

Daehyun P.O.V

I listened to the teacher and took down notes of the important points of what he just said. I look around the class and all the boys were partically sleeping or just stoning at the teacher. I turned to listen to the teacher again and looked at the clock. 5 more mins till schools over. I sighed as I thought about what to do during after school. Should I go to the rooftop? or somewhere quiet?After much planning, the bell rang. Students hurrily ran out of the class. I took my time to pack my stuffs and went to my locker to put in my books and stuff. I slammed my locker shut and walked towards the staircase but I bumped into a guy with blonde hair. He looked at me and sheepishy saying sorry. The impact did not hurt me and I looked at him He looked like a new guy here, so I figured I should be friendly towards him.

"Sor-ry!"He spoke, with a soft yet smooth voice. He was looking at the ground.

"Its okay, are you hurt?"I asked him.

He shook his head and looked up at me. With his innocent eyes.

"Are you hurt?"He asked me back.

" Nah, I am fine. Are you new?"

"Yes-s. I am... Do you know where is the library?" He asked me, looking deep into my eyes.

"Oh yes! Come with me and I would show you the way"I said, wanting to help a person in need.

"Thanks.." he said shyly before smiling at me with a beautiful smile.He looked at me, smiling waiting for me to lead as I was busy oberving his face.His eyes, smile and shyness were all too cute but his cheeks when he smiled took my attention and I felt like kissing them.WAIT... what am I thinking? Well, this guy is cute... right?

" Okay. Lets go!" I smiled at him before taking his wrist and ran to the library. He stared at me, confused at why I held his wrist. I just had a feeling of doing this and I suddenly remembered that I smiled to that guy. I never smiled or felt a warm feeling inside my heart other than being with my family or getting my good results. I put my thoughts aside and stop in front of the library. I was still holding his wrist and he looked at me.

" Thank you so much! I better get going now. Bye!" he said to me as he pull his hands away.But I held his wrists stronger and he looked at me oddly. I don't know why but I felt like... I needed to be with him.

"Er... you can....let go..." he stammered.

" Oh...oh sorry.." I let go and hold his wrist again before he went inside the library. The feeling of his wrist was really nice and I wished I could hold his hand longer..... ERRR WHAT!?! What is wrong with me?!? Aish... this boy.

"Wait, What is your name? If you mind telling me that is..." I looked down, knowing he would not say. He is extremely shy so chances of him answering is low.

"My name is Yoo Youngjae. What about yours?" He answered and I looked up, smiling at him.

"I am Jung Daehyun! Nice to meet you Youngjae!" I smiled at him widely.

" Oh... Nice to meet you too! Sorry I have to rush now!"He gave me his shy smiled and ran inside the library.

My mind was filled with thought of Youngjae and I found myself smiling to myself like an idiot thinking of him. He was the first person to make me smile. His chubby cheeks, nerdy -cute specs ,smile and voice. He looked so innocent and shy. He is cute.... to me. I was sure to find him tomorrow! I will.... 

He gave me a warm and happy feeling inside.... and maybe I should be friends with him? I'll have to find him first... Man, i can't wait for tomorrow....

Youngjae P.O.V

Haish!!! Why did I bumped into that guy! Gosh... I am so clueless in a new school and I don't even know where the library is. I looked around and I didn't see anyone who could help me. The first day of school was okay. I met teachers and my classmates. But I don't thnk they would bother to help me. The people in my class are very lazy and slept during most of the lessons. I was partically the only one listening and writing notes. Now, after school, I wanted to study more at the library but I dd not know where it is. I was looking at my notes looking around until I turnd around to bump into a guy. The guy was looking at me and I apologised.

He began asking me if i was hurt or not and I asked him back. I looked at him and pushed in my specs."He is handsome.." my mind thought. YA!!! I am not supposed to think about this!! I mean... the guy is handsome right? He asked me if I was new and I told him about my problem-could not find the library. He told me to come with him to show me the library. AS i was grateful, I smiled shyly at him. I waited for him to move but he was staring at me. Suddenly, he blinked and took my wrists and we ran to the library. I had this good feeling in my heart as he touch my hand. He stopped in front of the library but he was still holding my wrists. I looked at him and said.

" Er.... you can..let go...." I stammered. DAMN..... I never felt so shy and nervous! but with him...I became too shy..

"Oh...oh sorry..." He replied. I thanked him once more before going inside the library. But suddenly, he held my wrists again and looked at me.

"Wait! What is your name?If you don't mind telling me that is..' he asked. I replied him and gave him a smile.

He told me his name and he gave me a wide smile. His smile is very pretty.... WHAT!!

I told him that I have to rush but I don't. I went inside the library, thinking about him. Daehyun. Maybe I bump into him tomorrow? Who knows...

