The Path to Forgiveness

Love is Bittersweet
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Hyunseung got to his dorm as soon as possible thinking something was wrong, only to find Key in front of the door, sitting on the ground.

He could tell the boy was losing his patience. He kept looking at his watch and tapping with his foot.

“What’s going on?” Seung asked when he was close enough for Key to hear him.

“Oh, finally!” the boy exclaimed. “I’ve been sitting here for like half an hour.” He said, getting on his feet.

“And why is that exactly?” Hyunseung asked annoyed now.

“Well, Eunhyuk asked me to bring him those papers he forgot at the library earlier. He said it was important so I came. But that brat isn’t here and he’s not picking up his phone either, so I waited for you.” Key explained.

“Fine, I’ll give them to him.” Seung promised as he took the papers from the boy and started looking for his keys.

“Okay, got to go now. Jonghyun and I are going to this party tonight and we’re already late because of this.” Key said waving goodbye and started heading off.

“! I don’t have my keys.” Hyunseung cursed, making the other boy stop in his tracks.

“Do you know when Hyuk’s coming back?” Key asked turning around to face Hyunseung again.

“No, I didn’t even know he was gonna go out. !” Seung cursed again which made Key chuckle because he wasn’t used to see the other one talking like that.

“Well, you can crash in my room if you want. I mean, Jonghyun and I won’t be coming back tonight.” Key offered.

“Are you sure it’s gonna be fine? I can just stay here and wait for Eunhyuk.” Hyunseung said.

“Don’t be ridiculous. Of course it’ll be fine. For what is more you don’t know if Hyuk’s coming back tonight at all. I don’t want you to stay here all night waiting for him!” Key replied concerned about his friend.

“Okay, okay, you’re right. I promise I’ll be gone early so that I won’t be there when you guys come back. I don’t want to cause problems between you two.” Seung said.

“You’re being ridiculous again. I’m sure he wouldn’t mind at all.” Key said but unsure about it himself.

“Here are the keys.” He said, taking them out of his pocket and handling them to Hyunseung. “And don’t break anything!” he added jokingly.

“Thanks.” Seung chuckled and headed to Key’s room so he could get some rest. It’s been a long day for him.




Hyunseung unlocked the door and went inside. It was dark so he the lights and looked around. He realized he had never actually been in here before. He and Hyuk would always pick Key up and go somewhere else. He guessed it’s just that they try to keep it as their private space or something like that.

While he was looking around the room he couldn’t help but notice that one of the two beds was perfectly made while the other one was a complete mess with the sheets all over the place. Jonghyun and Key were obviously sharing one bed so he went and sat on the unused one. There was TV at the room but he didn’t feel like watching so he finally decided to take a shower and then go straight to bed. He had done so many things today that he felt exhausted. All he wanted was to close his eyes and sleep, hopefully dream-free tonight.

He grabbed a clean towel from the shell, one of Key’s baggy sweatpants and a t-shirt and got in the bathroom. He let the hot water pour over his body and started humming some melody. The boy nearly didn’t hear the sound of the front door because of the water but gladly he did. He quickly stopped the running water and hurried to get dressed thinking that Key and Jonghyun had decided to come back after all.

But when Hyunseung opened the door instead of the two lovers he saw someone, a boy, lying on the bed he sat on only fifteen minutes ago. He jumped a little shocked by the other person’s presence and didn’t know what to say. It was like he had swallowed his tongue.

The mystery boy probably heard the sound of the bathroom door opening and shifted his position to see who it was. At first the look on his face su

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im_sucks_LOL #1
nice story i like it!!! <33
Why do I get the feeling that something bad's going to happen? xD
I really like this so far! I've never read about this pairing before, and I like how you've written it.
I'm curious to see where you'll go with this!
Good luck with the next chapter, and I'm really looking forward to it!
~Wishes of health and happiness,
lunamoon #3
Just found this n liking it much
Blunt n sweet
moarrrr, please
that sweet and make me little bit sad
dunno why, but at least hyunseung happy
thats sounds so good ^^
long live junseung ><
winterflowr #5
Cute! I'm glad no one's get jealous, and maybe Junhyung will join the band? ^^
nice nice nice ^^b
its about backstreet love story between junseung? thats cute....
their gentle kiss scene, i just L.O.V.E I.T ><
made seung more cute please
this story will be great
update ASAP~
junnieSeung #8
the sweetest junseung fic ever.
u are seriously making my heart beat increasing at the part when junseung had their first kiss.
i'm not really feel like this when i'm read another fic but u are exceptional.
good job! :)
They kissed! Omg! And the gifs are so lovely <33333
vanilLaJae04 #10
finally they're together!!! oh my JunSeung! :DD
Hope everything's going to be fine between them.

love the JunSeung gifs. XD