09- Day Out With The SuJu Boys


Chapter Nine:

‘Wow. Your dorm sure is messy.’ Sunny commented as she waded around Super Junior’s dorm. There were empty food containers and dirty clothes hanging all over the place and it sure was a fire hazard. ‘Jaejoong’s oppa dorm is so much better…’

‘Do I hear the word, Jaejoong?’ a guy’s voice could be heard as the speaker walked out of the kitchen with a banana. ‘Annyeong! I’m Kyuhyun. You are?’

‘She’s Sunny Lee. The aegyo queen of SNSD and my best friend.’ Sungmin introduced proudly as he slung an arm around Sunny’s shoulder, bringing her closer to him.

‘Oh! You’re the best friend that hyung was droning on and on, non-stop! Nice to meet you!’ Kyuhyun said with a bright smile.

‘Nice to meet you too!’ Sunny answered with an equally bright smile. She liked meeting new people and Kyuhyun was definitely one of the more cheerful people she has ever met.

‘Where are the other members? Call them out. I wanna introduce to them my best friend!’ Sungmin asked. Nodding his head, Kyuhyun shouted at the top of his lungs, ‘HYUNGS! COME OUT! SUNGMIN HYUNG HAS SOMEONE TO INTRODUCE TO US!’

As if on cue, everyone came rushing out. Sunny watched in amusement as eleven of them scrambled to stand in one straight line before Sungmin. Sungmin was apparently known to be very scary when he’s angry within the members and they definitely did not want him to flare up, especially when there was a guest present.

‘Annyeonghaseyo! Sunny Lee imnida! Nice to meet you all!’ Sunny introduced as she smiled cutely at the members. The members were speechless and didn’t do anything but just continue to stare till Sungmin broke the silence.

‘Yah! Give me some response, come on! You’re scaring her with your stare, you know?’ Sungmin said as he stood protectively in front of Sunny who was shrinking under their stares. The one thing that Sunny hated the most was standing in front of an audience who did nothing but stared at her as if she was some sort of alien being.

‘I’m sorry, but we just aren’t used to seeing girls in our dorm. I’m Leeteuk by the way and it’s nice to finally meet you.’ A guy with an angelic face spoke up with a huge smile.

‘Finally?’ Sunny asked in puzzlement as she tilted her head towards the side and pouted. At that, a rather pretty guy rushed out of the line and pinched her cheeks.

‘Aigoo. You’re so cute!’ the guy by the name of Heechul gushed as he continued pinching Sunny’s cheeks.

‘Yah! Yah! You’re hurting her!’ Leeteuk shouted as he rushed over and removed Heechul’s grip on Sunny’s cheeks. I don’t know why but I can’t help but feel attracted to you…

‘Thanks oppa.’ Sunny awarded Leeteuk with a smile as she rubbed her cheeks. His heart couldn’t help but skip a beat at that smile.

I never believed in love at first sight but now, I have a real good feeling that she’s going to change my mind…

‘OPPA?!’ the other members roared with fury and jealousy. They had only just met a few minutes ago and Sunny was already calling Leeteuk oppa. Secretly pleased, Leeteuk glanced at Sunny and smiled. Sunny smiled back and he couldn’t help but notice how pretty she was with that wide grin on her face.

She should smile like this everyday…


‘Palli! The amusement park will be really crowded if you all don’t hurry!’ Shindong said, irritated as he shooed everyone out of the dorm. Twelve boys and one girl stumbled out of the room with belongings cluttered everywhere as some struggled to put on their shoes while others ensured that their disguises were fixed properly. Most of them were either wearing a pair of fake spectacles or a pair of shades for  they were the best tools for disguising one—hides a lot but doesn’t attract too much attention.

‘Kahja!’ Shindong said enthusiastically once everyone was ready and ambled towards their awaiting van. Sungmin had brought forward his suggestion of an outing after all the introductions were made. Everyone was nice, welcoming and friendly towards Sunny and she couldn’t help but feel all warm inside, and most importantly, at home. The SuJu boys had immediately agreed on Sungmin’s suggestion and started brainstorming for places to go before finally deciding on the amusement park. Sure, they may have been to the amusement park many times before but it had never once bore them. An added bonus was that the owner of the amusement park always brought it new rides every two months and hence, the amusement park never ran out of visitors.

‘Yah! Wait up, Shindong!’ the rest of the group called out as Shindong’s leisure pace soon changed into an excited dash.

Looks like today’s going to be a long day…


‘So, which ride do you want to go for?’ Donghae asked as he surveyed the amusement park. As it was the weekends, it was rather packed. Parents and their children could be seen, even young couples. There were mascots walking around in their bulky costumes with balloons in their hands who occasionally stopped to give balloons out to crying toddlers and young children. The sight before them was indeed a happy one.

