One Smile Can Start a Friendship

Love is Bittersweet
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When the morning came and Hyunseung opened his eyes, at first he wondered where the hell he was before remembering what happened yesterday and realizing he was in Key and Jonghyun’s room. He sleepily turned to his side to see what time it was. It was still early but he had to get up, get ready and go back to his room to see if Eunhyuk’s finally back. Just then Hyunseung realized he was covered with a blanket he didn’t remember putting. Did he do it? … Or was it Junhyung? He decided not to put much thought in it and got out of the bed thinking Junhyung was long gone by now.

But wasn’t he wrong. When he headed to the bathroom Hyunseung stumbled over Junhyung’s feet and nearly fell on his face. Gladly he managed not to.

He was about to kick him lightly in his anger but when he looked at the sleeping boy, Hyunseung stopped himself. Junhyung was sleeping on his side curled up in a ball. He looked so peaceful as if there was not a worry in this world that could reach him. Hyunseung thought he’s probably cold despite the blanket he had on so he took his one and covered Junhyung with it too. He chuckled quietly. If only yesterday someone told him he’d be doing this for Junhyung, he’d laugh at that person’s face.

When Hyunseung got out of the bathroom in his clothes from yesterday, Junhyung was still in his deep sleep. He didn’t look like he was going to get up soon and Seung wondered whether he should wake him up or not. In the end he went to Junhyung’s side and nudged him lightly. At first the boy didn’t even move but in his second try Junhyung finally opened his eyes muttering something. He frowned at the sudden light and covered his eyes with his arm.

“Hey, get up! It’s already past 7.30. You’re going to be late for school.” Hyunseung tried to convince him to get out of bed.

“Just ten more minutes.” Junhyung said sleepily like a little kid that doesn’t want to get up for kinder-garden.

“Fine, I tried. Don’t blame me later when you get detention for being late.” Hyunseung replied with the exact same thing he told Eunhyuk every single morning when he refused to get up.

Junhyung moved his arm that was covering his eyes and chuckled at Hyunseung who was still bending over Junhyung to make sure his method worked.

“Was that I smile on his face?” Hyunseung thought. “The famous Yong Junhyung is smiling at me. Isn’t that unexpected?!” He continued in his head sarcastically.

“Is that the best you got? Trying to scare me with detention?” Junhyung asked teasingly lifting one of his eyebrows to emphasize how ridiculous that sounded.

“But you’re awake now, right?” Hyunseung pointed out.

“Yeah, yeah, I’m awake. Happy?” Junhyung asked giving up and stood up. He could feel his body was stiffened from sleeping on the floor so he just stretched out a bit and headed towards the bathroom.

“I’m going out.” Hyunseung said just before Junhyung could close the bathroom door.

“Isn’t it still too early?” Jun

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im_sucks_LOL #1
nice story i like it!!! <33
Why do I get the feeling that something bad's going to happen? xD
I really like this so far! I've never read about this pairing before, and I like how you've written it.
I'm curious to see where you'll go with this!
Good luck with the next chapter, and I'm really looking forward to it!
~Wishes of health and happiness,
lunamoon #3
Just found this n liking it much
Blunt n sweet
moarrrr, please
that sweet and make me little bit sad
dunno why, but at least hyunseung happy
thats sounds so good ^^
long live junseung ><
winterflowr #5
Cute! I'm glad no one's get jealous, and maybe Junhyung will join the band? ^^
nice nice nice ^^b
its about backstreet love story between junseung? thats cute....
their gentle kiss scene, i just L.O.V.E I.T ><
made seung more cute please
this story will be great
update ASAP~
junnieSeung #8
the sweetest junseung fic ever.
u are seriously making my heart beat increasing at the part when junseung had their first kiss.
i'm not really feel like this when i'm read another fic but u are exceptional.
good job! :)
They kissed! Omg! And the gifs are so lovely <33333
vanilLaJae04 #10
finally they're together!!! oh my JunSeung! :DD
Hope everything's going to be fine between them.

love the JunSeung gifs. XD