejkul's personal secretary for the last 4 years not days or months, unless Mr. Horvejkul hid his son so well or had other plans ^^;;