Song Of A Rainy Night

Crying Sky

                Someone was calling my name. The voice was soft and gentle. Then a hand touched my cheeks and traced my lips. I peeked open my eyes and there he was in front of me smiling gently. Sunlight poured in from all of our bedroom windows and illuminated him. His brown eyes were framed by dark brows, thick lashes, lovely little button nose and pearly white teeth. His dark brown hair, the same shade as his eyes were tousled from sleep as he smiled down at me, his smile brighter than the sunlight.

                My heart throbbed in my chest and I felt my lips tugged into a smile.

                “Hey, why are you here?” I smiled and lifted my hand to caress his cheek.

                “To wake you up of course! It’s getting late.” He answered and leaned into my touch.

                “Really? What time is it?”


                “Yo Seob ah,” I groaned while he giggled.

                “Come on! Wake up! Let’s go for a walk.” He said excitedly.

                “What happened to the others?”

                “Everyone has schedules today except us.” He said proudly.

                I laughed a little. I then held his hand and tangled them together and rested them on my chest. He was still kneeling formally on Gi Kwang’s bed beside me and I looked up at him, my heart once again tugged and clenched in my chest.

                “I’m tired.” I mumbled while he pouted a little. “How ‘bout you give me a wake up kiss first?” he blushed and hesitated for awhile. I wriggled my brows at him and tapped my lips with my free fingers. He blushed deeper but nevertheless, a hand cupped one side of my cheeks and he leaned down ‘till our lips touched.

                Electricity ran throughout my body as soon as our lips touched. I watched as his eyes fluttered close. I let go of his hand and wrapped both my arms around his neck while he moved to straddle me, his fingers gently raked through my hair.

                I bit his bottom lip, asking for permission and he complied without complains and soon, our tongue danced together in perfect rhythm. He tasted like toothpaste and the sweet he must have secret ate early in the morning. His legs slowly lost its strength and he lay on top of me and moaned when I his tongue.

                I snuck my hands under his shirt and caress his back and shoulder blades then back down to his hips and waist. He moaned again and I smiled into our kiss.

                “Good morning Yo Seob ah,” I whispered and kissed his little button nose when we pulled away for oxygen. He pushed back my bangs and kissed me softly on the forehead in return.

                “Good morning my love.” He whispered back. I looked into his eyes and got lost in bliss, love and happiness. We smiled softly at each other then giggled. What a wonderful way to wake up in the morning.


                It was raining every day a week after I’d left. All schedules were cancelled for the week and all the members stayed at the house and grieved. I followed them home and hung out around them. For the days, everything they do together, like eat meals together on the table, opened the fridge to see supplies of coke were still there, the tv, did my laundry, every little thing they do together triggered tears.

                One would start sobbing and like dominos, one fell and the others followed. For days, they wept and wept and wept while I just sat on the couch and watch. It was until the fourth day, Gi Kwang and Hyun Seung can take it no more. They packed a few things and went home to calm their selves down for a few days. Doo Joon tried to be strong for the others but he started crying when he saw my dirty socks in his laundry basket which I had secret thrown in before I left.


                “Yah! Jun Hyung ah! These must be yours!” Doo Joon yelled from the laundry room. I raised an eyebrow and looked at him lifting a pair of stripped socks from the couch.

                “Really?” I tried my best to maintain a poker face and not to smile.

                “You always throw your socks into my laundry basket! Are you still mad about the t-shirt I accidentally threw away yesterday?” he yelled from the laundry room.

                “Ahh,” GI Kwang sighed. “There they start again. Jun Hyung ah, it’s a weird way to take revenge on Doo Joon by throwing dirty socks into his basket. Don’t you have another way?”

                “But he started it first!” I said defensively.

                “How old are you? Five?”

                Hyung Seung sat at his corner playing laptop shook his head quietly while Dong Woon and Yo Seob who were playing video games laughed.

                “They never change.” They whispered to each other while Doo Joon continued to yell from the laundry room with everyone ignoring him.

                “Hey!” he poked his head out from the laundry room and glared at all of us at the living room. “Are you guys ignoring me?”


                “If you all continue like this, I’m going to sing ‘One Shot Of Soju’ for you all.” He threatened and immediately, Dong Woon and Yo Seob as well as Gi Kwang started making conversations with him. Doo Joon’s cover of ‘One Shot Of Soju’ was even worst then mine.

                Though he complained loudly, he still washes my pair of socks every time and hung it along with his own socks under the sunlight in the balcony.

