Chapter 31

Loving You Forever

Raymond slammed the folder down onto his desk.  He picked up his cup of coffee to find it empty.  Irritably he threw it into the trash can and got up.  He walked out of his office and found the faces of his team staring at him as if he grew horns.  "What?" he growled.  "Shouldn't you guys be reviewing files?  We have a stack of opened cases that needs to be solved."

They all turned back to their work except for Nancy who was brave enough to confront him.  "Raymond, what's with you lately?"

Giving her an impatient look, Raymond returned to his office and was about to slam the door when Nancy's foot jutted out to stop it.  "What are you doing?"

Walking past him into the office, Nancy proceeded to plop herself down on a chair.  "I need some advice from you."

"I'm busy," Raymond said curtly and stood by the door waiting for her to leave.

Nancy gave him a harassed look and gushed, "It's really urgent that I speak to you about it."

Letting out a heavy sigh, Raymond stormed back to his chair and sat down.  "Make it fast," he snapped and opened a folder.  He was in no mood to hear about her latest relationship problems but Nancy can be pushy.  He learned a long time ago to just cave in and get it over with where she was concerned.

Nancy sat up straight in her chair, resting her elbows on his desk.  "I have a friend.  She works at a department store.  She and her boss have a good working relationship.  One day she noticed that he wasn't acting the same anymore.  She guessed right away that he was having problems.  Personal problems.  She knew it was none of her business but she hated seeing him like that.  She really wants to help her boss in any way she can but doesn't know how to do it.  What should I suggest for her to do?"

Raymond lifted his head to look at her.  He knew she was referring to him.  In a brusque tone he said, "Tell your friend to simply mind her own business."

Nancy shook her head.  "She can't do that.  She's really worried about her boss."  Locking his gaze, Nancy added softly, "Raymond, we're all very worried about you."

"There's nothing to worry about," Raymond grinded out.  Damn, isn't it bad enough he had his mom to deal with at home and now at work too.

"Talk to me," Nancy encouraged.  "You know we're all here for you."

Raymond saw the sincerity on her face and some of his anger drained.  "I'm sorry Nancy.  I'm just not in a good mood."

"Is it because of her?" she asked in that same soft voice.  "The woman from the Plaza a few months ago."  She saw the look of surprise on Raymond's face and clarified, "Although you never mentioned to us that you and Mandy broke up but that day at the Plaza, I can tell you have feelings for that woman.  I've never seen you so absorbed in anyone before."

"How perceptive of you," Raymond said sardonically.  "What else did you observed?"

Ignoring his sarcasm, Nancy said, "I also known that something happened between the two of you.  You used to smile all the time, like you're walking on cloud nine.  But now, you're grumpy, ill-tempered and just plain ole mean."

Nancy's description of his character of late didn't sit well with Raymond.  Narrowing his eyes, he said tersely, "Nancy, I appreciate your concern but we have cases to solve.  Get back to work."


Charmaine was flipping through a magazine when she heard the front door opening.  It was probably Ben returning home from work.  Getting up from the couch, as her usual routine, she went to greet him.  "Dinner is almost ready," she said and helped him out of his jacket.

Ben looked down at her with a tender smile.  No matter how rough the day was at work, just coming home and seeing Charmaine made him feel better.  "I've missed you," he said silkily and bent his head to kiss her.

Charmaine unconsciously pulled away.  Knowing what she did, she dropped her eyes with embarrassment.  "I'll run a bath for you."  She headed for the stairs but Ben stopped her.

Resting his arms on her shoulders he asked quietly, "When will you become my wife in full?"

The topic has been coming up more and more frequently in the past couple of days.  Ever since that fateful day they ran into Raymond.  "I need a little more time to adjust," she said softly, shamefully.

"We've been married for a month now and all I get is to hold your hands and a kiss here and there.  I want more.  I want you as my wife in every way."

And he had every right to it but Charmaine can't seem to bring herself to take that final step.  "I-I…" she stumbled for the right words to pacify him into allowing her some more time before they actually consummated their marriage.

Ben shook his head with a look of resignation on his face.  "I'm sorry Charmaine.  I promised not to pressure you and I won't.  I'm a man that keeps his words.  I'll run my own bath."