The next day

Daehyun P.O.V

I spotted Youngjae in the canteen, he was sitting alone at a table. He looked at his sandwich and ate it slowly. I watch him as he pouted at his sandwich, which was so adorable, and take a bite at it. I stared at him, somewhat entertain by his cute pouts and cheeks as he ate. I found myself smiling like a idiot and tried hard not to looked at him.But... my eyes always land on him.I looked at him, thinking of what would he do if I pinch his cheeks. Or kiss his cheeks. Imagine how he would stammer or pout.

AHHH SO CUTE. I found myself chuckled and a hand tapped me on the back.

"Daehyun, are you crazy?"HimChan, a classmate of mine asked me. 

" Huh... no"

" YOU WERE LAUGHING just now, alone at nothing! Like a crazy person!!!!"

"No Comment"

"YA!"With that HimChan looked at what I was staring and I turned to see a guy was talking to Youngjae. Youngjae was happily laughing away and his cute chuckles made me smile. He is just too cute! But what made me uncomfortable is that guy seated next to him.Who is he anyway?

HimChan was staring at the other guy while I stared at  Youngjae. Youngjae turned and saw me looked at him . He smiled and ran to me.

"Daehyun! Hello!" He greeted me.

"Youngjae!" I smiled at him and without realising, I hugged him.

Youngjae freeze and hugged back. He pulled away form the hug and asked me who was the guy behind me.

I was about to answer but HimChan interrupted me.

" I am HimChan. Who is that guy coming here?" He asked Youngjae.

"Oh you mean-" I saw an arm wrapped around Youngjae's neck. Suddenly, I felt jealous and I glared at who the arm belongs to.

"Daehyun! HimChan! Meet Yongguk!" He smiled at me widely. Aw..... 

Youngjae was left with me as Yongguk and HimChan had to go suddenly, took a look at each other before thery left to their separate ways. I looked at Youngjae and held his hand and lead him to the rooftop.

" This is my favourite place..." I told him.

" Ah! It is nice here" He smiled at me.His cheeks were too squishy and I had an urge to kiss them. I asked him to look at the blue building on the left.

" Where?" He asked as he looked on, searching for the building.

I chuckled and kissed his cheeks. We both looked at each other, blushing to what had happened.

" Er... Youngjae....Sorry..."

" Its okay... It felt nice-" he spoke and looked at me, closing his mouth.

" I----I mean that--- It was--er--" He blushed red as he stammered.

I smiled at him and leaned my head against his.

" Can we be friends, Youngjae?" I asked him.

" Of Course, Daehyun" He replied.

Well, I find myself changed very much lately . I began to look outside of my class too often  hoping to get a glimpse of Youngjae when he walked past my class to go to the lab for his lessons. I never did this before, doing weird things just to see a person.I would always see him  when he walk by and he would look at me and quickly turned away. His face would always turn red and I would always chuckle seeing it. I would always get permission to get out of class, just to walk past Youngjae's class to see him paying attention with his poker face or just writing down notes, smiling at what he had done.I still study and paid attention in class though-my grades are still important but somehow, my mind was invaded with him.I kept silent about this and just hoped that he did not notice that I really like him. Yes, I admit, I like him.

After 1 year

Youngjae P.O.V

It has been about one year that Daehyun and I became friends.Best friends actually with very awkward moments like the time he kissed my cheeks out of the sudden. I don't know but I think that Daehyun is very cute,smart and unpredictable... I mean he is cute right??? He was friendly to me when I was a new kid in school.I can't believe that I dont know where was the library! Anyway, Daehyun and me would always hang out together after school and during break time. We would always go to the rooftop or wander around the school together, chatting about what happened during our classes. He would always had this beautiful smile when I talk to him and would always pinch my cheeks.I squealed in pain and would pinch his cheeks, to get back at him. He would laugh and continued our conversation.

One day, I was alone, puttin things in my locker. There were two boys, Him Chan and Yongguk, talking to each other near me, not aware that I am here because they are really into their conversation. Yongguk and I met each other when I helped him find his book in the library. He was like a lost puppy and shyly came up to me. I used to be a librarian so I know somehow how to find books. He thanked me and introduced himself to me.

" Thanks for helping me!!! I am Yongguk by the way!"

" Ah, welcome. I am Youngjae! Nice to meet you!" With that, he walked away and I met up with him again when he joined me to eat after school. I was looking at my sandwich and pouting at it, I wanted to eat something esle but I already made this.... Oh well..

" Hey Youngjae!" 

"Oh hey Yongguk!"

"Hehe why are you pouting? You look very cute haha!" Yongguk teased me .

I chuckled at him and told him that I dont really like sandwiches. 

Then I turned to my side to look at my surroundings and saw Daehyun with another guy. He was looking at me and I was glad to meet the person who helped me again. I smiled and ran towards him.

"Daehyun! Hello!" I greeted him.

" Youngjae!" He smiled at me and suddenly hugged me. I felt myself blushing.Does he miss me? I thought about it.

I hugged back and pulled away. I noticed the guy behind him was looking at me and I asked Daehyun who he is.

Daehyun was about to tell me when the guy cut in suddenly.

" I am HimChan. Who is that guy coming here?" He asked.

