Life Changes

The Other Side of Cinderella

Allie’s POV

It’s been about a month since I’ve last seen Myungsoo. Since then, we’ve rarely had any interaction. I know I’ll hate myself for saying this, but I seem to miss him. I miss him being by my side and for a short while, it seemed like he was back being my best friend, but I’ve gotten adjusted to life without him, just like I’ve been living before.

After much bickering, I let Myungsoo pay for Cecelia’s schooling. I told him that I was going to choose another apartment and pay for it myself, that way we would have as minimal contact as possible with each other. It’s not that I want to separate myself, but it’s that I feel like I have to. With everything that went on, it just doesn’t seem like the right thing to do, stay with Myungsoo.

Once again, I’m at the café. My exams are done and now is the time for a little break. I’m not sure if I’ll return for the next year, that’s still in question, but I got a scholarship, a full tuition one. That’s probably thanks to Myungsoo. Since the university classes are done, I don’t see him at all. If I haven’t seen him in a month, then why he is on my mind so much?

Thankfully, the café reaccepted me. Apparently Myungsoo only told them that I was taking a long vacation and hired a replacement for me so the café wouldn’t have to hire anyone. Was he planning on letting me go after all? Was his confession really all fake?

Today, Sungyeol is watching Cecelia. She still loves to see the guys and to play with them. I’m not entirely sure where they went, but she’s probably enjoying herself since my phone goes off with pictures of them every couple of minutes.

“Hey, when do you get off?” a voice asks. I don’t even look up from the note that I’m writing.

“Woohyun-oppa,” I say, “you know perfectly well what time I’m done.”

“I know, I just wanted to always ask a girl that,” he says with a gigantic smile.

“Ah, you little kid,” I say reaching over and rubbing the top of his hair, which earns a couple of glares from my coworkers, but they’re used to him coming in here.

Actually, for the past month that I haven’t seen Myungsoo, Woohyun’s been showing up more often. I’m not entirely sure, but sometimes he would be at the café and once he insisted on walking Cecelia and me home so now he knows where we live. Sometimes he’ll wait outside of the apartment and sometimes he’ll even watch Cecelia when Sungyeol isn’t available. It’s like the only person that doesn’t know where I live is Myungsoo. I guess the other guys didn’t tell him.

“So, do you want to do something today?” Woohyun asks.

“I don’t know, like what?” I ask slightly curious.

“Maybe just a walk around, you know, the normal things?”

“A walk is a normal thing?” I ask.

“Yeah, of course,” Woohyun says nodding his head. “What time are Sungyeol and Cecelia getting back today?”

“Not sure,” I say shrugging my shoulders. “They’re going to get back whenever they get back, I guess.”

“Well, they have to,” he says with a light chuckle.

“Very funny,” I say pretending to fake laugh at him. “Well, if you excuse me, I have to go take care of some customers. I’ll be done in ten minutes, okay?”

“No problem, I can wait all day for you,” Woohyun says.

I roll my eyes at his reaction while I go wait on the customer. Somehow with Woohyun around, it doesn’t feel as lonely as I thought it would be without Myungsoo. It is lonely at home sometimes. I had grown used to having him always around, but now that he’s not, it’s like something’s missing, but I don’t really understand this feeling. We both wanted to move on to the next chapter of our lives, but he’s been on my mind more than ever.

I can’t like him. He was only there for me when I had a hard time. Now that he’s not here, I can’t help but feel an empty void.


Myungsoo’s POV

I stretch and grab my cell phone to look at the time. It’s three in the afternoon. Since when did I ever sleep to three in the afternoon? I guess it was a long time ago. I look at today’s date and realize that a month has already passed since Allie and Cecelia have moved out of the house. I don’t even know where they live anymore since Allie insisted on buying a different house. At least I’m helping her out a little by paying for Cecelia’s schooling, but it doesn’t feel like I’m doing enough.

A pounding is in my head as I get up off of the bed. I must’ve gone out again last night because I don’t remember a thing about it. I groan as I lay back in bed and pull the covers over me. “Oppa, what are you doing?” a voice asks.

“Leave me alone.”

“Oppa,” the girl repeats while I feel her fingertips go over my body.

“Just…leave,” I say turning over so that her hands can’t touch me. I feel totally disgusting now. How did she even get in here? Was she from last night?

“But oppa, why don’t we have some fun today?” she suggests.

“Fun?” I ask. “Do I even know who you are?” I sit straight up in bed and look at the girl who’s sitting on the side of my bed.

“You knew who I was last night,” she attempts to say seductively, but it only makes me even more grossed out by her.

