Mistletoe does wonders~

Mistletoe does wonders~

{The group you're in is called SPARKLee -- girl version of SHINee ^^
Member names are:
Jinyeon: Leader
Taerin:  the youngest (after you) 
Junghae &  Saeyeon are your other unnies.}

All the members in this oneshot are completely made up. If there's any similarity to someone living or dead, it was purely a coincidence.


Lee Sun Yung's POV

I was going through my vocals when a knock was heard on the door. I turned find it be Taemin, my secret boyfriend. I debuted under SME for just half a year now. We're (SPARKLee) in the process of making our first mini-album. Taemin smiled at me and I went back to my practicing. Suddenly arms wrapped around my waist. On the wrist was a bracelet I made for him. I leaned against his chest, taking a break. I had a bracelet, made by him. But they looked completely different. Mine had purple flowers, whereas his had black T's. But, If you turned them over, you'll find T ♥ S engraved on it. So, that was our secret couple bracelet.

"Ahem." Coughed a voice. We turned around. It was Lee Soo Man. We both bowed before him.
"Now, Taemin... I belive you have a photoshoot soon. Could you please make your way to it on the second floor?"
"Neh, sir." Taeming bowed deeply asnd left, before winking at me. I smiled at him.
"Miss Lee, I believe you're busy too. You're lucky I've allowed you two to date. You know the usual rules about no dating within the same company. Would you like me to remember those rules and break you two apart? If not, I suggest you continue for your comeback araso?!"
"Neh sir." I bowed deeply and went back to work instantly.

The other girls that had been blanked during the whole happening just stared at me. I focused my gaze straight ahead and tried my best to ignore them. But... that wasn't possible. I needed their help. You see, I was the main one in our group to think of the lyrics. But...  the chrous was a bit hard for me to do. I've got the title, but I can't think of one.

"Okay, tell me. What do you want?" I asked them, giving up.
"I'll answer it all, once I've finished with the chorus. Of course, I need your help..."
"SURE!" They chorused.


We've been working hard for our comeback, which is in a couple of minutes. And, as of now, here I am... nervously anticipating for our group name to be called out. Our 'main' song is called 'Summer Sarang'. Our concept is summery clothing. We all had our colors. Mine: purple (matches my bracelet) Jinyeon: red Taerin:blue JungHae: green and Saeyeon: yellow. I was playing with my nails and nervously biting my lip. Taerin-ah was doing the same. The other unnies were bouncing about, talking about random things to distract them from the nervousness. I could tell.

"PLEASE WELCOME SPARKLee!! WITH THEIR NEW SONG, 'SUMMER SARANG'!!!!!" A loud eruption of cheers emmited from the crowds.

We all smiled as we walked to the stage. I put the mic to my lips and started to speak the intro in English. And with the intro finished, the song flowed out from us. We were just sitting on chairs, not dancing or anything. Behind us was a big screen with a tree and it's leaves blowing in the wind. We finished with a bow. It was quiet. Too quiet. I glanced up. Was it that b-


We all looked at each other and smiled. OMG, our comeback is successful! Yay!!!!! I was happy. We thanked the crowd and went over to the hosts to get interviewed. The hosts today on Music Bank were Hara unnie and Taemin Oppa. Taemin gave me a hug (only me..), whereas Hara unnie gave Jinyeon unnie a bouqet of roses.

"Kamshamnida everyone! Thanks for the suppoer you've given us!" I bowed to the camera.
"So SPARKLee what does your comeback feel like?!Happy, teary, exciting???"
"Ahh... unnie, it feels like all of those and more! We're glad we get to be able to be out and about. I was really bored in my befroom writing lyrics." Everyone laughed. We did a peace sign. "Well, SPARKLee has a fan-signing to head off to, so SPARKLee have a safe journey! Congrats on your comeback!" I thanked Taemin and waved bye to the croweds whoe whined that we had to leave. I blew several kisses, Taerin dongsaeng even gave them heart poses. I rolled my eyes at her, before going backstage.

