Night of Stories and Tears

The Other Side of Cinderella

Myungsoo’s POV

I wake up, not really able to remember anything from the previous night, which is typical, but I have a major headache, but then I suddenly remember coming home. I remember that as soon as I entered the house, I saw Allie with Woohyun on the couch. It looked like they were having a good time, a better time than she ever has with me, that’s for sure. What’s so much better about Woohyun than me? He’s just a chef. Okay, I’ll admit that he has about as much money as I do and maybe he doesn’t hang out with girls as much as I do, but we’re the same level. Why is she happy and smiley with him?

I throw my head back into my pillow to try to sleep some more when I hear my bedroom door open. “I want to go to sleep,” I complain as I pull the covers over my head. If it were a maid, I would hear the door open right away and the person would leave, but I don’t hear such a thing.

“Go to school you spoiled brat.”

That voice, it’s Allie in my room. Why must she always bother me? Does she not know that I’m not in the best mood to deal with her? “No.”

“Why not?” she asks.

“I don’t want to.”

“You were drunk last night, right. Is it because you have a hangover this morning? What girl were you with last night?”


“Of course,” Allie says. She probably doesn’t believe a word that I’m saying and I’m not in the mood to care.

“Where’s my phone?” I ask, I don’t even open my eyes.

“Why do I have to give you your phone?” she stubbornly asks.

“You’re my assistant.” I feel the phone being thrown onto the bed really close to my head. “You know, that could’ve hurt me.”

“But it didn’t,” she says. She’s probably smirking a bit; I don’t even need to open my eyes to imagine that one.

I open my eyes and look at the phone and I see a text message from my father, what in the world could he want?


Your friend is put into school.



I read the message and read it again, my eyes suddenly opening and I hop out of bed. “What’s with the sudden burst of energy?” Allie asks.

“Get ready for school,” I remark and a smile creeps up on my face.

“You just said you weren’t going to school.”

“Well, I am now,” I say as I head towards my bathroom to get ready.

“Why? What’s with the sudden change in behavior?”

“Get ready for school, too.”

‘What?” she asks confused.

“You’re enrolled in university.”



Allie’s POV

Am I hearing this correctly? I’m enrolled in university? How is that possible? I didn’t take any tests and as far as I know, I’m not really paying for anything. How in the world am I going to make it to university?

Myungsoo drags me into the car with him to go to university and I can’t say anything about it, it’s not even like I can, he’ll just use the fact that I wanted work and that I’m his personal maid against me. Why did I ever complain about wanting to work, it’s not even like he’s actually paying me to do the work.

“Why do I have to come with you?” I object.

“Because you’re enrolled in university. You don’t want to miss exams, do you?” he asks slyly. He’s kind of using the same method that I was using to get him to go to university. He’s probably very happy now.

“Yeah, but you could’ve at least asked my opinion on this. Why am I being dragged?”

“Because you’re my personal assistant,” he responds.

“I knew it,” I mutter under my breath.

“What did you say?” he asks as he drives the car. So he’s allowed to drive and I’m not? He is worried about us running away? Where would we run away to?

“Just because I’m your personal maid, you think that you can command me around any time? I don’t even get paid for this.”

“Do you want to get paid? I’ll pay you,” Myungsoo offers.

I think about his offer. It would be nice to get paid because then at least I would be saving up money for Cecelia and me to get a new place to live. “Okay, then because you say that I’m not allowed to work, this is work and I’ll get paid making it easier for me to save up money to move.”

“Then it’s settled. I’ll pay you every week, how about that?”

I look out the window as the car comes to a stop and see that we’ve arrived at the university. “I’m going here?” I remark.

“Yeah, why not? This is where I go.”

I look at the buildings; it looks like a typical campus with awesome buildings all around with beautiful architecture. “You go here?”

“Yeah, I thought we already established this. Let’s go.” Myungsoo gets out of the car and I have no choice but to follow him. “We’re going to go get your schedule settled. What do you want to major in?”

“I’m not sure,” I answer. “What are you majoring in?”

“Business,” he blandly responds. “My parents forced me and I can’t change it.”

“Why not?”

“My father is the dean of the school,” he replies as he goes into a building, which I’m assuming is the main office building. I can’t believe that his father is the dean of the school. No wonder he was able to get me in and no wonder he was able to get in, it makes so much sense. “Do you want to major in business with me?”

I won’t lie; business has been something that I was mildly interested in during my high school years. “I guess it wouldn’t bad,” I start.

Before I can say anything else, Myungsoo grabs my hand and drags me to where there’s an older woman behind a desk. “Myungsoo-ah,” the woman says. He’s obviously been here before or people know him because he’s the dean’s son. “What brings you here?”

“I’d like to settle the schedule for this new student here,” Myungsoo says introducing me. “Her name is Allie, she like just enrolled. Do you have her files?”