“Anyway,” I say attempting to change the subject. “Can’t you go back to your own house? I’m kind of busy here.”

“Busy doing what?” she asks. “Another girl?”

“I don’t think it’s any of your concern,” I tell her. “Just leave.”

Eventually, after much persuasion, she finally leaves. I don’t remember anything about her; I don’t even remember where I was last night. “Sungyeol,” I say calling him on my phone.

“Yeah?” he asks.

“Do you know what I did last night?”


I sigh in frustration. If Sungyeol doesn’t know, then no one knows, unless I know who I was with last night. Gosh, my life has gotten so much worse.

“Okay, thanks,” I say. “Sungyeol, are those little kids that I hear in the background?”

“Yeah,” Sungyeol casually says like it’s no big deal. Actually, it isn’t a big deal. “Why?”

“Oh nothing, just wondering.”

I know that Sungyeol babysits for Cecelia and sometimes I do, too. Although that was just in the beginning. I don’t actually watch Cecelia that much anymore. Sungyeol and Woohyun watch her more than I do, which means that they probably have more interaction with Allie than I do.

I still wonder what she thinks of my confession, though. I never got an official answer, but why do I care now? She’s gone; this is the process of moving on from each other. I’m still curious to know, though. I bet that Woohyun is going after Allie. He probably wants to start dating her. As much as it bothers me, it’d be good for Allie to have someone more stable in her life than a guy who has a psychotic family.

Determining that I can’t sleep anymore, I decide to get up and out of bed for the day and do something productive, unless I so decide to go out again tonight, but I’m not entirely sure what my decision is yet. Who did I even go out with last night?

Ever since I found out what my mother and my grandmother did to Sunggyu, I’ve wanted to apologize to him, but ever since the kidnapping, he’s nowhere to be found. After Allie and Cecelia left, I’ve had time on my hands and I’ve looked for him, but no one knows. I also attempted talking to Uee about it, but she just ignores me. It’s like she knows the whole story, she probably does, and is refusing to tell me anything. It’s so frustrating.

I’m attempting to do something nice and everyone stands in my way. Do they not want me to be nice anymore?


Allie’s POV

Woohyun and I walk around the neighborhood a bit to the park that’s by the café that I went to with Cecelia. I called Sungyeol once I got done work and told him that I’d be with Woohyun if he had any problem with Cecelia, but I highly doubt that he will.

“Over there was my old apartment,” I explain to Woohyun pointing in the general direction.

“Really?” he asks.

“Yup,” I say nodding my head. “It’s no longer there. There was a fire that burned it down. That’s how I lived with Myungsoo in the first place.”

“Oh,” Woohyun says nodding his head. “At least you found him.”

“On accident,” I explain. “We actually bumped into each other at the café.”

“Hmm, sounds like an interesting story.”

“Yeah, and you’re in most of it.”

“Am I? I feel so loved,” Woohyun says with a gigantic smile that doesn’t ever seem to fade. “You know, I like spending time with you.”

“I like spending time with you, too,” I tell him. I won’t tell Woohyun it’s because I’ve been feeling lonely lately that I like spending time with him. He makes it seem as though I have another friend, after I dropped one. Were Myungsoo and I even friends? What are, or rather, what were we?

“We should hang out more often.”

“We hang out all of the time,” I tell Woohyun.

“Right, it just doesn’t seem like there’s enough time in the day for us to spend together,” he says.

“Where do you come up with these lines?”

“My head."

We both laugh at each other. I look at the little kids that are running around the park. My eyes can’t help but venture to the parents that are watching their children run around. What would Cecelia be like if Mom and Dad were still around? Would she be the same or would her personality be different?

“What are you thinking about?” Woohyun asks in a more serious tone.

“My parents,” I respond. What do I need to hide from Woohyun?

“I bet they were great people.”

“They were, but I lost all of their memories in the fire of the apartment. Cecelia probably doesn’t even remember them that well. She’s only going to grow up knowing the stories that I tell.”

I sigh and look at Woohyun who puts his hand on top of mine. “I’m sure she’ll appreciate those stories that you tell her and I’m sure when she grows up she’ll appreciate you for taking care of her.”

“Yeah,” I say looking down at the ground as I kick a rock. “I’m sure that she will, but it’s kind of sad, right?”

“What’s sad?”

“Her never knowing her parents. It’s sad.”

“There are thousands of kids who don’t know their parents. Look at it this way,” Woohyun begins, “some kids don’t know their parents and they don’t have older nice siblings like you who can tell them all about them. Some don’t even have siblings or live in an orphanage. Cecelia has you and I’m sure that that’s not going to change.”

