IV: Sooyoung + Yoona

Hello, Hello

"I close my eyes lightly whenever I feel lonely again
I no longer fear when your breath holds me
No one in the world can replace you
You are the only one in, and I’ll be there for you baby"
- You and I, Park Bom

Choi Sooyoung

"Hey, have you seen the — Choi Sooyoung! Is that my chocolate cake?!"

'Perfect timing,' Sooyoung mentally told herself as she looked up from the sofa to see her roommate looking at her with deathly glare. But instead of shrinking back at Aecha's scowl, Sooyoung just flashed her a smile while popping another piece of the chocolate cake she was holding into , causing the former's glare to intesify. 'If looks could kill you...' 

"Yah, Sooyoung! That was my last slice of that chocolate cake! I worked hard baking that and you ate almost the whole thing!" Aecha yelled, her scowl never faltering. But Sooyoung just sat there with a grin on her face. "Nice to see you, too, roomie. Now, what were looking for again?"

"You're unbearable." Aecha sighed heavily, placing her arms over her chest. 

"And you're uptight. Besides, I know you love me ~ " Sooyoung sang, placing the last piece of the chocolate cake into . Aecha just gaped at her and heaved another frustrating sigh as she sat down on the sofa with Sooyoung. "Aish, I really have no idea why I have to put up with you..."

"Like I said, you love me ~ " Sooyoung said in a sing-song voice, earning a whack in the face with a pillow from her roommate. Aecha just let out a scoff, glaring at a nonexistent object with her face in scarlet red. "Yah! Shut up, Sooyoung. Besides, even if I do play for your team, I only have my eyes for one person only."

"Kekeke ~ Relax, Aecha. I was only joking. Besides, I know Yoona will be overjoyed when you give her a sweet peck on the cheek before the game ~ " Sooyoung teased the shorter female, earning another whack in the face with a pillow. The former removed the pillow from her face and laughed at her roommate's scarlet red face. "Hey! I said I was joking!"

"Just shut up, Soo." Aecha grumbled. "Besides, have you seen the black coat I left in the room?"

"Oh, you mean the one that Victoria-unnie lent you?" Sooyoung asked, her head tilting slightly. Aecha nodded and got up from the sofa. "Yep. That coat. Have you seen it?"

Sooyoung nodded. "I think it's in your work desk."

"Thanks, Sooyoung!" Aecha said as she went to her room and retrieved the black coat. From there, she shouted, "Yah, Sooyoung! Are you sure you won't come with me and Dara-unnie to the game today?"

"Ne, besides, Seohyun and I have plans for the day right now." Sooyoung replied as Aecha emerged from the room with the black coat in her arms. Her roommate smirked, "Really? Well, if you guys are planning on a double date with some of the guys from Myeongji, tell Kyuhyun and Ryeowook-oppa I said 'hi'."

Sooyoung turned scarlet at the mention of Ryeowook's name. "Yah! I didn't say that we're going to have a double date with Ryeowook and Kyuhyun!"

"Then why are you blushing?" Aecha asked innocently. Sooyoung was at loss for words and whacked a pillow at the genius. "Th-That's not of your business, Park!"

Aecha cackled and walked out of the door. "Still, send my regards to Ryeowook and Kyuhyun-oppa, will you?!"

At the sound of the door clicking, Sooyoung groaned and buried her head in her hands. 'Aish, that girl really needs to stop hanging out with Kyuhyun...'


Seohyun frowned as she watched Sooyoung took another bite of the chocolate chip cookie she was holding on, the latter savoring bite she had on the cookie. This has been going for two hours now, and Seohyun is already losing her patience on that cookie. 'Remind me again why did I ever agree to Ryeowook-oppa's favor to give these cookies to Sooyoung-unnie...?' The younger female thought to herself mentally as she watched on again in disbelief at the shikshin queen, who was helping herself to the sixth choclate chip cookie already. At the very last minute, Seohyun stood up and walked over to her friend's place, her patience running thin. She took the cookie out of Sooyoung's hand and ate it in one gulp.

"Yah, Seohyun! Why did you ate my beloved cookie?!" Sooyoung exclaimed, horrified at what the younger girl did. The said female muttered something incoherently, causing Sooyoung to look at her in a confused way. "Huh? What did you say?"

