

3 days passed by fairly quick and everybody - except for the Chaerin and Dara, are pretty much freaking out. Going crazy and ballistic over their plans, hoping it will go perfectly as planned and no problem at all but since it's YG family there will be drama.


Sanghyun had asked his president and Chaerin's to get a day off for all of them so he can get the plan into action and because they were all into them being a couple they were all too happy to say yes.


Still that didn't calm his nerves and everyone around him are freaking out as well because of him.


"Stop pacing around!" Seungho threw the pillow beside him to the rapper, hitting him right at the head.


Thunder pouted at his hyung for what he did but didn't say anything. He looked at the clock for like the tenth time already and seeing about 5 minutes had just passed. He groaned and sat beside the main vocal, putting his head down and trying to calm down but the silence and the ticking of the clock is not helping at all.


"Why don't you call Dara nuna to ask how's everything going!" the maknae suggested and for the first time he's smiling at him for speaking his nuna's name but even with that Mir already had his hands up his head waiting for the smack to come and when nothing came he smiled widely thinking he's free to talk about her now.


A second later after that fantasy Thunder glared at him and his smile faded. After a couple of rings and she hasn't picked the call yet again he started to pace around. After a long time again he's depending on his nuna for things to go through and he's very grateful that even with the problem on her hands she's still smiling and helping him through this.


"Hello" finally after a hundred years seeming she picked up the phone with a light and happy tone to her voice. Thunder didn't notice the phone was on speaker and so the boys awed when they heard the older's voice speak that way. He turned back immediately, glaring at them to stay down.


"Nuna how's everything" he asked shaky and hearing that Dara couldn't help but chuckl at how' he's acting.


"Good! We're heading out as planned!" she answered carefully to not give Chaerin any clues or hints about what was going to happen and along with that Bom and Minji were looking at her and smiling since she's just on the same boat as their leader.


"Okay we'll meet you there"




"Thanks nuna"


"No problem" And so they ended the call and moved to get things started already. The plan was simple but still romantic, anyways with a crazy and nervous smile on his face Thunder got in the van an headed to them. However, remembering his nuna he became more anxious for a different reason this time. He's worried about how her relationship is going to go now that it's the 3rd day.


"I hope both of us this time ends up happy" he whispered to himself lowly, looking outside the window to get that thought of his head and focus on his own anxiety over his own thing.


On the other hand, Jaejoong looks and acts the same thing but much worse since his proposal isn't just asking for her to be his girlfriend or for forgiveness but a marriage proposal. Seungri couldn't really do anything but just let him be like that.


"What if she's really mad at me now? What if she says no? What if she doesn't love me anymore?" he mumbled to himself and look like hes about to lose his mind.


"Aigooo hyung! Why don't you call Bom nuna to check on them!" he suggested and the older followed the youngers words.


He took out his phone and dialed her number. He waited for her to answer the phone and that didn't take long but the waiting was unbearable. But when she finally picked up he felt very happy to the point that he was hugging to the death the poor maknae.


"Hyung" he choked, pleading for air. The older let go of his neck and stood up to talk with Bom.


"Nuna how's everything" he asked more anxious than ever.


"Good. Nothing to worry about" she chuckled and assured him but that still didn't put a stop on his erratic heart.


"Everything will go fine. You 2 are too perfect for each other to be separated" with that sweet words coming from her Jaejoong sat down and sighed, calming himself and believing each words she said.


"Thanks nuna! For everything" he thanked her and hang up.


Now with a proper smile on his face they decided to leave the place already and head to the park where everything and everyone is. Seungri didn't let him drive, knowing how nervous he is he's worried about getting there in one piece.


The park wasn't that far and it wasn't that near either, the given time was enough for Jaejoong to repeat the lines he's going to say, making sure its perfect and no flaws.


Mblaq and 2ne1 were already there but where on the opposite sides of the park, not wanting to see earch other and spoiling the surprise. They were to meet in the middle of the park and there would the show start.


The rest of the helpers/idols where by the center already, setting up everything and waiting for the cue to start. It wasn't really that exciting but with enough bribing and much more blackmailing they agreed to it.


"Why did I agree to this again?" Dongwook whined, putting up the streamers and the balloons. He sighed deeply and glared at the red balloon waiting to be put up. Without saying anything he grabbed the poor decoration in his hands and popped it mercilessly.


"Because If you don't Doongie would be up your " Hyunseung chuckled helping him with his share of work since he was done with his.


"Tsk. What about you hyung?" he asked the older. Hyunseung sighed before answering. "Dara nuna" he replied and with just that they both sighed again and got back to work. "Amazing what those 2 siblings can do" the maknae said.


Miss A and 2pm just chucked at them. They didn't need anything to get them into the decorating since because they're happy already to see Chaerin with someone and that someone is Sanghyun!


Along with Beast though the other Big Bang members were trudging with their work. "It's unfair that Bom nuna excused Seungri and Dara nuna with Jiyong to not help out" Tabi grumbled an the other 2 agreed.


