Working hard, or Hardly Working?

Our Little Secret

EunAe’s POV

-3 Months later-

“EunAe! You’ve got five on the booth!” One of the hosts yells from the counter. I smile, “Alright Jess, I’m just gonna check up on my other table before I head over.”

I’d managed to find a job at this great restaurant pretty soon after I’d moved here. It’s a pretty special place, providing a wide variety of entertainment while the customers eat. It’s not the naughty kind of entertainment though. Each of the waitresses or waiters are unprofessional singers, dancers, actors, or something like that. It was a great way to make money while doing what I love.

Of course it wasn’t exactly what I’d hoped for, especially since it was a huge tourist hotspot and the people that came in didn’t think I could speak English so that talked about me behind my back. Boy were they surprised when I responded to their, how to put this nicely….negative, comments, in perfect, only slightly accented, English. Their faces were always priceless. But you get what you get, and this is what I got at the moment.

So anyways, I grabbed my notepad and a pencil and walk out of the kitchen, where I’d been taking a small break. It’s where I go whenever I’m not performing or waiting on people. Luckily for me, today I didn’t have any obnoxious customers. At the moment all I had were this super sweet Canadian couple and the new group of five that just came in.

I check in on the Canadian couple to see how they are, how’s their food, etc. They are actually fine and love their food, which is weird because even though the restaurant serves European and American food they ordered a traditional Korean dish. Most tourists who order something traditional order it out of curiosity and end up hating it because its “weird”. I was beginning to like this couple more and more. After talking for a bit, they were extremely talkative, I go and get them refills on their drinks and then head over to my booth.

I was surprised to find it filled with five, blindingly good-looking, Korean men. I’m even more surprised than I would normally be because I had been expecting a family of tourists, since I’m one of the few who work here that’s fluent in English I’m usually sent out for the tourists tables. It keeps me busy, that is for sure. I smile charmingly as I walk up to them and transition smoothly from the English I had been using with the Canadians into Korean.

“Annyeonghaseo. My name is EunAe and I’ll be your server this evening. Can I start you off with some drinks and maybe an appetizer?” I say, reciting the basic introduction that all the servers learn during training. It even sounded rehearsed to me, but usually the customers don’t care, they came to eat not have an actual civilized conversation.

Three of the five look up at me when I speak, two of them smiling widely, I’m gonna call them Panda and Squints, and the other kinda smiling, but not, Lets call him Mohawk. The two left over are slumped over the table either lost in thought, extremely tired, or both. Panda and Squints both order sodas and Mohawk gets a tea. I get no reaction from the other two.

“Yah, Hyung, what do you want to drink?” Panda asks one of the two, I’m calling him Red, while he gently pokes his shoulder, repeatedly until he gets an answer. Squints is doing the same thing to the other guy, Grumpy fits him well. Red and Grumpy both look up at turn to me at the same time and say in perfect unison, “Water.” Then they put their heads back down on the table.

“Okayyy…. And how bout and appetizer?” I say, again. I could already tell this was going to be a long meal…

“No thank you. We’ll just take the drinks for right now,” Mohawk says kinda smiling at me. Is he shy or something? Whatever, at least someone is paying attention to their surroundings. I smile at him, “Alright then. I’ll have those right out for you in a few.” I turn to leave but I’m stopped by a voice. “Wait.”

I take a breath before turning back and smiling, “Ne?” I see that it was Red that called me. I know this because he finally sat up and looks focused. I didn’t notice really before but…He’s incredibly gorgeous like REALLY hott… not that I noticed or anything.

“When do the dancers start?” he asks leaning his head against his hand. It was a simple question, but no one had ever asked me about the entertainment before, except to ask when they were going to sing in English.

I take a second to think about it. In total at the moment we only have three dancers. There’s me but I’m on wait today. Then there’s another…But she’s on kitchen duty and pregnant so another no. And the third girl called off because she was sick. I smile apologetically at Red, “I’m afraid we don’t have any dancers scheduled to perform today, sir.”

He sits there with a thoughtful look on his face for a little while. I’m just thinking about just walking away when he finally speaks up. He sighs and shakes his head, “Would you mind bringing your manager over here?” I nod and bow before turning and walking away.

