he Line Between Prejudice And Truth 30th Day

The Line Between Prejudice And Truth


[30 - TUESDAY]

For SiWon, the day started with a text message from HeeChul that made him already that early in the day smiling happily.

'Good morning :) hope you came back home well yesterday. see you in school :*'

SiWon grinned when he typed his reply. 'Yes, thanks ;) how are you and your little princess? :**'

SiWon sighed, satisfied with his life for once and went to take a shower and get ready for school.

When SiWon arrived at school later on, his smile was still there, shining brightly and his friends had to laugh at how overly happy SiWon was.

"What's wrong with you? Look at you, smiling like a fool," DongHae stated and shook his head, rolling his eyes.

LeeTeuk chuckled and agreed. "What have you two done yesterday after school?" he asked and before SiWon could answer, YeSung interrupted him already. "Why are you even asking? Let's bet. for the whole day and night, hm, SiWonnie?"

SiWon rolled his eyes. "I'm not like you, guys," he stated but laughed as well. ", I was in the zoo with him and his daughter, you idiots," he explained and YeSung looked disappointed at him what caused SiWon to laugh even more. "What? It's my life and there are still other things except of . As I said: I'm not like you," he declared and everyone laughed while YeSung was pouting, blushing slightly. "Who said I am like that? I was just asking," he defended himself but of course no one believed him.

"Ah, what a great day. Let's go to the class room," SiWon said and walked off, follwed by his friends.

It really was a great day, the sun was shining and HeeChul smiled at him from time to time, making SiWon as happy as he could be.

For the first time, he really enjoyed the lesson, or at least looking at HeeChul.

Some time in the middle of it, SiWon tore his gaze away to look at KyuHyun next to him. SiWon chuckled when he realized KyuHyun was, just like him before, staring at his lover, SungMin.

KyuHyun snapped out of his thoughts with SiWon laughing silently next to him and eyed him in confusion. "Why are you laughing?"

"Aren't we the same? You were staring at your Minnie the whole time until now," SiWon told him and KyuHyun blushed slightly.

"Shut up. You're not better," he said and SiWon nodded. "I know."


The morning passed by way too quickly and so it was time that the teacher finished the last lesson of the day.

SiWon sighed and looked at HeeChul with an apologetic smile for he still had to stay here in school now.

SiWon said goodbye to his friends and went to HeeChul after the students left. "Hey," he said and looked around for a brief moment to check if they were alone by now in the class room and because they were, SiWon leaned forward and kissed HeeChul's soft lips.

HeeChul smiled. "Hey SiWonnie, can I ask you a favor?" He looked up at him and SiWon nodded. "Of course. What can I do for you?"

HeeChul smiled. "Could you pick Chin-Sun up and bring her to my uncle?" he asked and SiWon nodded then asked. "To your home?"

"No, my uncle is still at work," HeeChul answered.

SiWon knew that his uncle was working in that house but he wasn't excited to go in there, so he said. "But I don't know where your uncle works."

". Then...damn...," Heechul thought about another solution and SiWon did so as well. He was the first to speak up again after a few seconds. "How about you come to me after school and I take her to my home first until you come, okay?" SiWon suggested and HeeChul agreed. "Okay, thanks, SiWonnie."

In that moment, the teacher who would look after HeeChul while he had to stay, entered the class and told SiWon to go home. SiWon smiled at HeeChul before he left and went out of the building, making his way to the kindergarten.

He wanted to enter the building when someone called for him.


He turned around to see DongHae with his little sister approaching him. "What are you doing?"

SiWon hesitated and DongHae noticed it. As if he knew that it was about HeeChul, he told SiWon. "By the way, I'm okay with you and him now."

SiWon smiled relieved. "Oh, thanks, Hae. And I pick his daughter up from kindergarten because he's still in school for detention."

"Oh, okay. See you tomorrow," DongHae said and left with his sister.

SiWon looked after him before he finally wanted to enter the kindergarten but in that moment, Chin-Sun came out.