Seohyun took one big gulp and gasped, her eyes narrowing at Sooyoung. "What's the point of inviting me here in the quad when all you're gonna is gobble down all those cookies Ryeowook-oppa gratefully baked for you? Maybe I shouldn't have come here and watch the game instead..."

Seohyun stood up to leave but a tight grip on her wrist stopped her from doing so. She whirled around and turned to see Sooyoung pouting at her. 'Aish, she's doing that aegyo look again...' Seohyun mentally told herself, staring at the shikshin queen who was still doing her aegyo. Several minutes passed by until Seohyun sighed in defeat and sat down, her head in her hands. "Fine. You win."

Sooyoung smiled victoriously and threw her arm over the younger female. "Ha! I knew you couldn't resist my charms!"

"Narcisist." Seohyun muttered. "Besides, you barely paid attention to me. Your whole focus was on those damn cookies!"

Sooyoung stared at her, aghast at what the former had just said. "You take that back, Seohyun! Those cookies are the best thing I ave ever tasted in the world!"

"And now you're choosing those cookies over me." Seohyun said, turning away from Sooyoung. The older female just stared at her before bursting out in laughter, causing the younger female to whirl around and stare at her in confusion. "What's so funny?"

"Seohyun, you should know that I'm not your boyfriend." Sooyoung said, chuckling as she wiped the tears that were forming in her eyes. Seohyun just looked at her in shock before her cheeks had a faint shade of pink on them and denied hotly, "H-Hey! I didn't say that you were my boyfriend or anything!"

"Sure, but you nag like a girlfriend who is getting less attention from her boyfriend." Sooyoung pointed out, earning a slap on the arm from the girl beside her. The older female glared at her, clutching her arm in pain. "Yah! First Aecha, and now you. Seriously, is it 'Annoy Sooyoung Day'?!"

Seohyun ignored her last comment, slumping against the bench. "Mianhe, unnie. The only reason why I'm agitated today is that... well, Kyuhyun has been spending a lot less time with me."

"What do you expect? We are in different campuses, after all." Sooyoung said nonchalantly, taking another chocolate chip cookie from the cookie tin that Seohyun brought with her and nibbling on it. Seohyun sighed in exasperation and snatched the cookie tin away from Sooyoung. "If you keep doing this, I swear I will tell Ryeowook-oppa that he will never bake for you again."

"Seohyun! You can't do that!" Sooyoung exclaimed, horrified of the idea. "I can't live without his cooking! Besides, he is one of the sweetest guys I have ever met! I love him way too much for me to let go of him!"

"Are you saying that you're in love with Ryeowook-oppa?" Seohyun asked, a mischevious glint in her eyes. Sooyoung paused for a minute, recalling what she just said, before her face burned bright red and began stuttering, "Th-That's not what I meant... I mean... what I mean is... Oh, forget it. Besides, we're going out of topic. Now, what were you saying about Kyuhyun?"

Seohyun just stared at her with a weird expression on her face before shrugging it off, "Anyways, I noticed that Kyuhyun has been spending a lot less time for me lately."

"Well, what does he usually do?" Sooyoung asked. Seohyun sighed and began to rant, "Well, mostly he would usually go out with Sungmin-oppa or Minho-oppa, and I don't know what the heck boys usually do. He would usually hang out with you, Aecha, or the other girls in Konghua High. Whenever, we meet up he would always come up with an excuse and leave in a rush. And he never replies or answers to any of texts or calls! Seriously, unnie, what am I going to do? I'm suspecting that he is having an affair with somebody else..." She wailed and began to break down in tears in front of her friend.

Sooyoung's eyes widened at what Seohyun had just said. "Whoa! First of all, Seo, Kyuhyun is a man with dignity. He would never ever go behind your back and cheat on some girl. He loves you way too much to even do so. Second, maybe he just wanted to let loose a bit and hang out with the other guys and gals since for the past few months it's always been you and him. Besides, maybe he'll come around and he'll explain his reasons for, you know, spending a lot less time with you."

The younger female sniffled, wiping the tears out of her eyes. "You think so?"

Sooyoung patted her back and flashed her a radiant smile. "I know so. Now, Seobaby. Besides, you act like Aecha whenever she is confuse or angry at her emotions for your roomie."

This earned another whack on the arm for Sooyoung. The older female winced at the pain and rubbed her arm, glaring at the younger female. "Really, Seo Joohyun?"

Seohyun just smirked and pulled Sooyoung up. Both of them walked away from the bench and sat down against the soft grass and the shady tree.