                “I’m going to shove it into your mouth next time.” He threatened when he finished his laundry. He always says that but it never happened. His heart is too kind. That is Jun Hyung’s version of revenge on Yoon Doo Joon.


                I watched Doo Joon hung up my dripping clean socks among his own in the balcony. He stared at the socks for so long I thought he had turned into a stone. From behind, on the couch, I couldn’t see anything but my heart broke when I saw him wiping his tears away from his cheeks and gazed up at the pouring sky for a long, long time.

                “Hyung.” I said and stood beside him looking up at the sky with him. “Please don’t cry anymore.” I said but he didn’t hear me. He just stood there, lost in his own world.

                I soon got tired of watching the rain and walked back into the house leaving Doo Joon alone. I found Yo Seob in our bedroom. My heart clenched and reality hit me hard in the face. Ever since my funeral, he had yet spoken. On his bed, he just leaned against the wall and watched the rain pour outside the window.

                I sat down on Doo Joon’s bed directly in front of him and studied his face. He had dark circles under his eyes and without make up, his face looked so tired and his eyes were red and swollen from crying too much. There were no longer a tint of light shining in his eyes; the Yo Seob I had always known and loved was gone, buried with me six feet under the ground.

                Right before my eyes, his heart was ripped apart and I know he’ll never be the same again. The sky slowly darkened and the rain still had not stopped pouring. It was only mid autumn but the temperature dropped a few Celsius that night.

                Right then, the front door creaked open and in came a drowned puppy soaked from head to toe.

               “Dong Woon ah! Why are you so wet?” Doo Joon exclaimed as soon as he saw him. Our maknae tried to smile but end up grimacing instead, shivering at the door way.

              “I forgot to take an umbrella.” He croaked while Doo Joon rushed to bring him towels and dragged him into the bathroom. The sound of shower turning on was heard, as well as Doo Joon’s stern instruction to maknae to quickly take off his cold, wet clothes and warm himself under the hot shower. A few minutes later, our leader emerged from the bathroom and smell of shampoo soon filled the house.

              Doo Joon made two cups of warm milk and forced a cup into Dong Woon’s hand as soon as he stepped out of the bathroom and brought the other cup to Yo Seob. Under the watchful eyes of our leader, Yo Seob numbly drank everything and returned the cup to him.

             Doo Joon was like the mother figure as he fussed over the two younger ones. He brought out wool sweaters from the closet and help Dong Woon pull it on over his large shirt.

             “Here,” Doo Joon handed maknae another sweater and nodded towards Yo Seob who was still sitting on his bed staring out the window. Maknae nodded and crawled over to Yo Seob.

             “Hyung, it’s getting cold, put this on.” Yo Seob didn’t answer him. Dong Woon tried again and touched Yo Seob’s shoulder making the lead vocalist jump. Maknae repeated his words and Yo Seob nodded and patted maknae’s head then proceeds to put on the sweater. Yo Seob was like child who couldn’t put on his clothing right and got his head stuck somewhere inside the sweater. Dong Woon had to help him put it on properly and when the sweater was finally on, tears were falling from his eyes again. Dong Woon don’t know why but I knew because upon remembering the same thing Yo Seob was remembering, my tears started to fall too.


              “Yah!”  I shouted at my members who were almost twenty steps in front of me. “Come help me!” they turned around laughing until Gi Kwang took a pity on me and ran over to me and took all my bags from me. As he was about to walk away, he pinched the little sleeping figure that was on my back hard on the cheek.

              “Yah!” I said. “You want to die?!” I asked while the giant baby on my back groaned. Gi Kwang just laughed and quickly ran away to catch up with others. It was last winter when we were preparing for a concert. Every day we practiced and trained at the dance studio a few streets away from where we live until one day, Yo Seob caught a little cold and fell asleep at a dark corner of the studio.

             I tried to wake him up but he wouldn’t budge so in the end, we all had no choice but to transfer him to my back and carry him home. When I finally stepped into the house, half an hour after the others arrived; I could smell porridge from the kitchen. Doo Joon and Dong Woon quickly woke Yo Seob up and lifted him off my back and forced him into the shower.

            After that, a bowl of hot porridge was set before him on the dining table. He smiled brightly even though his face was pale and tired. He ate as much as he could so that the others wouldn’t worry. When I got out from the shower to the bedroom that night, only Yo Seob was in the room while the others gathered at the living room watching some girl idols’ performance.

            Yo Seob was battling with a sweater but somehow, his head got stuck at weird angles inside the cloth.