"Congrats! Your song is bound to be a hit! In fact, I just checked the download charts, and found yours to be number 1!"
"Really?!" Jinyeon squealed. As the leader, she was glad that she lead us to success.
"Hey! You still have a fan-signing. We have to leave A-S-A-P!" Said our manager. We said bye to everyone and departed the room.

Off to our first fan-signing. I hope that we gain many fans, Fans are what keeps a star shining. Without our supporters, we'd probably be off balance and would've fallen off the cliff by now. So, thanks to those fans for everything!!

When we arrived at the designated hall, there were many people already waiting. We walked passed them to get to the entrance. I took us a while, since we gave handshakes and flying kisses. Even some heart poses. I heard murmurs such as "AWw! Noona/unnie is so sweet!" "Pfft, she's faking - kyaa! she smiled at me!" etcetera... I waved one final wave before entering the big hall. We were the only celebrities there, so... to see all those people waiting for us, warmed my heart to bits! I love them and I'm so grateful to have been given this oppurtunity and talent!

After about three to five hours of fansigning, there was only one person left. I was looking down, so I didn't really know who the person was.

"Whats your name?"
"Taemin Lee." I wrote down the name on the CD he gave me.. wait.
Taemin Lee. Taemin Lee. Taemin Lee. That name rings a bell. I looked up and found a smirking Taemin. Glad that there was no one there anymore, I stood up and gave him a hug. He chuckled and hugged me back.

"Aww... unnie and oppa are cute together!" I hear Taerin say. Yes, yes we are.

"Guys, I'm going to go. Tell manager unnie that I'll be on my way okays? Sorry I can't help-"
"sst! You go on a date with your man. We'll handle this. Enjoy your evening together!" Saeyeon said.
"Okay. Thanks guys! See you guys later!" I waved and turned to bump into a.. Taemin. I smiled, took his hand and off we went to enjoy the rest of the day.

"So, you're really busy lately. You don't have enough time for me anymore?"
"Ani! I always have time for the man I love." I softly smiled. He pushed the loose strands of my hair out of my face and gave a kiss on the cheek. I blushed (as I always did) and pulled him over to the park.

The park was completely empty. So, that was a plus side. No one ever came to this part after six. A shame since the park was a beautiful place. It was where me and Taemin had bumped into each other while I was still a trainee. But, that all changed after the fifth time we saw each other. Because thats when he asked me to go on a date with him. But, since he was already in SHINee, we had to be secretive. So, we ate in this very park. Our first date. Our first meeting.

"What are you thinking about?" Taemin asked.
"Just how lucky I am to have gotten a catch like you." I blinked at him. He started laughing at my fail attempt at being cute. "Psh" I pushed him off and walked off. He ran after me, put his arms around my shoulder and leaned on my head.
"I should be lucky for being with you." He murmured. This guy sure can sweet-talk. I thought.

We arrived in front of a fountain. We stood face to face. Taemin took my hands and raised them. He looked straight into my eyes. I could feel myself melt in front of his gaze. A gaze full of tenderness and love. How I loved to be with him! He smiled, leaned in and gave me a kiss. I felt my knees weaken, and if it weren't for his hands on my waist, I would've fallen. I smiled through the kiss and responded. I heard a bristle in the bushes. I didn't care what it was to be honest. I was too busy kissing this man whom I loved!

---------------------------Following day.................

"Lee Sun Yung and Lee Taemin caught kissing? Really? Thats quite possible. You see, during Music Back last evening, Taemin had only hugged her, and not any of the other SPARKLee members."
"Neh. Its possible that those two are going out."
"Many noonas and dongsaengs of Taemin's are heartbroken to have seen this image on the first page of every search engine. I wonder how these two managed to pull it off!"