That was a little weird. Does he really need to see dancers that badly? And why must it be today? Is he using this as some sor of audition? If he is he chose the worst day to do it. And why is there five of them all to see dancers together? Maybe they’re some sort of dance team who need some girls in their crew? Aigoo… I’m thinking about it to much. His business is his own and I have no business being curious about it. I should just leave him and his buddies to their own lives….But….. I REALLY want to know! Aish…

Those thoughts plus many more ran through my head as I made my way to the storage room my boss could usually be found in. On my way I check up on my other table. I make it to the room and can here voices in. Sighing I knock then open the door turning my head away. After not hearing an exclamation of outrage and embarrassment I peek to see who it is. It’s my boss alright, but just flirting with another one of the newer girls who wants desperately to be onstage, even though this place goes by seniority and talent rather than a desperate want. She’d find that out soon enough. She looked about seventeen. Ewww, he was up into his mid-forties.

He still isn’t paying attention, so I clear my throat then feel a cough coming on. So I cough, but strangely it sounds like I’m saying “Statutory.” Weird. I smile innocently at him when he turns around to look, scratch that, glare at me.

He begins to speak, yell, growl…. Some sort of weird combination of the three, at me,”What do you want now? Did you yell at another customer? What did I tell you last time? Didn’t I say…” Naturally I interrupt him, “Aniyo, sir. One of my tables, the booth to be exact, is wondering about the entertainment and would like to speak with you about it. There are five of them. In my booth not Mimi’s, that would be on the left side of the restaurant, not the right. Sir.” I smile bow and turn around to walk away.

“Wait, where do you think your going?” he growls at my back. “They still need their drinks, so I’m going to go get them.” I reply as I walk away, rolling my eyes at his ridiculous question.

While I’m getting the booth drinks I also refill the Canadians drinks and get the couple their dessert. I walk over to the couples table and set everything down and smile and tell them I’d get them their check whenever they are ready.

I walk up to the booth and see that my boss is still speaking to them, in fact he looks ecstatic to see them there and to be peaking to them. Weird….again. So I manage to get them all their drinks, smile, bow and walk away without my boss noticing. I’d get their order later. I walk back to the kitchen to just chill out until my boss is done speaking with the five.

A few minutes later I hear, “Unnie! Sajangnim says he wants you to change and be ready to perform.” I turn and see one of the girls, ChaeRin, jogging towards me smiling. She’s been here about the same amount of time I have and she’s my closest friend in Korea.

I’m shocked and I’m sure my face shows it but just in case I say, “What? Why? He hates me. And who’s going to be taking my tables? Is it just because that one guy at my booth wanted to see dancers?” It was really weird for the boss to go out of his, and my, way just because one customer(or five) wanted to see a certain kind of performance.

She gives me a look that says she thinks I’m the most idiototic person she’s ever met, “Seriously? Do you not have any idea who those guys at your booth are? You’ve lived here for three months already and you don’t know who they are? You are the most oblivious person I’ve ever met? How have you managed living here being as oblivious as you are?” I give her a blank look, “Soooo…. They are…. Famous?” That was honestly all I’d gotten from her little mini rant. That and that she thinks I’m oblivious.

She face palms and nods, “Ne! they are incredibly famous. Now go change!” She begins to push me towards the locker room/break room. I laugh at her urgency, “Arasso, arasso! Just tell me who they are.” I was dragging my feet to slow her down.

“Who they… Aigoo…You’ve got to be kidding me. You have them set as your ringtone!” She says/yells, shaking her head at me and shoving me into the room, slamming the door in my face. “And by the way, I’m taking over your tables.”

“Oh thanks…Wait! Yah! That’s no help! I chose my ringtone because it had a sweet beat, I wasn’t paying attention to who the artist was!” I say through the door. I get no response, so I know three things; a) she won’t let me out until I’m dressed and ready, b) She’s ignoring me, and c) she isn’t going to tell me who the five guys at my table are. So I sigh and go over to my locker and start to get ready to perform, which I’m happy and frustrated about. I smile, grab my clothes, pop a Tootsie Pop into my mouth, and begin to hum the song I’m going to be dancing to.


Three months. Three whole, very long, months spent looking for a girl. Why was this so hard? My, no, Our lives depended on finding that girl.

