The Aftermath

ExoPlanet: The Beginning and The End

ChanYeol sat up from the rubble he had been lying on. What happened? That was the only thing on his mind.

He only remembered the dark cloud, KyungSoo, the roof... No rain. His eyes widened. . KyungSoo. They were attacked. And he lost control. Again.

"KyungSoo..." ChanYeol croaked, digging desperately at the rubble. "KyungSoo." he repeated slightly louder, digging faster. "DO KYUNGSOO!" he yelled at the top of his lungs before shooting a flaming ball at the rubble.

He then realized that it was quiet. Too quiet. He looked around and noticed that most of the surrounding buildings were in a similar state as what was once the library. I... Couldn't have done that... Right?


ChanYeol heard it. It was soft but he heard it. He staggered to the source and found KyungSoo lying in a strange angle. His left arm was obviously broken, he had a few open wounds here and there and had a broken nose.

But the worst part were the burns. The burns that ChanYeol had caused that were more worrisome than that time he burnt Kai's eyebrows.

The tips of his hair were burnt, his right arm had signs that a fire had its way across them and just a little onto his torso where almost half of his shirt had been burnt.

"Oh god, KyungSoo I am so sorry," ChanYeol sobbed, carefully picking up the boy.

KyungSoo smirked. "Who are you and what have you done to the stupid fairy on crack?" ChanYeol didn't answer and KyungSoo coughed. "Hyung, honestly, tell me, how badly am I injured? Because it hurts. A lot."

ChanYeol sighed. "I'm no doctor but here's a start; you're alive."

KyungSoo chuckled. "I was actually expecting something funny... Just give me back my fairy on crack. You're scary."

ChanYeol rolled his eyes and began walking towards the direction where he hoped his home was. "Hang in there, KyungSoo. It won't be long."

* * * * *

Tao and Kris had seen it all as the dark figures descended from the sky. They were wearing dark, hooded cloaks and masks that covered their faces. The alien beings came down and began grabbing random people and staring into their faces as if they were looking for something. Particularly males...

Males around Tao and Kris' age...

And that worried them a great deal. Anyone who stood in their way, they would slaughter; struggle against them and you're dead.

Tao had attempted to go down and fight several times but Kris did not allow it. Seeing how easily those monsters killed several men, women and children, Kris knew that they wouldn't win for now.

The two woke up the next day on a tree that Kris had flown them to when those... Monsters decided to burn down the building that the two had been in.

Tao woke up first to find himself leaning against a tree trunk, sitting on a thick branch several meters away from the ground with Kris sitting next to him, still asleep, with his hands around Tao's waist.

Tao pried Kris' hands away from his waist and decided to explore the wreck that was the city first.   He skillfully got down from the tree--or at least as skillfully as he could with his waist still hurting like crap--and looked around to find that they had been sleeping at a park just next to the Border.

He staggered his way out of the park and let his eyes take in the Southern City. Buildings were burnt--some were still burning--some buildings remained standing but quite a significant damage had been done. Road signs were broken, glass and random furniture were all over the place. People had probably used them to fight, Tao thought, at least there are no dead--

He turned the corner and let out a gasp. Tears collected in his eyes and he covered his mouth. He couldn't move, he couldn't scream. He was paralyzed by the sight of several dead bodies scattered around the main road of the city.

"Oh god..." he gasped shakily as he began hyperventilating. "Oh god no," he sobbed. He backed up into what he had been assumed was a wall until arm made its way around his waist again and a hand covered his eyes. Tao whimpered and attempted to escape the person's hold but the person only held on tighter.

"Sshhh," the voice whispered into his ear. It was Kris. "You don't have to see this, Tao." Tao turned his body and pressed his face against Kris' shoulder, crying. "Take me home," Kris heard him say. Kris nodded and used his powers to send Tao home.

* * * * *

LuHan stared blankly at the ground. His father was just in the other room talking on the phone with whom he guessed was another Official and his mother would occasionally comment.

"You feeling okay, hyung?" he heard SeHun whisper. But it wasn't to him. It was to SuHo.

