We Found Love.


    Vannessa is a Mexican, American and German 17 year old girl. She lives in California, USA and is a HUGE Super Junior Fan. Vannessa is just hoping and praying that just one day she'll get to meet Super Junior. Then that one lucky doy she does! Vannessa comes home and finds that her parents are sending her to Korea for all 2 months of summer. They bought her a summer house and g-got her a pair of Super Junior Concert Tickets ?! With all of this happening then accidently bumping into one of the memeber isn't Amazing in it's self ?!


  Here I was standing in Seoul, South Korea. My parents had just recently sent me here, got me a summer house and super junior cocert tickets.  I was so happy to be here and I only had 2 hourse to get to my summer house and get ready before heading to the concert. Sadly, those were the only ticket avaliable because this was the last show. I hurried out of the airport, got into a taxi and finally headed off to my new house for 2 months. 

  Only 10 minutes later I finally arrived at my new house. When I got out and saw it all, I was stunned. This house was amazing and I couldn't be ever more excited to look inside. ( House ) I paid the taxi man and ran inside with all my luggage. I gasped as I opened the front door and looked all around. This place was so awesome. I suddenly looked at my watch and saw only an hour and half. I still needed to shower, get ready go there and get all settled. I dragged my luagge to my new room

   I opened up my suit case picked out an outside then rushed into the shower. After 10 minutes in the shower I slowly started getting dressed and not putting any make up on. I curled my hair and put a simple white bow on my head. When I was finally fished I was wearing (this) I smoothed down and looked at the clock, I had 30 minutes to get there and buy somethings. I grabbed my bag and cell phone and walked outside, locking the door behind me. I blinked surprised to see a limo in front of the house.

  With a big smile on my face I got into the back and smiled even bigger when the drive said we were on our way to the super junior concert. I couln't help, but get kinda nervous. I was finally getting to see them and hear them for the first time in my life. I played with the bottom of my shirt and started to think what was going to play out tonight and then suddenly I didn't notice, but we were here.

  I blinked as the driver opened the door for me and I slowly stepped out and smiled at all the other E.L.F'S that were all over and excited. I said goodbye the driver and nodded as he said he would pick me up when the concert would end. I walked all around and bought a super junior shirt, light stick and some braclets. Everything was getting so exciting especially after I went into the building and made my way to the second row right in the front. 

   I took my seat and looked at my cell phone... only 5 minutes left. I took a deep breath and looked all around me. I kinda felt out of place, but then a girl who looked white sat right next to me and smiled. "Hi finally someone here that's forgein" she said and shook my hand. I shook her hand and laughed as be both started to talk to each other and soon the darking inside stopped our conversation. 

  We both stood up with everyone else and screamed as all the Super Junior Memeber's were revealed. I blushed when I saw Eunhyuk, Leeteuk and Yesung come to the front of the stage. The 3 were my favorites, but all of the memebers are amazing. I sang all the songs and somewhat danced with all of them. This was such an amazing feeling, but I wouldn't know what was going to happen to me next.


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