‘I wanna ride that merry-go-round or whatever that is!’ Sunny said ecstatically as she pointed to a merry-go-round with horses on it. ‘Oppas! Ride it with me!’

The SuJu boys looked at each other, their eyebrows arched. That ride was obviously for children and riding it would hurt their male pride just a little. Looking at one another indecisively, Sungmin spoke up. ‘Sunny-ah, isn’t that ride a little childish?’

‘So what? There’s no age limit here! I want to ride it, oppa. Pleaseeeee?’ Sunny begged as she clasped her hands together and pouted. Aegyo, work your magic please.

Sungmin looked at s. They were all begging him with their eyes, not to go for the ride. Some of them were even using their aegyo to persuade him—something that was very rare. Ottoke. What to choose? Sungmin thought as he glanced back at Sunny who was pouting cutely. He was in a dilemma. He didn’t want to hurt his best friend nor did he want s to be angry with him.

‘I’ll go with her.’ Leeteuk spoke up as if he sensed Sungmin’s inner predicament. Curious but definitely relieved, Sungmin looked at the leader weirdly. This wasn’t the Leeteuk that he knew. The Leeteuk that he knew of would never ever be caught riding kiddy rides like those. The other members were equally puzzled too, but they didn’t say anything.

‘Gomawo, Teukkie oppa! Kahja! Let’s go!’ Sunny squealed with excitement as she grabbed his hand and pulled him towards the queue.

Teukkie oppa? I like this name…


‘Whoo! That was fun! Ryeowook oppa, you should have gone for the ride!’ Sunny exclaimed as they got out of the roller coaster carriage.

‘Nah. No thanks.’ Ryeowook said dismissively. Truth was, he had a fear of heights and thus, he hated rollercoasters because of that very reason. And as much as he didn’t want to lie, his male dignity held him back from revealing that bit of information to a girl. Hence, he came up with a smartly crafted excuse to hide the truth.

‘Aw. That’s such a waste. You shouldn’t have gone to the toilet.’ Sunny complained, completely unaware of the smirks that the other twelve members were giving to Ryeowook. They all knew, of course, about Ryeowook’s height phobia but didn’t mention anything about it for it was all about basic respect. Ryeowook would tell Sunny if he wanted to.

‘Haha yeah. You wouldn’t want my bladder to burst, would you?’ Ryeowook asked rhetorically. At that, Sunny reddened and looked away in embarrassment. Chuckling, he diverted his attention onto s and gave them a sly wink. Gotcha.

‘So…what do you all want to do now?’ Siwon asked as he glanced at his watch. ‘It’s three already.’

‘Chincha? Three? We’ve already been here for three hours already. Wow…’ Sunny exclaimed as she dug through her pocket for her phone. Taking her mobile phone out, she tried to check the time. However, the screen was black despite the numerous amount of times that Sunny pressed the unlock button. Is it out of battery or something? Trying one last time and failing, she stopped. I guess so. Oh well, that’s too bad.

‘Oppa. I’m hungry.’ Sunny said to Sungmin cutely as she held onto his arm.

‘Aigoo. You just ate!’ he replied affectionately as he pinched Sunny’s cheeks.

‘I know, but I’m a growing girl afterall!’ Sunny concluded as she pulled Sungmin to a pushcart nearby. Sungmin would always give in to her in the end and that, she knew very well. Watching the best friends, the rest of the SuJu members shook their head in amusement and followed suit...all except for one.

I want to be just as close…


‘Yah, Jaejoong. Gwenchana? You look…worried,’ the leader asked in concern as he walked towards a sitting Jaejoong, a towel in hand.

‘I’m okay… just worried for Sunny. She isn’t picking up my calls.’ Jaejoong admitted as he played with his Blackberry. They were finally given a break after practicing for three long hours.

‘Really? Don’t worry too much. She’ll be okay.’ Yunho advised as he placed his arm around Jaejoong’s shoulders and patted him on the back.

‘She isn’t angry with me right?’ Jaejoong asked fearfully. He definitely didn’t like not being able to contact his girlfriend.

‘Oh c’mon. Sunny isn’t like that! You should know best! Worrying is like a rocking chair, Jae. It gives you something to do but doesn’t help solve anything. Relax. Sunny’s a grown up. She knows how to take care of herself.’ Yunho said calmly as he gave Jaejoong soft, gentle pats on his back.

‘Thanks Yun.’ Jaejoong said with a small smile on his face. He could always count on Yunho for he knew him the best compared to the other members. Whenever he needed help or advice, he would always be there. Yunho was like the ‘older’ brother that he never had.

‘No problem. Let’s continue, shall we?’


‘Where shall we go now, oppa?’ Sunny asked as she skipped beside Leeteuk, a lollipop in .

‘I don’t know…where do you want to go?’ Leeteuk answered as he gazed at her with a soft smile. Sunny was really a natural beauty. Even without make-up, she was cute and beautiful. And that ‘Aegyo Queen’ side of hers? Damn, that only made guys fall harder for her.

