The Key To My Heart

Frozen In The Sun

HEYLOOOO!!!!! francin200 is here to give you my gift :) I know you have waited long for this and I apologize for the delay...........ENJOY :)


She opened her eyes to the welcoming warmth of the morning sun, the soft breeze that came from her open window sent chills through her body. She looked out and found the busy city, slowly waking up. What the day has in store for her, she will find out soon enough. A loud banging crashed through her ear.

“ Mena – shi! Wake up my little dongsaeng, we have a busy day ahead of us. “

Her brother, Seung Hyun called out from the other side of the door.

She let out a heavy sigh at the husky voice of her protector, the leader of the Solar Gang, her beloved brother.

“ Oppa, I just woke up. Give me some time to straighten up, arasso? I’ll be out as soon as I finish.”

She shouted back, not bothering to open the door for him.

She took a quick shower, brushed her teeth, put a pair of black skinnies on, slipped in her favorite red hoodie, and gathered her hair into a bun that rested on top of her head. She looked at herself in the mirror, smirking at her features. Was she a princess? Heck no! And that’s how she wants it. Her milky skin, dark brown almond eyes, her full lips, they looked like they belonged to royalty and royalty she was. Choi Hena, the muse of the Solar Gang, her name screams strength. She walks with control and poise, she talks like a boss, and she was no doubt, the toughest girl around.

“ Yo bro! I’m up. So what’s the big deal that made you wake me up from my princess beauty sleep?”

She asked as she found her brother in front of the breakfast table eating a stale piece of toast.

“ Princess? Since when? Anyways, it’s not really anything special; I just wanted to talk to you that’s all.”

She looked intently at her brother, gulping down as if hiding something from his eyes. In fact, she IS hiding something. Something that could stop the world she’s living right now, something that could burn her life down into ashes.

“ Shoot me. What is it?”

She said, hiding the sudden worry in her voice. She cleared .

“ You know about the Lucifer Gang right?”

She stopped on her tracks, her heart skipping a beat.

“ Of course! Why would I not know about our rival?”

She answered, trying her best to suppress her shaking voice.

“ Well, they attacked some of our men last night. I just wanted to tell you that you need to keep close watch on your back.”

“ No need to tell me that oppa. I think I’m good enough to take care of myself, plus, I know how to use a gun now remember?”

He looked at her eyes, not breaking the intensity of their gaze. He stood from his chair and walked closer to her, awakening her nerves with the fear of discovery.

“ I’m just looking out for my little princess that’s all. I mean who else would be keeping an eye on you?”

She swallowed the orange juice that has been resting inside , almost painfully as he inched closer, whispering in her ear.

“ Oh so now you call me a princess. A princess that spits on babies would be more appropriate don’t you think?”

She managed to let out a small giggle, masking whatever might slip from her wavering lips.

“ Oh my sister is so cute. Well, I’ll have to go. Even a gang leader needs a source of income.”

“ Omo, I still can’t believe my brother works a bank! Isn’t that ironic?”

She mocked him.

“ Of course my little dongsaeng, they never suspect the angelic face of a man like me. “

She smirked at his remark as he finally disappeared from the door; she saw a glint of black as he slid something down his pocket. She rolled her eyes, she knew what it was. It was his gun. Something was going to happen today, and she knew it.

The locks of the door clicked and she finally released her breath for the longest time. Her face was still red from the scene with her brother. What if he knew? What if he knew about the two of them? What if he hunts him down? Her head was full of questions and doubts as she fixed herself a decent breakfast.

Her cellphone rang, nearly giving her a heart attack. She dove to the couch were it rested, vibrating to the beat of her ringtone, Mirotic.

“ Yoboseo? Who’s this?”

“ Mena – shi? Jagiya! How can you not remember my voice?”

A sweet melodic voice rang in her ears, a wide smile spreading on her face.

“ Oh my key to my heart! How can I ever dispose of you? You idiot! Of course I wouldn’t recognize your voice! You changed your number again and there’s a freakin loud chainsaw noise in your background!”

“ Oh my flower is angry, so early in the morning! Chill, you don’t want wrinkles do you?”

