
L.Joe you Pabo!


Ljoe POV-

I was downstairs waiting for Eun Sun to come down for school when I heard a her phone ringing. I raised an eyebrow and grabbed Eun Sun's phone from the table and checked the message.



'Today is Eun Sun's birthday?' I thought staring into the phone.

'Ljoe, I'm done!' Eun Sun shouted from upstairs. I quickly put the phone back down and grabbed my bag and headed out the door.

Eun Sun POV-

I walked to the living room, only to find Ljoe outside, already walking to the bus stop.

'Wait Ljoe!' I exclaimed and quickly grabbed my phone but found a text message. 



I smiled.

'OMO, I nearly forgotten that it was my birthday today.' I thought and smiled. I then quickly walked out the door.

As we reached to the school gates, Ljoe cleared his throat. I gave him a look.

' me at the restaurant near our bus stop after school okay?' He whispered and walked off quickly. 

I stood there dumbfounded.

'Did Ljoe just asked me out for dinner? Does he know it's my birthday!?' I thought. 'Or was I just imagining?' I grinned to myself and walked to my locker. 

'EUNNN SUNNN!' Someone shouted. I looked back and saw Gyu Won and Heejin running up to me with presents.

'HAPPYY BIRTHDAYYY EUN SUNN!' They both screamed happily. I laughed and hugged both of them.

'You guys remembered my birthday!' I beamed.

'How could we not?! We've been friends for almost ten years now.' Gyu Won replied hugging me back.

'We'll see you later at lunch okay?' Heejin said happily. I nodded and Gyu Won and Heejin walked back to their classrooms. I smiled at the gifts Heejin and Gyu Won gave me and carefully placed their gifts in my locker and walked to my classroom.

No one's POV-

Woohyun was busy getting his books from his locker, while girls were surrounding him, giggling and spazzing. Woohyun then heard loud noises. 

'HAPPYY BIRTHDAYY EUN SUNN!' He looked towards the noise and found Eun Sun's freinds singing happy birthday to her.

'It's Eun Sun's birthday today?' He thought and smiled. 'What kind of suprise should I give her?'

Ljoe POV-

I busy waiting for the teacher to come in. I looked around but still no sign of Jiyoung. 

'I wonder where Jiyoung is?' I thought as I looked at my phone. 'No messages from her. She must be away today.'

I then saw Eun Sun coming in and quickly looked out the window. Eun Sun sat next to me and looked at the board.

'She's probably so happy right now since I'm going to treat her to dinner.' I thought secretly smiling.


Eun Sun POV-

I was waiting in the school gates for Ljoe when I got a message. I looked at my phone. 

'Yah ahjumma, I have to stay in class for a while so go to the restaurant first. I'll meet you there.


I smiled and walked to the bus stop to the restaurant.

As I reached the restaurant, a waiter came up to me.

'Would you like a table Miss?' He asked politley.

'Neh. I'm waiting for my friend too. Kamsamida.' I replied.

The waiter nodded and led me to a two seated table.

'Would you like to order anything?' He asked.

'Urm..I'm still waiting for my friend to come.' I said. The waiter smiled and nodded and proceeded to welcome other customers.

I sat there looking out the window and smiled to myself.

'I wonder when Ljoe would come.' I thought happily.

2 Hours later-

I continued waiting for Ljoe. I checked my phone for the billionth time but still no messages or calls.

'Where are you Ljoe?' I thought. I decided to call him again but he still didn't pick up.

I looked out the window hoping Ljoe would appear. But he still didn't arrive yet.

'Should I go?' I thought sadly. I decided to wait abit longer for him. I held onto my phone and sighed. Tears were daring to come out of my eyes but I held them back.

'It's not worth crying for such a silly thing.' I thought and looked out the window again.

Ljoe POV-

I ran out to the school gates, quickly reaching the bus stop.

'Should I get Eun Sun a present first?' I thought. 'What does she like?'

I walked over to a store and looked inside. There were full of toys and other accesorries. I went in.

The ahjumma working in there looked at me. She then smiled.

'Looking for a present for your girlfriend?' She asked politley.

'Erm...' I rubbed the back of my neck. 'No. She's just a friend. Today's her birthday.' I said.

'Okay then. Look around. I'm sure you'll find something suitable for her. Ask me if you need any help.' She replied. I nodded and looked around the store. I then found a necklace shaped as a teddy bear.,r:0,s:0,i:70

I smiled and grabbed the necklace and examined it.

'I'm sure Eun Sun would like this necklace.' I thought and brought it.

I went out of the store and smiled.

'Get ready for me to give you the best day of your life.' I thought and walked over to the restaurant. My phone then rang.

'Hello?' I answered.

'O..oppa.' A weak voice responded.

'J..Jiyoung? What's wrong? What happened to your voice? Why didn't you come to school today?' I asked worried.

'Oppa. I have a fever. I can't contact Woohyun or Chunji oppa. Umma and Appa are out for buisness. No one is at home to take care of me. Can you come?' Jiyoung pleaded.

No one's POV-

'Neh. I'll be there at your house okay?' Ljoe replied and hung up and quickly took a taxi to Jiyoung's house, forgetting that he had a date with Eun Sun.

Eun Sun POV-

3 hours have passed and I was still looking out the window, waiting for Ljoe to pop up any sooner or later.

'Miss, sorry but we need to close up the restaurant now.' A waiter said. I nodded quickly.