"So, how's it going with Aecha?" Seohyun asked, tucking her legs under her lap. "Has she finally confessed to Yoong?"

Sooyoung shook her head. "Nope. For the school's top whiz kid, she sure is a chicken."

"That's not a nice way to say to your roommate." Seohyun said, frowning. The older female just chuckled. "Besides, Aecha already knew the consequences that would happen if she tries to court our dear Yoong. I mean, she already involved herself in a fight with the trio."

Seohyun's eyes widened in shock. "She got into a fight with Jessica?!"

"Well, more of a verbal war than fight... but that's not the point." Sooyoung said, waving her hand dismissively. Seohyun just looked at her, baffled. "Then what is the point, Soo?"

"You know what, Seo?" Sooyoung said, lying down on the grassy plains. "I really wonder why Aecha really likes her in the first place."

"Maybe because Yoona's a really nice kid." Seohyun said thoughtfully, following Sooyoung's actions. "Sure, she can be childish at times but she's a really thoughtful girl."

"But there's something I really don't understand. If even Yoona knew that Jessica's nasty and mean, why did she even date her?"

"... That's a good question, Soo. Even I, myself, wonder about Yoona's actions to do so." Seohyun said as she closed her eyes and took a deep breath.


Im Yoona

"... Okay, ladies. Here's the plan." Kim Taeyeon, the captain of the soccer team, said in a firm voice. She started drawing her game plan on the white board in their locker room, while she droned on and on about what each player should do during the game. From one of the corners of the locker room, the school's ace player, Im Yoona, was looking attentively on the white board, taking in every detail of the game plan that their leader had in store for them. Even though she may look like she's listening, she is actually not. Deep inside her mind, she was replaying all the moments she had about her best friend, Aecha. 'Aish, why do I always think about her? Yoona, you know that you're dating Jessica, so stop thinking about her.' She mentally scolded herself, sighing in frustration. Sometimes, she really doesn't know if she should side with her mind or heart.

"Yoona-unnie, are you okay?"

That question effectively snapped Yoona out of her thoughts. She shook her head slightly before she turned her head to find the culprit of that voice. Sitting beside her is none other than the team's best goal keeper, Lee Chaerin. The younger female had a concerned expression on her face as she scrutinized Yoona's every detail, causing the older girl to fidget under her intense gaze. The latter sighed in relief when Chaerin managed to avert her gaze from her, but another question was again hurled towards her.

"Yoona-unnie, are you sure you're okay?"

Yoona stared at her in disbelief. She couldn't believe on what the goal keeper had just said. Normally, Chaerin would never go around and doubt other people's choices, abilities, conditions, etc. so it was rare for her to do so. And what Yoona is hearing right now is the first time she ever heard Chaerin doubt about someone.

"Of course, I'm fine! Why did you ask?" Yoona said, demanding to know what Chaerin has to say about her. The younger female shrug and pointed out, "You're not listening to what Taeyeon-unnie is saying. Normally, you would take in every detail on what she has to say, even if it is boring."

"I am listening!" Yoona insisted hotly. Chaerin raised an eyebrow, looking at the older female skeptically. "Really? Your body says that you are listening, but your eyes tell another story."

Before Yoona could say something, Taeyeon whirled around, her eyes glinting in slight irritation. "Yoona! Chaerin! Are you even listening to what I'm saying?"

Both girls were terrified at their captain's sudden change of mood and nodded meekly. Taeyeon, satisfied with their answer, then continued her lecture about their plan.

"Look, whatever's bothering you, don't let it get to you." Chaerin whispered as she, along with the rest of the team, got up and headed outside, ready to face their first game of the season.


'Don't let it get to you.'

Those words that Chaerin had said in the locker room kept replaying on Yoona's mind. Right now, the ball is within her hands. Well, technically her feet, but that's not the point. 'Come on, Yoong. Stop thinking about it now. Focus.' Yoona mentally told herself, shaking her head as she sidestepped a midfielder from the opposing school. But she didn't anticipated that one of the strikers from the visiting school sliding across the grass and kicking the ace player of Konghua High School in the ankle. Yoona yelped and stumbled to the ground, wincing in pain from the impact. Gasps and yells of 'foul' was heard from the bystanders as the referee whistled, showing a foul card at the person who kicked her. That person just gave a guilty smile before walking away.

