Pretty Boy In The Club

Love Me If You Dare


(A/N : I know what you're thinking... The title is SOO 2ne1 :) I can't help it haha xD BlackJack much ^_^)

"WHAT SHOULD I DO???" You asked while panicking. 

"Relax, girl. It's just clubbing! For ONE night!" Chloe remarked while Kahi and Na Rin just flashed you a sympathizing smile. 

"Yes! One night only! But tonight, I only want to stay in my bedroom that I haven't seen for two weeks while I eat chocolates and play with my dear puppy!" You whined loudly. 

The three girls sighed. 

"What? Why are you all sighing? Help me instead!! .... Or maybe, I really should just stay in my room tonight...” You smirked. 

"Nuh-uh! Don't do that, you don't know what Jiyong can do..." Chloe said. 

"... What can he do..?" Your eyebrows creased in curiosity. 

"He's rich like us... If you don't show up He can search for your address.. And then perhaps, he'll find out your real identity and he might tell you on the school faculty and ... We're all dead by that time." Chloe shook her shoulders a bit. 

You gulped, "... You have a point..... I-I should go tonight...” 

Chloe flashed a satisfied smile at you while Kahi and Na Rin just shrugged as they chuckled. 

~~~~ That night~~~~~

"What took you so long??" Jiyong glared.

He's been waiting for you for 25 minutes outside the club. Girls keep looking at him but as usual, he ignored their lustful stares. 

"... Sorry, I had a hard time looking for this club..." You answered nervously with a lie. The truth is even though you said that you will go, you decided to stay home at the last minute but Chloe here, persuaded you to go. 

"Pfsh. Let's go." Jiyong said unsympathetically. 

"Y-yeah" You stuttered as you followed behind Jiyong closely. 

The girls who were all staring at Jiyong a moment ago, transferred their stares to the pretty boy entering the club with Jiyong, namely you yourself, Cho Yuhan. 

As you entered the club, girls keep sending you a lustful look, some were even grinding at you as you past by them at the dance floor on your way to a private room.

"Yuckkk!!! Stay away from me women!!!"  You thought.

You stepped inside a private room where you saw TOP kissing with a tall, dark-haired girl who was sitting on his lap.

It felt like your heart was crushed. 

"Why do I have to see such sight in front of me?" You thought as you felt the stabbing pain in your heart. 

On the other side of the room, Seungri too was kissing but it didn't affect your heart as much as it did when you saw TOP kissing a girl. 

You felt tears forming in your eyes so you decided to just get out of the ing room. 

GD saw it and decided to follow you even though you were quite fast in leaving. TOP, Seungri and the two other girls didn't even notice when you and GD entered the room or exited because they were TOO BUSY making out. 

GD doesn't know if he should be happy or sad at the sight of you being broken-hearted because of TOP. 
He just knows that he wants to follow you. 

~~ ~~~~

You were walking as fast as you can so that no one will see the tears forming in your eyes, even though there were many girls flirting, some even grinding on your side and blocking your way, you still managed to get past them. 

Taeyang who was bar-tending at that time, saw you and nodded at you telling you to come to the bar counter. 

You blink many times while looking down to remove the tears, and gladly it did. 

You sat on one of the tall chairs by the bar counter, and you saw how Taeyang wonderfully throws and catches the  bottle while he mixes it with another one and it eventually turns into a beautiful colored drink. 

Daesung nudged you as it seems that you didn't notice him, when he was sitting beside your spot the whole time. 

"Anythjng wrong?" He asked.

"Nothing." You faked a smile. 

"A drink for our new friend" Taeyang put a tall glass with a beautiful design on it. Inside it was a yellowish colored drink, some ice and a straw. 

"What's this?" You asked. 

"A gift, for being a new friend to us. It's on me, by the way" Taeyang smiled. 

"Thanks" You bit your lip, and Taeyang proceeded in bar-tending after nodding at you. 

"See you later" Daesung finished his vodka and placed the glass on the bar counter. He stood up and headed to the dance floor. 

You tasted the drink, and suddenly Jiyong sat on the chair beside you. 

He was staring intently at you while you were busy looking at your drink,
obviously sulking about the sight you saw a moment ago. 

Your sighed as your grip on the glass tightened. 

Jiyong got a drink from Taeyang and hearing Jiyong's voice snapped you out of your thoughts, Your Broken-hearted thoughts.... With a little bit of Killing-whoever-that-girl-kissing-your-Tabi-oppa thoughts. 

