Human Booster

Crying Sky

                “When you told me you’ll love me forever,” Yo Seob whispered into my shoulder. “I believe you.” A lumped formed in my throat as something wet welled behind my eyes. My arms around the singer tightened and I pulled him closer to me into my chest.

                “Thank you.” I whispered and he laughed. We pulled away just enough to look into each other’s eyes and he smiled softly at me. His dark brown eyes shone as he looks at me like I was the only person in the whole wide world.

                I gazed at his lovely face that took my breath away every time I see him. I memorized how his dark brown eyes were framed by perfect brows, a little button nose and lips that were cherry pink in color. When he smiles, his straight pearly white teeth shows and his whole face would light up, causing his eyes to twinkle.

                My vision blurred and I blinked. Yo Seob looked up at me and smiled before lifting his hand and touched my cheeks. With his thumb, his wiped droplets of tears away from my face.

                “My silly Jun Hyung.” He whispered and tip-toed to kiss me on the lips gently yet firmly.

                I couldn’t remember how long had it been since we have been fighting this losing war. For a long, long time we had loved but we were never brave enough to show it. How many fights had we gone through? How many tears had we shed? How many painful sleepless nights? How many considerations? How many realizations? How many disagreement ‘till we can love so deep and strong today?

                I, Yong Jun Hyung, had loved Yang Yo Seob for more than five years already since we first met. Between us, a lot had happened. Between us, a lot of tears were shed. Deep inside me, I know I will love him forever and I cried when he told me he believes me.



                After I had finally pulled myself together and stopped crying, I took the long road back to our home. I have five seconds a day. For five seconds a day he can hear me. Six months from now, Yo Seob is going to commit suicide. From now on, I need to find a way to prevent him from doing so.

                When I got back, Doo Joon was in the laundry room doing his laundry as usual. Dong Woon was playing some games in front of the TV. Gi Kwang was lying on the floor beside the balcony door enjoying the rare autumn sun. Hyun Seung was sitting on the dining table playing his laptop. For a moment, everything seemed so normal, I almost thought I was part of them until I realized despite this normalness, no one was saying anything and Yo Seob was nowhere to be seen.

                Usually, Yo Seob would be the loudest one skipping from a member to another disturbing everyone. Everyone would chat loudly with each other over the sound of music from laptops, washing machine and TV. It had never been this silent. Sooner or later, Gi Kwang and Hyun Seung would break into a stupid argument and Yo Seob and Dong Woon would hoot and whoop when they win some silly game they play and Doo Joon would try to shush everyone down, warning them not to disturb the neighbors.

                I stood rooted on the doorway that was filled with shoes and watched in sadness. Our home had never been this silent. No one was talking, no music was playing and the sound of TV was turned down. The only sound that can be heard was the neighbor’s radio and the washing machine. A heavy atmosphere hung in the air tickly and no one made any move to lift the mood.

                I slowly walked past them and entered our bedroom. Just as I had expected, Yo Seob was sobbing silently in his bed and beside his pillow was the bouquet of lavenders.


The world will follow whatever you will,

Just whisper the words, wind shall comply.

Do not be shaken, do not hesitate.

Find your voice and it will be heard.



                I jumped when I heard those words being whispered to me. I looked around our room and no one was there. Even if there is someone, no one would see me anyway.  Who could be talking to me? It sounded like a woman. God is woman? Maybe it’s the little angel? But how can a little girl like her have such a deep, firm voice?

                I looked out the window to the sky than to the ground below but not a soul was in sight. I sighed. People thinks I’m crazy when I was alive, not I really think I’m crazy even after I died. I removed myself from the window and went to Yo Seob.

                I sat in front of him and watched him sobbing into his pillow while staring at the lavenders. My silly love. If he keeps up like this, he will collapse. I eyed his sad face, my fingers aching to reach out and feel his dark brown hair beneath my skin but nothing happened.

                My chest felt heavy when I sat there in front of him unable to do anything.

                “My silly booster,” I whispered to him. “Please don’t cry anymore.” I said and sighed, resting my face behind my clasped hands.

                Yo Seob gasped loudly. I quickly looked up and his brown eyes were wide with shock. He quickly sat up and looked around frowning and crying at the same time.

                “Jun Hyung ah?” he said. I froze.

                 “You are the only person that would call me your booster.” He whispered looking a little dazed. I sighed. Those weren’t the words I want him to hear. I meant to tell him I am fine and with time, he’ll be fine too. I sigh feeling so damn tired.

                “Yo Seob ah,” I said studying his tired face. “I’m sorry we have to be this way today. Though I promised to never make you cry ever again.” But he couldn’t hear anything anymore.

                “Good night my love.” I whispered and kissed him on the forehead as he sobbed softly into his sleep.

               "I'm sorry to be the reason of your tears."


               "Yah, Jun Hyung ah!" Someone yelled my name. I frowned in my slumber and groaned. I wrapped the warm mass in my arms a little more tightly.

               "Jun Hyung ah! Wake up and let go! I'm suffocating!" I peeked open an eye to a struggling Yo Seob in my arms.

              "Morning Seobbie." I whispered smiling. "What are you doing?" I asked letting go and turned sideways to look at him. He lifted an eyebrow at me and pouted. My heart chuckled at his expression while I remained my poker face.

               "I never want to sleep with you again." He stated not looking me in the eyes.

              "And may I ask why? You're breaking up with me?!" I asked lifting a mocking brow at him.

              "Yeah, maybe I should break up with you. You always suffocate me at night!"

              I gasped in surprise.

              "I'm so sorry Seobbie, I never knew I would kiss when I sleep!" Our lead vocalist rolled his eyes.

             "No, you don't kiss when you sleep. No one does that anyway! You just always holds me too tight! It's suffocating sometimes!" he complained and I smiled in relief. I reached out to caress his cheek then pulled him back into my chest again.

              "Because you're my silly booster. I can't sleep without you anymore."

               Yo Seob blushed and his frown and pout slowly faded.

              "Stupid Yong Ju Hyung." he mumbled then hugged me back. I smiled with bliss in return.



Hi PEEPS! This is a short one... Sorry bout this... I'm feeling a little lost in this story now... I don't really know how to continue, I only know the ending of this story...  But don't worry, I'll try to come up with something good so everybody stay tuned!

Don't stop showing me you guys' love~! Stay tuned for next chappie! AND THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR READING!!!!!!!!!!

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I'm writing a new story on GD and TOP! If someone likes this pairing, please look forward for it!!


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Chapter 5: Urm... Today is 18 july 2013. You'll continue to update this fic rite? It had been a years..... T_T
SasamElf-shi #2
Chapter 5: Good but so sad
Will they have a happy ending?
Update soon eonn
Btw, I like your other fic ^^
is there somehow going to be a happy ending?
will they ever be together again? ;_;
good job though. i LOVE this fic.
update soon ^^
its a good thing Junhyung save Yoseob...before he slit/cut his wrist(veins)...
update more soon unnie..!
tehsweety #5
at last..yoseob spoke.poor seobie
At last, Yoseob started to speak again.
And I'm pretty sure Junnie saved him from killing himself. (or so I thought)
Im a new reader :D
when i read this it really made me cry T_T
i love this fic so much....wah!!!.....:D

oh please update soon if u can alright....:D
Thanks God, Yoseob started to speak again ;~;
Its really touching. Uwaa...i felt suffocated too like Yoseob. So sad. I almost cried in the public. T.T