Merry Christmas - That Rose. (First Chapter updated!)


It's Christmas and poor Soyeon still has to go to school, what a bummer. ): But what started out as a normal bus ride to school, turned out to be something very different. She receives a rose. From her crush. Popular school mate - Son Dong Woon. But wait.. does that change anything? ------ Hello, this is my first story, so please be kind and support me! :D Thank you ^^


I  found myself a seat and slumped against it. The bus started moving. I can't believe I have to go for cheerleading practise even though it's Christmas.

" Argh, I'm so mad! " I tossed my pom poms to the seat next to me. Don't get me wrong, I'm not a . Not even close! Really. Even though I'm a cheerleader, I'm not popular. How do I say this.. Hmm, I'm seen but not heard. (: I do well in school, have my friends but I don't go shopping every single day. I do not attend every single social event. In fact, I'm like.. the of the cheerleading squad. Never drank. Never had . Not even kissed. I know, I'm pathetic.

This day, is the worst day ever. I sighed. At least I get to see Dong Woon at practise! Yes, he's my crush. The saddest thing? He doesn't even know I'm alive.

" Excuse me, is this seat taken? " a voice asked.  I didn't bother looking up. I was trying to remove the snow from my boots.

" Oh, sorry, here, please sit. " I grabbed my pom poms and placed them on my lap.

That's funny, nobody usually sits next to me on this bus. I mean, look at this place, it's empty!

" You're a cheerleader? " the guy asked. Woah, dude, I don't even-



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m0zarts0nata-- #1
Hey dude..this is COOLLL!!!AND CUTIE!!
DONGWOON. <33 I like the main girl, she's cool! Can I have her as a sister...? xD