18 - Determination



18 - Determination


“Did you hear? DBSK’s Kim Jaejoong is currently dating that new rookie, Goo Hara from some band called Kara!!!” A girl with long, permed hair exclaimed to her fellow fangirl friend as they shopped along the streets of Myeongdong.

It has already been about a week ever since that notorious scandal broke out but if anything, that piece of news was still as hot as ever. The day after the news broke out, it was one huge mess. Fans were divided into two sides – the fans and the haters. SM agency was bombarded with calls from press agencies and fans were camping outside DBSK’s, SNSD’s and Kara’s dormitories, hoping to get a glimpse of their beloved idol.

Eventually, the agency decided to come out of hiding and confirmed the rumours, much to everyone’s chagrin.

Kim Jaejoong and Goo Hara appeared in front of all the reporters, appearing like the dream, perfect couple.

But, the big question that still remained in many fans’ minds – just what exactly happened to Sunny?


“I don’t know what to do, dongsaeng.” Desperation was evident in the speaker’s voice as fingers grasped onto the cool bottle of beer sitting on table top. Beer was not a healthy outlet to vent one’s inner frustrations and emotions, but in times like these, the pain was too much to bear. The pain had to be forgotten. Beer was the perfect escapade, was it not?

“I’m no professional as this, but if you really do love that person who’s the reason behind your heartbreak, then go for it. Don’t give up just yet. Right here right now, what else do you have left to lose?”

A long, comfortable period of silence ensued as both parties organized their thoughts.

Love. What exactly is Love? Is love worth all the pain, heartbreak and tears when there is never any guarantee? Love does indeed work in the weirdest ways – couples who may have been in love with each other their whole lives can find themselves on the brink of falling out, while, people from entirely contrasting backgrounds can fall so hopelessly in love with each other.

Is he ready to risk it all for this possibly unrequited, painful and one-sided love? The former asked himself as he continued pondering over his thoughts, fingers tapping on the glass bottle.


“Yes, you’re right. I shouldn’t give up now. I won’t give up now. I’m going to do whatever I can to get my girl.”


Author's Note:

Before you guys brick me, I'm truly sorry for this pathetic excuse of a chapter!!!!! >_______< I really wanted to update this fic but after taking a hiatus for about a year, my writing skills is really extremely horrible now :(

So, I hope this filler (I won't even call this a chapter) will be able to pique your interest!!

Some questions to think about: What happened to Sunny? What happened during that one week time lapse? Who are the two men at the end of this filler (that is you haven't already figured it out)? What is going to happen to Sunny and Jaejoong now?

By the way, is anyone of you itching for some Jessica x Joon moments?? Hehe I think it's about time I bring them in once again! :)

Please remember to comment alright! I love reading all of your comments, even if I may not reply them all the time :)

Thank you <333333

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SunTaeNy_HEARTS #1
Chapter 20: Pls update soon!!
Chapter 18: aigooo....pity sunny eonni
I hope sunny eonni and Jaejoong oppa can get back together again become couple ^^
update soon author-nim ^^
Chapter 20: WHOA this scene was just unexpected man. Excuse me while I go re-read the story from Chapt1 to see exactly what's going on between JoonSica again woosh. But congrats for your constant updates :>
Chapter 19: YEAH~ an update ^_^ i wonder who those guys are.. but I thought Sunny & Jaejoong's relationship wasn't public, like it was implied in the beginning of the story?
Chapter 19: argh.. i miss your update.. welcome back chingu... update soon.
Chapter 19: Hi guys, thank you for all your lovely comments!! I am so sorry to have not updated this ff for so long!! Regardless, I really hope yall will enjoy this filler update of mine! <3
Chapter 18: chingu please don't hiatus so long , i'm very curious and always waiting for you next chapter..
jaejoong your misunderstanding , back to sunny please don't listen evil hara!!!
update soon please^^
Chapter 18: NOOOOOOOOOO ;-;
Chapter 18: Your going to regret that Jaejoong. I don't want Sunny to be sad anymore :(