
Strength, Vulnerability, Immortality, and Sorcery [Abandoned]

Once again, the group of mixed beings traveled together towards the general direction to Mt.Mortem.

“Yesung…..I love you…..” Ryeowook chirped, interrupting the silence that had passed over for over 4 hours of walking.
The only response the younger got was an odd look from his lover and a loud gag from ZhouMi.

Ryeowook stuck his lip out in a pout and hugged his warrior’s arm, wanting attention from Yesung who was studying the map himself because he didn’t trust ZhouMi and Henry with it.

“He’s gonna ignore you, you know. He pays no attention to anyone if he’s busy doing something else important.” Sungmin said matter of factly, holding Kyuhyun’s hand as they walked.

Ryeowook let out a small whine and tugged at Yesung’s hand lightly. “Jongwoonie…..” he said.

“Hm?” Yesung hummed in response, not sparing the younger a single glance.

“I’m bored.” Ryeowook sighed.

‘That’s great.” Yesung grumbled back in response.

“Yesung?” Eunhyuk said.

“Hm?” The dark warrior muttered again.

“The sky’s falling.” The blonde warrior tried.

“Sounds like a personal problem.” Yesung deadpanned.

“We lost someone.” ZhouMi said, trying himself.

“Go find them yourself.” Yesung said nonchalantly, his face still blank as he stared at the map.

Minhyun: “Henry said he’s quitting.”

Yesung: “Kick him in the shins and tie him up.”

Donghae: “There’s someone following us.”

Yesung: “Kill them then.”

Kyuhyun: “Ryeowook died.”

Yesung: “……..”

Ryeowook slapped the dark warrior’s arm harshly when there was no reply. “Jongwoon! You heartless person!” he yelled.

“You love me…..” Yesung said, finally looking up from the map to give his lover a cute, aegyo-filled smile.

“God damnit! I hate you!” Ryeowook said, resisting the urge to hug the elder and forgive him. Yesung was so cute when he was doing aegyo just for Ryeowook, which is really rare.
The silver eyes would widen and shine innocently down at Ryeowook through the shaggy, silky black bangs.
Not to mention the sweet, die-from-adorableness smile that adorned the dark warrior’s handsome face.

“No, you love me….” Yesung cooed again, giving the boy his innocent puppy eyes.

Ryeowook let out a very unattractive squeak and tackled the elder down with a bruising kiss.

ZhouMi made a face covered his eyes.

“Hey, at least Yesung responded.” Donghae shrugged.

“Now, let’s keep moving!” Sungmin snapped, grabbing the back of Ryeowook’s shirt and dragged him back away from Yesung.

The dark warrior chuckled lightly as he straightened back up and went back to reading the map.

Ryeowook smiled proudly and frolicked ahead of the group a little.

“It says were walking towards a river and bridge…..” Yesung muttered, just as Ryeowook skidded to a stop, right in front of Roaring River.

The human let out a frightened yelp when his body momentum lunged him forward and over the edge of the river side.

Yesung reached forward without looking away from the map and grabbed the boy’s shirt and pulled him back up, still staring intently at the map in hand.

Ryeowook quickly clung onto Yesung’s side, hanging on to him for dear life.

“Never mind. We’re here.” Yesung sighed, folding the map back up and looked up at the bridge,

It was a very long bridge that reached from where they stood to the other side of the river. It was made of rotting wooden planks and frayed roped. It swayed unevenly when the wind blew by, and right beneath the unsteady bridge, was a rushing, vicious river that leads all the way down towards a mile tall, bone-crushing waterfall.

Ryeowook whimpered in fright and clung tighter to Yesung, not wanting to cross the weak bridge.
Yesung pressed a light kiss onto the boy’s forehead in reassurance and wrapped his arms around the boy.

“Do we have to cross?” Henry asked, watching the bridge sway unsteadily with the wind.

Eunhyuk shrugged once, before picking up a large rock, and chucked it towards the side of the bridge. Almost immediately, birds flew out from within the trees from behind them and attacked the rock until it turned completely into pebbles, falling down towards the river.

“Yup.” Sungmin muttered, answering Henry’s previous question.

“I’m guessing we’ll be attacked the same way too if we try flying over.” Kyuhyun said, making a face as the birds flew back into the trees.

Yesung sighed and touched the ropes that held the bridge together lightly. “I think it’ll hold. It’s the wooden planks we need to worry about.” He said quietly. “Everyone stick with a warrior.” He said as Ryeowook immediately attached himself to his lover. “Or a god…,.” Yesung added when Henry clung onto ZhouMi.

“Isn’t there another route?” Minhyun asked, taking hold of Ren’s hand.