It takes the woman a moment, but she pulls them out. “What would you like to do with them?” she asks.

“Change her to a business major with all of my classes.”

“Will do,” the woman says. She does some quick typing on the computer before the printer starts to whirl. “Here’s the new schedule. Is there anything else that you need?”

“No,” Myungsoo says before grabbing my hand again and exiting the building.

This college experience, somehow I’m looking forward to it a bit.


Myungsoo’s POV

It feels like my wish has come true, now Sungyeol and I can get our plan for Allie to come to me started. Now we’re going to be spending all of our time together so it’ll make it even easier to woo her with all of my skills.

While we’re walking through the courtyard, I notice that some of the students are staring at us, mostly because I’m with Allie and they’ve never seen her before. The kids here worship me because I have everything, the looks, the money; it’s everything that they want, but I don’t pay attention to anybody. In order for me to pay attention to them, they have to do something that catches my eye, which is rarely any of them.

Thankfully it’s in between the changing of classes, so I drag Allie to the next class of the day, which is with Sungyeol. I notice him sitting down in the usual spot when I come in with Allie who is now complaining that she doesn’t have notebooks or anything. When Sungyeol’s eyes fall on me dragging Allie behind, they go wide. “Why is she here?” he asks pointing at her.

“She’s now a student,” I happily say as I sit down next to him.

“What? A student? I thought she was your tutor.”

“She was, but then I convinced my father to enroll her as a student,” I explain to him.

We sit through boring classes, although it does seem like Allie is enjoying herself. It is probably one of the rare chances that she gets to do something herself without Cecelia next to her, although she probably is missing her.

Before I realize it, it’s time to go pick up Cecelia. I drive to the school right from university. Just like the day before, Cecelia comes running out to the car. Allie caught her attention because we came in a different car than yesterday so she thought she would be confused.

“How was school today?” Allie asks.

“It was good,” Cecelia replies with a smile. “Is oppa driving?”

“Yup, oppa is driving,” I say smiling from the rearview mirror. I don’t have a car seat in my car, I’m not even sure if Cecelia uses one, but Allie went back there to sit with her anyone. She probably did it mostly to make sure that Cecelia didn’t feel lonely sitting back there by herself, so she decided to make me feel lonely up at the front. I get how it is. “Ready to go to the mall?” I ask.

“Ah, the mall, I completely forgot,” I hear Allie say.

“I guess it’s a good thing I remembered then,” I say looking at her in the mirror, but she’s not paying attention.

We go to the mall to pick out clothes for Allie and Cecelia. The people in the mall probably think that Allie and I are boyfriend and girlfriend and that Cecelia is our child, but at this moment I don’t care. I just feel like I should do something nice for Allie and Cecelia, I feel like they’re the only ones keeping me sane right now.

“Hey, what you guys doing here?” I hear a voice say. I immediately turn and I see Woohyun. I watch as Allie comfortably goes up to him and they begin talking. Suddenly, I feel something burning inside of me as I remember coming home last night in my drunken state and finding Woohyun and Allie talking comfortably on the couch. What is this burning feeling inside of me?


Allie’s POV

“What are you doing here?” I ask Woohyun.

“Thought I’d do a little shopping,” he calmly states.

“What are you shopping for?”

“Mainly new cooking supplies,” he shyly replies. He holds up a couple of bags. “The place is in need of new ones.”

“Don’t you have workers that are supposed to do that stuff?” I hear Myungsoo ask.

“I wanted to do it myself; I’ve been cooped up at the restaurant long enough. I thought I could use some fresh air. Oh, hello,” he says bending down a little. I feel Cecelia go behind me and peak her head out. I think she recognizes Woohyun but isn’t sure where she recognizes him from.

“Cecelia, this is Woohyun, don’t you remember him? He was the chef that made our food at oppa’s favorite restaurant.” It takes her a while, but she warms up to him a little bit.

“What are you guys doing here?” Woohyun asks.

“We’re buying some more clothes,” I state.

“Well that sounds like fun. Wish I could stay longer, but I have to get back to the restaurant. I’ll contact you guys later.”

I watch Woohyun as he turns away and it’s then that I notice Myungsoo staring at me.

“Do you like him or something?” he asks.

“What are you talking about?”

“Never mind,” Myungsoo says quickly ignoring it. “Let’s go find clothes.”

I hold Cecelia’s hand as we walk into some of the children department stores. I bet that Myungsoo probably feels a bit awkward being in this sort of place. I point out a couple of things that Cecelia would probably like while she points out some other things.

“What about this one?” Myungsoo asks coming over. He’s holding a pink polka dot dress.

“I didn’t know that you liked children fashion so much,” I state with a smile.

“I just thought of something that would look nice for her. I am buying after all.”

“You don’t need to buy clothes.”