They were all sitting in the living room. SuHo had a long scratch stretching from his shoulder to his hips, there were deep cuts on his ankle and he was now shirtless as someone cleaned him up.

"I'll be fine," SuHo muttered, letting out a hiss as one of LuHan's many maids dabbed his wound with antiseptic.

Why was he doing this to himself? It was actually LuHan's idea to take those two home after SuHo got attacked in the control room. What was he even thinking?

SeHun was still avoiding him, refusing to meet his gaze, refusing to acknowledge his existan--

"Thank you." LuHan looked up and their eyes met. "Huh?"

"I said thank you, LuHan," SeHun repeated, offering a smile that made LuHan lose his mind.

"Y-you're welcome, SeHun." He smiled back and SeHun nodded before looking back at his cousin.

There was a familiar poof and black smog filled the air at the corner of the living room. Everyone looked as it slowly solidified.


"Kai!" LuHan called in relief. "You're alive!" he ran towards the boy and gave him a big hug.

"And so are you!" Kai replied, hugging LuHan even tighter.

SeHun glared at the two, feeling slightly jealous... Then he sighed. But why would I? he thought. He's not even mine anymore...

* * * * *

XiuMin pulled Chen up and dusted off his own pants. The duo were relatively okay, just tired. When those... Things attacked them that night, XiuMin froze them and Chen electrocuted them. It was tiring but they survived. They spent the night sleeping in the forest that surrounded the Border Stadium.

It wasn't comfortable but they couldn't afford walking back to their place with those things prowling around. They didn't know what they were capable of.

The emerged from the forest and looked straight ahead, not daring to look elsewhere, knowing what they would see. There was large crowd queueing outside the Stadium the night before... It was pretty obvious that most of the crowd was no more. The surviving few were making their way elsewhere or mourning over the death of loved ones.

XiuMin flinched as he noticed a little girl crying over the body of a man probably in his early 20s. Chen followed his gaze. "Should we help her?" XiuMin walked over without answering. "Wait isn't that--"

"I told you I was just sleepy," the once motionless man sat up. "You didn't have to cry," he continued groggily.

"Lay oppa!" the girl wailed, hugging Lay tightly.

"Lay!" Chen and XiuMin called at the same time, rushing to his side.

Lay looke up at them from Sulli's embrace with wide eyes. "Guys, we have to get Sulli out of here you haven't seen--"

"We have," Chen interrupted. "And we need to get you to the hospital, you're looking pretty bad."

And that wasn't a lie. Lay's shirt had several holes as if someone had ripped into his shirt with a knife several times but thankfully, there were no wounds under them, just a lot of bruises and probably broken ribs, his left eye was swollen shut and both of his upper arms had five angry red lines as if someone had held on to him with a set of knives. Sulli didn't look too good either. She had a scrape on her knee and elbow and a bruise on her forehead.

Lay grimaced as he lifted himself off the ground. "I'll be fine." He stretched as much as he could with Sulli still in his arms and XiuMin could have sworn that he saw the cuts on Lay's upper arms dissolving into his skin but he just shook it off. "But where's Jino?" Sulli turned in Lay's arms and also seemed to be waiting for an answer.

Chen and XiuMin exchanged looks. "We don't know..." Chen replied. "But we can look for him later. Let's just get your wounds treated and then get Sulli back to your mom."

Lay nodded, agreeing with Chen's plan. "Let's go," XiuMin muttered, trying hard once again to block out all the sorrowful cries that seemed to echo around the city.

* * * * *

It was almost two days after ExoPlanet's destruction. The ten main council members were sitting at a round table discussion the future plans for ExoPlanet. There were four districts in both the North and South regions. Each district was named after the four directions: North, South, East, and West. The only difference between the names were the N or S in the beginning. For example, LuHan's father, was in charge of N. East. Each district had their own Governor and both the Northern and Southern side of the Border had a President and all together that made ten members.

"I say we transport the surviving citizens to planet B124AP224," the Governor of S. South suggested. "They are our main priority."