Thats it. My world it over. My world came crashing down. Me and Taemin were just having a good time, and the consequence of having a good time? Getting bashed by... TV people. Well, I guess thats the end for me. I always wondered what life would be like if I told the world about our relationship. I guess this wasn't what I had expected. I could hear footsteps from upstairs rushing down, so I quickly changed the channel. I don't want the others burdened-

"Sun Yung-ah! What happened? I got a text from Manager unnie saying that you and Taemin were found out! What are you gonna do?"
"Saeyeon unnie, I really.. I..." I broke down into tears and fell.
"Look what you did!" Jinyeon said to Saeyeon. I continued to cry. Junghae unnie bent down and started to console me. She was the second person I was closest to, besides Taerin. They were like real sisters to me. All of them were like sisters to me to be honest. I wiped my tears away and stood up.

"Are you okay now?" Jinyeon unnie asked. I nodded and walked over to my bedroom, in a blank state. I closed the door behind me and sighed. I guess I know what to do now. I need to solve this, and... make things right again.


(No longer SunYung's POV. Narrator's pov)

"LEE SUN YUNG!!!!!!"

The SPARKLee members were searching all over Seoul for their member, friend...sister. They couldn't find her. After Sun Yung had gone to her room, the members were just talking. They were in the living room, and they didn't hear the door open and close. By the time that they had realized that Sun Yung had gone, she was already in the airport. Yes, her solution was to run away and forget about everything. Everything she worked hard for. She was an independent sixteen year old, yes. But... she could've at least told her members that she was to leave. Better than making them worry, sure they'll make her change her mind, but... at least they would've known where she was!


I guess thats my que to leave. I'm sorry to everyone for what I've done. Its best for me to leave without you knowing. You'll soon forget about me. Cope without me. Be happy without me. I'm sorry Lee Soo Man, I disappointed you for everything that I'd done. You let me date in your company, and as a thanks, I go out and let everyone know about it. I'm so sorry. This is the best solution that I can think of. A conference won't work. There'll still be some haters. I'd rather everything to be forgotten. Sun Yung thought. She took one last glance out of the window, outlooking Incheon, hoping (by some miracle) someone would stop her. No one did. Looking down, she made her way to the stewardess. She made sure to hide her face from the other people, she didn't want a scene to be caused. Being smart, she chose to go into Business class. There'd be less people there, plus..  she did want to relax for her twenty hour journey.

Sun Yung fell asleep within the first ten minutes, and slept like a baby for five hours. She eventually woke up, and looked around. She sighed. Leaving was going to be hard for her, but... what would anyone care? She un-buckled her belt, and bent over to get her bag. She picked it up and put it on her lap. After opening it, she took out a small, box. Just a few centimeters bigger than her hand. She carefull opened it, and took the contents outside. It was photos. She looked at every single one of them. Many of them were of SPARKLee, and with Lee Taemin. The last one however, made her cry. It was a photo of her and Taemin on their first date. She quickle wiped her tears, and put the box away. She put it back in her bag, and put the bag back from where it came from. She re-buckled her seat belt and leaned back. Sighing, she looked out of the window. It was pink. Sunset...


It had been six months. It was December, and it was starting to snow. Sun Yung was in her parents' home, enjoying her breakfast. She resumed everything the way it was before she left three years ago. Her parents knew about everything, but were willing to support her through the thick and thin. She finished her breakfast, and left to go to her bedroom. She changed into a wolly jumper that went below her waste. She wore jeans and with her hair down, put her favorite hat on.

She said bye to her parents and left the house. She was happily skipping, but was careful to not slip and trip up. Snow started to fall from above and she giggled. She looked up, only to get snow into her eyes. Aigoo. I forgot I'm not wearing sunglasses. But... who would wear sunglasses in the snow? She thought. She shook her head and walked over some snow. It was untouched, and... once you see untouched snow, you would most likely feel like touching it right??

She hummed the tune that Taemin hummed to her one time. She realized what she was doing and facepalmed herself. You're supposed to forget about him you dodo! He's already forgotten about you! If he hadn't, why hasn't he asked about you?? She shook her head, and focused on her walking. Every morning, she'd take her morning walk around the neighbourhood, and into the main area. It was something she had always done.

