Sleepy Horror


Junsu always gets his way somehow, and Yoochun finds himself getting his way as well this time around. 


Title: Sleepy Horror

Pairing: Yoochun/Junsu 

Rating: PG/PG13

Length: OneShot 2032 w. 

Disclaimer: I don't own, obviously.


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Sorrow5 #1
Chapter 1: Can I translate it into Vietnamese please?
I really love it ><
Promise that I'll take out with full credit for you
Hope you'll reply soon T.T
jungyyu #2
I looooooove this!! Please make more story of yoosu like this^^ thank you for sharing!!

Ps: no sequel??
Fhdefrdyjughfrdyeshfrjdxfrehsjdfreh AWWWWWWEEEEE!!!!!
Fluffy cuddly non-sad Yoochun tiems?! I'm shocked ><
I loved this.. it was cuuuuuute~

*cuddles with sleepy!Yoosu*
ting05 #4
Fluffy sweet...Yoosu /sigh contentedly
uknown123 #5
awww how sweet and cute~ really can't resist junsu~

i like how they cuddled and chunie doesn't seem bothered by the movie as much~ :3