You looked at him while pouting. 

He raised his brows at you, "What's with you?" 

He asked, even though he perfectly knew the answer to that question. 
He just wanted to tease you a little and rub it in your face that TOP was kissing a girl, and that girl WASN'T YOU
And that, he's happy because you're not all giddy about TOP, unlike these past few days when he became the substitute Math teacher. 

"It's none of your business, Jiyong" You said. 

"Okay... If you say so." Jiyong smirked. 

"What was that smirk for?" You asked irritatedly. 

"Nothing... It's just that... You obviously like TOP hyung..." 
He shrugged. 

Your eyes widened, "W-what?? I'm a guy!! How can I like him? Are you implying that I'm gay again!?I thought we were OVER this topic!" 

"No, I'm NOT implying that you're gay. We're already over that topic... I'm just saying that you're crush on TOP hyung is so obvious, it gets irritating" He stared into your eyes again.

"S-so what if it's irritating!? Why do you even care!?" You exclaimed, but immediately realized that you indirectly admitted that yes, YOU are a GIRL. 

You gasped. "I-I... Didn't mean what I said...." You looked down to hid your face. 

"Too late" He chuckled. 
"Besides that, I already know that you're a girl" He said in a lower tone that only you can hear. 

"ASDFGHJKL. HE ING KNOWS I'M A GIR!! AHHH!! I'M DOOMED!!" You thought to yourself. 

Your jaw literally dropped on the floor. 
You were so shocked that you couldn't even reply to him. 

"...... Since when?" You asked nervously. 

"Remember the time when Seungri transferred to all of your classes? He was investigating on you because he feels like somethings off about you... Then at that night, he told me that you didn't have an adam's apple and that idiot's conclusion is that you haven't reach your puberty" Jiyong laughed while you gulped and touched your neck. 

"Damn! Why didn't my friends thought of making me a fake adam's apple before I disguised myself as a boy !?" You angrily thought. 

"The next day, we saw you and your friends at the mall... You were obviously covering your face with your hat on purpose" Jiyong sniggered. 

"Yeah, I remember that time..." You said gloomily, "...Did you tell anyone?" 

"None, I'm not a blabber mouth like Seungri" He shrugged then he took a sip of his drink. 

You sighed in relief.

"Hey, this is the first time I saw you here. What's your name?" A girl sat next to your chair and leaned closer to show her cleavage. 

"ONE WORD: YUCK!" You thought. 

"I-I’ve got to go." You quickly stood up and left. Jiyong followed you, chuckling.

As soon as you were out of the club, You immediately exclaimed your disgusted thoughts out loud. 

"Hahahaha!!" Jiyong laughed out loud. 

"This is exactly the reason why I wanted you to come here. I always get bored in clubs because everyone just keeps flirting with me. I know they can't help it because I'm hot and all but now, it's just so funny! I wish I could've taken a picture of you when the girl leaned closer to show her cleavage!" Jiyong continued to laugh out loud. 

"Yah!!" You hit Jiyong's arm, "Because of what you did, You have to take me home! RIGHT NOW!" 

"..Didn't you bring your car?" He asked and raised his eyebrow. 

"I DON'T KNOW HOW TO DRIVE!" You exclaimed with fire forming in your eyes because Jiyong is just too annoying (and hot) for you to handle. 

"Tsk." He murmured. 

"I'm your responsibility because YOU WERE THE ONE WHO MADE ME COME HERE, even though I didn't want to... Now where's your car?" You looked around the luxurious cars that were parked around you and him. 

"I don't have a car either" He chuckled. 

"WHAT!?" You said while glaring at him. 

"But I do have a motorcycle" He smiled and walked to the shiny, black, and very expensive looking motorcycle. 

"W-we're riding that?" You asked, nervous. 

"Well, I am... I don't know about you" He said mockingly. 

"O-of course I am! And I-I'm not scared to ride that you know. You lied. But Jiyong could easily see through your obvious lies. 

"Okay then. Get on" He said as he rode on it. 

You walked closer and was about to get on his motorcycle when Jiyong suddenly stopped you in front of him. 

Both of your eyes locked with each other's. 

"W-what?" You gulped. 

"You have to wear this helmet first." He said, and then he got his helmet and started to put it on your head.

He brushed some of your hair away from your eyes so that he could put it properly. 

You couldn't tear away your eyes from him and you could hear your heartbeat racing faster than it should. 

"Good, can you see clearly?" He lowered his head so that he could be in an eye level with you. 

