
everyday i fool the world

The nightmares were still there.

You furrowed your eyebrows as sweat dripped down your face.

You feel your temperature rise as your hands clawed at the sheets.

It was so vivid. The pain was there. Then the longing, until you were chasing the one you’ve always dreamed of. You breathe as you saw the missing piece and as your hand was about to reach the other, you jerk awake panting.

If there was anything that changed from the routine, it was the warm arms that held you; the endearing words and soft embrace that welcomed you.

It was her.

“Bad dream?” A soft whisper came.

You nodded as you felt your face being tilted to meet the eyes of the girl lying beside you.

“What was it about?” You can still hear the sleepiness in her voice but no matter how many times it happened, she can still stay awake to listen to you, every time.

And you never had the heart to tell her that it was about her.

“Nothing.” You tried to reassure her, squeezing her hand gently as you tugged her back to lie down once again.

“It’s about me, isn’t it?”

And you knew you just had to tell her. You swore never to lie to her ever again.

A nod and you can hear her sigh.

“I’ve hurt you too much.”

You can feel the sadness in her voice and it never failed to tug on your heart strings every time.

You squeezed her hand once again.

“It’s because I loved you too much. And now I still do.”

You never get tired of reassuring her of your love. You can only hope she’ll never get tired hearing it.

“I’m sorry hon.” She looked at you making you smile through the darkness.

“And I love you. Let’s go back to sleep?” You said as you glanced at the clock. It was nearing three in the morning.

She shifted and you felt soft lips pressed into yours the next second.

You can’t help yourself but smile through the kiss.

If there is one thing pulling you back to the surface after your hellish nightmare, it would be the feeling of having her beside you again.




“Mom, I’m fine. I’m a big girl now. Yeah I know. Yeah.”

You opened your eyes as the sound of someone talking to their phone woke you up.

As you stretched, you saw your girlfriend sitting at the corner of the bed, seemingly bored with whoever she was talking to judging through her tone of voice, back facing you.

You silently crawled in bed to reach her and gave her a back hug. Your hands encircling her waist as you placed your chin on her shoulder. You leaned closer until your lips touched the shell of her ear.

“Good morning honey.” You whispered and nuzzled your face at the crook of her neck.

You felt her tense and stopped talking to her phone, obviously shocked with your actions.

You kissed her neck one last time and climbed off the bed to go to the bathroom.

It was only when you were inside the bathroom when you heard her voice again. It made you smile on how you had that effect on her still.




After finishing your business, you stood in front of the mirror, inspecting your face. A year wasn’t that long but you sensed that you’ve looked, older? No. Mature. Yes, you looked like you’ve matured a lot.

Maybe it was because of all you’ve experienced; all of those days juggling your school works and your emotions have taken their toll on your body and most importantly, your mind.

You never thought you’ve been staring at your image for a long time until you heard someone behind you.

“Stop staring. You might fall in love with yourself and then I’ll be having a problem.”

You smirk as your eyes shifted to the other reflection on the mirror.

“Well, it’s hard not to. I mean look at me.” You chided making her roll her eyes and walked towards you, not breaking eye contact through the mirror.

“I know. That’s why I’m warning you. One victim is enough. I’m enough. Aren’t I?” She giggled as she rested her head on your shoulder, arms encircling your waist.

You hugged her arms and turned to look at her face directly.

“You’re more than enough. That’s why I can’t look at anyone else without comparing them to you.” You managed to tell her. The truth is you have always been tongue-tied when you see her that close. Even without make up, after she woke up, the person you love manage to look beautiful, effortless.

She snorted at your flattery. You smiled and placed a sweet kiss on her lips.

“Remember that one time I came running towards your house early in the morning and I almost couldn’t stop myself from—“

She silenced you with a peck, her cheeks blushing with the memory.

You chuckled and kissed her, longer this time. Looking back, you can always wait for the perfect moment for that to happen.

“Was your mom looking for you already?” You asked, hugging her and swaying your bodies back and forth.

“Yeah, well it’s been two days. I’ll find it weirder if she won’t start looking for me.” She giggled, her head resting on your shoulder.

“Then let’s go.” You said.


You stopped moving and detached yourself from her to look her in the eyes.

“Let’s get you home. I’ll take you.” You smiled at her. You know you can’t hog her all to yourself. Other people love and need her too.

She smiled back gently.

“Are you sure?” She raised her hand and touched your forehead. You removed it with yours and kissed the back of it.

