
Always & Forever [HIATUS]

Chanhee's POV

I glided through the hallways as a ghost, ignoring any attention drawn to me, which wasn't much really. I used to get a lot of stares when I had just dyed my hair red, but everyone got used to it by now, and it kinda grew on me. It was only supposed to be a one-time thing. Like one of those rebel independent phases you have when you've just entered high school, thinking you're on top of the world. But I could've dyed it any color actually, except I remembered Byunghun's favorite color was red so it just naturally fit.

The bell for class had already rung by now, and I was halfway through the door. A few people greeted me here and there, but I shook it off. I was in no mood to be talking to people today. Not when I realized the harsh reality. I quietly slid into my seat in front of Byunghun, hoping he didn't take his gaze off of the window and lay it on me. I know I wouldn't be able to handle it.

"Lets start class." The teacher, whose name I had forgotten, began jotting stuff down on the blackboard. "We'll be doing a review today, so get into pairs..."

I tuned her out by then, nothing was going to process right in my brain and I knew it. The teacher's voice started to sound vague and hard to understand. At this point, my thoughts already started to drift away into the past...

I smiled to myself as I rested my head onto the boy's shoulder, his arm was wrapped perfectly around my back.


I looked up at him in confusion. "Who's... Chunji?"

He stared at the sky and said nothing for a long time. I was starting to think that maybe it was his ex or someone he loved before. And he just got confused between us. My eyes wandered back to the ground at the thought. Did I remind him of his past lover?

"It's the nickname I came up with for you." The younger boy said, still eying the clouds. I felt him pull me closer and I did so willingly."Because you are my heaven and earth." (A/N: 'Chunji' means Heaven and Earth for those who don't know. ^^ )

My eyes darted back up at Byunghun, who was looking down at me now, a smile formed on his lips. I smiled back in relief ,"You're so cheesy."

... until someone rudely interrupted my thoughts and scooted a desk right next to mine.

"Yah, Wha-" I glanced over to notice Byunghun staring at me like his secret was just blown or something. Not only that, but he was extremely close to me. Like no elbow space.

"The teacher said we had to work in pairs. I don't know anyone else." He explained as he pointed to the teacher, still keeping eye contact with me.

I stared at the other boy in disbelief. First, he told me that I wasn't Chanhee anymore. And now he's saying that he knows me. Which one does he really mean?! 

Byunghun shifted slightly in his chair as he tapped the end of his pencil on his chin, staring at the questions that the teacher just handed out. I couldn't help but be mesmerized by his features. Well only until he snapped me back into reality. "What're you looking at?" He questioned as he stared over at me with one eyebrow raised. I quickly shook my head and looked back down to the packet on my desk. What were we supposed to do with this? I read over the questions and circled the right answer for all of them as Byunghun glanced over at me. "Whoa. Slow down." He grabbed my arm and stared at my paper, "How'd you do that so fast?"

My eyes trailed from my arm he was holding to his face that seemed really interested in my packet. "I'm a genius. That's how." I replied as casually as I could. I'm not even sure if the answers were right or not because I was still traumatized by what he said to me this morning, but they seemed right to me at the moment. As he was copying down my answers, I stared out of the window, well not out of the window, more like the reflection of Byunghun. I really had to get over this guy.

After we finished the review, we both sat in silence while everyone was still discussing their answers. I didn't want to talk to him nor did I want to look at him. He probably thought the same thing about me too. Maybe I should transfer classes. Yeah, that's a good idea. But then, I'd be running away right? I couldn't do that. I'm a man. So what if your past love doesn't like you anymore? So what if he thinks you've changed more than him? Just it up. Just it up, Chanhee.

"Chanhee." Byunghun's voice popped our bubble of silence.

I didn't reply to him.

"Yah, Chanhee."

He's not getting an answer from me.

I felt a sudden tug on my sleeve that caused me to become unbalanced on my chair, but I brushed it off like it had never happened.


That name... the name he had given to me when he loved me. I haven't heard it in a long time. It was the first time he called me that since he came back. I'm surprised that he still remembers.

I glanced back at Byunghun, who was silent, his eyes searching me, and his grip still firm on my sleeve. If I didn't look away now, I'd never be able to. 

"Look... About this morning..." His voice trailed off and so did his gaze. He looked like he was really deep in thought, but he didn't let go. And I didn't look away. "Sorry... okay? I didn't mean to say all of that."

I was silent for what felt like a long time, thinking about what he had said earlier. It hurt, I gotta admit, but it was also true. And he wasn't to be blamed. "There's nothing you need to apologize for." I said, tearing my eyes away from him and gluing it onto the ceiling instead. "Besides, you're right about all of that stuff."

We both sat quietly after that. I think Byunghun was looking up at the ceiling too. It seemed like we both didn't have much to say to each other. I only kept thinking that maybe... just maybe... Byunghun still thought of me as more than just a friend. Maybe he still even had feelings for me.

"So... friends?"

Byunghun's interruption brought me back into reality. After a few seconds of thinking about it, I nodded absentmindedly.

"Friends." And that was the reality. We were only friends.

@everyone; Thanks for letting me know your opinions! ^^ I didn't know so much people liked L.Joe topping. OTL; WHY DID I NOT REALIZE THIS SOONER? ASDFGH and thanks so much for the comments! *A* I'm sorry I can't reply to all of you... > <;; But I always love reading them, so again, thanks a bunch! <3

Oh and sorry for the boring chapter. omg. I'm seriously running low on ideas. /sob

And my sister and I have been doing this Roleplay thing so I haven't gotten to update much. But yeah, I'm going to try and change it into a fanfiction (NAP, Changrick, and mostly Chunjoe ). > < So look forward to it? Maybe?

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Chapter 2: actually i agree with you Chunji toppping is so much better than L.joe topping.... at least to me ^^ I don't know it's pobably because L.joe is shorter and cuter to my opinon!
EternallyTVXQ #2
Fufufu loving the start already!
Chapter 2: i prefer l.joe top..cause chunji like a girl...tall girl.....kekeke ~ btw..i love it ..sad story...aww..poor my baby chunji...
ILoveYou_Forever #4
Awwww~~~ A sad love story.... Little Channie, don't give up!~~ You just need to know that ByungHun still loves you, more than a friend!~ Don't forget it~~ Poor little Channie, he is just so upset that Hunnie doesn't love him anymore... Please make them together, they are so poor.... T_T
Anyway, low on ideas? I know right.... It's just so hard... How about some events that will get them closer?? Like one is injured and the other taking care of him... Or going out with the whole gang but was left behind???
Keke i kinda want l.joe to experience jealousy (maybe chunji being close to someone else), then realizes that he still loves chunji wakakakakakka!!!!
I freakin love this!!!! Please update soon please please please please!!!!!!!!!! 8D
milkandcookiesandyou #7
i hope L.joe tops. L.joe may be shorter but I think he is more agressive and cool and all. Chunji looks so feminine. Lovely Complex even shows that a tall girl can be with a short guy. XD
And we don't know, maybe Chunji's just wearing too big shoelifts. XD
Chunji can never ever will top. :))))))))))) Chunji is a forever bottom and L.joe is forever top. XD (lol. TMI? i'm sorry.. XD)
love your fic btw. Chanhee's so pitiful. L.joe-yah forgive him. :'(