'Mianhe, I'll come next time.' I said quietly and walked out of the restaurant. I called Ljoe again. He still didn't reply. I fought back my tears and started to walk home. Suddenly, I felt a raindop on my hand. I looked up to the sky and it started to rain. Heavily. Tears started to roll down from my eyes. I sniffed and looked up at the sky again.

'Ljoe. Where are you?' I asked myself wiping the tears from my eyes.

'W..Where are' I whispered again, tears rolling down my cheeks. I hugged myself since the rain was getting colder and heavier.

'Pabo Ljoe.' I said. 'Why do you keep hurting my feelings.' I put a hand over my chest. 'My heart aches.' I sniffed again. I looked at the ground. Tears were rolling endlessly from my eyes. I wiped them away but they kept coming. I was drenched in the rain. Suddenly a jacket covered me. I looked up with teary eyes, only to find Woohyun smiling weakly at me. He took my hand.

'Eun Sun-ah. I'll walk you home okay?' Woohyun said and I nodded still putting my head down. 

Woohyun POV-

I was running home with my jacket over my head when I suddenly saw Eun Sun crying in the rain. My heart started to ache.

'Why is Eun Sun crying in the rain?' I thought sadly and approached Eun Sun. She was drenched and shivering. I took her hand.

'Eun Sun-ah.' I spoke. 'I'll walk you ome okay?'

Eun Sun turned around, looking like she had cried for hours. My heart ached seeing her like that.

Eun Sun POV-

'Eun Sun-ah. Today is your birthday!' Woohyun exclaimed brightening up the mood. I smiled.

When we reached my house, I looked back at Woohyun.

'Thankyou Woohyun. I wouldn't know how to get home if it weren't for you.' I said trying to smile.

Woohyun smiled and came up and did the unexpected. He hugged me. He hugged me tightly.

'Eun Sun-ah. Today is your birthday your birthday. Don't be sad okay?' Woohyun whispered. He released the hug and gave me a present, neatly wrapped.

'Happy Birthday. Eun Sun.' He said and smiled. I smiled back.

'Kamsamida Woohyun oppa.' I said. Woohyun beamed and waved goodbye and ran to his house. I then went inside my house, shivering. I looked around, hoping that Ljoe might be home. But he wasn't there. I walked to the living room,  still in my wet uniform, and sat on the couch. I then opened Woohyun's present. It was a cute rilakkuma plushie.,r:24,s:101,i:166

I smiled and walked up to my room and placed it on the bedside table, along with Woohyun's card. I then proceeded downstairs again and the TV. 

Ljoe POV-

I placed a wet towel on top of Jiyoung's forehead. I checked her temperature.

'Lucky the fever is going down.' I thought. I looked at Jiyoung's sleeping face and sighed in relief.

'Good thing I came here.' I thought and checked my phone. It had 10 missed called and 5 messages. All from Eun Sun.

'I forgot about Eun Sun's birthday!' I thought angrily and stood up. I looked at Jiyoung. She was sleeping peacefully. I quickly ran out of her house. It was raining heavily.

'AISH!' I muttered under my breath and ran to the restaurant. When I reached the restaurant it was closed.

'AISHH! Where is Eun Sun?' I muttered. I then ran back home.

'Aish. It's raining heavily. Is Eun Sun okay?' I thought worriedly.

When I reached home I was puffing and drenched from the rain. I went inside the house, and found Eun Sun drenched in the rain too. She was watching TV with an unhappy expression on her face.

'Did she cry too?' I thought as I examined Eun Sun's red cheeks and puffy eyes. I slowly walked up to her and sat next to her on the couch.

'Yah Eun Sun.' I murmured. Eun Sun still had no reaction.

'Is she ignoring me?' I thought angrily.

'Yah Eun Sun.' I said again. Still no reply. Eun Sun then stood up and turned the TV off and went upstairs to her room.

Eun Sun POV-

Ljoe finally came back home drenched. I ignored his presence. He slowly came up to me and poked my arm. I ignored him. I didn't want to talk to him now. I then turned off the TV and walked to my room. I quickly changed my wet uniform and layed on my bed. Ljoe then walked into my room.

Ljoe POV-

'Yah Eun Sun.' I said as I went into her room. 'Just let me explain.' I say Eun Sun laying on her bed with wet hair. She ignored my presence. I approached her but then she suddenly sneezed and shivered. I frowned and felt her forehead quickly and widened my eyes. 


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[L.Joe You Pabo] Sequel is in the making! - dreamcatcherx & fairycakes


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Cheesecake143 #1
Chapter 51: Wow i really like this story (*^o^*) most of the time I thought that ljoe's really a pabo u.u
i really rememmber this story as the first fic and espical story to my heart ^^
memoria_99 #3
Chapter 19: chappie 19: hahaha.....
jealous l.joe came out~ ..............!!
memoria_99 #4
Chapter 16: chappie 16: T^T
i really thought that both of them will get sick and 'cuddling' with each other........
memoria_99 #5
Chapter 15: chappie 15: what will happen when they both get sick at the same time????
hahaha.... that must be funny when it really happen......
memoria_99 #6
Chapter 5: chappie 5: is woohyun really likes eun sun ?????
memoria_99 #7
Chapter 4: chappie 4: it must be really embarrassing when someone you like read your love letter that you write to him loudly..........
poor eun sun......
uchafrida #8
Chapter 51: its awsome fanfic authornim...
Oh my goodness!!! I miss this story!!!
khantsandi #10
Chapter 51: I cant wait the sequel.Plz update soon...