The start of something special

Random cute oneshots

I’m in Seoul, South Korea it’s February the 5th. 2am. It’s pitch dark outside. The wind is blowing causing the scariest sounds ever. I’m lying in my bed in my brand new apartment and I can’t sleep. Why did I do this? And how on earth did my parents agree on this? I’m a sixteen year old girl that had moved to Seoul all alone to study. It seemed like such a good idea at the start. I nagged on my parents for months and one day they told me that they had talked and they decided to let me go. So now here I am. It’s gone a month now. And I really like it here but I feel quite lonely. I wish my sister was here, but she’s only twelve so they never would have allowed her to come. But still why did they allow me in the first place? My dad said something about an experience for life, and that it would help me mature and be able to take care of myself. It feels like a bad idea now though… I missed England a lot; I missed London, my parents, my sister and my friends. But I had to stay strong; I was going to go through with this decision.

After lying awake for about one hour I decided to get up. Lying restless in the bed wasn’t going to help anybody. So I got up from the bed put on my silk robe and walked out to my little balcony. I watched the scenery in front of me. The Han River, I could hear the water but I could barely see anything. The few streets light hardly made the river visible from where I was standing. I breathed in the cool air and felt the wind play with my hair. I really wasn’t tired; a walk by the river wouldn’t hurt. I know that it might not be the best idea, but there are street lights and I had been told that it was a nice and calm neighborhood and besides I had my phone.  And I could scream very loud if it would be needed.

I went back to my bedroom and put on a pair of jeans, I didn’t bother to change the t-shirt I always wore when I slept. I just pulled a cardigan over it and then I put on my jacket. When my shoes were on I ran down the stairs feeling a bit hyper. Well out on the street I took a deep breath and smiled. I loved nights. Everything was so calm and quiet. I started walking on the path by the river, looking around now and then to see if someone was approaching me. Luckily no one was, not now at least.

 I wonder what Amy was doing now. It was around 7pm in London now. Maybe she was reading? Watching TV? Or doing her home works? She had really wanted to come with me, but at least there our parents said no. My thoughts were cut off when I saw someone approaching me. It was a big man and I started to panic. Why am I always so stupid??? This was the worst idea ever. Should I run? No, he’s probably faster than me. Hide? No he have already seen me and there are not any good places here where to hide. Damn… I am screwed now. I saw him getting closer and closer, okey I will die now. Just as I was about to scream to get attention from someone that lived in the houses nearby I was interrupted.

“JAGIYA!” Another man’s voice yelled, I turned around and a tall slim guy with brown middle long hair was running towards me. I was now stuck, on the other side was a man approaching me and now this guy was running towards me. But he surprised me. When he reached me he wrapped his arms around me, hugged me tightly and buried his face in my hair. I froze. What was he doing? “Just play along” he then whispered to me in to my surprise English




Heechul’s POV

Another night of insomnia, great… I looked over at Hangeng, he was still sleeping and he’d kill me for sure if I woke him up. So I went out to the balcony. It was a cool dark night. I looked down at the river; I then saw that someone was walking on the path just beside it. It looked like a girl. Foolish girl to walk alone in the middle if the night. She was so tiny and an easy target. My eyes then caught the sight of another person that was walking towards this little girl. It was a man, a rather big man too. The man was still very far away so it was going to take time for the girl to notice him. ! He could her; she wouldn’t be able to do a thing about that! I hurried and put on some clothes and then I ran down to the path. I had to do something fast. I got an idea. God let it work!

“JAGIYA!” I yelled at her and started running towards her, she turned around to look at me, and she looked very confused and a little bit scared. She wasn’t Korean, not even Asian. She was very tiny and skinny but not too skinny. Her hair was dark blonde, almost a little red in the light of the streetlights. I could tell straight away that she was a true beauty. When I reached her I wrapped my arms around her tiny body, hugged her tightly and buried my face in her hair “Just play along” I whispered to her in English



Zoey’s POV

“Jagiya where did you go?? I was so worried about you!” he continued in a loud voice, I looked at the man that had been approaching me; he had stopped and observed us on distance

“I just went for a walk; I didn’t mean to worry you, I’m sorry honey” I said in also a loud voice, I understood why, he wanted the man to hear him call me jagiya and me to do that as well, so then he wouldn’t try anything

“Good, promise me that you never do this again! I just love you so much! I can’t live without you if anything would’ve happened to you” the guy told me and looked at me intensely, He was so pretty, definitely a face to remember

 “I promise and I love you too” I replied and he smiled at me and kissed my forehead, I froze, his lips were so soft. I glanced over at the man; he had started to walk away. My savior held onto me until he was out of sight

“He’s gone now” he stated and let go of me, all I could do was to stare at the guy, he had just saved me from getting and I don’t know what! I looked into his eyes, so beautiful, the whole him was beautiful!

