Trouble at hand?

Memories of You



Dara’s POV

 Weeks have already passed since I met Kwon Jiyong. A man who has the ability to make someone forgets. I already witnessed him for so many times, I still find it odd, but, I do believe in him.

I just knew that he’s lonely deep inside him, when I saw him that day, he’s expressionless, and her eyes were cold, eyes of a person who doesn’t trust anyone.. Well, I didn’t know if he trust me now, but I have to keep on trying! I want him to open more about himself, even though he still didn’t smile nor called me by my name….

Maybe he just forgot it!?

“ Hey Jiyong!!”

“ What?” Oh, he answered, at first he’ll just stared at me, then after sometime, whenever I’ll call him he’ll raise his eyebrow..   Now, he already answers me! I want to hug him now!! But… touching is strictly prohibited.

“ hey, umm.. You haven’t forget my name right? It’s Sandara Park. You can call me Dara..Got it? D-A-R-A.” There, he’ll never frgot it!

“I know, I didn’t forget it.” THEN SAY MY NAME! he always call me by ‘ hey!’ or ‘ you’ not even once he muttered ‘dara.’

“ I see…” better think of a topic dara!” Jiyong! We had our class on economics, and we baked some cookies! Would you like some?” I offered him the box where I put the cookies I made…I’m confident about this! I tasted it and it’s great! I even made them with a heart shaped design!

He took it and looked inside… “What’s this?”

“ Just as I told you, a heart shaped cookie~” I told him and caught a glimpse on my master piece! But, I was shock on what I found; they’re all in no good condition to be called hearts…

He took one and stares at it.” It does look like a heart, a broken one to be exact.” The one he’s holding is broken in half! I shouldn’t have put it in this bag! Accursed you!

“ sorry, I’ll just make something for you again..” I placed my hand in front of him to make him put those cookies back at me, since he didn’t wanted to be touch..

I felt something on my hand and thought that he already placed it but, something’s not right, It’s too light weighted. I looked up and looked at it…

“ that’s the only piece that’s not yet been damaged..” he told me that and took a bite on a cookies..” this is good! You really made this?”  He started on chugging them one by one..” Ah, before I forgot, GD, here’s your share..” He places some on his hand and let GD eat it. “ It tickles..haha” He started to release some soft gentle laugh…

It’s the first time, he compliments me. First time to be that talkative and the first time I see him laugh.. Somewhat I really feel light inside.. He looked at me pretty surprised.. I wonder why? Did I have something on my face? He suddenly got serious and leaned closer.. Will he kiss me? I closed my eyes and waited for him, slowly I could feel his breathing and I know that he’s pretty close right now…When suddenly he said.” Don’t look at me like that..” I opened my eyes and all I saw was his back, what did he mean by looked him like that.. Like what? All I do is smile, because I’m glad that you already opened up to me….He didn’t looked at me for some time, now that I see it, he put more clothes and even distanced himself more to me, but, his heart s opening already… I really didn’t know how his mind works anymore..

Jiyong’s POV

It’s already sunset, anytime by now and she’ll go home…

“ bye, GD!” before she go she would always pet GD, so I think she’ll go for now..” Jiyong, I’ll be off now… I’ll come again tomorrow!” Damn, I can’t face her, or even reply. My heart is still going crazy about earlier. After showing a smile that I’ve never seen before, I almost couldn’t control myself, a scary girl indeed. But, that time, I really wanted to stole a kiss from her, good thing I remember the circumstances, if I didn’t then maybe now, we’ll be just strangers from now and on. Damn, it’s too hot! I tried to double my clothing to ensure she’ll never touch me I even increased the distance for me to avoid from accidentally touching her.

But, I think it’s rude without saying anything after she left. I’ll feel guilty for this later, maybe should go now. “ gd, just stay here, I’ll just see her off.” I told that little puppy and he answered me with a bark, does he even understand what I just said, well whatever, I got to go.

As usual, everyone stared at me with those indifferent eyes, now that I think of it, she never looked at me that way, even on our first meeting. One of the reasons I don’t want her to forget me.. There she is! Better not lose sight of her. We’ve been walking for hours yet, she hasn’t reached home yet? Where exactly does she live then? Don’t tell me she always walked this long just to see me? Man, I’m feeling guilty again. I should find my words first before talking to her.. Hmm.. Where should I start then? I’m still thinking when a guy grabbed her wrist and pulled her to a dark alley. “” Without hesitation I immediately followed them.

“ Hey! You woman, you’re that Jiyong’s girl right?”

“ Let go of me!!” that was her voice all right! Got to be faster!

“ No use on screaming hey get her inside the car.”

I finally see them, but they’re taking her away with a car! Wait, I know him! That’s the guy that I saw doing some negotiations with counterfeit bills, I forgot to erase his memory! Why can I be this lame!!(I never told the police though, since it’s a more hassle, JIYONG! Focused on it later! Have to save that girl first!)

, they already put her on the car! “ STOP RIGHT THERE!” I shout as loud as I could. That damn guy grinned and orders one of his men to stop me.

That man went outside and smirked as if he knew that he could take me on.” Sorry, kid, got an order t beat you “ AS IF I’LL LET YOU STOP ME! He’s a good fighter all right but this is when the skill I hated the most helps! I took off my right glove and touched it with him; he also caught a grip on me and choked me. Hurry! I can’t die here without saving her!! I kicked him to let go and he did, after sometime, he just dazed out of nowhere, his memories is now deleting, though I didn’t know what memories of him I just deleted, whatever, Have to go now! Irun as fast as I could but of course I’m on pursuit of a car, logically I will never catch them, I need to find something.. There a bike!  I grabbed it and the owner tried to stop me but I didn’t listened and just went took his bike, Dara, please be safe… I wouldn’t know what to do if anything happen to you… I found their car and it’s on the mountain side track just where the hell are they going? Just wait dara I’m coming!

