Song Qian heard the opening of her door. She was still lying on her bed. She was not in the mood to get up and spend another boring day. She was sure that her Mother already grounded her for going outside. She pretends to sleep when she heard a foot step moving closer.


            She could recognize the person who was inside her room by the scent of perfumes that person using. How could she forget those manly scent that coming from that person? It was the scent that she always inhales every time she cries in those persons arm. It was the scent of the man she trust so much and the man she love so much.


            “Qian woke up, it’s lunch time now” Siwon said. She hid her face under the blanket. Her lips curved a smile when he hears Siwon voice. She couldn’t really make a mistake when it comes to recognizing him even just by his scent.


            Siwon went to her bed and heard that she giggled “I know you’re just pretending Qian” Siwon said but Song Qian didn’t give any response. She keeps on hiding under the blanket. “You’re giving me a hard time” he protests.


            Song Qian was enjoying this. She knows that Siwon won’t give up that easily. He is the type of person who finds his way to get everything. Sensing that Song Qian was playing hard on him. He had no choice but to do something he knows Song Qian will be defeated. He climbs on the bed and settles himself beside her and started tickling her.


            “You left with no choice princess Qian” he tickled her hard and because of her ticklish nature it was easy for Siwon to win over her.


            “Stop it Oppa. Stop it” she said between her laughed. She was having a hard time escaping from Siwon strong arms. She could feel her tears about to fall from laughing too much. “Oppa, please stop it okay, I’m sorry”


            With that Siwon let her go and help her sit “you shouldn’t play to hard to me next time” he chuckled when he saw her catching her breath.


            “haha that was funny” she said and playfully punch Siwon’s arms but then she realized that she was still mad at him.


            “Ah right, I’m not supposed to talk to you” She said


            Siwon was dumbfounded with her action, he slowly move closer to her “hey, that was unfair, I didn’t do anything” he protest


            “Of course you did, because of you I was caught and worst I was grounded by that wicked witch” she said while pouting her lips and throwing tantrums like a seven year old kid.


            He chuckled how he love to see this woman act like a kid “Oppa didn’t mean to do anything, if Luna didn’t call me for sure you were going to suffer more from that wicked witch”


            “But still I’m mad at you, you supposed to save me, but what did you do, you keep on lecturing me”


            “Oppa didn’t meant to do that, I’m sorry” he said with pleading eyes


            Song Qian sighed how can she managed to get mad at this man in front of him, she owe this man a lot. “How can I get mad with my superman” she said and hugged Siwon tightly.


            She was right. Siwon was her superman; his lips curved a smile when he remembers the first time they met. His Father was Song Qian’s Father Business partner. He was three years older than Song Qian but that doesn’t stop them for being friends and being on each other’s side when it comes to trouble or just by facing any problem. He grows closer to Song Qian because of the times they spent together when there was still young being a child of a businessman Icon. They both understand each other so well.  He still remembers the time when Song Qian can’t even speak a single word. She was having a mental depression when she was seven year old at that time. It was hard for Mr. Song to see his only daughter suffer too much at the young age. All he remembers was he heard that it was because of her mother.


            Everyday after class he will pay visit to her which Mr. Song agree it would be better if someone can accompany her through the medication time and Siwon gladly offer a help although he was still clueless. All he knows is that he needs to help Song Qian to be able to talk again. He spends his time reading book to her and talking about everything. He almost gave up when nothing happens to Song Qian. Until one day a miracle happen it was still fresh from his memory box, they day he heard Song Qian speak.


(Flash back)


            They were both sitting on the bench near the park because she couldn’t speak anything that, she suddenly dragged Siwon and point out a little bird after getting what she wants him to. Siwon carefully carried the little bird back to its nest. Luckily the tree was not too high; it didn’t give him a hard time bringing back the little bird.


            “Done you’re little friend is finally back home” he said after dusting himself. He was confused when he was a tear from her eyes. He quickly closes their distance and gently wipes her tears. “Why is my princess Qian crying, did Oppa do something?”


            Song Qian shook her head indicating that there is nothing wrong “I’m just happy that Oppa is always there for me, you are really my superman”


            Siwon was shock. Did she just talk? Or it was his imagination playing things on him. “Did you just talk?”


“Uhm yes Siwon Oppa” she said cutely


            Siwon can’t believe that Song Qian is finally talking again. He unconsciously hugged her and spans her around. She giggled. It was the first time he heard her laughed and from that day, her laughed was the most wonderful melody he ever heard. He even bows that he will do anything to make her smile and to always hear that laughter.