“Thank you, oppa,” I say looking at him.

“For what?” he asks slightly surprised.

“For being able to listen to me and stay by me.”

“Why wouldn’t I?” he asks in disbelief. “We’re friends, aren’t we? Isn’t this what friends do?”

“Yeah, but aren’t you busy at the restaurant? Shouldn’t you be getting back there?”

“I took the day off.”

“You took the day off? Why?”

“To spend it with you,” Woohyun says as he does a quick heart.

“Oppa,” I say hitting his arms where the heart is. “Why would you take off? Aren’t your parents strict about the whole thing?”

“I can take time off once in a while,” he says with a smile. “What should we do now?”

“I don’t know,” I say shrugging my shoulders. “What do you want to do?”

“Let’s go shopping,” Woohyun says quickly getting off of the bench and grabbing my arm. He seems more excited about this than I am.


Myungsoo’s POV

Today, I attempt to find Sunggyu again. I go to his house again and sit there for a little bit, but I don’t see him come out. I guess the only way to get to him is by going through someone else.

Finally reaching the hospital, I enter. “Oh, it’s you. You’re Kim Myungsoo, right?” the annoying nurse asks as soon as I enter.

“Right,” I say trying to get a conversation started that’s not about me. Well, it involves me, but I just don’t want to talk about myself the whole time. “Anyway, is Sungjong in?”

“You mean Dr. Lee? I believe so.”

“Is he in his old office?”

“He should be about now,” she says looking at her watch.

Before she can say another thing, I turn to leave to go to his office. If anyone has information on Sunggyu, it has to be him or Dongwoo. I don’t know how to contact Dongwoo though, so it has to be Sungjong.

I finally reach his office door and knock without a single hesitation. “Come in,” I hear his girly voice yell. I open the door and see his shocked face. He had to figure that I was coming. That kid is like a genius, so why is he so shocked? “Hyung, you’re here.”

“Don’t play innocent with me Lee Sungjong,” I tell him. “I know exactly what you did and I’m not going to forgive you.”

“Is that what you came here for?” Sungjong asks putting down a file that he was looking at.

“No,” I directly say. “I want information about Sunggyu.”

“Why don’t you get it from him?” he asks not even giving me a second glance.

“Well, Mr. Smarty, if I knew where to find him, do you think I’d be standing in your doorway right now about ready to rip your head off?” Sungjong shakes his head. “That’s what I thought.”

“Well, if you do something to him, then you’re going to have to deal with me and Dongwoo-hyung,” he says attempting to be strong.

“I’m not going to do anything to him. I’m not as low as you people are. I want to apologize.”

“Apologize?” Sungjong asks with a confused face.

“Yes, apologize,” I say. “For my grandmother and my mother. I want to apologize to him. Now, do you know where he is?”

“How am I so sure I can trust you?”

I start stepping closer to Sungjong and he starts backing away. “Just trust me, alright?” I ask. “If I do anything irrational, you can simply kill me right then and there, alright?”

Sungjong stares at me for a long time. He’s probably thinking about what to answer. If I do anything irrational, then it’s goodbye to me. He has to be happy about that. I’m Sunggyu’s worst nightmare. He’s always wanted me gone, but I kind of want to change that. I should change that because of my grandmother and my mother.

“If I tell you where he is, then you can’t tell anyone else, okay?” Sungjong asks.

“Didn’t I already tell you okay?” I angrily ask. This kid is making my blood boil, but I’m attempting to keep my temper under control. I shouldn’t just get angry. Getting angry gets me nowhere. It’s better to just stay calm in a situation and attempt to work things out. Well, look how well that’s going for me.

“Fine, fine,” Sungjong says holding up his name in defeat. “He’s in Japan.”

“He’s what?” I ask slamming my hands down on the table.

“Sunggyu went to Japan.”


“Last week sometime,” Sungjong says picking up a file and not paying me any more attention. He’s probably just attempting to busy himself so that he doesn’t have to explain anything else.

I call back to my house and have the driver pack some clothes for me before I call the airport and book a flight to Japan. I have to chase Sunggyu down. He’s already a madman for kidnapping them and now he’s on the loose. What if he does something that lands him in jail forever? I have to tell him that I don’t hate him, that even if he hates me it’s alright because I deserve all of it. Why would Sunggyu go to Japan?

Oh right. My, or rather, our grandmother lives in Japan. This can’t be good.


Allie’s POV

“You know, you’re worse than a girl,” I say laughing at Woohyun.

“Stop it,” Woohyun complains as he tries on yet another outfit.

