Lead The Way


Everybody thought she was happy. Nobody knew how she truly felt. She didn't know what she wanted to be. What she wanted to do. That is, until he comes along and changed eveything. And for once, she didn't mind.


Hello : )

I am very, very new to do this. Seriously. I just created my account 10 minutes ago. Haha. So anyway, this is my first attempt to write a story, so don't go to harsh on me, okay?

Comments are greatly appreiated. Thank you :D


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CutieWay #1
I don't know how to explain this, but there is a move in which you move your chest while your fingers are going down. Also the move in which your body is following your body isn't easy for someone who wants to start dancing.
Hmmm... I'll look forward to this Fanfic... :)