“ Tsk. I could care less about wrinkles, I make gangsters cry remember?”

She said as she heard his soft chuckles from the other line.

“ What do you want?”

She asked, finally changing the mood of the conversation.

“ What? Is it so wrong for me to want to hear your voice? I was going to ask you out on a date actually.”

He boldly said, clearly expecting a ‘yes’ from her.

“ What makes you think that I’ll come with you?”

She asked, testing him.

“ Because I’m the key to your heart?”

“ HAHA! Very funny Key, very funny, but yeah you’re right. What time and where?”

“ Soccer field, at about 6 tonight. Is that fine?”

“ Of course, as long as I don’t have to be all dressy and stuff. Skinnies and hoodies are acceptable, right?”

He softly chuckled.

“ Of course jagiya, you would look beautiful either way.”

He said, his voice filled with sweet adoration.

“ Okay, okay, stop it before I change my mind.”

She closed her phone, the smile from the sound of his voice never left her face.


Heavy footsteps followed each stride he made. Somebody was definitely following him. He walked faster; going into stores and exiting through the back doors, whatever he did, the feeling of watchful eyes never seemed to leave. He sighed deeply, feeling a short sense of comfort when he turned around and found nothing but his shadow. He continued to walk.  He stopped in his tracks, suddenly as he heard chuckling from behind. He turned around and there, Choi Seung Hyun, his biggest rival stood. Choi Seung Hyun, his only love’s brother.

“ So how’s my little friend doing?”

Seung Hyun said as he put a hand on Key’s shoulder, wearing an unreadable smile on his face.

Could it be? Key thought. Could Seung Hyun be already aware of his relationship with his only sister? Fear. He feared not for him, but for Mena. He could only imagine what a person like Seung Hyun would do if betrayed.

“ Just, you know, looking around town looking for something to eat.”

He answered awkwardly, keeping his cool, hiding the tint of panic in his voice.

“ Good, good. You’ll definitely need it, neh? Well, I’ll leave you to your business, but we got some of our own to deal with. See you, soon.”

Seung Hyun kept the smile on his face, raising his eyebrows before turning away and leaving.


Key shrugged off the feeling brewing inside him, the feeling that something was going to come down tonight. He entered the last shop in the street. It was a jewelry shop owned by one of ’s family. He bowed to the cashier and carefully examined their display of glittering necklaces, rings and other diamond studded gold.

“ What can I do for you today, sweetie?”

The cheerful old lady greeted him with a smile. He turned around to greet the cashier.

“ I’m still looking around, thank you.”

He smiled.

He walked from corner to corner, carefully examining the display. A glimmer caught the corner of his eye.  It was a gold necklace in a shape of the sun. He smiled, he knew this was the one.

“ Uhm, excuse me, may I look at the sun pendant? Over there.”

The touch of cold metal lingered on his fingers as the sweet old lady handed the chain to him. He made a quick purchase then, kept on with the rest of his business.


“ Oppa, do you need anything? Since I’m going out I might as well.”

“ Hena – shi, no need, neh? Well, I have to get going, lots of customers today.”

Seung Hyun closed his phone, ending the quick call.

“ Yah, when are you gonna tell your sister about what you really do for a living?”

GD, a member of the gang recklessly asked him as they took shots out of a beer can.

“ And make her hate me? My mind is not damaged enough for me to ever let that happen.”

He answered solemnly, it almost sounded with sadness.

The wooden door opened and Sol, one of the gang’s founders walked inside the room with an air of confidence, terrifying to anyone that might cross him. Despite his image, this man had the biggest heart in the group, but this time, all the kindness in him seemed to be non-existent.

“ You’re sister is home, right, Seung Hyun?”

Sol asked with a tone, turning the question into a demand.

“ Of course, man. She just called me though, she’ll be going out.”

“ To where?”

He asked his voice more firm than usual.

“ Yo, chill man. She didn’t tell me but I’m sure if my sister was up to no good I would have found out already.”

The blank expression on Sol’s face turned into a mocking sneer at Seung Hyun’s remark.

“ You still hiding your real job from her right? I guess she got it from you then.”

