A Simple Dance Session


Maybe working part-time at a dance studio wasn't as bad. You only had to clean up a little to make the place worthy to dance in. And besides, you could even get in sessions for free sometimes. Specially the session that Lee Howon, or Hoya as everyone calls him, session. He's caught the eyes of some people, even yours, and this is a huge step forward on getting closer with him.


“There he is,” you mumbled to yourself as you rolled the bucket of water around using the mop in it to push it. Working part-time at the studio was horrible before until he started teaching class here. Lee Howon was his name but people called him Hoya. He just entered the building and you couldn’t but to stop your cleaning and stare at him as he brushed pass. His eyes met up with your for only a second and it felt perfect. He bowed his head slightly and you did so too, watching him as he brushed pass you into the studio.


Disclaimer: Main Image if not mine. I don't own Hoya or Infninte.


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Chapter 1: That was so cute XD
I love Hoya. hehehe
Write more oneshot~!
flabbycow #2
So fluffy and cute... I can totally imagine Hoya doing that to me. *Delusional fangirl mode on*
purplecouple #4
OMG! ! so cute! ! !
Thanks for the story ^-^
awww i like it
interesting way to end it xD
This is one awesome Hoya one-shot. I like how you portray his character here, especially in expressing his passion for dance. Despite being serious when it comes to his work, he does have a playfulness about him. He is charitable to offer her free private practice sessions. In the end, dancing is what will bring the two closer together. For a one-shot to be this good, it definitely puts a smile on my face at the end. ^^
daebak ~ *O* <3
haha that was super cute~ i like it. nice and simple and the little thing at the end. aww adorable~ =]