She looked around for her Appa but couldn't find him. Then she noticed SiWon coming closer and went towards him. "Have you seen Appa?" she asked him and SiWon nodded. "Yes, but he's still in school. He told me to pick you up. So come, we go to my house now, okay?" SiWon said and she nodded happily, taking his hand and pulling him forward. SiWon laughed because HeeChul's daughter was so sweet and they walked home together with Chin-Sun jumping happily around while she was still holding SiWon's hand. SiWon was really relieved that Chin-Sun was such a good girl and came with him without protest or anything.

SiWon opened the front door and went in with the little girl.

"Hello, Umma, Appa. I'm home and I've someone with me," he announced and whispered to Chin-Sun to be quiet and hide behind his legs.

SiWon's Umma came to him and looked around. "Who?" she finally asked when she couldn't see the guest.

In that moment, HeeChul's daughter jumped from behind SiWon's legs, laughing loudly and SiWon's mother immediately started to smile. "Oh, hello little Chin-Sun," she said and lifted her up.

SiWon smiled happily that she made his mother that happy.


It was later in the afternoon. SiWon was laying with his back down on his bed and Chin-Sun was jumping and climbing on him. HeeChul still hadn't arrived and SiWon became worried.

Finally, after another ten minutes, the door bell rang and SiWon heard his mother open the door and saying something.

It had to be HeeChul. "You're Appa is here," SiWon stated and Chin-Sun who was currently sitting on SiWon's chest, turned around to look at the door of his room that would open any moment.

After a minute, it was opened and HeeChul smiled when he entered the room.

"Appa!" Chin-Sun exclaimed and spread her arms to show HeeChul she wanted to be embraced. HeeChul fulfilled her request and took her into his arms.

"Thank you, SiWonnie," he said and SiWon smiled. "You're welcome," he said and HeeChul grinned. "I see you tomorrow then, SiWonnie," he said but SiWon stopped him. "Wait. Stay a little longer?" he asked his lover and HeeChul looked to his daughter. She was snuggled up to his chest, eyes closed. "I can't, sorry, but my daughter is tired," HeeChul excused himself but again SiWon stopped him from leaving. "She can sleep here where she slept last time," SiWon suggested and looked at HeeChul with pleading eyes.

HeeChul sighed in defeat. "Alright," he agreed finally and SiWon brought Chin-Sun to the bed she had used last time.

When he returned to his own room, HeeChul was sitting on his bed and looked around in curiousity and interest.

"SiWonnie?" HeeChul looked up at his lover and SiWon came closer and sat down next to him. "Yes?"

"Is it wrong to be in love with someone like me?" he suddenly asked and SiWon's jaw almost dropped. "What?! What are you talking about? No, of course not!" SiWon immediately answered and HeeChul smiled slightly. "Okay," he said with a calm voice and SiWon needed some time to relax after what HeeChul had said. It had almost sounded as if someone told him it was wrong. But what did he even mean? Did he ask because he was gay or because of his daughter? Maybe also because of his job or family? SiWon didn't know an answer to that.

"Why are you even asking?" SiWon asked but HeeChul only shrugged and slowly he crept up to SiWon cuddling up to him. SiWon held him tightly with his strong arms and HeeChul smiled up to him, stretched a little to reach SiWon's lips and then kissed him gently.

SiWon smiled when he closed his eyes. He loved HeeChul's kisses and enjoyed every second until the door flew open.

HeeChul jumped slightly and sat up, and away from SiWon onto his bed while SiWon looked up in confusion.

He recognized his mother standing there with an angry face and SiWon immediately realized in what trouble he was now. He had lied, he was still gay and was kissing a boy who had already a child in that age.

"Umma...," he murmured and anger raised inside of him for not being more carefully.

"Yes, SiWon. Do you have to tell me anything? Maybe ask for my forgiveness as well as your father's and God's? You lied to me, SiWon, for the entire time. I'm so disappointed. You shouldn't believe that you'll be able to go out with some friends for the next two weeks because you won't," she declared and left the room.

SiWon stared at her in disbelief and then looked at HeeChul who was shocked.

"SiWon...I-I didn't know your parents don't accept me and us. I'm sorry. I-I'll go now," HeeChul announced and stood up, running towards the door but SiWon called out for him to stop.