“Sorry, sorry,” I say, “but it’s true. Have you ever gone shopping with a real shopaholic?”

“Nope,” he says as he straightens out his shirt and looks at himself from all of the different angles possible.

“Well, you’re just about as bad as one. You don’t need to. What are you looking for dress clothes for? Aren’t you a chef?”

“Hey, I have a social life,” Woohyun calls as he goes back into the dressing room.

“Is that the last one?” I ask.

“Yeah, for now,” Woohyun says as he comes out of the changing room.

“Where are we going now?” I ask him.

“How about you choose,” Woohyun says as he drapes his arm around my shoulder. “You can choose the next place since you’re complaining about going to other places.

“Okay,” I happily say. “Why don’t we go eat?”

“Sure,” Woohyun says as we go to the food court. “What are you doing tonight?” he asks while we’re eating.

“Going home, why?” I ask at his sudden question.

“I was wondering if you’d want to walk around with me tonight. I really like looking at city lights and just feeling the cit air.”

“Oh, well, I have Cecelia,” I tell him as I eat.

“I could get Sungyeol to watch her for like another hour and a half,” Woohyun says with a smile. “So, can you accompany me?”

“I guess,” I say thinking about it. It doesn’t seem like there’s anything wrong with doing such a thing, it’s just a walk. To be perfectly honest, I like city lights, too. I especially like the lights of buildings and things like that. I also like it when I can see the stars, even though I’m in the city. It always feels like the country has more stars than the city, which is true because of all of the lights in the city compared to the country.

Woohyun and I go shopping some more after eating. I manage to drag him into a place to shop for some nice clothes for Cecelia since she needs some new ones.

“What about this?” Woohyun asks holding up a dress.

“That’s not her style,” I tell him.

“Oh,” Woohyun says as he puts the dress back on the rack.

I check out and go to pay the lady, but Woohyun steps in before me. “What are you doing?” I ask him.

“Paying,” he nonchalantly says.

“But I can. They’re clothes for Cecelia.”

“Just accept it and don’t complain,” Woohyun says collecting the bags before I can do anything or say another word.

Quickly, night falls and Woohyun and I are walking outside. At night, Woohyun does really seem like a small child because he’s fascinated with everything. Finding an empty bench, we decide to sit down on it and just watch as the people go by to wherever they’re going. I look up at the sky when I feel eyes on me. I look over and see Woohyun staring at me.

“Is there something on my face?” I ask. Woohyun shakes his head. “Then what are you staring at?”

“I was just thinking,” Woohyun responds.

“Thinking about what?” I ask. I keep pestering him with questions before he finally gives in and tells me why he was starnig at me.

“Do you really want to know?” he asks staring into my eyes. I shake my head yes while I stare into his.

“Your eyes are really pretty,” he says. I laugh and I hit his arm.

“That’s it?” I ask. “You’re just saying that my eyes are really pretty? Well, I’m glad you like my eyes, but—” I say, but Woohyun cuts me off.

“No, not only your eyes,” he continues, “but your smile, your laugh, your personality, the way that I can find myself being myself around you.” Woohyun starts naming of things as he places his hand between his legs, leaned back a little, and looks up at the starry night sky. “Did you know that everything about you is beautiful?” he asks.

“What?” I ask looking at him, quite shocked actually.

“I think you’re very beautiful.” Woohyun looks at me and takes a deep breath. “I like you, Allie. Can you accept my heart?”


What will Allie say to Woohyun's confession? Why did Sunggyu go to Japan? Will Myungsoo find Sunggyu? Will Myungsoo and Allie be together once again?


Here's a fun and exciting Chapter 25. Hope you enjoyed :D

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The link to the sequel is now up. Check the final chapter for the link. Enjoy :D


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Chapter 31: I can't wait to read the sequel.
congrats :)
Congrats :D
AmpersandAR #5
congrats ^_^
Chapter 29: I LITERALLY READ THIS RIGHT AFTER I SUBSCRIBED SRRY I'm kind of excited for the sequeeelllllllll
yooamie #8
Chapter 29: aieeeee, I totally loved the ending! this whole fanfic is amazing!:)
Binniee #9
Chapter 31: Wow.... a beautifully crafted master piece indeed. I've spent all day finishing your story and it wasn't even a bit boring.! Honestly, this story is just one of my few favs! Though I wasn't particularly a fan of infinite, you made me to become one :)
Will be, of course, reading your sequel with great expectation :D
Anyway, welldone!!
InfiniteLove27 #10
love your story:D i also love that your chapters are long!!!!