The chances of me and you

I Have Always Loved You

The next couple of months, we had been gradually began talking in our Chinese class. I would sometimes ask for help (even though I didn’t actually need it) and we would talk about our weekends. or sports. or the girls chasing after him... We talked about him turning 16 soon on December 14.. Sometimes, we would also talk about movies... And sometimes we wouldn’t talk at all.. Probably because we really didn't have anything else to talk about. Also, sometimes he didn’t come and some days I had tests in my different classes. Some days, I would read. But somewhere in the middle of all of that we became friends. The Friday before we got out for Christmas vacation, he asked for my number. He didn’t text me until one Saturday night, but after that we couldn’t put our phones down. It was like those three weeks were the greatest weeks of my life and ironically I didn’t even see him. In my mind, I was so scared for vacation to end because I didn’t know how he would act in real life. That was the most ironic thing I have ever thought about too. But anyway, he was the cutest guy in the whole school. Sungmin had a million friends, a million girls who wanted him. Also, he had everything he needed. So why even need me as a friend? I was so scared that once Sungmin would see me in real life again, he would forget these three absolutely wonderful and memorable weeks we spent getting to know each other, telling each other everything even though it was through the phone.


When that Monday came, he texted me in the morning like usual but out of the blue, I got really embarrassed. How could I ever think I had a chance with a guy like him? It was totally obvious I liked him and I felt so pathetic. I convinced myself he was only texting back to be nice. So I didn’t respond instead. My Chinese class was in the fourth period of my schedule. He texted me again the fourth time asking if everything was okay. I just ignored it. I made sure I was the first person to come into class in our Chinese class. I went straight to my seat and started reading. Sungmin came in a couple minutes later and said "Hey Sunny!" I looked up and there he was standing, smiling so big and suddenly I felt like everything was okay all of a sudden.

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Uhhuu *sniff* so sad *sniff* and great story *sniff* huaaa I'm cried read your story :'(
I have a terrible feeling that I might cry in the next chapter... But nice chapter! Update soon!
Oh, I love your new chapter! Update soon!
Sweeeeeetttt :))

Update soon
Update soon, what a nice story!
Update soon
Too short.

Update soon^^