In the Morning....

Unwillingly Pledged to an Angel

Kyunghee's P.O.V.


The next morning I woke up to Leeteuk shaking me to get up. When he knew I was awake, he quickly got up and left the room. I climbed out of the bed and went to my closet to get my uniform. I quickly put it on and brushed through my hair. I quickly peeked in the mirror in my closet and was satisfied.

“This day better go well.” I said as I grabbed my bag and walked down the stairs. Leeteuk was standing in the kitchen looking through the cupboards.

“Nothing to eat!” he complained and I laughed as I walked over to him. I grabbed some food from the cupboards and started cooking breakfast. Leeteuk sat down at the table and waited while I cooked.  When I had finished cooking, I put the food on plates and set a plate down in front of Leeteuk. He looked pleased and I smiled as I sat down to eat the food on my plate.

“How is it?” I asked after Leeteuk had taken a few bites. He smiled and looked up at me.

“It’s amazing! How can you cook so well?!” He exclaimed and I chuckled.

“Well, let’s just say you learn a LOT in my family.” I said. I quickly finished my breakfast and giggled at Leeteuk’s empty plate. I stood up and grabbed both our plates then washed then.

“Do you always eat that fast?” I asked still surprised over how fast he had eaten my food.

“Not really, only when the food is like super amazing!” Leeteuk answered and I laughed.

“I’m assuming that means I am an amazing cook.” I said smirking and he nodded like crazy.

“Yes, super amazing!” Leeteuk said. I laughed as I grabbed my bag and started to head for the door. Leeteuk grabbed his bag and followed me out the door. I stopped when we got outside and looked at Leeteuk. 

“Um how are we supposed to get to school since you um can’t drive?” I aksed Leeteuk and he rolled his eyes then chuckled. 

“We will be drove to school; there’s our ride.” Leeteuk said pointing as a car pulled up. I tried not to stare in aw as we walked over to the car. I got into the back seat and Leeteuk got into the passenger seat.

“Well this is just interesting.” I muttered as we drove towards the school. We rode in silence while the radio played.  

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i am back and writing will start again soon so be prepared for updates!!


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Update soon please...loving the story so far =)