Our lives would be ten times easier if that waitress that Seungri was raving about was the girl we were looking for. At this point that would actually . Three months of holding auditions and she was working at a restaurant not 4 blocks from the dorms. Three whole months of holding auditions with one girl after another failing. Well there was that one girl, but she couldn’t handle TOP’s “dancing” said that it wasn’t her “style”. Whatever. I’ll find another girl. I’m G-Dragon, Kwon Leader, the leader of Big Bang! I can find a dancer, I’m just not trying hard enough, from now on I’m working ten times harder to find this girl.

That is the reason we are here after all. I’ve heard raving reviews about its food and entertainment. I heard that they have this dancer that just started a few months ago and that she is incredible. I’m looking for her.

However today seems to have been the worst possible day to come in. None of their dancers were scheduled to perform, and only one is available and working. Or that’s what the manager of this place told me. So for us he’s getting that dancer ready and we’re trying to figure out what to order. The maknae wants something foreign like burgers or pizza, but I’m in the mood for bulgogi, and I can tell the others are in as much a mood for foreign food as I am.

“Seungri, We’re going to get bulgogi today. We can have pizza or something tomorrow, arasso?” I say lifting my head from the table to look at him. He pouts and crosses his arms but nods anyways.

I turn my attention to the slumped hyung across from me. He was probably more exhausted than the rest of us combined. After all he had to dance with every girl that passed through the first round of auditions. “Yah, hyung. Just hold on for a little while longer, I have a feeling we’re close to finding her.” I smile a little, trying to comfort him. He looks up for a second to nod tiredly.

A girl, different from our waitress, who looks about nineteen and dressed as a waitress walks up to our table. She smiles brightly, “Annyeonghaseo! I’m ChaeRin. Sorry for the wait but EunAe suddenly became a little busy, so I’ll be your waitress for today instead. Have you decided what you’d like to order?” Seungri pouts some more, Taeyang rlls his eyes at the maknae, and I nod, “We’d like bulgogi, with all the sides…And some yang geng as well.” TOP sits up properly at the sound of one of his favorite foods. The new girl nods after writing down our order, “And will that be all?” I nod, “For now, thank you.” She smiles once more, bows, and walks away.

I look back over at the stage. There is a girl singing onstage, who has been singing the same son since we’ve gotten here. How long can one song be? It’s not that she’s bad, actually she’s quite good, its just that the song is going on forever and I would like to watch the dancer to see if she is actually worth the time we’ve spen here. How long is this song going to go on for? “Omo…” I mumble my forehead hitting the table.

“Stop complaining. You have no room to talk…” I hear TOP mumble across from me. I peek up and see that his head is back on the table as well.

The singer girl’s music FINALLY ends. “Thank God.” TOP and I say in unison, neither of us looks back at the stage though. They have to have some sort of schedule right? So the dancer shouldn’t be up for awhile. Or that’s what I thought…

“Yah, Jiyong-hyung! Isn’t that our waitress from before? Up onstage? EunAe, right? Oh! And that’s my song! I should go up there and perform it!” Seungri starts to get up and go over there. I grab his hsirt to stop him. “Seungri, sit.”
I say giving him my leader look. “I want to see her perform. Not you. I’ve seen you perfrom a thousand times.” He sits down and I smirk, “Just enjoy the show.” He sighs, “Okay…but tomorrow we get to go out for karaoke!” He smiles brightly. Aigoo….this kid and karaoke. “Alright,” I concede, “But no performing any of our songs.” He nods excitedly and does a victory sign with his hands.

We all turn our attention back to the girl on the stage. She has her back to the audience and has put one of her hands on the back of her head while her other arm rests on her side. One of her legs is pointed out slightly while her hip is cocked to the side. After a few beats of the song she begins to dance. Ani. Dance is the wrong word for what she does. The way she moved with the music was to perfect to be called dancing. She flowed form one move into the next flawlessly, but she still hit each move hard.

“Hyung.” Taeyang says looking at me. “Ne,” I reply,” She’s exactly what we need.” I tear my eyes away from the performance to see what TO thinks but I can see by the look on his face he’s thinking the exact same thing as I am. If she can’t help him with his dancing, than no one can.


Well, this day has turned out far different that what I had expected.

It started off no different that every other day for the past three months. I got up, way to early for my taste, got ready, and the five of us headed to whatever place they had decided to hold auditions. Then we would watch girls dance and Taeyang and the maknae would decide who would pass. Then they would teach those girls a routine and then the girls would, one by one, dance with me. Today I had danced with about….30? 34 girls? And today had been a slow day with auditions.