"But there is no way we can gather all of them. The planet is in a mess now," the Governor of N. West argued. "And how do we know the Evil hasn't corrupted their planet yet?"

"They have a pretty strong defence system," the Governor of S. North pointed out. "Their defence system is powered by a mysterious source harvested by six of their own on the planet Earth."

"But that doesn't answer my first question. What about the unreachable members of this planet?"

There was a silence before the President of the South spoke. "We'll assign 10 males to stay behind, they will look for the remaining citizens that we cannot find and will depart for planet B124AP224 when they are sure that no one is left behind."

"And then what?" the President of the North questioned. "Leave our beloved planet to the hands of the Evil? How can you be so sure that they won't come after us even?"

"They must be looking for something, why else would they come back?"

The President of the North made a face. "You don't suppose... No! But they're just legends--"

"We thought the same about the Evil didn't we?" the other President countered. "As the lore goes, the Force will be able to defeat the Evil and then we can come back to our planet safe and sound for as long as we live."

The atmosphere became tense. The Northern President exhaled and leaned back in his chair with his hands folded. "Fine. Let's say the Force is real. How do you intend to find them?"

A heated debate was sparked regarding this question and the sense of urgency was overwhelming, for all of them knew that one wrong move could mean the loss of their planet as well as the extinction of their people.

It wasn't long after this council meeting that our heroes found a notification at their doors.

Fitness Test At the Border Forest (Optional)

Strictly for males of ages 17 and above

Reward of Top 10 scorers: 5 families of your choice will be transported to B124AP224.

Following the above information came a long list of rules--which mostly included no killing other contestants by any forms, no steroids and to use their powers (if any) for their own use without breaking any other rule--followed by a threatening result of breaking them:

If found to have broken any rules, contestant will be immediately disqualified and will be terminated along with their family.

LuHan read the rules carefully. Since the paper didn't include the tests, he began plotting out possible ones before his father came into the room. Seeing what his son was doing, he sat next to him and took the paper. LuHan held in a triumphant smile, feeling that he was making his father proud for being so far-sighted.

You probably could imagine the devastation on his face when his father slammed the paper onto his son's lap and said, "Don't do this. Don't do anything about this stupid competition and, most importantly, don't you dare win."

Hellooo:D Since you guys liked the long chapter, I decided to make another one. Does this count as long? Haha. According to my word count it's 2145 words but it didn't seem like it. Sorry for the many time skips and lack of humourT^T (I mean the world ended! who can make jokes at that time? LOL D.O. didXD) And hope you enjoyed this one as well:D Btw does planet B124AP224 sound familiar? Eh? Eh? Eh?;D LOL.

Greetings to my new subscribers: alialiaa, streamlite, AlteaAuroraRia, evilpuffs, nightsky, lovesway, Areumdaun, cherikun, KonichiwaYamadaRyo and Xcutionist! :D Hope you guys enjoy my story~~~~ And feel free to comment. I don't bite.^^

NOW! Comment replies!:D

@ForeverCellist: OMGD: I am so sorry! It's great that you love my story and thank you for being patient but I feel bad for making you wait! Hope this chapter made it all worth it^^ I also have a band concert this Saturday but it's still in the country so.... Haha^^ Are there any clarinets there?:D I play the clarinet! Haha. Kinda irrelevant but I've never met a cellist before:D There are no strings in my band so.... >< LOL.

@bubblemilkteaahh: Just had milk tea and I thought of you:3 Just thought you should know. LOL. I'll probably never be able to drink milk tea without thinking of this story nowXD Anyway you're welcome and hope you enjoyed this chapter too:D

@nicute24: Thanks for waiting^^ Hope this chapter was up to your expectations despite the lack of humour^^

@mikuwari28: Yes, you are cool! LOL. The only reason I don't have a stable OTP is because they all have such great chemistryT^T And sorry for worrying/freaking out^^ I thought I was interrupting and/or causing inconvenience to people's lives because of the long chapter. Glad you liked it:D Here's another one for you guys:D

