The Angel's Song Of Remorse

The Angel's Song Of Remorse

Jaejoong lit his cigarette, thinking back to the last words he spoke to Yunho before they parted ways. Inhaling the deadly smoke, he recited himself. "Yunho, thank you for telling the most beautiful lie. Thank you for saying ‘I love you’.” Jaejoong could still feel the alcohol circulating in his system, making his heart work a lot faster than normal. He liked the feeling of his heart beating. It reminded him that the muscle he relied upon the most, was still there. It was still functioning. Though Yunho had left scars on his heart, Jaejoong thought back to the time when he thought the veins on Yunho's heart spelled out his name.

The pain in the blonde's chest, was unspeakable, unimaginable. "Yunho.." the fragile male whispered into the night. Jaejoong wasn't oblivious. He knew he would never see Yunho again, he knew. Yes, he knew. But he couldn't understand. A long time ago, Yunho made a promise to Jaejoong. "I will never leave you. With God as my witness, I will never leave you, Jaejoong." Jaejoong had also made a promise to Yunho. "Yunho.. you broke your promise, so why should I keep mine?" He thought about the promise he made to Yunho. "Jaejoong, promise me you'll fall in love again, promise me you'll allow yourself to love and to be loved back."  Those were Yunho's last words.

The pale figure fell back on his bed, heart aching and tears threatening to escape. "I hate you, Yunho... I hate you for making me feel like this." Jaejoong felt like his tears represented him, transparent and merely one among millions.

It had been a year since he lost Yunho. Since he lost his will and only reason to live. Jaejoong was lost, and he would never find his way back. He was in so much pain, he didn't even feel the cigarette burning through his shirt as he dropped it. "You lied to me, Yunho... you promised you would never leave me." Jaejoong let out a heart-wrenching scream, loud enough for the angels to hear. 'The truth hurts, Jaejoong, but believe me when I say, you were the only one worth lying to.'  Jaejoong sat up. "Y-Yunho?" He was alone, Yunho was not with him. "I guess that was just my heart telling me that I miss you..." Jaejoong cried. Again.  

He patted his chest, removing the cigarette staining his pale skin. "Why bother.." he whispered as he made his way to the balcony. Feeling the cold December air blowing through his blond hair, Jaejoong let a final tear escape. He had no more tears to shed. "You promised you would never leave me. You broke your promise. I promised to fall in love again, now I'm breaking mine," Jaejoong whispered. Leaning forward with eyes closed, he could hear the angels playing on their harps, heaven was so close. "Love is a melody that the angels of heaven play on the strings of our hearts," Jaejoong whispered into the night before fell forward. Just as he was about to fall over the railing, a strong and powerful gust of wind sent him stumbling backwards, and back into his room. "W-What.." Jaejoong closed his eyes when he thought he could smell Yunho's perfume. "Will you wait for me in front of the pearly gates? Will you lead me into heaven? Then and only then, can I truly be happy," he confessed. Jaejoong was taken aback as another gust of wind knocked over a picture on his nightstand. It landed on his lap. It was a picture of him and Yunho. The glass was broken, causing the picture to fall out. It swayed gently from side to side before it landed on his lap. Jaejoong noticed writing on the back of it. It was Yunho's handwriting, he knew. Jaejoong shook as he read the contents. 'Jaejoong, I knew you would never keep your promise, and it's okay. We will reunite in heaven, but not before it's time. I love you. Yunho.'  The blonde touched his cheek as he thought he felt Yunho's hand caressing his skin. "Not before it's time.. You're still protecting me, aren't you, Yunho-yah?" Jaejoong said to the picture in his hands. "Yunho, you told me I was your angel, but the day I lost you, I lost my wings." Jaejoong's vision was blurry, cloudy. "Yunho, you're God's most beautiful angel.. but you're my angel, too. Why was God allowed to take you?!" The blonde screamed.

Kissing the picture, Jaejoong crawled into bed and caressed Yunho's side of it. Empty, cold, like it had been for a year. Jaejoong couldn't sleep. Despite his miserable life, his dreams were worse than reality. He could not fall asleep.

He knew. He knew that if he fell asleep, he would wish to never wake up again. Jaejoong knew himself, but Yunho knew him better.

Forgetting about the sleeping pills in his system, he drank another bottle of Soju, as if consolation was in the bottom of the bottle. He felt drowsy, sleepy. Jaejoong felt like he had no control of his body. It felt nice, since he himself, had completely lost all control.

"Yunho, I love you. It’s time,” Jaejoong whispered before he closed his eyes, only to never open them again. They were finally together again.


-When someone dies, an angel is born-  K.A

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It's amazing.....
Oh..; ~ ; It made me all teary.
I don't know what to say really. Other than 'wow'. One thing that I really liked about this is how Yunho continued to 'protect' Jae from himself from Heaven. It was really sweet. But still really sad. Once again my eyes are teary <3 But at least they can be together now.
lola8601 #4
so sad and pretty
Oh my god. My throat. My eyes. It's beautiful. <3
itslol123 #6
Why are u making me cry??? Its so sad and so beutiful
What an absolutely beautiful and touching story.
I shredded tears while reading this.
its sad and definetly makes me cry~
thanks for making a beautiful fic~