"Yoona! Yoona! Are you okay?" Taeyeon's frantic cries were heard as some of the team members went over to the fallen striker. Chaerin and Minzy helped Yoona up to her feet as Taeyeon looked at her with a worried expression. "Maybe we should switch you with Luna-sshi. You seem to be hurt from what — "

"What? No!" Yoona exclaimed. The three girls were surprised at the striker's sudden outburst. "I will play for the team, Taeyeon-unnie, I promise you." Yoona insisted.

"A-Are you sure, Yoona-unnie?" Minzy stammered, still surprised at her sunbae's sudden ouburst. Yoona nodded her head vigorously as Taeyeon sighed. "Fine. But if anything happens to you again, I swear that I'll replace you with Luna-sshi for the season."

Yoona beamed as she threw her arms over the captain. "Thanks, captain!"

The referee blew the whistle again, signaling it's time for the free kick. The opposing team formed a wall against their goal as the ball was set before one of the strikers, Kim Hyoyeon. She isn't exactly the best striker in the team, but she is best when it comes to handling free kicks. The whistle was blown again as Hyoyeon took a deep breath and kicked the ball with all her force, causing the ball to swerve from the opposing players and straight into the net.

The cheers were deafening to the crowd as the ball was sent to one of Konghua's midfielders, Amber Liu. She took hold of the ball as she continuedly passed it to and fro with Taeyeon, all while avoiding their opponents from stealing the ball. When it was in Taeyeon's posession, she sidestepped a striker and passed it to Hyoyeon. Just as Hyoyeon passed the ball to her, Yoona glanced at the audience who were practically cheering on for her and then saw her beloved Sica doing her infamous jump split. She was energized at what she saw and smiled a little to herself. Then, her smile turned into a frown as she saw Jessica placing a cloth on the shoulder of the team's vice captain, Kwon Yuri, and whispered something into her ear, causing Yuri to smile and look at Jessica in a flirtatious way. Yoona managed to avoid the ball from getting stealed by the opposing team and proceeded to slide at the rough ground, kicking the ball into the goal, which immediately swerved past the goalkeeper and into the net. Even though she was upset at what had she just saw, she felt victorious.

'Now, I'm going to have to settle about this with, Sica...' Yoona thought to herself, as she stood up from the ground, wincing in pain at the minor injuries she had just acquired.



Preview of Chapter V: Aecha + Sooyoung:
Aecha exclaimed, "For the whole time you were just thinking about Jessica?!"
Yoona tried to run towards Aecha and give her a warm back hug. "Aw... how cute. My sweet Cha is jealous."
"Don't pet me like I'm yours! And I'm not jealous!"
"Noona, look!" Taemin exclaimed as he shaked Sooyoung's arm. The shikshin queen turned to where the younger male was pointing and she couldn't help but gasp as her eyes widened at what she had just saw.
'No way... Jessica and Yuri?!'

Character Debuts:

Seo Joohyun/ Seohyun
- Sooyoung and Aecha's friend, Yoona's roommate, and Kyuhyun's girlfriend
- She is a sweet and caring person although she has her flaws in her relationship with Kyuhyun.

Lee Chaerin
- a member of Konghua's Soccer Team
- Dara's best friend
- She likes to state out her opinion to everyone

Kim Taeyeon
- captain of Konghua's soccer team
- She acts like a mother figure to her teammates, although she gets angry when they don't oblige to her orders.

Gong Minzy
- a member of Konghua's soccer team
- She is Chaerin's partner-in-crime and Dara's best friend

Kim Hyoyeon
- a member of Konghua's soccer team
- She is the striker who is best in free kicks

Amber Liu
- a member of Konghua's soccer team
- She is one of the midfielders of the soccer team


Author's Note:

Here's the fourth chapter of "Hello, Hello". Anyways, this is my first time to do a chapter in a different person's point of view, so I am really nervous about your opinions about it. Did I do it right? Was it accurate enough? Or their personalities are just plain wrong?
Haha, there goes my mouth blabbering again. Besides, I found the SeoSoo scene in the later part of Sooyoung's part of the chapter to be a highlight of this chapter. That also includes the scene near the end on which Yoona had just witnessed. Those two scenes will play a vital role in the upcoming chapters of this story.
Anyways, I hope you guys like it ~

~ digital-love <3

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randrew1215 #1
Chapter 5: I hope you still update this
This id pretty much exactly what I've been lookung for~
Update soon! ^^