“Hon, it’s been two days and I didn’t have fever for the last 24 hours. I’m fine.” You reassured her, holding both of her hands this time.

“But the nightmares—“ You stopped her with a kiss.

“They’ll always be there. I mean, for a year they’ve never left even for a night. I’m kind of used to it.” You smiled lightly.

“I don’t want you to be used to it.” She raised her hand and cupped your face, you instantly leaned to her touch.

“Well now that you’re here, it’s more bearable.” You grinned.

“What should I do to chase them away?” She whispered as she stared at your eyes.

You leaned to put your foreheads together and whispered.





“You know, I was starting to doubt if we came home with you or we left you somewhere along the way.” Tiffany said as she noticed the figure walking towards her.

Yuri just rolled her eyes at her and sat beside her on the couch.

“Where is everyone?” Yuri asked, looking around.

“At the pool.” Tiffany was too busy reading her magazine to look up to the one she was conversing with.

“And why are you here?” Yuri asked, blocking the page with her hand.

“I’m studying!” Tiffany huffed, turning to avoid Yuri’s assault.

“Studying what?” Yuri tried to peek over the girl’s shoulder.

“Mixing drinks.”

“Oh, but aren’t those alcoholic?” Yuri pointed at the page.


Yuri just hummed, her phone buzzed thereafter.

“I got to go.” She rose from her seat; that made Tiffany look up from the magazine finally.

“But you just came back?”

“I’ll just be outside then I’m going to the pool.”

“I’ll join in a bit. By the way, auntie told us to tell you to call once you get home. I totally forgot, sorry!” Tiffany just smiled before reading again.

Yuri rolled her eyes and started walking towards the way she came earlier.





“Oh hi dear.”

Yuri’s eyes were as big as saucers as she saw not just her girlfriend but both of her parents standing outside.

“Why didn’t you let your friend inside?” Her mom asked as she ushered Yoona.

“Oh, I was parking my car Madam and I just texted Yuri that I’m at the entrance.” Yoona smiled.

“The girls are having a pool party. You should join them.” Yuri’s father informed.

“But dear, she just recovered. She should rest a bit. The girls are quite a rowdy bunch when they’re together.” Yuri’s mom smiled.

“I’m feeling okay now but I think you are right madam, I should rest.” Yoona smiled.

“Dear, stop calling us so formally. You can call me auntie.” The elder woman beamed, loving the thought of finally meeting her daughter’s friend whom she had really nursed herself for the past few days.

“And you can call me uncle. Or dude.” Yuri’s father joked and offered a fist for a fist bump that Yoona readily reciprocated, laughing a bit.

“Okay uncle dude.” Yoona said, feeling at ease with the two. They seem like really nice and cool people.

“You’ve met.” Yuri finally spoke, making Yoona smile wider as she stood beside her.

“They saw me standing here.”

“Come inside Yoong.” Uncle dude said, already inside with his wife, making Yoona chuckle and wave at the older man.

“Yoong?” Yuri said incredulously.

“That’s my nickname.”

“I know. Why does he call you that?” Yuri said pouting.

“Well, he’s cool and I told them they can call me by my nickname when I introduced myself.” Yoona shrugged.

“But I don’t even call you Yoong!” Yuri hissed, turning her body away from Yoona and crossing her arms.

Yoona can only scratch her head in confusion.

“Hmm, if you want you can call me Yoong too.” Yoona said as she tried to appease her lover, giving her a side hug.

“But I’m your girlfriend. Why did they get to call you Yoong before me?” Yuri’s pout was still visible, making Yoona chuckle.

“Are you seriously getting jealous over your parents about that?” Yoona laughed as she stared at the girl beside her. Yuri just puffed in annoyance. Why can’t Yoona see her misery?

After moments of still silence from Yuri, Yoona nudged her girlfriend.

“Hey honey.” She whispered.

Yuri was still deeply frowning but her body was a bit turned towards Yoona now, making Yoona smile for a bit.

“Aww baby don’t get jealous over that. You know what I love most being called?” Yoona asked. Now Yuri completely turned to face Yoona, face filled with curiosity.


Yoona smiled.

“Honey, because that’s what you call me and only you can call me that.” Yoona stole a quick kiss, making Yuri blush red and pushing Yoona away.

“Hey, we might get caught.” Yuri whined but her hand found its way towards Yoona’s.

Yoona beamed.

“I’m sorry. Are there cameras around?” She asked.

Yuri nodded.

“Everywhere except the rooms.”