“ Yo man, I don’t like the tone of your voice. Who are you to insult my sister?”

Seung Hyun stood from his seat, towering over the man that stood before him.

“ I’m Sol. And no, I am not insulting your sister, oh I wouldn’t dare. But you might want to see a little show tonight, neh? Soccer field at 6 tonight. Make sure to bring everything you’ve got, arasso? It’s gonna be rough out there.”

He winked as he ruffled his black hair.

“ Well, I’m out. I still have some beats to pound. See ya!”

Sol walked out of the door, waving his hand.


6:00 PM – Soccer Field

“ Key? Kibum – shi? Where are you?”

Mena arrived at the soccer field on time, wearing her usual outfit.

“ Crap! Why is it so dark in here?”

She said as she tripped over the grass.

“ Hey cutie!”

Key’s greeting echoed through the whole field as he rushed to Mena's side.

" Yah! Why were the lights turned off? Gosh, now my jeans are dirty!"

He chuckled, his eyes completely disappearing as his lips curved.

" Mianhe, maybe tomorrow I'll get you a new pair, neh?"

She pouted, still upset with her jeans.

" What are we here for, anyways?"

" Well, I thought it would be nice to hang out. It's been hard for both of us, I know. And I know you're suffering more since you have to keep our relationship from your brother. I'm sorry you have to go through this."

He said, pulling Mena closer to him, feeling her warmth.

" HA! You think it's hard for me? You're the one who has it rough. Imagine keeping this to you gang, honey, if this secret slips up, you're dead!"

She said, caressing his cheeks. She watched as he closed his eyes with her touch.

" Actually I called you here to give you this."

He started to reach down his pocket but beofre he could reveal his pleasant surprise, rustling came from the far end of the field.

Slowly, men emerged from the bleachers carrying bats and guns.

Mena gasped as she recognized each man that revealed his face. She knew GD, Daesung, Seungri, and Sol. Every member of the Solar Gang was present. She looked around searching for her brother, fear taking over her heart.

" Key! What's happening?"

She whispered, pulling the man beside her closer to her body as if she would be able to protect him.

A few more seconds lasted, when finally Seung Hyun walked into the scene. His eyes full of pain and sorrow from his discovery that his own sister has betrayed him. Mena clearly saw his true emotions despite his efforts to mask it with a devilish grin. He slowly walked, time in his side. He clapped his hand as if a show has just reached its grand finale.

" Oh my sister! I guess we really are blood related, neh? Decieving even your own brother."

He inched closer to Mena. The sorrow in his voice was undeniable.

" Oh and look who we have here! Key, fancy meeting you here!"

He circled the pair. Their hand intertwined as if each life depended on the other.

" Oppa, I'm sorry."

She whispered as tears ran down her face.

" Hush, my little princess. Oppa is not going to hurt you. In fact, I'm here to protect you."

Seung Hyung cooed his sister with the softest voice he could muster, pulling her gently toward him at the same time. She closed her eyes not realizing that she has let go of Key's hand, she sobbed into her brother's chest.

Key was left in the middle of the field, Mena's sobs was the only sound he could hear as the stream of lights focused on him. He clutched the necklace in his hand tighter as he looked around. He met each of the men's hungry eyes, bloodthirsty.

" Sol, please take her. Keep her safe, don't let her go until I tell you too."

As he was told, Sol gently tugged on Mena's hand who was still oblivious to what was happening around her.

With his sister out of his hands, Seung Hyun walked to where Key was standing, frozen.

" How dare you! How dare you involve my sister into this?"

He said, anger was spewing from his lips like venom ready to kill. He raised his fist and met with Keys stomach at one. Key gasped for air as the impact of the punch sent him facedown to the freshly cut grass of the field. The rest of the gang started to move, but as Seung Hyun raised his commanding hand, all movement was stilled.

" You deal with my family, you pay tenfolds."

He whispered but his voice still pierced the ears of anybody who could hear him.

He bent down and picked up Key by the face, squeezing his cheek as blood immediately gushed from his lips.

" This is nothing compared to what you could have done to her! I know your motives. I know all about you and your precious Lucifers. "

He whispered once again, this time, bringing Key's face closer to him.

