Chapter 32

Loving You Forever

Charmaine walked out of the bookstore with her small bag of purchase.  It was late afternoon and Ben had informed her earlier in the day that he had a business dinner that night and will not be home for dinner.  She was relieved at the small reprieve.  Ben had been exerting a lot of pressure on her lately about their sleeping arrangements.  He didn't demand anything of her but his soft spoken words of disappointment and the subtle pleading of wanting a real marriage made her feel guilty.  Charmaine knew she shouldn't be denying Ben his marital rights.  Yet, the very idea of them being intimate makes her shudder with revulsion.

Tonight she will not be thinking about it.  She was going to enjoy the first night out without Ben.  Having already informed the cook that she will be eating out as well, Charmaine walked the streets.  She didn't know what she was craving for.  All the restaurants advertising their delicious meals didn't appeal to her.  After walking a few more blocks she decided on a small but cozy noodle shop that claims their noodles are hand made.  The place was empty save for a family of three seated at the back.  Charmaine opted for a table by the entrance so she could people watch while she enjoyed her meal.

A young man approached her, a small white notepad in one hand and a ready pencil in the other.  "What will you have Miss?" he asked with a bored expression.

Charmaine scanned their one page menu and ordered, "I'll have the chicken steak with rice noodle."  Setting the menu back into the standing metallic clip, she added, "Thank you."

The young man walked away without another word and returned minutes later with a large bowl and a glass of water.  "Here you go Miss.  Enjoy."

Charmaine lifted her nose to the steaming vapors from the soup and on cue her stomach growled with hunger.  She hadn't eaten anything since breakfast and she was famished.  She picked up her chopsticks and a movement at the door caught her eye.  Raising her head she was astonished to see Raymond and the look he had on her made her immediately lower her gaze.  He looked at her as if he hated her.  Charmaine's heart quenched at the thought.  Ignore him she told herself.  They have already parted ways and there was nothing more between them.  However her heart was suddenly beating so fast and erratically that she knew it was impossible to do so.

"I'm surprised to see you here and eating alone," Raymond said bitterly as he sat down across from her.  The young man who took Charmaine's order came over and Raymond waved him away.  "Where is that husband of yours?"

Charmaine made herself look at him and wished she hadn't.  The look of hatred was still on his handsome face.  "H-He has a business dinner," she responded meekly, wishing that he would just leave so that she wouldn't break down in front of him.

"Why are you even eating here?  I’m sure with all your husband's dirty money you could afford to eat in class."  Raymond knew he was being a jerk but he can't help himself.  He was still very angry and hurt that she chose Ben over him.  More important, despite what she had done he was still crazy in love with her and wanted her back.

Charmaine heard the derision in his tone and it took a lot of effort for her to appear unaffected by it.  Smiling wanly she replied simply, "I was in the area."

Raymond knew she was stung by his words and was putting up a false front for him.  Good!  She deserved it and more.  He had a few more choice words for her but he would not go there.  Glaring down at her he also remembers how it felt to be with her.  She had been his shining star brightening the dark days when his mom was in the hospital and he depended on her for strength during that time.  Only she turned her back on him.  With his mom's condition worsening and not knowing where Charmaine was, Raymond had been living in hell.  He dragged himself through each day with the hope that his mom would miraculously recover and Charmaine showing up telling him that she had left unannounced due to a family illness or some other feasible excuse.  The cold hard truth was that she kicked him to the curb for a better offer.

Feeling uneasy under his scorching gaze, Charmaine remarked softly and casually, "This is out of way for you too.  What brings you here?"

"Police work," Raymond mumbled.  He can't seem to tear his gaze from her even knowing now exactly what type of woman she is.  Hating himself for still having feelings for her, he hardened his heart and snapped, "Not that its any of your concern."

Charmaine's eyes watered at Raymond's viciousness towards her.  Lowering her head so that he didn't see her face crumble, she whispered breathlessly, "If you don't mind I would like to eat my meal peacefully and before it turns cold."

Charmaine's clear dismissal of him was another blow to Raymond's already damaged pride.  First she dumped him for Ben Wong and now she's telling him outright to leave her alone.  "With pleasure," he hissed.  He his heels and took a step before turning back to give her another one of his hard glare.  "Oh by the way, give my regards to your husband."  Without another word Raymond walked out of the restaurant.

Charmaine kept her head bowed letting the tears slip down her face.  Raymond hates her.  She knew it would happen and had been prepared for it.  But she hadn't been prepared for how much it would hurt her.  As the tears increased she quickly rummaged in her bag for tissue.

"Are you alright Miss?" the young man asked with concern.

Charmaine dashed at her tears and nodded her head.  "I'm fine.  Thank you."