“Then we’re already caught.” Yoona said. Yuri unlocked her phone and started typing something.

“There I tweaked it.” Yuri said and placed her phone back to her pocket.

“Genius.” Yoona was about to kiss her again when Yuri just raised her brow giving her an are you kidding me expression, making Yoona stop and pinch her cheeks instead.

Yoona pouted afterwards.

No kissing. Limited hugs. No excessive holding hands. This is pure torture.

“Hey why are you pouting?” Yuri asked tapping Yoona’s lips with a finger.

“When are you going to show me your room?” Yoona asked, still pouting, making Yuri puzzled.


Yoona moved and rested her head on Yuri’s shoulder and hugged her gently. She tilted her head and placed her lips just at Yuri’s ear.

“So I can kiss you already.” She whispered.

Yuri almost exploded and her face was as red as a tomato.


Yoona laughed and dragged the other girl inside.




“Look who’s here?” Yuri’s mom called out to the girls as she saw two figures coming closer. She decided to hang out with the girls today.

The girls turned their heads to the newcomer.

“Oh it’s just Yuri.” Sooyoung said and continued munching chips as she floated in a rubber tube.

“Yah! What do you mean ‘just Yuri’?” Yuri exclaimed, marching angrily towards Sooyoung who just smirked, turning to the center of the pool where Yuri couldn’t reach her.

“Not that one Sooyoung dear, but her!” Yuri’s mom chuckled and pointed at their guest who purposely hid herself first before coming out for the surprise.

“YOOOOOOOONAAAAAAAAA!” All girls came rushing to Yoona dripping wet from the pool, except for the sleeping Jessica who can’t hear anything as she floated on an inflatable bed in the center of the pool with her earphones on.

They were an arm length from engulfing the girl in a wet group hug when Yuri blocked them all, how she managed to get there from the other side of the pool area amazed them.

“NOOOOOOOOO!” She shouted arms reaching out to block her friends, making them look at her in disbelief.

“What are you doing Yul! Get away!” Sunny puffed, eager to give some lovely hugs.

“She’s going to get wet! What if she gets sick again!” Yuri huffed, frustrated. Her friends groaned and pouted, making Yoona chuckle at their faces and started waving gently as they went back to their respective areas on the pool.

Yuri then proceeded to examine Yoona if she got water on her, encircling the girl like a hawk with Yoona rolling her eyes at Yuri saying that she’s perfectly fine.

Yuri was clearly too caring and overprotective with her friend. That didn’t go unnoticed with her mom who looked at the scenes that unfolded right before her eyes. She poured herself a cocktail and noticed another set of observing eyes locked at the girls. She exchanged stares with her husband who was looking down from his study on the upper level, another witness from the moment.




After they ended up eating lunch together with the girls and Yuri’s parents, Yoona can’t help but feel happy about her decision to be here, she made her miss the Kim cousins and their antics. If it was her home and her party she would’ve invited them over.

She wasn’t the only one who thought about that too.

“Hmm, we should’ve called Hyo and Tae.” Jessica said as she focused her eyes on Yoona and Yuri who was seated next to each other. She’s been silent as usual, her eyes roaming, observing everyone, and etching every memory in her head.

“I know, maybe next time.” Tiffany said as she laid her head on Jessica’s shoulder, slightly yawning. All those hours of playing in the water drained everyone down. Few of the other girls have already showered and retreated to the rooms they’re staying in.

“Jessica dear, where is your sister?” The sweet voice of Mama Kwon broke the silence, making the remaining people look at her.

“She’s out with her friends. You know how Soojung can’t stay in one place at a time.” Sica shook her head. Her sister has been her complete opposite; loud, outgoing, even slightly rebellious for her taste.

Her aunt smiled, knowing Jessica’s distress through little things that doesn’t suit her taste, sometimes generalizing her beliefs. She’s too young to go around worried about everyone in their family especially her sister and cousin Yuri.

Then she glanced at her daughter who was preoccupied by her guest. Yuri can be too obedient at times. She thinks things thoroughly first, sometimes sacrificing her inner happiness just for the sake of others. She loved how selfless her daughter is but sometimes she wishes she’ll act on her happiness first before others. She’s worried that one day Yuri will eventually feel unhappy even with all the happiness surrounding her.

She sighed as she remembered when Yuri was a little kid. They were staying at the lake house for the summer. It was the only time Yuri acted on her own. She tried to rebel a little like little kids should. She didn’t really mind at all. She thought it was healthy for her Yuri to be like that. She needed to be normal.