Jiyong met Sanghyun at the gate and had to be with him to go over the whole plan again as to not forget about anything and for advise as well. The rapper kept going on and on at how he's more nervous than their debut, the boys just kept telling him everything's going on plan and there's nothing he should be thinking about other than Chaerin. 



"Hyung I don't know if I can do this" he backed up when he caught a glimpse of the group turning in the curve just going their way. He earned a smack on the head from Jiyong, making him look at him with so much confusion in his mind. "We've both goen through a lot make everything perfect. Don't tell me you're  backing up now, you both deserve this" he yelled, well not that loud since they don't want to get seen by them but there was enough force to bring him back to his senses.



So then walking with shaky legs they walked towards them and finally they've met. Chaerin was more than surprised to see him here and was also happy because she's now running arms wide open towards him. Sanghyun smiled lovingly and welcomed the embrace. 



That moment was caught by pretty much everyone passing by and they all smiled and cheered at their cuteness. "Aigoo" the 2 unnies sighed, irritated and jealous over them.



"So I guess we'll be leaving the 2 of you then. Privacy and love of course" Dara cooed and walked towards the other side where the rest of Mblaq with Jiyong was. "Unnie" Chaerin gasped shock and slightly catching up that all this is set up. 



"We're giving you time to spend with each other besides, I think I'd want to get to know your member that you want to be with me" she joked but Bom and Minji froze in the spot upon hearing that.



"Unnie's not serious right?" the maknae asked Bom, whispering so no one can here it. "I hope not" she responded looking to the side and catching a glimpse of Jaejoong with Seungri.



They left the couple alone and heading to the site to help out if there's still something left but when they got there they were welcome by groans and complains coming from Beast and Big Bang. But all those left them when they saw the sweet smile of Dara that they haven't seen for so long now.


"I miss that smile" Jaejoong sighed, looking from afar the smile that he cause to disappeare. 



"Well, soon enough hyung it'll stay forever" Seungri patted his hyungs back  helping him be more spiritful.


Thunder and Chaerin were walking hand in hand around the park, gaining attention from fans but they didn't mind and didn't care all that matters now is that together and they're spending time together. Chaerin blushed deep red when Thunder would still a kiss on the cheeks or the lips out of nowhere then he'll just hug her tight without saying anything.



"Hmmm... You miss me this much" Chaerin joked, pinching the other's cheeks and giving him a bbo-bbo. 



"Much more than this" he replied cutely.



Then went on like that until it was time for them to go to the where everybody is and where he's going to propose. The path was all lit with streamers, ballons and white light, shining every flower that was prettily put on the lane. Chaerin couldn't help but smile while they walked towards the middle where a candle lit dinner was placed.



"Hello! We'll be your servers for the night" Bom welcomed the two with her waitress outfit - Bom style of course. 



Chaerin chuckeld as she saw all of her friends stanidng in a line and waiting for them, while on the side Seungho was playing a sweet music for them. Minji and Changsung led the two to their table and Taecyeon and Min took their orders.



The baddass leader couldn't help but look at Thunder, amazed by all of this planned by him and also with the help of their friends.



"L- is for the way you LOOK at me"



"O- is for the only ONE I see"



"V- is VERY, VERY extraordinary"



"E- is EVEN more than anyone you could adore"



Out of nowhere the vocals along with Dara started singing, making the 2 blush even under the dim lights. Everything they wanted was given to them, asked or not. They could have been thankful of that but it started irritating them since they want their time too. They both looked at Dara, asking to help them with that and of course she got it instantly.



"You guys, sit your asses. They're not giving tips so there's no point in working well" she said and they all pouted remembering that.



Finally they've finished dinner and are dancing slowly on the middle, feeling the romantic night and hearing only the other's heart beats and the melody of the piano. 



Thunder looked to the side and saw his nuna smiling at him, happy that finally his happy and Chaerin's happy. He mouthed words asking if he should do it now, Dara looked at Seungho to tell him to slow the song to give feeling to the proposal and when he did she looked back at his baby brother and nodded.



Thunder pulled away from the dance, holding both her hands and looking down remembering the lines he rememberd. Chaerin was a little bit freaking out, her mind was going blank and her heart has started beating much fast that it's preventing her thouhghts to function well and not realize what eh's about to do.



"Chaerin-ah" he breathed in, chuckling at the shaking of his voice.



"Yeah" she answered on the same tone.



"For this past 3 days I've been memorizing lines and doing things to make this an unforgettable night but since I'm really freaking out right now i'll just wing it" he said but he was confident at what he's doing.



He looked up, straight to her eyes, not letting them go and building up the anticipation. "Lee Chaerin will you be my girlfriend" he asked the question... FINALLY.



In state of shock Chaerin doesn't know what to say and so she couldn't reply back to him. That had started to freak the other out, thinking she's going to answer NO and walk away.



"YES" she shrieked highyl and loudly, making the other cringe away. After she grabbed the hem of Thunder's shirt, pulling him into a deep kiss. 



The audience clapped and cheered at the two. "I love you" Chaerin said first. "I love you too" Thunder said back and then the two got back to kissing.