“Thanks, from the bottom of my heart” I told him and he smiled at me making my heart skip a beat

“You shouldn’t walk around alone at night” he pointed out and I nodded “I’m Kim Heechul by the way” he continued and reached out his hand to me.

“I’m Zoey, Zoey Sandford” I replied and smiled at him

“So tell me Zoey, why did you go out in the first place?” he asked and looked at me seriously

“I couldn’t fall asleep so I thought that a walk might help me” I said to him and he just shook his head

“Foolish girl, do your parents know that you’re out at this time?”

“No, I live here alone, my parents live in London, I came here by myself to study” I told him and his eyes widened

“How old are you?” he wondered


“Wow and they let you go all the way here to study, brave” he remarked and I nodded

“Yeah… and how old are you?”

“I’m seventeen” he smiled at me; he had such a beautiful smile!

“Cool, but I better go home and get some sleep” I said

“Where do you live?” Heechul then questioned

“One of the houses near that big bridge, I don’t really know the street names yet, I’ve lived there for a month only” I told him and he frowned

“But that’s really far! It will take you like an hour!” he exclaimed

“Don’t worry about it, I’ll walk fast” I assured him but he just shook his head

“No, listen I live in the house here” he started and pointed at the house in front of us “You can stay over” he continued, I bit my lip, stay over? It was really tempting. I actually didn’t feel like walking all the way home, alone.

“If you think that’s okey?” I asked and he nodded

“Of course! I wouldn’t let you walk home by yourself” he said “But… I don’t live alone, I live with my friends” he continued

“Don’t worry about it, if it’s okey for you then it’s okey for me”

“Yeah, but we’re thirteen that live there, maybe you don’t feel like staying with thirteen guys” he said. Thirteen? Wow.

“I don’t mind at all, I’m just glad that you’re offering me to stay” I told him and he let out a sigh in relief

“Good, then let’s go?” he asked I nodded and he offered his arm to me, I took it and he led me to the house. We went to the tenth floor. The apartment was huge! But they were thirteen living there after all so it had to be big. And it showed that there were only guys living there.  “You can sleep on the sofa right? I would let you sleep in my bed but I share the room with another guy” he told me apologetically

“The sofa will be fine” I assured him and he smiled at me thankfully

“I’ll go get you a pillow and stuff” he then said and disappeared, I sat down on the sofa and caught myself smiling. It had been a good idea taking a walk after all. Meeting Heechul was the best thing that had happened to me since I moved here to Seoul. He was so cute! He arrived after just five minutes and then he helped me to get the sofa ready “Do you need something to sleep in?” he wondered but I shook my head

“Nope, I didn’t change my shirt when I went out so I can wear it” I assured him

“Oh, good” he started and scratched his head “I guess I’ll let you sleep then, if you need anything I’m in the first room over there” he said and pointed at a door, I nodded “Okey, good night jagiya” he said and winked at me, I of course blushed… great.

When I heard the door close to his room I crawled under the covers and laid my head down on the big pillow, it was a very comfy sofa actually so I wouldn’t have any problems to sleep.  I actually fell asleep in under ten minutes. The next morning I woke up feeling a funny feeling, like someone was staring at me. I slowly opened my eyes and was face to face with a guy. I let out s shriek when I saw him; he was really close, too close. He looked surprised when I screamed and backed away.

“I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to wake you up, or scare you for that matter” the guy said apologetically “I’m Donghae by the way” he continued and I smiled widely, I observed him, he looked younger than Heechul, maybe thirteen, fourteen? He had brown middle long straight hair and deep brown eyes, he actually reminded me about a fish, but he was cute for sure

“I’m Zoey” I replied and returned his smile

“Nice, are you related to one of us or something?” he then asked and I shook my head

“No, I met Heechul last night, he actually saved me from getting or abused and didn’t want me to go all the way home again so he let me stay” I explained to Donghae

“Oh… hyung really saved you?”