"Oh you mean-" I was cut off by Yongguk,who hooked his arms around my neck.

" Daehyun! HimChan! Meet Yongguk!" I smiled at them and Daehyun let out a chuckle.

Yongguk and HimChan looked at each other and told us that they had to go. Daehyun then led to to the rooftop, where he suddenly kissed my cheeks and asked me to be his friend. 

Back to HimChan and Yongguk, I happened to overheard what they were talking about. I was not eavesdropping.I just happened to hear thats all. Mind you!

"Yongguk, have you noticed Daehyun changed?" Himchan asked Yongguk.

" He does not have that solemn face anymore, he began to smile and laugh unlike before."

" He would only smile or laugh when that Youngjae is around. Have you noticed him in class? He looked outside the class only when Youngjae's class walk past and would often made trips to the toilets, just to peek at Youngjae in his class.

" You stalked him is it? How do you know? You making me jealous...." Yongguk huffed and looked away.

" Hehe sorry, but it is obvious! I mean, I am the closest to him in class and he would always hang out with Youngjae and the route to the nearest toilet is by passing Youngjae class! Come on! Isn't that obivious?"

"So what you are trying to say that Daehyun likes Youngjae? Well, as long as you do not like him, I am happy!" Yongguk said with a grin.

"Yah!  Haha! I am always yours! But its like Youngjae is his first friend. He never let me talk to him when we first met or anyone at all. He was always he alot more friendly than before, he smiles more in class and his grades...are actually the same, all As."

"Yep, and he looked happier now since Youngjae came to this school.I prefered Daehyun this way."

Suddenly two boys appeared out of nowhere beside them.

"HimChan! Yongguk! Hello! Meet Jongup! He is my new friend!" Zelo, HimChan and Yongguk's new friend . I knew him from yesterday-Yongguk introduced him to me and he can rap fast.

"Hello! I am....Zelo's friend's Jongup!" Jongup said while holding Zelo's hands.

"Are you guys together?"HImChan and Yongguk asked in unison.

The younger pair looked each other and blushed. Obviously they are! Look at how they looked at each other and held hands together! They are so cute!

With that four of them left ( without noticing me hiding behind my locker) and I was dumfounded. Daehyun was a loner before? When I met him, he was very friendly. Maybe because I am a new student. But how can I changed him so much? I slammed my locker and heard footsteps. I turned around and I saw Daehyun. He smiled at me and hold my wrist and led me to the rooftop again.

I would never get bored of him taking my hand and leading me to the rooftop. I smiled at him and he let go of me when we reached the rooftop. I looked at him and he started talking.

"Why...of all just had to be you?"

" What are you talking about?"

"Why you...Yoo Youngjae, of all people is chosen to be my friend?"

" Hehe I dunno"

" And the person I felt in love with.." He continued his sentence and looked at the sky. I looked at him with my eyes wide. He closed his eyes.

Daehyun P.O.V

"You are serious?" He asked me as I closed my eyes.

"Yeah, I am."

" Well, I heard from some people you changed alot lately...." he changed the subject.I stared at him and he looked at me. 

"Er... really?" I was not sure of what to reply. I mean he don't know about my behaviour in the past before he came.

"I overheard HimChan and Yongguk talking about you. You became more friendly than before and you didn't laugh or smile in the past. And about you not having any friends before. What is with you in the past?" he asked me, giving me a worried look. He looked concerned.

"Well, I never really felt that I needed anyone to be a friend to me or anything. So, I became a loner, but after I met you, I began to smile, laugh and felt really happy inside" I smiled at him but he was walking away from me.

"Why... Where are you going?" I asked him, I did not want him to leave. 

He turned and looked at me. Smiling, he hugged me and said.

"Why of all people you, Jung Daehyun is chosen to be the person-" He paused for a moment and chuckled.

"That I am deeply in love with" I hugged him back, smiling. I was overjoyed. 

After pulling away from the hug, I took away his black nerdy spectacles and ran around the rofftop.

" Yah!!! Jung Daehyun!GIve it back to me!" Youngjae shouted as he chased me.

"Not until... you ask me to be your boyfriend" I said back at him and he pouted. I was serious.

He stood there, looking down, and softly said.

"Ya, Jung Daehyun.... Would you please be my...boyfri-" I interrupted him by giving him a small kiss on the lips and hugged him.

"Sure!" I said." You will always be mine" He blushed and I pinched his cheeks. He pouted and I held his hands. We went to HimChan and Yongguk, to tell them that we are together. Why? So that they know no one can steal Youngjae from me! Youngjae pouted when I gave them the reason. I kissed his cheeks and he blushed cutely while holding my hand tightly. I chuckled. 

He is cute. Right?

Of course he is and the best part of him that he is mine.

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Chapter 1: Cute...very good even tho this is your first time writing ff..i can see banghim..hehe
Chapter 1: fluff..lots of fluff
awww so cuuuteee^^
Awww!!! Sho shweeet~
This is cute, let me rolls on the fluffness forever omg