The boy who bumped into me.....

I hate you so much, that I love you-


Hi! So here it is. My first chapter! I hope you guys will like it! :3
And feel free to listen to this song during this chapter!
I choose this song, because of it's smoothy sound and because I
enjoy Geek's songs! They are really good artists! :D

-....- means thoughts

''....'' means spoken

Your P.O.V

It was first day of school again and i was on my way going to school. I didn't expect much from the new school year. I will give my best as usual at school. 
Walking down the street i saw Hye mi at the end of the road. ''Hye mi!!! Wait for me!'' I yelled an run up to her. ''Oh hi, Ji hye! I missed you so much during the vacation!''She hugged me gently and then smiled. Yes that's my best friend Hye mi. I know her since elementary school. At first we didn't liked each other but i helped her during a hard time. Since then we began doing more together and lastly we got best friends. 

We finally reached the school and walked inside the campus as someone bumped into me. ''Oh! I'm sorry!' I said.
The boy with the blonde hair ran inside the campus and I could only see his back. ''Kyaaaa~ He doesn't even said 'Sorry' to you Ji hye! What are you apologizing for?''  I looked at her in suprise. ''I guess you're right.'' I said and looked for the boy who bumped into me but he was already gone. 
''Common, let's go. Our class will start soon'' Hye mi took my arm and we were going inside the building. 

The class was splitted into little groups, everyone doing there own thing. Some were already studying in their books and as expected the 'gang' of our school let paper planes flying through the room. The 'gang' were 5 boys thinking they would be the best and control everyone but even though everyone thinks so, the others still avoiding them and not want to get in trouble with them. They called themselve's 'Teen Top'.
 ''Ji hye! Let's sit there together!'' Hye mi said and took me to the two tables next to the windows. 
''Yaaaa~ Did you already heard that we'll get a new student in our class??'' ''Oh really? Will it be a girl or a boy?'' ''I hope it will be a good looking boy''.
I heard the 3 girls mumbling but then decided to ignore them. -Well, i guess it's not that special- Me and hye mi sat down to our seats and then the teacher came in. Everyone was heading quickly to their seat. ''Good morning class. I hope you all had a nice vacation'' our teacher said. We all stood up and did a 90 degree bow to him. ''Good moring!'' each of us shouted except 'Teen Top'. I took a glance at each of them and saw Chunji yawning, while CAP was stretching his arms. -Paah.. so unrespectful- 
We all sat down to our seats again. ''Before we begin class I want to introduce your new classmate. Come in!'' The teacher gave a signal to the door, when a boy with blonde hair just came in. He looked unsympathetic with his hands in his pockets.  -I feel like, I've already seen him somewhere...- I heard the 3 girls were already squealing and giggling next to me. ''Woaahh~ He is so handsome!'' one of them said.  ''His name is Lee Byunghun from Incheon. He just transferred to our school so please be nice to him.'' he said to us.
''Do you want to say something to your class before you take your seat?'' the teacher asked Byung hun. ''Uh yes. Please call me L.Joe!'' he said with a disinterested voice to us. Then he headed to a seat right behind mine. I don't know why but i felt a bit uneasy...well maybe it was because of his presence. 

-I hope so...- I thought and let out a deep sigh. I started taking attention to the lesson but also tried to remember where I know the new classmate from....

This is my first fanfiction writing on my own!
I hope you like it, so far!! 
Even though English is not my first language, I hope everyone
understands it! And please tell me if something is wrong or if
you think the chapter is too short! I will do the next longer then (or I will try)....
To time i have 2 weeks vacation so I have more time writing the chapters ^.^

Please comment! Thank you~~~ -Mine

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new reader here :D
update soon !!! :DD
omo, i hope thay won't catch her listening to their conversation *o* but anyway, i'm curious what happens next ^^ hwaiting, saengi ♥
oh snapples~ L.Joe will probably say yes~ and and.... main girl will get caught watching what happens... maybe. xD
it's because he's the one you bumped into jihye. xD anyways, l.joe is gonna be a real pain in the now that he's sitting behind her~! >O
hehe interesting but i got lose on the reading. UPDATE please ;)
hmm sounds interesting so far. can't wait to read what happens next.