‘Hmm, let’s see.’ Sunny trailed off as she surveyed her surroundings. ‘Oh! I wanna go to that pushcart that’s selling headbands!’ Sunny exclaimed as she pointed in its direction

‘Okay.’ Leeteuk readily complied.

‘Isn’t this cute?!’ Sunny gushed over a bunny headband as she took it from the shelf and put it on. ‘I’m a cute rabbit!’

‘Haha yeah, you sure are.’ Leeteuk smiled brightly as he took out his phone and snapped a picture of her. This was certainly a moment that he wanted to relive.

‘Oppas! Try it out! I’m sure you all will look cute!’ Sunny exclaimed, high, as she took a bunch of animal headbands and put them on for each and every SuJu member. Smiling, Leeteuk bent down to help Sunny reach his height.

‘Thanks oppa! Let’s take a picture, shall we?’ Sunny suggested as she hooked her arm through his. Taking out his phone once again, Leeteuk bent even lower and held his phone from a distance.

‘Say SuJu rocks!’

‘SuJu rocks!’ Sunny chimed in response as she made a peace sign. After the picture was taken, Sunny went to the other members and snapped more pictures together. This was indeed a bonding moment for them. In the near future, when they look back, they’d definitely be thankful for the fact that they were able to meet and form new friendships.


‘Bye oppas! I had fun today!’ Sunny bade the thirteen members’ goodbye as she walked in the direction of SNSD’s dorm. It was already late into the night and they had only just come back from the long day at the amusement park. After purchasing all the headbands that they tried on, they went on for more rides until seven. Sunny actually wanted to leave then, but the boys managed to persuade her to stay behind for dinner. Having no other plans, she agreed. After a scrumptious dinner at a Chinese restaurant, they were finally back at SME.

‘Annyeong! Let’s go out again, all right?’ Kyuhyun shouted over his shoulder as he struggled to chase up with the other members.

‘Araso!’ Sunny shouted back. With one last wave, she turned their back on them and made her way for SNSD’s dorm.

That sure was fun. And seriously, Leeteuk oppa's really great company, Sunny’s thoughts got broken when she reached her destination. Taking out her key card, she positioned the card before the hole. Just as she was about to slot it in, an arm suddenly s out and captured her wrist in a tight grip.

‘Where the hell were you?’ a cold, icy voice snarled.


Author's Note:

Sorry for not updating for so long! T.T  School was a killer.  And even though it's the CNY period now, we are still PILED with graded assignments and projects. I originally wanted to update Inseparable yesterday, but there was a geography pop quiz, so yeah :) Mianhaeyo. I tried to insert as many sunsun moments as possible, so I hope it didn't fail hahas xD Tried adding in a yunjae moment too :D

And yeah, I don't know if the hints were clear enough, but there is going to be another LOVE RIVAL. I have also hinted of what might possibly happen in the coming chapters :) Do note that although Leeteuk is going to be a love rival, he WILL NOT be a major character. In fact, he will play a minor, supporting role. I have also published the short story that I was telling y'all about in the past few chapters. It's a JunhyungxSunny short story (: Do subscribe if you're interested. Link-


It will be updated, fastest by tomorrow (: On another note, I have also received the trailer for this fic (: Here's the link-


Last but not least, I'd like to say this to all my subscribers and readers:


PS: Please do comment and vote for the poll below too! :D I need the statistics to decide on the couple pairing for an upcoming short story! :) To those who are celebrating Chinese New Year, have a happy CNY and may you get as many red packets as possible. As for those who aren't, enjoy the rest of your week and look forward to the weekends! Ily <3

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SunTaeNy_HEARTS #1
Chapter 20: Pls update soon!!
Chapter 18: aigooo....pity sunny eonni
I hope sunny eonni and Jaejoong oppa can get back together again become couple ^^
update soon author-nim ^^
Chapter 20: WHOA this scene was just unexpected man. Excuse me while I go re-read the story from Chapt1 to see exactly what's going on between JoonSica again woosh. But congrats for your constant updates :>
Chapter 19: YEAH~ an update ^_^ i wonder who those guys are.. but I thought Sunny & Jaejoong's relationship wasn't public, like it was implied in the beginning of the story?
Chapter 19: argh.. i miss your update.. welcome back chingu... update soon.
Chapter 19: Hi guys, thank you for all your lovely comments!! I am so sorry to have not updated this ff for so long!! Regardless, I really hope yall will enjoy this filler update of mine! <3
Chapter 18: chingu please don't hiatus so long , i'm very curious and always waiting for you next chapter..
jaejoong your misunderstanding , back to sunny please don't listen evil hara!!!
update soon please^^
Chapter 18: NOOOOOOOOOO ;-;
Chapter 18: Your going to regret that Jaejoong. I don't want Sunny to be sad anymore :(