They stopped and pulled Dara away with them I increased the speed and then run to where they’re heading. They’re going to a cliff?

“ Sorry gal, but blame everything to that Kwon jiyong, if he didn’t saw me back then, I wouldn’t be having a grudge against him, if you just didn’t know him, you wouldn’t suffer this. Blame it to him later.”

“ Jiyong didn’t do anything wrong. I’m the one who wanted to be friends with him! I won’t blame him for anything.. Rather.. I’m grateful to meet someone like him.”

“An idiot isn’t you? Why don’t you try having a bath on this wide ocean? Maybe you’ll be able to realize things, and so that Jiyong will know that he got the wrong person to mess with!”

“ Are you.. Talking about me?”  I made it in time, damn, Dara’s on the end of cliff what will he do? Throw her!? I won’t let you!

“ you’re prince just made it in time, any last words?”

“ I would like to hear some.. From you.” I rushed towards him and he ordered them to beat me up! I won’t let you beat me up since I’ll be the one to beat the crap out of you!

“ What are you doing! He’s just alone! You shameless!”

“ You’re next.” I run towards him and he trembled a lot releasing dara from his hand.

“ DARA!!!!!!!!” I called out as I tried to chase her and avoid from falling. I was too late but luckily she got a hand on a vine, hope it will last long..

“ serves… y-you right!hahahahah..haha….haha.. ” Damn I don’t have the time to deal with these guys!

“ get lost or else I’ll kill you!” He left his crew and run with his tails between his legs. Some kind of leader. I went back and reached my hand to her…

She’s on danger.. Because of me… Damn, why can’t I save anyone!? It’s always because of me!! Why does  it  have to be Dara?” Hurry! Grab on!”I forgot my gloves earlier on that fight…. At this rate, she’ll forget everything about e! Who dares about a DAMN thing!?

“ But, your gloves are not on..” What is she talking about at this kind of situation!?”

“ The hell with it! Hurry!!!!!” The branches are already twitching it won’t last long!

“ But, if I touch you, I’ll forget everything that happened when I’m with you right?”

“ Your life is way more precious than those! Dara, I’m begging you! Grab on.. NOW!” I tried to stretch it more so that she’ll be able to hold it.

“ Sorry…. Jiyong…. I can’t go on the usual place now.”

“ I know, It can’t be help….Now grab on..I’ll save you..”

“ I can’t….I won’t hold your hand!” What is she… talking about? “ I don’t want to lose those memories we have with each other….Even if I survived, a world without you si something I don’t want to happen! “ Her tears bean to fall one by one..” By the way, this is the first time you called out my name~ it made me so happy!”

“ Stop saying nonsense! Saying those kinds of things! This isn’t the time to-“

” You’re already a part of my life…..i want to have these memories forever.. With me…” She smiled to me and she closed her eyes.. You’ve got to be kidding me!! She let go of the vine she’s holding and she’s falling in front of me.. I won’t let you! I jumped and tried to grab her on mid air. As soon as I caught her, I hugged and protect her head and we fell on the water.. Thankfully, someone saw us, and called for a rescue team, I knew how to swim and got on the shore they immediately took dara," please save her "…She was announced alive and they thanked me for what I did.. Rather than thanking me I should be the one who you should be blaming, because I brought her to that kind of situation…Come to think of it, this also happened before, the reason why I didn’t want to be touch by anyone else..

I was still a kid then when my father took me outside, it was snowing, and the whole town was covered in snow. No one can explain how I ended up with this ability. I was often reminded by him to wear gloves every time and everywhere….. But that time I want to feel the snow and took them off, my father let me but only just for a while. I came to like and wanted to play for more, not realizing there was a pit on the ground, I fell but got a grab on a crack my father without hesitation grabbed me out of the pit and we went to the hospital. After some time, I came to visit him, to thank him, but what I overheard was the most painful at all.

“You’re that boy’s father sir!”

“ Sorry, but I really didn’t knew him..I was just a passerby and saw him in trouble so I immediately saved him.” My father insisted to be the wrong guy..

“ But sir, ,the boy claims that you’re his father.”

“ Maybe he just mistake me with someone, but really I didn’t knew him at all.” That time, I thought he grew tired of it, that he better forget me than live with me so I ran away from home and wander by myself. Before I knew it, I built a wall and run away from everyone, I couldn’t bring myself to have friends since they’ll eventually forgot me. What’s the use of it then? But She’s different, now I know how my father felt at that time… Someone more precious than you could sacrifice your memories with her for her life. Now,  I better delete anymore connections with her.. Even I haven’t even held her hand once nor embraced her within my arms grasp also I haven’t even kissed her, this must be it….  She’ll definitely forgot me..So  long .. Dara….








I loved you.

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@teaminslove: well, this is the first story I've finished soo... many flaws XDDD
As for GD, he's still have his powers but, they knew that Dara won't be affected by it anymore because they love each other so much....And it won't be a problem for them anymore. (XD)
taeminislove #2
Kyaaa. So cute. What happen to GD? :))
the power of love dang, i like thiS!
zeth06 #4
awww.. The power of love! Wah :)
ahaha I love this :D thanks for putting a smile in lips :D
sanji30 #6
great job... thanks for this...
This is one unique story i have ever read.. Great job..
gadisayu #8
huaaaa so sad... but really good in the end.. thank you...