Our Eyes

Our Eyes

I follow him with my eyes, even when I don’t mean to.

I sometimes wish that he would look back at me, and have these same feelings.

I want HIM to look at me. I want him completely. I want him to only be mine and no one else’s.

I want him to turn and look at me.

I don’t want him to give me those look of pity though, I don’t want that.

Turn around, please.

I beg, I plead with my eyes for him to turn around.

I want to see those beautiful brown eyes stare back at me, I want to see that milky, smooth face not just the back of your light brown hair. I want to see your luscious pink lips turn into a smile, a smile just for me.

So, please turn to me, please don’t ignore me.

Please, I miss you.

I will do anything, so turn around and look at me.

I wish for you to look at me and not quickly look away, I don’t want you to glance over here, I want us to stare at each other.

I want you to look at me.

Why don’t you look at me?

Please, I need to know, I want you to look at me like before.

I want to see your mesmerizing face.

Don’t block me from you’re view, please.

You just need to turn around, I will still be here, staring at you lovingly, waiting.

Waiting for however long it takes.

I beg, turn around.

I will never leave this spot next to you, I love you.

It’s been a week, and you don’t even lock eyes with me.

Oh, you turned, I see your face, the face I miss to look at, as it looked back at me, even if we had completely different feelings for each other.

No, please, don’t turn back around; it was only for a second!

It’s been a few days and I notice you glance over here more frequently.

Even every now and then you would stare at me longer than usual, but still quickly turn around.

I still see the pity in your eyes though, it’s still there.

It’s been 2 weeks, you still only ever glace towards me.

I will still be next to you, even if I can tell you don’t like it much anymore.

I am starting to wonder, if you will ever give me your smile.

I will still be next to you, but I feel like I should give up on these feelings for you.

You turned!

You’re staring at me!

You’re not looking away, you’re staring at me.

I stare back, I look at your eyes, I don’t see pity anywhere in them.

I begin to smile big when I notice you smile back at me.

I stare at you, hoping you get that my stares are saying “I Love You.”

Your smile becomes softer and you go up to me.

You hold my hand with yours and bring your lips to my left ear, whispering,

“I love you, too.”

I smile even bigger, happy at the news, and I feel you brush a tear away from my face.

We stare into each others eyes and I am happy you finally turned towards me.

Now WE will both be next to each other because WE want to be.



ok so its 4:30 am here and this came to me for some odd reason, i know it's short, and now im tired so im going to bed...


sorry for mistakes

bye bye


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Chapter 1: aw, happy ending but at 1st i was getting so sad. Then slowily I found my self smiling again like fool XD
YAY ontae are back together *throws confetti*
OnTae forever!! <3<3<3
it's so sweet and adorable)
that was really sweet and i love the way you didn't mention names, it made it better i think
@Kianna awww thanks and really? that's great. :)

@kaiminluv lol I love it too Boo is my favorite from monsters inc. too cute. :)

@phiiee aww thanks, and yup! happy ending! :)

@Maknae_Evony_Tofu_C that's too sweet of you to say, thanks for reading it! :)

@Emmauk26 aww thanks for loving it! :)
hehe, so cute, love it;
EveNiN #6
I love it...was AWESOME!!
phiiee #7
Shiiiiiiisus this is just.... Gah!
Yay happy ending!
kaiminluv #8
Lol I love the gif!
Kianna #9
I like this alot,I could feel what onew was feeling literally