After auditions is when GD started to mix things up. He said he’d heard about this place that had good food and had dancers working there. It had been getting rave reviews for it’s entertainment. We had all thought he as getting desperate. I would have probably been desperate as well, but I was just to tired. We were all hungry so we decided to go with him anyways.

And here we are. And this girl that was our waitress, EunAe is her name I think… Well she’s on stage dancing to Seungri’s song Strong Baby. And she’s just….wow. The best dancer I’ve seen. Especially in the three months we’ve been holding auditions. The way she moves with the music is just…incredible. What is she doing working here? She should have a dance school dedicated to her by now with how well she dances, not be working as a waitress.

The song ends and she bows, says thank you, bows again and jogs off the stage. Why didn’t I notice her before when she was our waitress? I look at GD and we make eye contact then nod. We need to speak with her. He looks around and sees our newer waitress, and waves her over.

“ Ne?” she asks smiling. GD smiles back, “We would like to speak with that girl who was just on stage. EunAe, I think is her name.” The girl’s eyes widen in surprise, “Oh, ne. Let me go see if she’s ready.” GD stops her from leaving, “And if there is a back room where we could speak with her in private, that would be great.” The girl’s eyes widen even more and she nods and walks away.

I roll my eyes and smirk at him, “Nice job making us sound like a bunch of old creepy men there Ji. ‘Yes that girl who was up on stage. Yes her. The five of us would like to have a private meeting with her in a back room.’” I say imitating his voice. He chuckles, “I probably could have worded that better.” “You think?” Taeyang asks raising an eyebrow. We all joke about that for awhile while we begin to eat the forgotten bulgogi. About halfway through the meal, which isn’t very long when there are five grown men eating, when the manager of the place comes up and asks us to follow him. We finish off whatever we have in our mouths and then stand and follow him. GD is walking in front and Tae is in the back to keep an eye on the maknae, he still gets lost if one of us isn’t watching him. The manager leads us to a room in the back next to the kitchen and shows us in. Inside is a table, some chairs, a TV, and some lockers. Its obviously a break room of sorts.

Also inside the room is a beautiful brunette with a gorgeous smile and a killer body.It was the girl from the stage. EunAe. And she was even more incredible up close and in person. Omo…This is gonna be a long couple of months…

She sees us enter smiles stands and bows. She’s still in the outfit she was in onstage.

“Annyeounghaseo, I’m Lee EunAe. I heard you wanted to speak with me?” 



YAY!! It's finally up! I am so so so so so sorry for it taking so long! Mianhe! It's extra long though sooo I hope that makes it better ^.^ OK sooo I need a little help, If you remember in the first chapter, EunAe is loking for someone right? Wellll I had an idea, but its long since disappeared soo any ideas are welcome! Also As you can probably tell from the lack of POV's I gave into my biases and this is gonna be a TOP/OC/GD story. Unless I get enough people who would like to make it otherwise ^.^totally open for suggestions! Comment and subscribe please ^.^

 Just finished the banner ^.^ I'm actually really proud of it. What do you guys think? Sorry if it showed it was updated and you were expecting a new chapter... I just really wanted to put it up ^.^ 

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xoxh3l3nxox #1
I really like this story. Any chance of an update?
this is really good.<br />
seungri and his hyper self.<br />
top and his not-so-good at dancing.<br />
i notice that too.<br />
but he is one hell of an effing rapper.<br />
jiyong and his leader-er-ness.<br />
youngbae, so shy and y. i'd him. ahem...<br />
daesung and his bad singing for fun beats the bunch.<br />
hi~ haha! the poster looks cool! anyway.. I'm loving the story~ i'll wait for your updates ^^
Mmmmm . . . . So good. -goes dreamy eyed-<br />
I have to admit, I was expecting the cliche (I have trouble finding original nowadays) <br />
But I was wrong. I came to the right place ^^<br />
Right off the bat, you made the readers understand the situation TOP was in and the way they found their new dancer was in itself original.<br />
It's usually something like her parents kick her out of home, she comes across an audition poster, is some sort of dance machine, and then whoosh suddenly she becomes a dancer from out of nowhere.<br />
This definitely has potential. ^^v<br />
Update when you can, Hwaiting!