Ben has just finished a meeting and was on his way to the next one when he spotted Charmaine eating at a small noodle shop across the street.  He was about to go over when he saw that she wasn't alone.  There was a man with her.  Keeping himself out of view he looked closely and saw that the man was Raymond Lam.  His heart slammed against his chest as a cold fury consumed him.  Wordlessly he turned his back on them and walked away.


Raymond returned to the station, his mood darker than usual.  His run-in with Charmaine left him feeling reckless and fuming with the need to vent.  "Everyone in the conference room with all the unsolved case files in five minutes," he bellowed as he walked into his office and slammed the door.

"What's with him?" Benjamin asked staring at Raymond's closed door.

Nancy shrugged.  Since her meddling last week, Raymond had lightened up.  He was still moody but every now and then she would catch a glimpse of his old self.  Staring along with Benjamin at the closed door, she said with wonder, "I wonder what ticked him off.  He was fine earlier."

Benjamin shrugged.  "Beats me."  He quickly began tidying his files together for the meeting.

Nancy on the other hand walked towards Raymond's office.  She gave it a loud tap and waited.  No answer.  She tapped again, louder and finally heard his command to come in.  Opening the door slightly, she stuck her head in, "You okay?"

Raymond's eyes bore into her.  Clenching his teeth, he seethed, "I said a meeting in five minutes.  Why are you in here?"

Nancy was unfazed by his attitude.  She stepped in and closed the door.  "Did something happen?"

"No," Raymond responded and gave her a cold reproachful look.  "Are your files ready for the meeting?"  He glanced at his watch and said, "That will begin in less than two minutes."

Nancy shook her head.  Boy does Raymond look mighty pissed off.  "I, well, I was going to…"

"Get to it," he said in a low threatening voice then glanced at his watch again.  "You have less than a minute now."

Nancy remained in place as she met his glare.  She had known Raymond from cadet school and they've been working together as a team since then.  Throughout all these years Raymond had never spoken to her in that tone.  It momentarily surprised her but she recovered quickly.  Trying a different tactic she said sweetly, "I'll go grab my files but only if you'll go out for a beer with me after our shift."

Raymond was about to give Nancy an earful for her constant need to into his life when his phone rang.  "Raymond Lam speaking."  It was his mother asking if he'll be home for dinner.  "Yes Mom.  I will," he said softly.  After a few more words he replaced the receiver and saw that Nancy was still in his office.  Looking grudgingly at her he said, "Fine, a beer later."


After the meal at the noodle shop Charmaine went to catch a movie.  It was one that she wanted to see but in the theatre she couldn't concentrate on it.  Her thoughts kept turning to Raymond and the scene they had.  The memory of it still pained her as she entered Ben's house.  Ben was in the living room having a drink.  "I'm back," she called out softly to him as she made her way over.

Ben set his glass down and stood up.  "Where did you go tonight?" he asked gently, extending his hand out to her.

Charmaine placed her hand in his and said, "I went shopping and then decided to eat out.  I also watched a movie."

Squeezing her hand gently as he pulled her forward, Ben asked quietly, "Were you alone?"

Baffled by where the question was leading and feeling a bit guilty that she wasn't going to tell Ben about her run-in with Raymond, Charmaine said, "Yes."

Ben didn't say anything as he stared down at her with a small tight smile.  He noted the flush on Charmaine's face and read it as guilt.  With his jealousy overtaking him, he raised his arm and slapped her across the face. 

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HottestVIPSone #1
Rewatching line walker and still love this pair so so much! (:
Now the part she loses her memory was too cinematic.
Simcon I know this might hurt you but I am not so happy with the turn of events.
irreplaceable #3
Naww just when i thought charmaine and raymond can somewhat reunite, she loses her memory! Nawww that means ben can manipulate everything. ben disgusts me. Update soon!
Raymond Haste is Waste!
Raymond Haste is Waste!
What will happen now??
I am terrified of Ben myself!
I can feel my heart breaking!
oh my goodness!!
Poor Charmaine! I can actually feel her pain and her helplessness and all that's killing her!
Being by the man you trusted is having a part of your soul ripped out! Simcon... elongate the drama and pain please!
I don't think this story should end too quick!
I'm back! :) Hahaha. Trust me when I say, everyday I go on this site to see if you have updated. But aaaaah. The latest chapter had be all freaked out. Ben is just.. not what I had actually thought he would be. I mean, he's bad, I guess, but I didn't know he'd be one of those crazy type of people y'know.. :/ I'm too scared to see what will happen next. Maybe Kenneth will come and (HOPEFULLY) save the day? But anywho, I'll be here patiently waiting for the next update :)
I knew this was going to happen.. Sooner than later.
I am out of words right now.