           “Yo Seob ah, what the hell are you doing?” I laughed, wiping my hair dry with my towel.

           “Hyung!” he groaned from inside the sweater. “Help me!”

            I laughed and climbed two steps of the ladder to his bed.

           “Come here.” I said and he moved towards the edge of his bed where I stood. We laughed and laughed and laughed while I helped him pull on his sweater right.

          “You’re such a silly child. Can’t even put on a sweater properly.” I teased while he laughed shamelessly. I went to the kitchen and brought him some medicine for his cold and water.

         “Now, go to sleep and get well soon.” I sat beside him on Doo Joon’s bed and tucked him in like I would with a child.

         “Okay,” he said obediently. I brushed back his bangs and kissed his forehead. He grinned up at me then puckered his lips at me playfully. I laughed then leaned down to kiss him soft and gently on the lips.

         “Good night,” I whispered.

         “Mm,” he answered already half asleep smiling. “-ove you.”  My heart melted as I sat there smiling like an idiot.

          “I love you too.” I answered and kissed his forehead again then went to sleep in my own bed underneath his.


                  That night, the rain still hadn’t stop when Doo Joon turned off the lights. The four of us were squashed on the tops bunks. Well, only three of them were on the top bunks to be precise because I don’t count as I don’t take up any space at all. Half of my body just vanished into Doo Joon’s body but it’s alright. I’m not going to stress over that small matter either.

                  For three times that night, Doo Joon had to wake up to comfort Dong Woon who cried and fret from his nightmares with a fever running. After the third time, they finally settled down with Doo Joon wrapping an arm around maknae’s waist, rubbing his back soothingly while Dong Woon occasionally sobbed into the chest of his shirt.

                  I watched worriedly at maknae as Doo Joon whispered comforting words but there was nothing I could do. Yo Seob on the other hand just spent hours watching me emptily. Well, he couldn’t see me so he was actually watching the darkness and Doo Joon’s back. In his eyes held nothing but a broken soul while he lay there silently under his thick blanket.

                 I reached out a hand and caressed his cheek. I willed with all my existence for him to feel something but it was futile.

                “Yo Seob ah,” I whispered when a gust of wind blew in from the window making Doo Joon pull maknae’s blanket higher. Yo Seob frowned.

                “Be good now and go to sleep.” I said and he frowned deeper as though concentrating hard.

                “Please know that I love you.” I then leaned forward and kissed his slightly parted lips. Yo Seob gasped loudly.

                “Yo Seob ah, what’s wrong?” our leader who still had an arm around our maknae who had fallen asleep clenching Doo Joon’s shirt asked.

                 Yo Seob shook his head silently.

                 Doo Joon studied him for a few seconds then say,

                “Okay, sleep well.” With that said, silence was regained again. Yo Seob was still frowning as he scanned at the space beside him where I was laying but he couldn’t see a thing. I was right there but he couldn’t see a thing. The frown then replaced with a broken expression. Tears welled behind his eyes and he touched his lips.

              “Jun Hyung ah,” he mouthed at the empty space beside him and started sobbing. I wrapped my arms around him as he cried.

             “It’s alright, it’s alright my love. Everything is going to be okay.” I whispered over and over again but once again it was futile. I didn’t know what to do so we just cried and cried all night until dawn.


Hi! This is the second chappie... I hope you all enjoyed this one and keep reading and loo forward to my next chapter~!!!

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I'm writing a new story on GD and TOP! If someone likes this pairing, please look forward for it!!


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Chapter 5: Urm... Today is 18 july 2013. You'll continue to update this fic rite? It had been a years..... T_T
SasamElf-shi #2
Chapter 5: Good but so sad
Will they have a happy ending?
Update soon eonn
Btw, I like your other fic ^^
is there somehow going to be a happy ending?
will they ever be together again? ;_;
good job though. i LOVE this fic.
update soon ^^
its a good thing Junhyung save Yoseob...before he slit/cut his wrist(veins)...
update more soon unnie..!
tehsweety #5
at last..yoseob spoke.poor seobie
At last, Yoseob started to speak again.
And I'm pretty sure Junnie saved him from killing himself. (or so I thought)
Im a new reader :D
when i read this it really made me cry T_T
i love this fic so much....wah!!!.....:D

oh please update soon if u can alright....:D
Thanks God, Yoseob started to speak again ;~;
Its really touching. Uwaa...i felt suffocated too like Yoseob. So sad. I almost cried in the public. T.T