But the one time Yuri acted on her own, was the time she lost a friend that was close to her heart. She never really got the chance to get close to the girl but the accident shook her daughter to the core.

It made her daughter afraid of crossing lines. She was afraid to express herself. She was afraid to lose something or someone like she did the first time she tried to do things by herself.

It took a long while for Yuri to smile again. She became cautious. Until now she could always see this guard her daughter put up against everything and everyone.

Yet right now, as she gazed at the two girls busy staring at each other, she caught a glimpse of the Yuri she missed. The Yuri that she wished will stay.

She knew deep down, yet she’s not ready to admit, that this new friend made this all possible. Yoona had effortlessly brought back her baby, her mischievous love. In order to seeing her daughter that way once again, Mama Kwon knew she has one thing to ask of Yoona.

And that is for her to stay.




“Are you sure you can make it by yourself?” Yuri asked sadly as she hugged Yoona goodbye. They were standing just outside, Yoona’s car in front of them.

“Of course, I’ll be fine, I promise.” Yoona said and smiled gently, pulling herself out of Yuri’s embrace. She didn’t want to hug Yuri suspiciously long. She chuckled as she looked at Yuri’s pouting face.

Her thumbs immediately made their way to Yuri’s face, smoothing the creasing eyebrows.

“Be a good girl and be careful okay?” Yuri said. She badly wanted to go back with Yoona but her family wanted to be with her especially now that Krystal decided to spend the night.

“Yes ma’am.” Yoona smirked and waved slowly, walking to her car.

“Yoona?” Yuri called out before Yoona can sit inside. “Call me when you get there?”

Yoona just smiled and nodded, sliding herself in.

Yuri didn’t go in until she can no longer see the taillights of Yoona’s car as she drove away.

With a sigh, she trudged inside, when her phone started vibrating, alerting her of a call.

She smiled when she saw the name and answered.

“Yes?” She smiled, staring off into space, picturing out the other girl’s face. “Did you get lost?” She stopped herself from smiling too widely.


“Yeah? But it’s impossible for you to arrive at your house already?” Yuri pouted. Did something happen for Yoona to call her immediately?

“I’m still driving.” Yoona said. Yuri frowned, not liking the idea of Yoona calling while driving.

“And before you lecture me about calling while driving is not safe, I’ll be quick. I have to tell you something really important.” Yoona said.

Yuri hummed in response. “What?”

There was silence and Yuri thought her call got disconnected until she heard that lovely voice speak again clearly.

“I love you Kwon Yuri.”

And no matter how much Yuri tried to remove the stupid wide smile on her face, with Yoona’s sweet confession, there it stayed.





This is dedicated to everyone who waited, who believed I’m still alive to update, and for everyone who never stopped loving YoonYul as much as I do. Thank you. If you’re wondering why I never replied to your messages, that’s because I’m really embarrassed with my incompetence. Sorry.

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Chapter 51: Author-nim~~~~~~
Welcome back!!! Finally an update.
I'm glad you're still write the story. My waiting is getting paid back. 😁
YoonYul being lovey-dovey over the phone, still makes my heart flutters 💗
So I guess Yuri's father is sick? I hope it's nothing serious. And please don't make our YoonYul heart broken anytime soon. If it's possible. Please??
I'll be waiting for the next update, I can't wait honestly 😂😂😂 but take your time author.
Anyway, Happy New Year to you, Happy New Year mina~ 🎉🎉🎉please stay safe
Adampark19 #2
KumaKey88 #3
Chapter 51: Finally....
I’ve been waiting for your update. Thanks

Appointment with the doctors????
Chapter 50: And the last update made my heart at peace at last
Chapter 46: It's 8 am here, and I wonder why I still reread this chapter even tho I knew I would bawls my eyes out. Sigh
Meyoong #6
Chapter 49: Please continue your storyyyyy....I'll be waiting! Fighting!
jazz2202 #7
I hope u will update this
Pls complete this
Thank you
This is my favorite yoonyul fic
Adampark19 #8
Chapter 50: Author-nim, i've read this fic for the nth times and i still feel my heart flatters from yoonyul and your story. Please continue your fic.... I'll be here waiting author-nim~
Xaleyna90 #9
Chapter 49: I love your story.. i feel like im in the character.. author nim, please update next chapter..hwaiting
hkinki #10
Chapter 50: Love yoonyul and thank you for making yoonyul together again !!! Will be waiting for more