II: Aecha

Hello, Hello

"Oh, I feel so embarrassed
I can't look at you
I feel shy because I've fallen in love"

- Gee, SNSD

Yoona's phone rang. She immediately grab it as if she was waiting for it for so long. Yoona started, "Hey, Sica. Listen, I'm so sorry..."

"Sorry for what? You just left me hanging there, babo!"

Yoona sighed, running her fingers through her hair as she continued to pace around the room. From the other side of the room, Aecha peered over the book she was busy reading, glancing at Yoona who's face keeps frowning at every word Jessica said.

"No! You don't get it!" Yoona nearly yelled out, striving hard to explain the situation to her girlfriend. "It's just the fact that this meeting was an urgent one."

"Then soccer is more important to you than me?"

"No!" Yoona exclaimed. "Of course not!" 

A sudden off tone was heard on the line, signaling that Jessica had once again cut their conversation. Yoona sighed for what seemed to be the umpteenth time of the day and flopped onto her bed, holding her head in her hands. Aecha tilted her head slightly before realizing what the situation was all about.

"Sica's angry again?" Aecha asked tentively, making sure if it's okay for Yoona to tell her about it. Yoona answered sadly, "Ne."

Yoona got up from her bed and went over to sit next to Aecha on the couch. The latter once again peered from her book and glanced at her best friend, a gloomy expression etched all over her face. 'Yoona looks cute when she's sad...' Aecha mindlessly thought to herself as she continued to gaze at the said person. Realizing what she has conjured up as a thought, Aecha mentally smacked herself. 'No, Aecha! Yoona's dating Jessica, remember? She's off limits right now, you babo!'

"Aecha-ah, can you hear me?" Yoona asked, waving her hand in front of Aecha's face. The former stared at her for a short moment, chuckling when she realized that Aecha wasn't going to speaking up anytime soon. The distant look in the latter's eyes told Yoona that Aecha's mind has drifted off to a faraway land yet again. And thus, Yoona brought the latter back to reality with the only way she could — by wrapping her arms around her best friend's shoulders.

True enough, the latter reacted as though an electric bolt went over through her body, quickly scampering slightly further away from Yoona. The latter pouted at her best friend's actions, but she immediately wiped off the disappointed look off her own face. 

"You seem to have a habit of doing that all the time." Yoona commented wistfully.

Aecha was baffled. "Doing what?"

"You know, zoning out," Yoona replied, recalling the few times wherein Aecha would often stare at her, a contemplative expression was visible in her face. Yoona would always wonder what the latter would think about. The expression on her best friend's face... it intrigues her. "You would often stare at me... or something that doesn't exist and lose yourself in your thoughts."

"Oh, I was doing that? I'm sorry, I never realized..." Aecha faltered, biting her lower lip. Yoona just giggled and shook her head. "Don't be. I'm too used to it for it to stop now. By the way, what were you thinking?"

Aecha turned a bright shade of red. "I-It's nothing. Really."

"Oh? Are you thinking about someone?" Yoona , poking her best friend's cheeks. No comment was retorted from the latter, causing Yoona to smile widely. "Oh my gosh, my Aecha has finally fallen in love with someone!"

"Aish, Yoona..." Aecha huffed, puffing out her cheeks in annoyance and glaring at her best friend. Yoona just chuckled. "I was only joking!"

"Right..." Aecha said mindlessly. "By the way, what's the problem between you and Jessica this time?"

Yoona sighed, staring at nothing in particular. "Taeyeon unnie is calling an urgent meeting for all the soccer players."

"You should attend it, Yoong. After all, you are their star player." Aecha insisted.

"I know but I have a date with Jessica on the same day." Yoona explained, her head currently resting in her hands.

"You should find someone more understanding, Yoong." Aecha said wistfully, causing the said girl to look at her questioningly, which she just brushed it off. "Besides, what do you value more? Soccer or Jessica?"

"I honestly don't know!" Yoona wailed in frustration. "Besides, Sica will obviously hate me if I bailed on her date and Taeyeon unnie will obviously kick me off the team if I don't attend the meeting. What the hell am I supposed to do?"

Aecha thought for a moment before snapping her fingers when an idea came up to her. "I've got it! Why don't you go to the meeting and I'll go talk to Jessica about it. Maybe she'll understand if I talk to her..."

Yoona's face immediately lighten up. "Really? But... this is Jessica we're talking about..."

"No buts, Yoong." Aecha said. "Don't worry about it. Leave it all to me."

