Beautiful Target

If You Had To Choose...





“Myeong Ji-ah!” I heard someone yell from behind me door.


I didn’t reply. It’s been like this for 2 days; him yelling at me, me ignoring him -- It’s like a bad rock song on repeat.


Why am I still here you ask? Trust me, I don’t want to be, but when I scrambled into a room to save myself from interrogation, I ran into Doojoon’s room. And this idiot doesn’t have a window that is capable of escaping through.


 This is a complete waste of time – time I definitely didn’t have right now -- but it’s not like it mattered because it’s already been 2 days. I might as well amuse myself for a while.


“Open the door!” He yelled again from the other side of the door.


Silence once again on my side.


“Myeong Ji if you don’t open this door I’m going to bust it open!”


“Ha!” I laughed “I’d pay to see that.” I mumbled to myself


That’s when I heard a loud thud on the other side of the door.


Wait. Is he seriously trying to break down my door?


I walked to the door and opened it up to see Doojoon on the floor holding his head. Did he run head first into my door?


“Did you seriously attempt to break my door down?” I asked with an expression on my face that clearly said ‘are you that stupid?’


He didn’t even react to the way I was looking at him. Instead he just told me to change into something comfortable but still suitable for going out, and meet him downstairs.


I was too lazy to actually contemplate what I was going to wear so I just pulled on a pair of denim blue skinny jeans, a grey Mickey Mouse hoodie and my bulky pink high-top skater shoes before grabbing my phone off my desk and walking downstairs to meet Doojoon.


“So where are you taking me?” I asked, clearly bored


“I’m taking you to my soccer practice with me!” He said excitedly “I remembered how much fun you used to have watching me score a goal-“


“Doojoon, that was when I was 8 years old – I’m 23 now.” I complained, yawning.


I could tell he was a bit disappointed in my answer, but he just pretended not to be affected by my little comment. “Well, in any case, I’m taking you to my soccer practice to make up for yelling at you the other day-“ He started but I cut him off again.


“Don’t worry about it.”


“But I also wanted to make up for the time that you saw me kissing Hae-“ I cut him off once again.


“It’s alright.” I said while shrugging indifferently. “If you liked her that much, you should’ve just told me. I’m not the type to fight with my little sister over a guy – no matter how much I like him – you know that.”


“Yeah, but-“


“Can we just go? You’ll be late at this rate.” I said, walking away from the apartment complex.


“Uh, yeah… Sure.” He said, following after me.


After a while of walking he finally decided to lead the way because I clearly had no clue where I was going.


Once we finally reached the soccer field I took a seat on the bleachers and watched Doojoon play.


Alright, so I still loved the guy – big deal – I meant what I said earlier about not being the type to fight with my younger sister over a guy. It will never happen, even if I spend my whole life alone because my sister steals all my boyfriends from me, never in a million years will it happen.


I’ll admit that I thought that I wouldn’t have that much fun here because the last time I saw Doojoon practice I was only 8 years old – I’m 23 now – but, surprisingly, I had quite a good time. I screamed whenever he made a goal and booed him off the field when he let the ball get taken from him. He got quite annoyed at one point and came over, gave me 1,000 won and said to go buy a snack or something so I’ll shut up.


I did as he asked and bought some Peppero, coming back to find a boy no older than 14 looking around for something.


“Um, can I help you?” I asked, biting on another stick of Peppero.


“Oh!” He exclaimed “I was told to deliver a message to a lady at this spot, but there was no one here – is your name So Myeong Ji?” He asked, a bit worried.


“Yes – that’s me.” I said, finishing the stick of Peppero I was nibbling on while he was talking.


He sighed in relief. Poor kid must’ve been worried that I wasn’t the lady and that he’d have to continue searching. “A man named Wooyoung told me that he needed to see you at a club?” He said, seeming confused by the message.


So Wooyoung wanted something from me? Hm… I thought I’d been fired after not showing up for so long. “Alright, thanks kid.” I said, handing him the change I had from buying the Peppero.


The kid stared at me like I was insane. “Sorry” I said, sticking my tongue out at him “I’d give you more but I only have my phone with me at the moment.” I said pulling out my IPhone “-And I kind of need this.”


“It’s alright, I get it.” He laughed in understanding. “Thanks lady!” He called as he ran off.


I waved as I watched him disappear. What a cute kid.


“Hey! Myeong Ji!” Doojoon called.


“Yeah?” I asked, turning to him.


“Who was that?”


“Oh, it was just a messenger. He told me that Wooyoung wanted to see me at the club.”


“Don’t you think that he would’ve texted you?” Doojoon asked, clearly suspicious of the kid.


“You’ve got a point, but you know how weird Wooyoung can be sometimes.” I defended




“Well, I’ll get going now.” I said, making my way down the bleachers to him




“Don’t worry, Doojoon, I have my phone.” I said, waving my IPhone in his face once I had made it off the bleachers “I’ll call you once I’m there.” I put my phone back in my pocket.


“Fine…” He said reluctantly “But be careful.”


“Yeah, yeah, yeah.” I said, raising my hand up as a kind of ‘goodbye’ gesture while walking off


I had just made it to the sidewalk when he started yelling reminders to me from his place on the field. I ignored them all, of course.


I was just about to hail a cab when I remembered that I didn’t have any money.


Oh well, might as well get some exercise. It’s not like the club is that far from here, right?


As I walked I decided that I should listen to some music. I didn’t bring my earphones but who cares, there aren’t any people walking around anyway, it’s not like I’ll be disturbing anyone.


I turned ‘NalinA’ by Block B on high as I walked down sidewalk.


I eventually reached an intersection and waited for the signal to cross. Many cars sped past me in the time that it took for the signal to change and I was the only one waiting to cross.


Once given the signal to cross I walked slowly across the walk. It’s not like I was in some kind of hurry.


Suddenly there was a horrifying screeching noise and the last thing I remember was a horrible pain in my head.








‘God, she’s so stupid. It was too easy to run her over. I got paid well, too – my lucky day.’ I thought as I looked over my steering wheel at the girl lying helplessly in the middle of the road.


‘Who was the that asked me to kill this girl again…?’ I thought as I tried to recall who that lady was. All I could recall was someone who wore a whole lot of eye-shadow and had short hair ‘Oh, screw it, I can’t remember…’


I then heard sirens in the distance. I wasn’t sure if someone had seen the accident and called the police but I sure as hell wasn’t going to stick around to find out.


‘I better get out of here.’ I thought as I got out of the car and sprinted away from it. Good thing that car was stolen or they’d know it was me for sure.


I took one last look at the girl as I ran. I wonder what she did to have someone want her dead…

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mangobythebeii #1
Chapter 17: Hyunseung is too cute <3
JungHyosung #2
Author-nim! Please update soon! I really want Myeong Ji with
Doojoon! It will be funny xD. Try your best to update :)
XxKay-NiixX #3
@ukisslover KYAA!! I LOVE U-KISS TOO!! Well anyway *grabs 2 swords and a few ninja stars* XD I will murder her with you ^^
so good!! ^o^ I love HyunSeung ^///^ hehe
chapter 4- oh my gosh.... :( that's horrible Dx
That sister!!!!!!!!!! Who wants to kill her too?!
#Grabs knife and torches#
update soonnnn~
your story is so~ good, i'm ^^