Seeing enough they all started walking away and save their eyes from much more of the romantic scene. That was the signal for Jaejoong, Dara walked to the walkboard on the side, heading to the small gazebo just like they predicted following right behind are the 3 to make sure she's not going anywhere.



"Deja vu huh" she sighed, looking down at the couple ring of her and Jaejoong.

Her eyes started to burn and the forming tears are threatening to flow down any minute. At the time Jaejoong was only a few feet away from her, hands shaking and heart aching from seeing her in pain because of him.



"Dara" he called lowly but the silence of the surroundings made it loud enough for her to hear. She turned back and saw him there, standing and looking at her. She tried to smile and say hi but then the tears already fell. Even with the pretty smile on her lips the tears were stopping the others from smiling at her.



He walked to her not caring anymore if she rejects him or push him away. All he wants is for those tears to stop and for her to be happy again. He hugged her tight, and rubbed her back to calm her down.



"Please don't cry" he whispered, he pulled back his head and wiped the tears carefully but they just kept falling.



"Why did you leave" her voice cracked, showing the pain and sadness she's been keeping from everyone. 



She wanted to know why, at least before it ends she wants to know why he left without saying anything and not sayin anything after. If things are going to end the same way as it did before she wants to at least know for herself everything rather than from someone else.



".... Because of this" he pulled away, taking in his pocket the velvet box that holds the ring. Slowly he opened it up and showed her the ring that she always mentioned that she wants if ever someone proposes to her. "Actually, that night our manager literally pulled us to the airport because of an urgent call, I begged to him to at least give me some time to tell you where I am but they said it's really important for the things to be finsiehd. At the same time then I asked someone to search for this ring, I gave them the picture and it took a long time to find but they found it" explaining each detail to the girl he couldn't help but tear up with the thoughts of rejection and hatred on his head.



He couldn't get himself to look up and look at her straight in the eye and tell her because he's afraid of the anger he'll see in her. The tears fell on the ground and it was very visible even from the ones watching from afar.



"When I wanted to talk to you at the parking lot I was planning to propose, it wasn't the right time and the right place but it was all I've been thinking about since I stepped on the plane. You were mad at me but I couldn't help but chuckle and smile at how I missed you so much that it was driving me crazy ..." he stopped, choking on his cry.



"Jae" Dara whisperd, wanting to say anything but she was cut off.



"I love you ... I love you with all my heart and the last thing I want is to lose you in my life ... Please don't leave me ... Please".



His knees hit the floor hard, the soung of it resounding across. He didn't care about his image or anything, all he wants is for her to come back to him. He's ready to give up everything he has.



"I'm sorry" he added.



Dara didn't walk away but instead she sat on the floor, getting to his eye level. There was nothing but a smile on her face, she reached out her hands to cup his face and lifted it so they're looking at each other. 



"Hey" she said softly, wiping his face and wanting him to stop his tears. "You did buy that ring for me right? Don't you think it should be in my fingers now?" she said in a tone very familiar to him.



He looked up instantly with happiness and love in his eyes, he leaned forward taking her into a kiss, a kiss that they've both missed and had been longing for a long time now. 



"Propose already. AISH! We've seen enough kissing" Seunghyun and Bom both yelled at the same time, making the now together finally again couple chuckle. 



They both stood up but Jaejoong kneeled again to get the propoasl done much better.



"No matter what happens I want you to know that i'll always be here for you and that i'll always love you. Sandara Park would you marry me" he asked the question. They were all in their feet wainting for the girl to say yes, she didn't say anything though but the next thing she did surprised all of them and made them laugh too.



"That is if you catch me" she suddenly yelled, making a run for it and Jaejoong in shock gave her time to run much further. 



"Hyung!" if it wasn't for Seungri's scream Dara could have left already. He stumbled on his feet and ran after her.



"Why are you doing this?" he yelled and laughed at the same time.



"Well, I'm not going to say yes easily. This is for the whole month you made me wait" she yelled as loud as she can but since she found a bike and pretty much stole it her voice was fading away.



"AISH!" Jaejoong cursed and took the lying bike on the ground, not caring about the owner and rode on it.



"나 잡아다라" she chuckled across the park.

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Sorry guys for not updating the story ..but as I soon as I finish schoolwork I'll put up the last chapter


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Fr0zenMus1c #1
Chapter 6: Lol at Dara :D
bb2ne1fanjj #2
Chapter 6: Again I'm asking myself how come I'm only reading your stories now. I thought I have read all jaedara stories already. You're a good writer authornim.
Chapter 6: so cute...............
msdeathstalker #4
Chapter 6: awww cute! thanks :)
xZeiki #5
Chapter 6: I know this is kinda late but I'm baffing rainbows right now~ lol! A skythunder/thundersky fic! I'm so glad I've read this~.~
realworldescape #6
rexan2890 #7
ow sweet... can you make a sequel for it... please
i'm glad that the two couples got their happy endings (:
end already??? i wanna know what happened next... sequel please? ^_^
jekomgarcia #10
Ah~ I was surprised to see it completed but happy about the ending. Thanks!