“Yeah, he did, is he here?” I asked him a bit hesitantly

“Yes, but he’s still sleeping, we don’t have any schedules today” Donghae said happily

“Schedules?” I questioned, Donghae grinned and nodded

“Yeah, we’re actually trainees at SM entertainment and will be debuting soon, why do you think we live thirteen in one apartment?” he said amused, wow I had been rescued by an SM artist, that wasn’t bad

“Haha yeah I was wondering about that” I told him and he let out an adorable laugh, Amy would so love this guy

“Well now you know! He said happily and I nodded


“Listen I’m making breakfast now, do you want some?”

“Sure, why not”

After an hour I had met all of the boys except of Heechul that was still sleeping. I didn’t blame him; he had gone up in the middle of the night to save me. He deserved to sleep in. But after about two hours the door to his room opened. I got stunned and couldn’t do anything else but to stare at him. He was even prettier in daylight! I had never seen a guy that pretty. He smiled when he saw me and sat himself down on the chair next to me

“Good morning Zoey, I see you’ve met the guys” he said sleepy

“Yeah, they’re great” I replied him happily

“Mhm, but listen when are you leaving? Do you have school or something today?” Heechul wondered

“I got nothing today but I’ll leave after breakfast, which will be soon cuz we’ve eaten for an hour already” I told him and chuckled “Why are you wondering?” I continued

“Nothing special” he replied

“Well I’ll be going and play some star craft, who’ll come me?” Kyuhyun the youngest all of a sudden asked, Sungmin and Kangin rose announcing that they would and then followed him to some room down the hall

“Yeah and I’ll go to the gym” Siwon said

“I’ll come with you!” Donghae announced and then they both left also in the company of Leeteuk, the leader

“And I need to take a shower” Ryeowook said and left, they all seemed to have to do something and within just minutes I was left alone with Heechul in the kitchen, he mumbled something in Korean, I’m guessing curses.

“So… maybe I should be going now” I started and was just about to rise when Heechul grabbed my wrist stopping me. I looked at him confused

“You can’t go without promising me something” he told me softly and smiled half a smile

“And what is that?” I asked

“That I will see you again” he replied me, it surprised me a bit actually, why would a guy like him want to meet a girl like me again? I’m nothing special

“Why?” I just had to ask

“I don’t know, something is telling me though that if I don’t make sure to meet you again I will regret it for the rest of my life” he explained and I felt my heart flutter “So can you promise me that I’ll see you again?” he asked and looked into my eyes intensely, I bit my lip and nodded carefully

“I promise” I told him and he smiled widely

“Good” he said and leant into my face and placed a soft kiss on my cheek “I look forward to it” he continued and I felt my heart skip a beat this time, what was this feeling? I thought I wasn’t capable of feeling this again

“Yeah me too, but I’ll go now, I have stuff to fix around my apartment” I told him and this time he let me rise “Thanks again for everything” I said and hugged him

“Anytime, just remember your promise and I’ll be happy” he told me and I nodded

“I will, bye Heechul!”

“Bye Zoey!”

When I came out on the street and looked at the house I caught myself smiling widely. Heechul had talked about something telling him that if he didn’t made sure that he would see me again he’d regret it for the rest of his life… I had had the exact same feeling. And I also had a feeling that from now on everything had changed, from now on I wasn’t going to feel lonely in Seoul. And all thanks to the promise I had given Heechul…


Just  a little oneshot about Heechul :) I really love that man! Just god no words xD

Och här har du det älskling! Det är så här vi träffades :)

Haha just a message to someone very dear to me! :)<3 Love you<3

Anyways, I hope you liked this! Comment and subscribe? I love you all<3<3<3

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anticipate a Donghae oneshot soon! :)


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magnafiend #1
awwww this is cute
Haaaaaaaaaae! Sooo sweet! And I can imagine him in a chef's jacket... Mmumm! Yammie! Loved it! <3<3<3
all your Kevin ones are so adorable ^.^ i luv reading them, please write more~ heehee :)