Onew: Uuuuuuuuuh my Head

A Day in The Life of...


“Someone turn down the dang music!” I stomped down the hall to Key’s room, “SOME of us have a hangover!”

Taemin popped his head out of his bedroom door, “Do you need an icepack hyung?” he was back to his normal self, but his face was still a bit strained.

“Yeah,” I put a hand to my head, “And maybe some Ibuprofen.”

“Okay Hyung!” he zips to the medicine cabinet and then to the freezer, coming back with everything, somehow balancing a glass of water, the medicine bottle, and the ice pack in his hands.

“Thanks Taemin,” I first open the bottle and take out a pill, which i swallow with water, then grab the ice pack still in his hands, and head over to the couch, “Could you also get Key to turn the music down?” I laid on the couch as I said it.

“Kay,” he rushed off, and pounds on Key’s door.

“Good for you Taemin,” he had been asserting himself more lately, especially last night, he just needed to focus more and he could maybe become someone to admire.

“You should probably get up now, it’s pretty late in the day.”

I adjusted the ice pack,”I just started settling in, five minutes Jonghyun.”

“Alright, but remember the director said we have a bit more work to do on the music video today.

My eyes opened instantly, “He did?”

“Yes, don’t you remember?”

“Uuuuh, sure, but... when?”

“Tonight,” he went to the kitchen, and got some leftovers out of the fridge, heating them up in the microwave.

“Okay, does everyone else know?”

He shrugged.

“Go tell them then, and make sure Minho gets up, I’m going to take a shower,” I gritted my teeth as I sat up too fast.

He nods, and sets his plate down, moving to do as I asked.  

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