Yesung raised an eyebrow in doubt but still pulled the map out to check. He studied it for a moment, before shaking his head. “No. This is the only way. If we take it up and around the mountains, that will be another month and we’ve wasted enough time.” He sighed, before taking Ryeowook’s hands. “I’ll cross first with Ryeowook. Sungmin, could you be the last, so you could watch everyone?”

The said warrior nodded once and released Kyuhyun’s hand to step back and let everyone else through first.

Yesung stepped onto the rotten wood of the bridge lightly and listened to it creak loudly.
He took another two steps forward before reaching back out for Ryeowook to take hold of his hand and follow him.
After Ryeowook came Ren, then Minhyun, Henry, ZhouMi, Donghae, Eunhyuk, and then Kyuhyun followed with Sungmin at the end.

Everything seemed to be pretty fine except for the constant unnerving sway of the bridge whenever the wind blew by.
Yesung and Ryeowook were close in reaching the other end when suddenly a loud crack of wood and a cry following along echoed throughout the forest.
Everyone in the front spun around to see that Donghae, unluckily, had stepped on a really rotten wooden plank, and it finally gave out beneath Donghae’s weight after many different others pressure upon it.

Eunhyuk had quickly spun around in time to reach out and the younger grabbed on to the blonde warrior’s hand, but still fell through the hole that the rotten planks have created.

“Hold on!” Eunhyuk said, gripping tightly onto the human’s hand, but Eunhyuk had dislocated his arm. When he saw the younger fall through, he quickly reached out and Donghae grabbed on, but the momentum of the fall jerked Eunhyuk’s arm out of place.

“I’m trying!” Donghae cried out panickly, desperately trying to grip tightly onto Eunhyuk’s hand, but they were slipping slowly from the sweat and water.

Sungmin quickly but carefully ran forward and reached down with one hand for the human to grab onto. “Reach up!” he yelled over the rushing river.

Donghae reached up with his other hand, trying to grasp onto the other warrior’s, but the river water was dragging his body sideways and away from Sungmin’s hand.

Ryeowook took a step forward, wanting to help his older brother, but Yesung held a hand up to stop the boy.
“Don’t move. You’ll move the bridge.” Yesung said as everyone else stood frozen to their spot all the while trying to balance the bridge right.

“Come on. You can do it.” Sungmin encouraged, reaching further down with help from Kyuhyun who wrapped one arm around Sungmin’s waist to hold him down in case the warrior lunged forward suddenly and into the freezing cold water.

Eunhyuk looked down at Donghae’s panicked and desperate expression, before biting his lip in pain, and slowly, using all his strength, pulled the younger up a foot with a dislocated arm.

Donghae quickly reached up and grasped onto Sungmin’s hand tightly.
The two warriors quickly lifted the human up together, and when Donghae was finally back up on the bridge, the human immediately clung onto Eunhyuk and broke out into loud sobs.

Eunhyuk winced in when the human’s action caused pain to shoot yup his dislocated arm. Eunhyuk lifted his uninjured arm up and gently the younger’s hair soothingly.

“Is everyone else alright?” Sungmin asked, reaching forward to put Eunhyuk’s arm back in place.

Everyone nodded once and watched as the blonde warrior gently helped the crying human up, and lifted DongHae up into his arms to carry him the rest of the way across the bridge.

“Let’s get off this bridge quickly then before it decides to collapse on all of us.” Yesung muttered, motioning for everybody to finish crossing.

Once they had all crossed safely, Ryeowook was about to go to his brother’s side and comfort him like a good sibling he is, only to find Eunhyuk had already taken up that job and was actually doing a better job than Ryeowook.

Ryeowook sighed quietly and clung back onto Yesung’s side, burying his face against his lover’s strong chest.
Eunhyuk and Donghae’s relationship was too weird to question.



yay~ New chappie~



Daily Song: Face by Nu'est





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411 streak #1
Chapter 43: I have so much time in my bed, so here I am, rereading 🤭

But I'm still sad that there's still no next chapter button 😭
411 streak #2
Chapter 1: This story got my interest. Too bad it's abandoned T^T well, gonna enjoy it eniwei~
ExoMsKungfuPandaTao #3
Chapter 39: My Fav characters:
Sungmin (DUH)
Kyuhyun and
chengchul #4
Jaebal, jaebal update TT.TT
Chapter 34: update soon please i want to know what happened
Chapter 6: The images arent avaliable anymore t.t
Chapter 1: Ooooh, now i can form a minhyun image in my head, how i didnt remeber him at first mention? Tsc tsc
This story looks to be so amazing, im looking forward
amazing art it drew me in along with the story, i read this in very busy two days and your story ''into a new world'' and now it is 6:45a.m and i should be sleeping i have to go to my class at 3:30p.m... The horror :'(
TurtleCloud24 #9
Are you a cloud?
There is not enough top Wookie in this world. I'm glad I'm not the only one to think this xD Love it. ^_^
Hwaiting Author-nim! ^_^