After the walk, she went back to her parents' home. They greeted her, and she greeted them back. She then went back to her room, and changed into homey clothes. Putting on her slippers, she walked downstairs. She sat on the sofa and lazed about, watching TV. Her winter job wasn't to start until seven. Her job was a singer in a cafe. So, her voice didn't really go to waste. She was thankful that no one knew about Kpop in the cafe.


Back in Korea


"So, Taemin, do you know how Sun Yung is?" Taerin asked. "Oof!!" She got whacked on the head by Jinyeon.
"Excuse her." She smiled sweetly.
"Wait... you don't know where she is? Why, what happened?!"
"You don't know?" Saeyeon asked him.  He shook his head. The four looked at each other and nodded.
"She disappeared, after finding out that your relationship has become public. And we don't know where she is!!" Junghae explained, trying to prevent herself from shouting any louder.

When it all sunk it, Taemin sat up, and ran off. The other SHINee members confusedly stared after him. Taemin knew exactly where to find her... He just needed to get a ticket first.


It was already seven in New York. So, Sun Yung was at the stage, wearing casual clothing, with smokey eyes and deep red lipstick. She wore that to disguise the fact that she was only sixteen. Rather, she was '17' in their eyes. Not a big difference to her real age, but close enough.

She started to sing some Christmas songs, because it was already December 20th. She smiled to the crowd, and let her voice calm and amaze them.


Four days had passed. Taemin was in a hotel resting, but also pacing. He didn't know where to find Sun Yung. He didn't know where she orginally lived anyways! He pinched the bridge of his nose and looked up. "Please help me" he said to the Heavens. Right then and there, outside of his door, he heard voices. Apparently, they were talking about a beautiful girl that sang. They played a recording of her voice. Taemin's ears perked. That was his Sun Yung's voice. He isntantly opended the door, and with much trouble he asked them of where the woman sang. They said "Retro cafe next to McDonalds". He thanked them, and ran back to his room. He put on his coat and headed off.

Fifteen minutes, he was already inside the cafe. At the very back though, since it was very crowded. He heard the familiar voice, and looked up. There she was. Smiling. Happy. Safe... as beautiful as ever. She started to sing her final song. But when she ended, many people groaned that she had to leave. She gave them all flying kisses and stepped off the stage. She waved bye, and walked out of the door. People attempted to follow her, but.. the security guard wouldn't let them. Taemin slipped away, and tried to find her. He caught sight of her hair, and followed her.

Sun Yung stopped walking. She sensed that someone was following her. When she turned around, she saw Taemin. She rubbed her eyes, thinking it was a hallucination.

"Don't do that, you're eyes will become red." He said. He had seemed to have taken many steps, and was now in front over her. Her eyes widened and she backed away.
"You're not really here. I'm just dreaming." She whispered.
"Really, well then... I'll never wake up from this dream if it means bein separated from you." Taemin said, gazing into her eyes.
She glanced up, her biggest mistake yet, and saw the love and tenderness in them.
"I've tried so hard to forget about you, but... I guess I just can't." She admitted, hugging him.
Taemin smiled, and hugged. He looked up, and saw something, that caught his interest.

"Look, Mistletoe. You know what you gotta do right?"
"Mhm." She nodded, and gave him the most passionate kiss she's ever given him.
"I'm so glad you didn't forget about me."
"How could I ever forget you?" She said, looking straight at him.

They ended up kissing, whilst the snow was falling. They didn't notice, but the mistletoe seemed to have been growing as they were kissing.....



I hope you enjoyed the oneshot!
Merry Christmas!~
and a happy New year!~


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m0zarts0nata-- #1
this was pretty freaking adorable (: <3333
Marshmallow_Bunny #3
kayhhh~! tht was sooo cute! ^-^ I loved it!!! ^-^