“I’m buying and you’re not going to say anything about it. As my personal assistant, I forbid you from saying anything.”

I just stare at him. I can’t believe that he just said something like that, it completely makes no sense. Why would he want to pay for the clothes? Why is he still commanding me around? It’s like he’s a little child or something. I guess he’s always used to getting his way, so if I just put up a fight, it’s going to be harder in the end.

Myungsoo pays for everything at the counter and I can see the worker at the checkout slightly flirting with him, but I guess seeing that he’s buying children’s clothing and that I’m there along with Cecelia, she feels as though she shouldn’t flirt because we may be married. For some reason, I’m kind of glad that she didn’t flirt with him. I don’t think I could handle it if someone was flirting with him right in front of me, but why do I have that feeling?


Myungsoo’s POV

Allie, Cecelia, and I walk through the mall. I’m holding all of the bags and strangely I don’t mind. Normally I wouldn’t hold anything for anyone, most of the time I wouldn’t even be in the same store as they are, but I find myself just following behind Cecelia and Allie. I like to say that it’s probably Cecelia’s charm.

“I thought I told you to leave him alone.” I turn around and see a girl standing there. It takes me a moment to realize who it is. It can’t be, there’s no possible way. Why is she here?

“Seongsaengnim,” I hear Cecelia say. Don’t tell me that she’s her teacher, that’s the worst possible thing in the world. Why are things turning out this way? She catches me shopping with Allie and Cecelia, what’s going on through her mind now?

“You still think that I’m dating the spoiled brat?” I hear Allie ask. They’ve had to meet before, if she’s Cecelia’s teacher, they had to meet before. I knew she was smart, no wonder, she skipped a couple of grades.

“What are you doing?” I ask stepping in.

“L-oppa,” she says coming and hooking arms with me.

“Seongsaengnim,” Cecelia says, “you know oppa, too?” I know that Cecelia’s a child and all, but this isn’t the right time to be asking a question such as this one. It’s just not good, this moment right now is not good.

“Let’s leave, okay?” I ask looking at Allie and Cecelia. It’s as if Allie catches what I’m trying to say and picks up Cecelia to go to the car.

“Hey, why don’t we go to the park?” I hear Allie suggest to Cecelia. “We can change out of these clothes and then we can go, okay?”

As soon as they leave, I’m left alone with her.

“You’ve missed me, right?” she asks snuggling up close.

“No,” I coldly respond. “I haven’t missed you.”

“Oh really now, then why were you begging for me to stay?”

“Uee, that was practically a year and a half ago.”

“It was less than that,” she comments with a smile.

“I’ve forgotten all about you, okay?” I attempt to shrug her off. “Just leave me alone.”

“Are you dating her?” she asks with an evil look in her eye.

“Who? Allie?” I can’t help but ask. “No, I’m not dating her, I’m helping her.”

“It looks like you’re helping her too much.”

“Why did you come back?” I ask shifting the focus back to her.

“I never left.” Without another word, I turn to go back to the car where Allie and Cecelia are waiting for me. I don’t want anything to do with Uee right now, but she said that she never left, what is that supposed to mean?


Allie’s POV

Myungsoo and I sit awkwardly on the park bench while we watch Cecelia run around and play like she normally does. I bet she misses living in this area, but I’m sure that she likes living with Myungsoo even more. Why does her teacher think that I’m dating Myungsoo, though? Is it just because we’re together or that he’s helping me by letting me live at his house? Nothing that happened so far has been because of my own accord. Myungsoo is a nice person and I accept that he is kind, despite being a total spoiled brat.

While watching Cecelia, I catch him looking at me. “What are you looking at?” I ask.

“Hmm?” he asks. It’s like I knocked him out of some deep thought.

“You were staring at me.”

“Was I? I’m sorry. I was just thinking.”

“Thinking about Cecelia’s teacher? How do you know her?”

“It’s a complicated story. I’ll tell you later, but I think you should enroll Cecelia into a different school.”

“Just because you somehow know the teacher I should move her? She has a lot of friends there and she enjoys it there. You just want me to tell her that she’s going to go to another school?”

“I think it would be in the best interest for all of us.”

“Why? I can’t understand you sometimes,” I tell him as I get up off of the bench to get Cecelia.

The ride home is quiet and so is dinner following afterwards. Soon after, I’m watching television while Cecelia plays in the living room and Myungsoo has gone to his room. Once Cecelia gets tired, I take her up to her room, but I stop in Myungsoo’s room afterwards. He’s still up and just staring at the ceiling.

“No partying for you tonight?” I ask.


“So are you ready to tell me why you want me to move Cecelia out of that school?”


Myungsoo’s POV

I beckon for Allie to sit down next to me on the bed. “That girl, her teacher, her name is Uee and she’s the girlfriend that I had that my parents thought you were.”

“But I don’t look anything like her,” Allie complains.