"Y-yeah" You blinked the nervousness and the continuous racing of you heartbeat away. 

"He's so effin close! Does he have to go so close to me to check if I can see clearly?? O-of course NOT!"

You told him your address then he nodded and started the motorcycle. Seconds after that, you and him were moving SO FAST! 

It bothers you so much that a police would follow the two of you and give you a ticket for over speeding, and you would be so dead when you get home because your mom will nag at you. 

"Ji-jiyong, can you slow down? I'm going to fall!" You exclaimed while removing some hair that was covering half of your face. 

"You're going to fall because you're not holding on! So don't even think about blaming my speed" He countered mockingly. 

"Blaming your speed?? I AM NOT DOING THAT! I'm stating a fact! A fact that says we could be caught by the police for over-speeding OR we could be in an accident!! Do you get what I'm saying!!??" You said in a pissed tone of your voice while pointing at yourself with your finger.  

"Can't you just shut up and hold onto me? You will really fall flat on your face if you keep talking nonstop. But if you really want to fall, I won't stop you. I would even gladly increase my speed, because our speed right now is just my usual speed and I can still increase it if you want?" He asked coolly.  

"Damn it." You muttered under your breath. Then you slowly wrapped your hands around him and moved your body closer to his. 

Thump, thump, thump. The sound of your heart beat is ACCELERATING as the speed of Jiyong's motorcycle. 

"I'm only holding onto you because I might fall flat on my face, not because I'm enjoying it or something...” You whispered.  

Jiyong didn't fail to catch what you said despite the sound of the motorcycle being so fast and also the sound of the other vehicles around. He chuckled and you felt it because you were so close to him. 

"Stop chuckling and decrease the speed! Please!!" You begged. 

Jiyong didn't notice that he was increasing the speed because he can't keep the excitement building up inside of him. Maybe to him it's just 'Excitement' but in general it's called 'Butterflies in your stomach'. 

"Alright, since you're the first girl ever to ride my motorcycle." He smiled to himself. 

"Wow~ How come I feel so flattered hearing that I was the first girl to ride this?" You asked yourself in your mind while blushing. 

"I don't know why, but having her wrap her arms around me makes me feel so good and calm." Jiyong thought to himself while he decreases the speed of his motorcycle. 

Both of you were enjoying it secretly but of course, no one is willing to admit that both of you enjoyed each other's company for a while and would want to do it again in the future.

Jiyong stopped his motorcycle in front of your house. You got down and removed the helmet; Jiyong was looking at you while smiling. You met with his eyes and said, "What?" 

"Your hairs a little big messy" He giggled then he came forward and fixed it, while he has no idea that what he has done was melting you inside. 

"T-Thanks" You stuttered. 

"Well, I didn't know that you will survive my ride... But I'm happy you did." He laughed teasingly. 

You laughed too in response and thought, "He's right, I, myself thought that I would die in that kind of speed. Good thing, he decreased it" 

"Bye" He wore the helmet and gave you a last look. You might have not seen his lips because of his helmet, but they were curved in a smile. 

You unconsciously smiled at him before he left, then he started the engine and away he goes... Leaving you smiling and blushing at the same time.

“This turned out to be QUITE a night...” You said followed by a hearty giggle.


~~~~Author's note~~~~~~

I know the Club part was so short but that's because TOP making out with a girl was the only point there LOL

What do you think about this chapter ? :")






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Chapter 20: OMGGGGG I'm in love with your story! Please, please, pleaseee update soon authornim! Things are getting veryyy interesting ;D hwaiting! ♥♥ ㄟ(≧◇≦)ㄏ
Chapter 20: Update soon please~ kekeke
Hell_yeah #3
I totally love it <3 Update soon~
guesswhome #4
authour nim T_T update the story faster i've been on the edge on my seat to know what happens next pleaaaaaaaaseeee update sooon T_T
gayle114 #5
Chapter 20: WHAT THE HECK!!! You SEUNGRI!! waahhhh~ I love It~ update soon..
Chapter 20: UPDATE!!!!!!! Perfect kiss... too bad Seungri had to come in and ruin it. lol.
wanniewagon #7
Chapter 20: KYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! seungri,you cute spoil brat --"
SarahBlackjack #8