" What you think I was gonna use her for my own good? I thought you knew everything about me! Seung Hyun nobody knows about our relationship, not even my gang. I love her! Love her with my life!"

Key struggled to release his words as Seung Hyun's grip tightened.

Although strained, his voice was enough to bring Mena back to reality. She raised her head and looked up as Sol felt her sudden movement. She geared her eyes towards the scene and saw his brother and Key. All the pieces snapped into place as she realized what was happening. Her body tensed, attempting to break free from Sol's grip.

" Oppa! No!"

She screamed.

" Sol, DO NOT LET HER GO! Don't you dare let her go!"

Her brother ordered.

" So Key if I heard you right, you told me that you love my sister even with your life. That's really deep,don't you think? Do you mind if I test that love of yours?"

His words felt like blades as they cut through Mena's ears.

Another blow, to the chest this time, was delivered to Key's body. More blood flowed as he coughed from the impact. Seung Hyun still held him.

" Let's play a little game shall we?"

Seung Hyun said, louder this time as his voice echoed.

Mena's eyes widened as she saw the glistening object in her brother's hand. A gun.

" NO! OPPA PLEASE NO! I love him!"

This time, Seung Hyun turned to his sister, his eyes, pleading her to stop.

" This man! This man right here is the one trying to kill me! ME, your brother! ME!"

He screamed, holding his gun tighter.

Higher, the gun pointed until it was directly facing the head of the man he's holding.

" No oppa! No!"

She screamed, struggling against Sol's hands that seemed to tighten with every breath she took.

" Mena, it's okay, neh? Don't cry anymore, not for me. I'll be okay."

Key assured Mena but his heart betrayed him as silver tears finally escaped from his eyes. He no longer struggled against the hand that held him. He was ready for death's welcoming arms as he held the necklace in his hand tighter than before.

Seung Hyun's hand trembled as he placed his finger on the trigger. Gunshot.

Mena's earslippting scream formed a frightening symphony with the loud thunder from the gun. She finally broke free from Sol's hands. The sight in front of her shattered her heart. Blood. Blood was all she could see both on her brother and Key who now lay motionless on the grass.

" NO!"

She ran, ran to the side of her only love.

Seung Hyun's eyes were blank, emotionless as he stood, watching his beloved sister kneel down beside the man before him. His fingers released the gun.

" Key! No! Wake up, no, don't leave me! I love you! KEY!"

She screamed and shook Key. She cried as if her tears could bring him back to life.

She hugged him, soaking her body with his blood that continued to flow from his wound. She cried desperately. Her mind was clouded, confused, helpless. Not knowing what to do, she looked around. All eyes were fixed on them, all except her brother's. Her eyes tralied down her brother's shaking body, finding the gun still smoking on his feet.

Her hands trembled as she extended them toward the gun. She was not thinking anymore, feelings has taken over logic. She let out a deep sigh. Key's body still leaned against hers.

Another gunshot rang like thunder. More blood. A single thud came after. Mena, her eyes still open lay on the floor lifeless. No one stirred. Seung Hyun stiffened realizing what happened right in front of his eyes.

The lovers lay on the grass as their blood drenched the earth that now held them together. Not a whisper escaped as white smoke rose from the tip of the gun that took away both of their lives.

Nobody left their positions as the moon bid its goodbye to let the sun welcome the morning. The blood has dried by now but the wounds that the dark night were fresh. Nobody moved either as if time has completely stopped, as if they were frozen the sun.




Thank you for reading and please excuse my typos :) I hope you enjoyed the sad ending. I hope its how you wanted it.

Keep smilling,


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Iminthezone #1
the poster is really beautiful!
celebrateme #3
i like it even though the ending T_T
that was....sad! but i liked it!
This was sad~
good story
DonaldDuckhyung #6
This is so sad.... :((<br />
They both died..poor couple...<br />
Key wasn't able to give her the sun pendant...
iimayesiann #7
i nearly cried T_T but i had to stop it >.< good job! <333
zandria #8
this is wow..<br />
im been shocked in few seconds...<br />
pororo_girl #9
omo this is so sad :'(