Yoona immediately hug Aecha tightly, causing the latter to caught off guard. "Thanks a bunch, Aecha! Saranghae~!" Yoona said happily. Aecha smiled at her best friend as she reciprocated the act, a slight shade of red visible in her face as her heart did a funny flip. 'If only you really meant it, Yoona...'


"So, Aecha, where exactly have you been? And this time, no excuses." Aecha's roommate, Choi Sooyoung, immediately bounded the question straight at the said girl, who arrived a few minutes past curfew. Aecha just shrugged and immediately went to her side of her room, flopping down on her soft bed. "Studying at Yoona's place."

Sooyoung raised an eyebrow, not buying anything her roommate had just said. "Studying? Are you sure that it's not... a date?"

A pillow immediately made contact at Sooyoung's face the moment she finished her sentence but she just laughed. Aecha just glared at her roommate, her face flushing bright red for what seems to be the umpteenth time of the day, but it is not sure whether it was from anger or from embarrassment. "Yah! Just keep your mouth shut, Sooyoung!"

"That's Sooyoung unnie for you," Sooyoung said, emphasizing on the honorifics. 

"I'm older than you!" Aecha retorted.

"But I'm taller than you."

Aecha just groaned and threw another pillow at her roommate, who immediately dodge it when Aecha aimed for her head. Sooyoung just laughed at her Aecha's edgy behavior. "Jeez, Aecha, why don't you relax?"

"I'll relax if you stop teasing me." Aecha said, her face buried in her pillow. Sooyoung rolled her eyes and flopped down on her own bed. "Wait, how come you weren't caught by Seohyun? Or by the caretaker, for the matter?"

Aecha lifted her face from the pillow slightly at the mention of those people. "Simple. Didn't you remember that Seohyun was out with Kyuhyun oppa for a date? And the caretaker... well..."

"Aecha, what did you do to the caretaker?" Sooyoung said, getting a feeling that Aecha did something unbelievable for the first time in her life. Aecha just looked down, her face full of guilt. "I... drugged her."

"You... what?" Sooyoung gaped at her, not believing anything her roommate had just spouted out. Aecha nodded truthfully. "Really. I put some sleeping pills in her drink while she wasn't looking.


"Oh God, Kyuhyun oppa really did corrupted your innocence." The taller girl said, shaking her head as she laughed. "You should really stop hanging out with him."

"H-Hey! Kyuhyun oppa didn't corrupted my innocence!" Aecha stammered, her face flushing red. Sooyoung just chuckled and pinched her roommate's cheek. "Oh Aecha, get your head out of the gutter, will you?"

Aecha just stuck out her tongue childishly at her roommate and leaned against the soft mattress of her bed. "Aish, you could be such a pain, don't you know that, Sooyoung?"

"Why, thank you, Aecha, for that lovely comment." Sooyoung said sarcastically and mimicked Aecha's movements. The former sighed and gazed at the ceiling. "I really hope that Yoona would finally realize my feelings for her..."

Sooyoung was no stranger to her roommate's affection for the school's ace soccer player, so what Aecha was saying was not new to her. "So, why don't you confess to her?"

"I really do. But she's dating Jessica." Aecha reasoned. "Besides, I doubt she would feel the same way as I do."

Aecha knew that Yoona hate to be hated. After all, Yoona is Konghua High School's most admired girl and star soccer player. Jessica is Aecha's main rival for Yoona's love but the latter knew that she doesn't stand a chance against the school's queenka. After all, Jessica is the head cheerleader for Yoona's team, so it's no wonder that they were the school's "Golden Couple". And Aecha... Aecha is Yoona's number one fan, but she didn't realize (yet) how much she means to the star soccer player.


Preview of Chapter III: Aecha
Jessica took a step forward, her eyes flashing in anger. "Listen closely, Four-Eyed Nerd, I know you have hots for my girlfriend and let me tell you this: you don't stand a chance at getting her love with me in the picture. So, why don't you just run off and leave our relationship at peace because I'm sure that you're the one who is basically sabotaging our relationship!"
Although she wasn't showing it, Aecha was currently terrified at Jessica. But she took a deep breath and held down the queenka's glare. "Don't you see it, Jessica? You're the one who is sabotaging your relationship with Yoona! You're a mean, nasty, two-timing —"

Character Debuts

Choi Sooyoung
- Aecha's roommate
- She can be a pain to Aecha (sometimes), but she cares for her roommate deeply

Author's Note

Annyeonghaseyo! :D
Here's the second chapter of "Hello, Hello". Hope you guys like it! ^^

~ digital-love <3

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randrew1215 #1
Chapter 5: I hope you still update this
This id pretty much exactly what I've been lookung for~
Update soon! ^^