
Just because...



***Author's Note: My first story, I am still getting the hang of the POV thing, I think I'm going to write everything in my OC POV and other situation in a 3rd POV... but we'll see how it goes. Hope you enjoy reading this though I am still new at this, so I'm not sure what I'm doing actually. Onew will be the main character and will be using his real name instead***

"As I said, we have regulations and guidelines to adhere to. I know you are a good friend of my uncle, but my priority is this company and I have to uphold the values." Jinki grimly stated as he narrowly looks at the two people in front of him. Director Park and old 60 years old guy, with ugly taste in shoes (white shoes really....) and her 20 something well endowed daughter.
"I know but is there something that you could do for us? Like put in good words about us during the tender board selection"
"I am the head of the tender board, sweet talking them will only cloud their judgement and making it unfair. Let's stop this conversation now before I lose my patience and respect for you Director Park. If you still ---"
"Chairman Lee, there is an urgent case that needs your attention at the moment, could you please spare a few minutes," Jinki's 40 years old secretary caught his attention.
"I need to settle this, please wait for a while." Jinky calmly said as he stood up to leave the room.
While he is out, Director Park started to plot with his daughter, to use her as the last resort to get him to agree with the deal that they are proposing. 
The door opens and Jinki slowly walked towards the coffee table and take a seat. "I am sorry, as I was saying, a tender is a tender, you have to go through the normal evaluation procedures. Please participate honestly."
"I get it, I was just trying my luck. Anyway it is a pleasure meeting you. Actually there is something else that we want to talk to you about." Jinki questioningly looked at Director Park.
"Unfortunately I have another appointment but since we have another 30 minutes left before our meeting is over and my lovely daughter is here, perhaps she can stays back and explain the details to you. Don't worry it has nothing to do with the deal." 
"Fine, thank you for sparing your time to see me as well," Jinki stood up and showed Director Park the way out of his office.
Turning back towards the girl sitting in the chair, Jinki casually sat back on the sofa."So what is it that you want to say."
Slowly, Ms. Busty trod towards Jinki and sit on the his sofa's arms rest, causing her skirt, well it is actually 1/4 of how a normal skirt should look like. She starts to loosen up some of her shirt button to give Jinki a free-for-all view of her bossoms. 
"What are you trying to do," Jinky lazily asked while looking at her with boring eyes.
"Well oppa, you seem so tense and maybe that's why you sound so mad when talking to daddy. Maybe I could be of great service and you know ease those frown on your foreheads," the lady poutily said while playing with his hair.
Jinky smirked his confident smirks and starts to the girl's thigh causing her to moan softly. He then whispered huskily in her ears encouraging her to do a for him. Jinki then stood up and struted confidently towards his desk and leaned there while watching the lady put on a show for him. While she was busy doing her moves and removing her clothes, Jinky pushes a button on the telephone.
'I got him' the lady thought as she starts to do y dance wearing only her lacy bra and and stockings, when all of a sudden two big man burst into the room looking fierce and ready to cause some pain. "AAAAAAAhhhh... What the hell, why the hell do you bust into this room," screams the almost bare lady.
"Boss you paged us, any emergency?" The taller of the two asks. "Yeah, I did. There is a mentally ill women flashing her cellulite at me. Please get rid of her." "Noted boss," the two guys immediately grabbed both of the lady's arms and dragged her out of the office. 
"No you can't do this to me. Who the hell do you think you are. Do you know who I am. How dare you. Let me go. Let me go." The screaming is completely ignored.
"You just going to throw her out in her undies, can you give her time to let her put on some shirts," His secretary asked. "She seems to like taking her clothes off for strangers so I think she would be fine. It is not like she is ," Jinki casually dismissed her.
Sighing, the old secretary quietly picked up the thrown clothes to give it back to the owner. "By the way, you have dinner with your family tonight so leave the office at 7 pm okay. I've set the appointment inside your iPhone."
Jinki simply nodded and start reading his file when the phone rings.
"You sound slightly perky, wussup? did you make any girls cry this morning"
His friend Kibum on the other line asked. "Nothing just working," Jinki scoffed through the phone.
"Whatever you do to appease your sadistic nature shall be ignored by me. Anyway, just calling to ask if you want to hang out tonight," Kibum asked. "There is somebody that I want to introduce you to tonight."
"If you want to hook your buddy up, can you do it with somebody who is interested? Ask Jjong not me."
"Like I said, Introduce, meaning meeting, chating maybe dating. Not 'tap the goodies' and 'I won't call you tomorrow'. Hence the reason why that porcupine is not invited. Plus you are the one desperately need a girl right now, not him," Kibum replied nonchalantly.
At that Jinki started to groan helplessly. "I am not desperate okay. Just... just... you know what, pissed off, I don't care anymore. And I can't join you tonight cause I have another family dinner."
Laughing ridiculously, Kibum answered, "well have a great time er. May you still be sane when you see me later." With that he hunged up the phone.
After slaming the phone, Jinki started to massage his temple and forehead 
'Why me?...' 
The whole conversation brought him back to last week's dinner with his family.
Taemin, Jinki's brother, animatedly talked about his day at college and filling in everybody with his latest project an all. It was a normal family dinner for them...
Well not quite...
"Hey Jinki, are you doing anything this weekend?" Their mother, Mrs. Lee asked.
Yup, now it is a normal dinner...
"I'll be working on a new project on Saturday and am going to hang out with the boys on Sunday," He casually answered.
