The Beginning

A Dose of Art

You have a message. You have a message. 

I awoke to the sound of my phone going off. Someone had texted me, but who? I looked at the phone. 1 New Message from Taecyeon. Why is he texting me so early? I opened the message. It read "Where are you? Class started 15 minutes ago. Professor Kim is going to kick your if you're late again."  Well . I didn't realize that it was 9:00. Hurriedly, I dropped my phone in my bag and ran off to the bathroom. I looked in the mirror and saw a frazzled looking girl with a mane of hair like a lions. My breath smelt disgusting and there was still some drool on my face. Hot. I quickly brushed my teeth and washed my face and threw my long hair into a bun. After that, I threw on some sweatpants lying around and a hoodie to coverup my embarassing SHINee t-shirt. 

I looked at the clock. 9:10. Great now I'm almost 30 minutes late. I tossed my books in my bag and raced out the door. I jumped in the car and turned it on. Unfortunately, I realised now that after this drive I'm going to be low on gas. 

After zooming around town, I finally got to the campus. Only it was 9:30 now. As soon as I walked in the classroom, the professor sent me death glares. 

"Why are you so late? Do you LIKE being late to class? When you're a doctor are you going to be late to your appointments? Huh?! Sit down. And stay after class. I need to talk to you about your attendance. " Professor Kim screeched in front of the class. 

" N-no professor, I won't be late tomorrow.", I mumbled.

"Good. Now sit down and take out your notes."

The rest of the period was spent on going through procedures of recognizing certain diseases and illness, and how the body reacted to certain herbal medicines. The rest of the period did drag on, but it was quite interesting. After class finished, Taecyeon ran up behind me and poked me. 

"Glad to see you're up, sleepy head.", he mused.

"Thanks to you, I am so stressed because of these stupid assignments.", I complained. 

"Yeah me too. Do you wanna go out for some shabu-shabu for lunch, and study after?"

"Sure. But can you drive? I have just enough gas to drive back to my house, so I can't drive.", I replied.

"Alright. Text me when you're ready and I'll come by. ", Taec hollered as he jogged out the door. 

Now I must wait for Professor Kim. He's going to give me the hadouken of anger... scary. As the students filed out one by one, I noticed that there was a guy that sat at the back of the room. ty seats, I thought. I mean who would want to sit at the back when you can't read anything the prof writes down or hear anything he says. 

I was trying to remember who that guy was, he was kind of cute, but then again I never saw his whole face. I only saw the back of his head sometimes, or half of his face. As I was working out this puzzle, Professor calmly walked up to me.

Oh oh oh oh oh god I am going to get a beating holy jesus holy crap omg I am going to die

Professor was tapping his foot, and looking down. I sensed a ominous aura coming from him. "HyeSeong, why do you want to be a doctor? Hmm? Please enlighten me.", he hissed.

"Well... I... um....-

"Whatever that reason is, being late to classes and missing out on valuable information isn/t going to help you out. Be early tomorrow so you can get the notes you missed out on today."

"Okay." Phew. Thank god it wasn't that bad of a punishment. I hurried out of the room and made a beeline for my car. Hopefully I would finish my assignments before I left, so I wouldn't end up working on it tonight.

As I got home, I realized that my roommate, Min, was waiting for me with a bottle of gas so that I could refill my car for tomorrow.

"I figured you wouldn't have enough gas considering the last time you filled it up was last week.", she mused.

Thank god for Min, without her, who knows where I would be.

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pignie1 #1
i'm wait for next update!! and i hope it will be a long chapter. :)