
TS Baby!


Jongup, Youngjae, Zelo and Daehyun were waiting for the filming staff to arrive in order to film "TADAH! It's BAP!" (imnida). Himchan and Bang wouldn't be there for the first part of the episode, as they had another schedule to attend. 


Zelo: Do you think we're going to do well without Yongguk Hyung with us?


Youngjae: Yes, don't worry Junhong-ah, we'll be fine. 


Zelo: I hope he doesn't miss us too much..


Jongup: Oh I know who he's missing, and don't worry it's not us!


Youngjae: You're talking about Rose, aren't you? 


Jongup: I am. I'm sure there's something going on between them. 


Youngjae: I thought Yongguk Hyung said they were just friends?


Zelo: They are, Yongguk Hyung only loves me.


Jongup: Have you seen how he looks at her?!  I don't even care, I ship it! They'd look so freaking cute together! Don't deny they're perfect for each other! 


Youngjae: I don't know about that, but it's true he seems interested by her. I mean, why else would he have hid her from us? 


Jongup: Yes! And he keeps talking about her! And texting her and stuff! 


Zelo: That doesn't mean anything! 


Jongup: I think they're in love!


Youngjae: No, I think they need us to show them they're in love. 


Daehyun (coming in the dorm): Guys the crew is here, we have to go to our practice room. 





The boys' mission for today was to plan and direct the music video for their song Secret Love themselves. They had already decided Youngjae would direct it, Bang would film it, Daehyun would be the scriptwriter while Himchan was going to star in it with the maknae line as supporting actors. 


Daehyun: All we have left is to choose a main actress.


Youngjae: I think she should be someone netizens have never seen to give a fresh feeling to the video. 


Zelo: We should get a trainee from the company!!


Youngjae: Oh you're right Zelo-ah, it'll make people anticipate her debut!


Zelo: Let's choose Minrin Noona!


Youngjae: No, we have to hold auditions. 


Jongup: They can showcase their talent then!


Youngjae: Yes, they'll have to sing, act and dance while we choose the most talented one.


Zelo: And Minrin Noona will be a star!!!


The filming ended and the boys made their way to organize the auditions with the trainees' teachers.


Jongup: We're casting Rose, aren't we?


Youngjae: Of course we are.





They had soon convinced the teachers, told the trainees who were all excited, and started shooting the "auditions". All the girls auditioning knew it was fake and only for the cameras. Only Zelo and Rose thought it was real, even though everything showed it was fake:  the girls weren't more than twenty but had to wear ridiculous numbers (Rose's was 19900331), and were all asked stupid questions that had nothing to do with the music video. Rose assumed it was only BAP's usual randomness. Zelo didn't pay attention to any of the auditions but Minrin's anyways. Afterwards, Daehyun, Youngjae, Jongup and Zelo  went into the "secret room where all decisions are made" aka. the bathroom. They had a really long and serious debate about who to choose. In the end, each member had to get in one of the bathroom stalls, choose one picture and pretend to flush the others. Surprisingly enough, it ended up being 3 to 1. The next day, all the members were present at the MV shoot. 


Jongup: Alright everyone, are you ready to meet the girl BAP chose to be Himchan's love interest in this MV?


Zelo: BAP didn't choose her!!! Only you, Daehyun Hyung and Youngjae Hyung voted for her!


Jongup: Zelo! You're ruining my effect! (mumbling): And Bang would have voted for her anyways..


Youngjae: Anyways, Yongguk Hyung, Himchan Hyung can you guess who it is?


Bang: Well seeing Zelo's face, it's definitely not Park Minrin…


Zelo: It should have been her!


Jongup: Oh come on! You told us yourself Rose was your second choice!


Bang (suddenly very interested): Rose?!


Himchan: I think, but it's just a guess out of the blue, that it's our British trainee, Rose Jonas, am I right?


Youngjae: Bravo Hyung! What do you guys think?


Himchan: Completely unexpected!


Bang: It's cool. She'll do great.


Jongup: Alright, here comes our leading girl…. ROOOOOSE JONAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAS!!!! 


Rose came in laughing, her eyes met Bang's and she waved at him before bowing and introducing herself to everyone.







They had filmed the individual shots and it was all going well. The only scenes director Youngjae wasn't satisfied with were Himchan and Rose's ones. He therefore got to play "frustrated director", which actually pleased him a lot.


Youngjae: No, no, no, no, no, no! Cut! You guys aren't getting it at all!


Rose: If you want, I can…


Youngjae: No, you're not the problem Rose-ssi


Himchan: You said I was doing well! 


Youngjae: You are! But you two don't do it for me! 


Himchan: Euh.. do what? 


Youngjae: There's no spark, no heat, no chemistry, nothing! It's just as if you two secretly were siblings! I want love and passion! I want the look you share to show how much you love each other! How, even if it's a secret, it's obvious to anybody catching those looks! 


When Youngjae said that, Rose looked up to meet Bang's eyes. She was disappointed in herself. He smiled at her, and everything was fine again. And of course, Jongup caught that look. 


Jongup: I think we should change the main actor, as we don't have time to hold auditions again.


Youngjae: Is that okay with you Himchan Hyung?


Himchan: It is. But who? Daehyun?


Daehyun: No. I don't think I can do a good job. Zelo won't want to change parts.. What about you, Jonguppie?


Jongup: Ani! I like my part too!! What about Bang Hyung? 


Bang: Alright then, I'll do it. Are you okay with that Rose?


Rose: Yeah, I am, I know you better so it'll probably be easier…


Bang: It's going to be okay, don't worry.


He smiled at her and rubbed her shoulder affectively, she smiled back, and again, everything was fine for her. 


Youngjae (to Jongup): I doubt we'll have to do more than one take.. Good idea Jongup.


Jongup: Haaa,I should create a match making business or something...



☁   ☁   ☁



Sorry for the late and very short update! Another one will come soon :) 


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Oh nooo ;AAA;
PopingRose #2
MWAHAHAHAHA I'm a genius!
Jongup: Aaaaaaaaaaaaaah so much dramaaaaaaaaa!
omg wae no bang it was a misunderstanding DON'T IGNORE HER SOBS
LadyHappy #5
zelo: nooooooona ! moi je sais comment ça va finir entre bang hyung et rose noona ^-^
kris: ça me fait bizarre tout ça moi,je suis pas encore habitué au fanfiction
I've only skimmed the first chapter (I'm gonna read it tomorrow) and I really like how you colour coated the person talking! :) Subscribed ;)
infinitesummer623 #7
wahhh! i lik the story so far! keep updating :D
check out my story if you have time~ also check out the poster shop that i requested from, the posters are really pretty haha :D
Music-is-life #8
Haha t'as écrit "Euh", à la française ;D
LadyHappy #9
Zelo !!!!!!!! (and Kriiiiiiis ) kkk daehyun
<3 parceque moi j'aime que tu écrive des trucs débiles en cours XD

zelo: nooona !! moi aussi j'aime bien
Looks really interesting ~update fast^^