            Siwon loosen the hug and playfully pinch her nose “am I forgiven?” Song Qian nodded and smile sweetly at him.

            “Aren’t you hungry?”

            Song Qian shook her head “No I’m not”

            Siwon give her a knowing look. He knows the reason why she doesn’t want to eat. “I know you didn’t want to see her”

            Song Qian glared at him. There is no use to hide anything from Siwon “I guess your right captain genius”

            Siwon laughed and got an idea. “how about we have a lunch outside, I haven’t also eat anything since breakfast”

            “As if I could go outside”        

            “As long as I’m with you, Auntie will definitely agree” he said

            He saw how her face light up when he said those words, this is what always make his day, to see the woman he loves so much smiled at him.

            “Come one get ready, I’ll just wait for you outside”. Song Qian quickly moved afraid that he might take his words back

_ _ _ _

            After having a peaceful lunch together, they both decided to spend more time together and enjoy each other company.

            “oppa, wait lets enter here” Siwon agree. It was a shop for a man’s clothing line. Maybe she decided to buy something for his dad, that’s what he thought.

             “You stay here okay; I’ll find something for you Oppa”


            Nickhun was also in Lottle world not far from where they are. Today was here Grandmother Birthday and he wanted to buy something fancy for her, while waiting for the item he just brought, something caught his attention, and it was a simple yet elegant hairpin. Looking at that hairpin. It reminds him of something, his lovely seductress. He thought it would look perfectly in her silk black hair without thinking too much he purchase the hairpin with the thought of his lovely seductress. Even though he has no idea when will they be able to meet again or will she accept it with the fact that she already has a man in her life, but he doesn’t care it is just a friendly gift and he hopes that her man wouldn’t misunderstand it

            “Please wrap this too nicely and make fast I’m in hurry” he said. He wanted to go home early so that he could have spare time to drop on heaven’s bar. Hoping to see the woman who occupied his mind.

            After getting the thing he purchases. He quickly made his way out, but something caught his attention, something that made him stone dead on his position. He was shocked to see his lovely seductress with his man. It was too clear. The image of both of them. When she helps him put the necktie around his neck, the way they look in each other’s eyes. It was full of love and care. He just look at them, letting himself believe that the woman he desire was someone else woman. Until now he doesn’t know what kind of spell Song Qian put into him. He couldn’t stop himself to think about her but seeing her today he has now a good reason for him to stop. If someone already belongs to someone there is no use on wanting that person anymore. He looks at the box on his hand. It would be a waste if she couldn’t wear it. He got an idea. It’s not bad if Song Qian will have it as a last memory of him.

_ _ _ _


“Excuse me” a worker call her out


“Yes?” she ask


“Someone told me to give this to you, and he said that he hopes to see you wear it” the worker said while handling her the box. Song Qian took it and opens it. She saw a pretty hairpin


“By any chance, do you happen to know who give this to me?”


“He didn’t give his name but he said he hope to see you wear that hairpin one day, excuse me miss” the worker bid her goodbye


Still confuse she just look at the hairpin, who give her a present and why he didn’t tell his name. “Who could it be?” she asks herself without thinking to much she excuse herself. She wants to put the hairpin as the giver request.


“It looks good on you” Siwon commented. She span around letting Siwon have a good look on her.


He smiled seeing her wear that hairpin was enough to mend his worst feeling. He doesn’t want to do something stupid that he will regret later on, seeing that is enough for him. The only thing he needs to do is forget about her.


“I’m right they look perfect on you my lovely seductress”







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miss_curang #1
Chapter 9: please update soon
Linanda #2
Chapter 9: Could you update it? cant wait to know what happen next.. Thank youu ^^
vicqian #3
Update pls, what next?? Really curious ^_^
Please update sooooonnnnnnnnn T__T. Thankyou :D
Finally they met, can't wait to know what's happen next ^^
More Khuntoria moments and pls update soon ^^
May1220 #6
Finally our Khuntoria met! update soon please~~! thank you! i love this FF so much^^
pinkyblue212 #7
Finally they met, come on khun confess your love before siwon confess to her..
heartkhun26 #8
Yeay.. They'll work together.. XD
when they want to meet again????huhu:(
Didn't mean to criticize, but isn't it a bit weird or illogical that Vic didn't know the existence of NK or how he looks like at all? Mr. Horvejkul didn't put any photos of him & his son in the office or showed her? She's Mr. Horvejkul's personal secretary for the last 4 years not days or months, unless Mr. Horvejkul hid his son so well or had other plans ^^;;