"Wait, even though my mother said that, don't leave me, HeeChul. I really like you. It doesn't matter what they're saying, I'll still love you," SiWon said and came up to HeeChul, embracing him. He felt HeeChul trembling. He wasn't crying but still shocked and SiWon was so sorry for what had happened. He wouldn't care what his parents told him about who he should date and who not and to show HeeChul that he was serious, he leant forward and kissed him deeply on his lips.

"I love you," he whispered so silently that HeeChul almost couldn't hear it but managed to understand it nonetheless. He just nodded, turned around and left.

SiWon looked after him. He wanted to cry. Why was it wrong to be with HeeChul?

He remembered what his mother told him and made his way to the living room. By the time he arrived there, HeeChul seemed to have left already and SiWon sighed quietly. He had to apologize and that would probably end up in a lesson from his parents for more than three hours as so often when he did something wrong.

SiWon sighed once more and entered the living room where his parents were sitting on the couch.

"Umma, Appa, I'm truly sorry," SiWon said and bowed.

"Sit down, son. We have to talk," his father announced and that was what SiWon had suspected, still he couldn't do anything against it. "Yes, Appa."

"So you are with a guy? Kissing him in our house?" he asked and it was obviously that he tried hard to stay calm.

"You lied to me the whole time. How could you, SiWon? Hm? Why have you lied?" His mother asked and SiWon looked up at them. "I'm sorry, but I love him," he said honestly.

"Is God happy when he sees you are gay?" SiWon's father asked and SiWon suppressed a sigh. "No."

"Do we support gay people?" his mother asked and SiWon wanted to scream. He knew by now that this would turn out to some conversation where his parents tried to tell him how bad HeeChul was.

"No." Nonetheless SiWon had to answer what they expected him to.

"So why are you with him?" she asked and SiWon just shrugged in defeat. He had already told that he loved HeeChul. Wasn't that a reason? It was all about love after all.

"Answer us, SiWon," his father demanded and SiWon obeyed. "I don't know. I...break up with him," he finally said, what he knew, was what his parents wanted to hear.

"Yes, invite him for tomorrow and then break up with him, so that we'll see it, alright?" SiWon's father asked with this sweet and caring voice that was so fake when he said something like this. SiWon wanted to cry, he wanted to refuse their wish but he couldn't. He was still thankful to them. After all without them and God he wouldn't be living and he would never have met HeeChul. Without them and God, he would have no home and no food. They gave him everything he needed. He couldn't disappoint them any more. So he nodded. Tears were threatening to fall when he muttered a yes.

"Alright. Go to your room and pray and ask for God's forgiveness as well," his mother told him and SiWon turned around and hurried out of the room back to his own. The tears were falling by now. He couldn't let HeeChul go. He loved him. Why couldn't his parents understand them?

SiWon fell down on his bed and folded his hands. He didn't bother to wipe his tears away when he silently started to pray.

"D-dear God, is it wrong to love him? But why have I fallen for him then? I love him so much, so why can't anyone accept it? I don't want to lose him. I'm so scared of tomorrow. I can't do it. Please forgive me for everything I-I've done wrong because I'm sincerely sorry for it, but I can't go your way now. I still love him too much. I am sorry but I'm not sorry for loving h-him," SiWon spoke out with his eyes closed tightly. He stopped and hesitated before he continued his prayer. "Can't...can't you help me, please? What should I do? What should I do now?"



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leeaida #1
Thanks for your great story
I have a favor , could you please let me translate it to my own language as well i credit the main story and your link , just wanna share this beautiful story with others too
cherryaizawa #2
Chapter 25: i find your story and i really love your story and may be i will read it again and again coz this such an amazing story that i ever read.i love heechul's character in this story.
vicvic123 #3
You finished ages ago but wow, I must say the story went along so smoothly, like everything in the sorry is suppose to happen the way it is, good job hehehh
princess #4
awww i loved the ending.... can't wait for the second and third season.
The ending was so sweet.
And this story made me cry at some points :')
Stupid horse!
Holy , he's so mean!
He broke up with Heechul just because of his parents. What the . I'm so freaking mad!
Omg, I seriously felt like crying when they passed Heechul with their car. I can only imagine how hurt he must've been...
I'm already addicted after chapter one!
It's very good~
Aki_Hikari #9
Awww... Such a sweet ending. I can't wait for seson 2 <3
Aki_Hikari #10
I want to hug him too! *hug*