Charmaine watched as Ben trotted up the stairs.  She knew he was disappointed and perhaps even upset with her.  But how can she even think about sharing his bed when Raymond still haunted her thoughts and dreams.  She didn't want to be unfair to Ben.  That would be the same as cheating on him or being unfaithful.  She wished she could forget Raymond but it was impossible.  At night alone in bed, she dreamed about Raymond.  The dreams were always happy ones.  Waking up each morning and finding herself in Ben's house reminded her that it was only a dream.  With her heart aching, she returned to the couch.  Perhaps speaking to a specialist might help her.  Yes.  She would seek a therapist.  Talk to the therapist about her feelings and ask for guidance in putting Raymond behind her.  Tomorrow, she would go.


Gigi scooped the last of the sliced beef out of the wok and placed it on a shallow dish bedded with asparagus.  "Mandy, would you mind taking this out?"

Mandy wiped her wet hands on her apron and took the dish.  She returned seconds later looking over Gigi's shoulder.  "What else can I help with?"

Gigi glanced at the overhead clock.  "Raymond would be home any minute.  Can you set the table?"

"Sure."  Mandy walked happily over to the cupboards and began taking out bowls and chopsticks.  With her back to Gigi she asked, "How has Raymond been feeling?"

Gigi the flame and dropped a lid over the skillet.  "He hasn't been talking much.  When he comes home he just showers, eats, and sleep.  I don't like seeing him like this."

Mandy gave Gigi a sympathetic look.  "Neither do I.  I wish there was more we could do to help him get over this."

"I warned Raymond about her," Gigi bit out and threw the spatula into the sink with a loud clang.  "I warned him about her type from the start.  They're only after money but Raymond didn't believe me."

"I don't think she's that type," Mandy defended.  "I don't know her well but I saw that day that she was hurting as much as Raymond.  She was holding back her tears."

"Her teas are because she got caught for being the lying, cheating, materialistic girl that she is.  And to think that I was going to give her a chance," snickered Gigi.  "I would have been a fool too if I did that."

"Auntie, perhaps she had a reason for what she did," Mandy reasoned.

"Yes, the reason is money.  It always boils down to that.  If she really loved Raymond as you claim she does then why did she desert him when he needed her most?  Raymond already had my illness to deal with and she added to the blow by dumping him during that time.  What kind of love is that?" Gigi countered.

"I-I don't know," Mandy said..

"Let's not talk about her anymore.  Otherwise I might lose my appetite."  Touching Mandy's arm, Gigi said with a smile, "Now that she's finally gone, you and Raymond can reconcile."

Mandy flushed at the idea.  "Raymond and I are only friends now and nothing more."

"You can change all that if you want to.  Raymond needs someone by his side more than ever.  He needs to heal his broken heart and what better than to find have a new love."

The click of the door told them that Raymond was home.  Mandy smiled shyly at Gigi and hurried out of the kitchen.  "Hi Raymond."

Raymond smiled faintly at her as he set his keys down on the table.  "Staying for dinner?"

"Yes, your mom invited me."

Nodding his head, Raymond turned to walk down the hall towards his room.  "I'm going to take a shower."

As Raymond closed the door to his room Gigi emerged from the kitchen.  Nudging Mandy's arm she whispered, "Remember what I said." 

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HottestVIPSone #1
Rewatching line walker and still love this pair so so much! (:
Now the part she loses her memory was too cinematic.
Simcon I know this might hurt you but I am not so happy with the turn of events.
irreplaceable #3
Naww just when i thought charmaine and raymond can somewhat reunite, she loses her memory! Nawww that means ben can manipulate everything. ben disgusts me. Update soon!
Raymond Haste is Waste!
Raymond Haste is Waste!
What will happen now??
I am terrified of Ben myself!
I can feel my heart breaking!
oh my goodness!!
Poor Charmaine! I can actually feel her pain and her helplessness and all that's killing her!
Being by the man you trusted is having a part of your soul ripped out! Simcon... elongate the drama and pain please!
I don't think this story should end too quick!
I'm back! :) Hahaha. Trust me when I say, everyday I go on this site to see if you have updated. But aaaaah. The latest chapter had be all freaked out. Ben is just.. not what I had actually thought he would be. I mean, he's bad, I guess, but I didn't know he'd be one of those crazy type of people y'know.. :/ I'm too scared to see what will happen next. Maybe Kenneth will come and (HOPEFULLY) save the day? But anywho, I'll be here patiently waiting for the next update :)
I knew this was going to happen.. Sooner than later.
I am out of words right now.