“My parents knew nothing about her. Actually, I always showed them fake pictures of her since we were supposed to get married.”


“If you’re not going to be quiet, I’m not going to continue with my story,” I threaten. I watch Allie as she immediately gets quiet. “It was an arranged marriage, but my parents never went to any of the meetings, they always sent someone, like a wedding planner, so they knew nothing about Uee. They just knew that I was supposed to marry her. They didn’t even know when we didn’t have our wedding, that’s how engrossed in work they were. The first time I saw her, it was love at first sight, not to mention that she’s my first love. We were introduced to each other during our first year of high school; we were supposed to get married our senior year, but obviously we never did.

“It turns out that she wasn’t committed to getting married and she was in a relationship with someone else, which just so happened to be my best friend, well my used to be best friend. We were in this group called Infinite during high school, that’s how he and Uee met. Our friendship broke apart and so did the marriage. She told me the news at my favorite restaurant, the one I took you and Cecelia to.” I feel tears start to form as I continue talking about this; it’s really the first time that I properly talked about it. “I really loved her, I thought that the arranged marriage wasn’t going to be that bad, but she goes and breaks my heart. I went through a relationship, or rather an engagement with her for four years and then she goes and breaks my heart. She left then, after we were supposed to have the wedding, and I never saw her since, until today. I was told that she and my ex-best buddy went overseas somewhere and I always imagined that they had a happy life, but today she told me that she never left.”

“I’m so sorry,” Allie whispers.

“It’s alright,” I say attempting to hide my tears, but Allie sees them faster than I’m able to wipe them.

“Shh,” she says patting my back and wrapping her arms around me. “You can cry, go ahead. It’s probably your first time talking about it, right? We’ll I’ll talk about something that I haven’t told anyone before.”

I wait in silence. “What is it?” I finally manage to ask. For some reason, I’m not afraid to hide my tears from Allie. I get this warm and fuzzy feeling inside since her arms are wrapped around me.

“The day my parents died,” she begins, “I was taken out of school during the middle of the day. They needed me to properly identify the bodies even though they had their ID’s. You see, my parents were coming home from spending the day with each other when they suddenly got into a car crash, there were no survivors. That day, it just felt like my whole world was destroyed. I didn’t know how I was going to function; I didn’t know what to do with Cecelia. The people who I love the most were taken away from me and I wanted to break down so many times, but I couldn’t because of Cecelia.

“They threatened to take her away, too, since I was a senior in high school. They wanted to take her and send her someplace with the rare chance that I’ll ever see her again. I didn’t want them to. I couldn’t think of not being able to see my baby sister every day, especially not after losing my parents. To be perfectly honest, I don’t like seeing you party because my parents were killed by a drunk driver. I know that it’s probably in your nature, but I always worry because of my parent’s accident.”

This time, it’s my turn to comfort her. In the end, we stay hugging each other eventually crying so much that we exhaust ourselves. I don’t know what it is, but somehow, talking to Allie makes everything feel better, it takes a lot off of my chest knowing that I have someone who is there for me for once in my life. As I look at Allie, who’s already sleeping, I feel my eyes getting heavier.


“No cheating,” a girl says standing in front of me. She places my hands over my eyes. “Now count to 100 and don’t move until you go all the way to 100.” We both smile at each other as I start counting. I hear her footsteps run away. I love playing this game, hide-and-go-seek. It’s our favorite game to play with each other because we like exploring places that people don’t know about. I like playing it with my best friend.


So, Allie is enrolled in university and is in Myungsoo's classes, what's goingn to happen there? Turns out that Cecelia's teacher is Myungsoo's old girlfriend (ex-fiancee) and his first love, is she going to try to get Myungsoo back? Who in Infinite did Uee run away with? Allie and Myungsoo shared stories with each other that no one else knows, how is that going to progress their relationship? Who is the girl in Myungsoo's dream?


Another chapter is up, Chapter 8. Hope you enjoyed :D

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The link to the sequel is now up. Check the final chapter for the link. Enjoy :D


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Chapter 31: I can't wait to read the sequel.
congrats :)
Congrats :D
AmpersandAR #5
congrats ^_^
Chapter 29: I LITERALLY READ THIS RIGHT AFTER I SUBSCRIBED SRRY I'm kind of excited for the sequeeelllllllll
yooamie #8
Chapter 29: aieeeee, I totally loved the ending! this whole fanfic is amazing!:)
Binniee #9
Chapter 31: Wow.... a beautifully crafted master piece indeed. I've spent all day finishing your story and it wasn't even a bit boring.! Honestly, this story is just one of my few favs! Though I wasn't particularly a fan of infinite, you made me to become one :)
Will be, of course, reading your sequel with great expectation :D
Anyway, welldone!!
InfiniteLove27 #10
love your story:D i also love that your chapters are long!!!!