"It doesn't sound that you are too busy then. So... Mrs. Jang's daughter just got back from Vienna, she is a pianist. Very cultural and sweet, I saw her the other day. She is 24 years old and guess what she is single. Since she just got back, I thought it would be nice that you know somebody would bring her around. Let's say this Saturday night." Their mother sweetly looking at Jinki for his reply.
"I am not going to do it, ask the driver to bring her around." 
Red does not really complement Mrs. Lee, her face starts to turn bright red as she screamed at him "Yahhh! I already promise her that my son is going to take her out for an outing this weekend. So YOU my son will take her out."
Pissed off, Jinki put his chopsticks down. "Mom, can you just please stop this matchmaking project. I had enough of the pretentious bimbos that you tried to hook me up with."
"What do you mean Pretentious Bimbos... They are highly educated young ladies from good background and good family. They are good wife materials for you"
"Yes, of whom only want to date me for our money and our status." He retorted. "I don't need these people around me and I certainly don't feel like getting married anytime soon. So if you want me to come here in this house again, please don't bring up that subject anymore." Picking up his chopsticks, Jinki continued eating, while the room went silence. His dad, grandpa and brother chose to stay out of the whole drama, for safety resons.
He thought that his mother finally let go of the whole conversation, boy was he wrong. It's his mother after all.
"Are you gay? Are you into guys? Just answer me honestly." 
"Mom, come on." "Mom! seriously." "Jagiya~~" everyone on the table burst out. Well his grandpa was coughing and wheezing like mad.
"Well are you? You don't seem to be interested in girls no matter how many and different types of girls that I introduce you too. SO this MUST be the reason." His mother firmly stated.
"Just because I don't feel like getting married or date for that matter, doesn't mean that I am gay." Jinky burst out while waving his hands all over the place.
"It's the Minho kid right. I knew it, that boy is too good looking to be single and you guys hangs out a lot too. He's the dominant one isn't he? The one that does all the shoving up your ," she continued screeching at him.
"OH MY GOD! MOM. if you continue and say that again, I am seriously going to take these chopsticks and mutiliate my ears. Please, for the love of god, STOP." Couldn't handle the whole conversations Taemin shrieked while holding the chopsticks.
"Honey, please stop this. You are giving dad and me a heartattack right now." Pleaded his dad.
Rubbing his forehead repeatedly, all Jinki could do is sighed at his mother. "Mom, one, I am not gay. Two, I am not in a relationship with Minho, who by the way is not gay too. Three, I just really really don't like the girls that you introduce to me. Four, if there is a girl that I am interested in I will consider dating her. But that's about it, marriage is the last thing on my mind right now because I am so freaking busy with the business. Unless i could find someone who is not crazy about our money, our status, who doesn't mind that I wouldn't be around 24/7..."
"Doesn't mind that hyung is insensitive, doesn't have the capability to love because he has no heart, have terrible temper at times, doesn't have a romantic bone in his body, have weird obsession with chicken and Dragon Quest, and the fact that he..."
"Taemin, I seriously don't need your help there," Jinki looked at him with narrow eyes, if looks can kill.
Taemin sheepishly cowered back into his seat.
"Like I said unless that person exist then things will stay the way it is," Jinki concluded.
"Son it does not work that way, having a relationship means that both of you need to sacrifice and compromise. You wouldn't be able to have a solid relationship if you don't do both," his mother concerned eyes fell on him.
"Unless, he found a person who is like that too." Taemin mindlessly added while playing with his food.
Glad that people are finally paying attention to him, he chirpily added, "think about it if there is a girl who is like Hyung, who wants a guy-who-you-know accept all those things about her too then it is a perfect match. It's like Hyung wouldn't need to care about her and vice versa, so perfect compromise and nobody have to sacrifice anything."
Unwilling to take the things that is coming out of his youngest son mouth, Mrs. Lee knocked his head with her hand. "If that is the case then you wouldn't call it a relationship, you numbnuts."
"Taemin made a good point there, when I found someone like that I will definitely date her. So can we just drop this whole thing and have a peaceful dinner."
"I won't drop this until you agree to take the girl out this Saturday," his mother stubbornly said.
"Fine I'll do it," Jinki agreed halfheartedly.
Dinner went well after that...
But it is not going to go well tonight cause he literally ignored the girl during the outing, might have insulted her family and might have accidentally tried to set her on fire. His mother is going to give him an earful about his behaviour tonight. Most definitely.
Sighing, he chose to ignore what is going to happen later praying that his mother would just forget the whole finding a girl thing for a while. Switching on his laptop, he just starts working.
**Next Morning**
"Unnie...Unnie... Wake up." Nicole nudged Yue to get her to wake up.
"Yes, I'm up. But is still too early Nic, give me 5 more minutes." Yue groggily answered.
"Unnie... There's 3 people now laying at the living room... One of them is a guy."
At that, Yue's rised from her bed at the speed of light and ran towards the Living Room with Nicole at tow.
"What the hell!" she screamed.
"Are they having a ?" Nicole innocently asked.
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I'll try my best this weekend to do so.... So hope tht you can wait a bit....


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Hyoyeonthequeen #1
i love ur story!!
heesica10 #2
Chapter 3: I like this story Onew being a cold guy
Chapter 2: Is it Yuri's POV and story oni?
Bwahahaha I love the comedy side of this story. You're doing great, you're a brilliant writer...seriously. I really like this story, it's started to get intense ;)
momoji #5
Ohh myyy... I got my first comment... Thanks for your support ASZCOLE... I will try my best to pick up the pace cause I know the story is kinda slow at the moment... Thanks again!!!
Daebak! Ahahahaha LOL I love how you write the story. It's fun to read ;))
Interesting story line & the characters personalities are so cool^