@AlteaAuroraRia: TAORIS SHIPPER! YES! HIGH FIVE! LOL. I have UPDATED! And sorry, ChanYeol's adorable streak has vanished for this chapter. BUT FEAR NOT! It will be back... Soon:>

@aZn_sw3in: Now you know:D Hehe^^

@Kironstree: ^^And that is why I made it a love triangle. Hehehehe

@Baengsin: I know right?O.O

@PrncssPatty: Yea, they probably should have done thatXD But nuuuuu BaekHyun doesn't trust him.... And wait! Where's Bacon? (LOL. Hint Hint)

@evilpuffs: I just panicked because I thought that I was causing inconvenience and disrupting people's lives. Haha^^ And glad you like it:D Hope this chapter made you happy too since it's long^^ Hehe. That sounded REALLY awkward but... How else do I phrase that? LOL.

@Areumdaun: ANOTHER LONG CHAPTER:D YAY!!! Hope you enjoyed this one as well. And does this count as a cliffhanger too? If yes, dang it's a bad habit, really>v<

Now here comes the moment where I have to think of a new way to say goodbye to you guys... And since my brain is pretty dead from three hours of band practice I'll just say a simple goodbye:D So yea... Bye^^ See you tomorrow!:D

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Chapter 32: Damn that cliffhanger tho! Just, wow. I hope Baekhyun is gonna be okay T.T but chanyeol didn't have to be so mean to Lay!
I really love your story! I'm an all out lukai shipper! Lukai is just so wow *.* I also ship Taoris!
You're an amazing writer and I love, love, love your story! Update soon ^.^
JoJongHaeFantasy #2
Chapter 32: hello I'm a new subscriber :3 nd I just finished reading all the chapters straight though the moment i started reading from chapter 1 just 2day..
nd I get to say...
Ohhhh! i really! want to no wat happens next!!! please update! its really getting good! lukai! ahhh! *fangirling.. i really wanna no wats going to happen. i really wanna read more! please update!!!
meomeo #3
I really hope you didn't abandon this fic ;A;
Chapter 32: Holy crap!!! I want an update so badly! I just read every chapter in like 3 hours and omg! I just love it -you- *spaz* your little comment replies (I'm weird and read them even though I have no idea what your talking about... Don't judge) are so funny! And the story is just amazing! The Baekyeol and Taoris and HunHan and Lukai and Super Junior reincarnation-iness (it's a word...)
Hmmm do you ship KyuMin? Because I was thinking maybe since Sehum was Kyuhyun's reincarnation Luhan would be Sungmin's.... I don't know xD I'm just gonna go sit in a corner and wait for an update~ bye~
Wuzzup #5
I must be bazzilion years late.... I was strolling through random Exo fics recently and found this...

I read this through in one sitting, I really loved the plot and the settings and characters, I sure hope Luhan ends up with Sehun though... I totally love Chanyeol, just like the many others here XDD

I sure hope you update this soon though, I'm suffering from the cliffie!!
I hope you'll update soon ~ i'm a new reader and I LOVE YOUR FIC SO FAR.

eekk ~ i loooove lukai ~ i can't wait for me ! and omg, chanyeol is so adorable in the story (and in real life. keke) <3
buingbuingaegyo #8
and, i just found your story like 3 hours ago and read it all. I LOVE IT <3

HI XD i was reading ur fic since a few weeks now, when i didn't use my account but i forgot to subscribe when I came back to use my aff account =.= But i noticed it today so it's better late than never LOL

The plot is really exciting XD i really wonder how this whole mess will end lol each time something seems to go fine, then something unexpected happen XD and God, i wonder what will happen to lukai O.O and i wonder who luhan really loves =.= even though i prefer lukai XD arghh its so confusing XD

poor lay, i hope yeol will apologize once, he regain some sense even though his outburst was normal but he shouldnt have blamed lay *big sigh*

and i wonder what will happen to all of them if there is really an ambush O.O

and good luck with ur school works! u'll need it XD

I'm looking forward ur next updates ^