unexpected meeting


There was a guy with fancy sun glasses walked slowly in front of Kyuhyun. He felt annoyed because he was in a rush and he needed to be at his office on time, and he only had ten minutes left because he played too much Starcraft at night, and at that very moment this certain guy was blocking his way, and he knew he had to tell that guy to move aside or just push him away, but he knew he wasn’t in a very good mood so he might end up picking a fight with the said guy and he didn’t wanna make a scene in the morning, so he concluded that he better did it nicely.


                “excuse me.” he said softly. But he got no answer from the later.

                “excuse me!” Kyuhyun spoke louder that time, but still no answer.

                “! I said excuse me! can’t you hear me? you need to move aside, I’m in a hurry for heaven’s sake!” Kyuhyun’s anger was boiled. And still he got a silent treatment, no ing answer. So, Kyuhyun grabbed his arm and pulled him. He felt the urge to teach that guy how to behave, he really wanted to punch that guy’s shaded face. Eventhough Kyuhyun had to hold his laughter because what’s with this guy’s mind? He walked slowly in a busy morning with big funny shade on his face!

                “hey, listen to me!” scolded Kyuhyun as his hand still gripping the ignorant man’s arm tightly.

                “What the !” Kyuhyun muttered furiously. “are you deaf?” he asked angrily. He didn’t care anymore about making a drama in a peaceful morning.

                “nope, but I’m blind.” The guy finally answered. Kyuhyun was shock and let go of the guy’s arm unconsciously. The said guy walked away, let Kyuhyun left behind stunned, dumbfounded.




A/N: this is really short LOL, should I make a sequel?


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Maria19 #1
This is really short! oAo
Sungmin is really blind? ;w; Oh, there's a sequel! XD
negene #2
oh.... it was THIS short O__O sequel please!
ssapphire212 #3
Sequel please!!
KyuMinLover123 #4
SHINeeLuv1 #5
Sequel Please!!!!
when you said it's short i didn't expect it to be THIS SHORT !!
i want a squeal!! T-T