
Strength, Vulnerability, Immortality, and Sorcery [Abandoned]

SungMin trampled through the thick trees, following a small trail of blood that he knew belonged to the young sorcerer.
He finally found the younger curled up by a willow tree……..crying.

“K-Kyuhyun?” The warrior said hesitantly, slowly approaching the shaking figure.

The sorcerer said nothing as he continued to cry into his arms, loud sobs emitting from his small, thin frame.

Sungmin stopped right in front of the younger and crouched down, reaching up slowly and touched the boys back softly, a gesture of comfort.
“Don’t cry. It wasn’t your fault.” He whispered.

”No! It was! You could’ve died!” Kyuhyun cried out, wiping hastily at his tears but they just kept pouring out.

Sungmin bit his lip nervously before gently pulling Kyuhyun into a tight embrace.
“No it wasn’t. I could handle myself. You at least remembered what it was.” Sungmin whispered, the younger’s hair soothingly.

What it was! Not what it can do!” Kyuhyun sobbed, soaking the warrior’s shirt with his tears.

“You tried, Kyuhyun. That’s all I needed. You saved me too.” Sungmin sighed, looking down at the head that was pressed against his chest, still softly the light brown locks.

Kyuhyun shook his head and released the bunny-like warrior. “No. Just go away. Henry’s right. I should’ve studied. I’m a lame sorcerer.” He whispered, turning away from Sungmin.

“You’re a fine sorcerer, Cho Kyuhyun!” Sungmin snapped, but Kyuhyun just ignored him, staring blankly at the grassy floor. “You just need to read a bit more and study, but you’re abilities and powers are strong!” Sungmin said, turning the younger’s face against so their gazes met.

“But-“Kyuhyun started.

“Shhh! You’re a great sorcerer, and I will not hear another stupid negative word from you again!” Sungmin said sternly, before pressing their lips together, surprising the younger even more.

Although Sungmin may act like he didn’t like Kyuhyun, he actually had feelings for the young sorcerer. Kyuhyun was quite annoying, yes, but Sungmin enjoyed all the attention he got from the boy and his positive attitude and bubbliness just makes it all the more cuter.
Everyday, Kyuhyun’s charming smile was enough to make SungMin’s whole day a whole lot better.

Kyuhyun tensed up slightly at the sudden contact, but pressed his lips closer when Sungmin made no move to pull back. He let his tongue gently brush against the delicate M shaped lips that were pressed against his own as he tilted his head slightly for more access.

The warrior gently pulled the sorcerer closer as he felt the boys long fingers thread through his hair, slowly replying to the hesitant kiss,

When they finally did pull away for breath, Sungmin saw Kyuhyun staring up at him with wide eyes that were filled with wonder and shock.

“I-I’m sorry.” Sungmin said quickly, covering his lips up with his fingertips as a light blush crossed his cheeks.

Kyuhyun let out a small watery giggle (that Sungmin didn’t know the boy was capable of), at the cute, shy expression Sungmin had on. The younger reached forward and pinched the blushing warrior’s cheek lightly.

“I didn’t know you had feelings for me.” Kyuhyun grinned.

“Get away!” Sungmin pouted, swatting the boys hand away, but inside, he really wanted to kiss the boy again.

After a quiet moment of them just staring at each other, Kyuhyun slowly leaned forward again and kissed Sungmin’s lips softly.

Sungmin sighed and gently pulled the boy into his arms, careful to avoid the still bleeding gash along the sorcerer’s back. “So I’m guessing you’re a bit better now?”

Kyuhyun looked up at the elder briefly, and shrugged a little, enjoying the warm embrace. “I guess…….”

“Let’s get back to camp then.” Sungmin muttered, standing back up and turning around to leave, but stopped when he noticed that Kyuhyun didn’t get up.

The warrior turned back to look at the sorcerer questioningly, to see Kyuhyun staring up at him with large, puppy eyes with his hand reached up towards Sungmin, a sign of ‘Help me up and hold my hand.’

Sungmin’s lips twitched slightly as he resisted the urge to curse at the younger (A force of habit), and instead, sighed in defeat and took the younger’s hand and helped him up.

Kyuhyun beamed happily and got up; wincing slightly at the pain in his back, before following after the bunny happily back to the cave, hand-in-hand.

“Poor Kyuhyun.” Ryeowook muttered, sitting down on the floor of the cave.

“He’ll be fine. I believe Sungmin is a reliable person.” Yesung whispered softly, nuzzling the boys neck softly.

Ryeowook just sighed in response and wrapped his arms around the elder’s slim waist, pulling his lover closer.
Ryeowook was now the dominant of their relationship, meaning he’s the boy, although Yesung does not act like the little feminine person like he’s suppose to.
Yesung never did agree to this, but Ryeowook argued his way through.

“We all did tell Kyuhyun to study though.” Ryeowook muttered, gently pressing his lips into the elder’s silky black hair, taking in the sweet scent.  “But Henry still shouldn’t have yelled at him like that.” Ryeowook sighed, unsure if he was actually talking to himself or to the elder now.

“Maybe Henry’s just worried about Kyuhyun. He is like the only family member Henry has left.” Yesung said, snuggling up against the younger’s chest, unable to resist enjoying being the recessive in their relationship.

“Yeah, only because you won’t-“

“Shut up.” Yesung grumbled, interrupting the boys sentence as he sat back up immediately.

“Sorry.” Ryeowook muttered sheepishly, reaching up and tugged the warrior back down so the elder was snuggled up against Ryeowook’s chest once again.

“Better be.” Yesung glared, pouting slightly without knowing.

Ryeowook let out a very unattractive squeak from the cuteness of the warrior’s pout, and kissed his lover sweetly.

Yesung continued to pout without knowing as he just sat there, listening to Ryeowook coo over him.
His pout only deepened more when the boy started to giggle.
Ryeowook was literally about to Yesung on the spot from the cuteness, but was stopped when KyuHyun and Sungmin appeared back into the cave, hand-in-hand.

“OooOOoooh, looks like somebody got together……” Ryeowook chirped happily.

Sungmin cleared his throat awkwardly as he tried to hide his blush, but Kyuhyun just grinned proudly and tightened his grip on the warrior’s hand.

“How are you now, Kyu?” Ryeowook asked, unwrapping his arms from around Yesung.

“Better.” Kyuhyun shrugged once.

“No, he isn’t.” Sungmin interrupted, pushing the boy forward. “The cut on his back still needs treating.”

“I’ll do it.” Another voice muttered,a nd Henry appeared by the cave’s mouth, causing Kyuhyun’s proud smile to drop suddenly.

Kyuhyun flinched at the sight of his brother, but still turned around hesitantly for Henry to heal.

Minhyun, Ren, EunHyuk and Donghae took the patrolling job instead when Kyuhyun came back injured from the Skotádi.  No one else was in the cave besides the six of them, including ZhouMi.

Henry reached up and a golden healing glow emitted from his hands as he gently glided his hand down the older sorcerer’s back, healing the deep gash along the boys slender back.

“Thanks.” Kyuhyun murmured quietly.

“No Problem.” Henry said with a small smile, and that’s when everyone knew that the brother’s had forgiven each other already.

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404 streak #1
Chapter 43: I have so much time in my bed, so here I am, rereading 🤭

But I'm still sad that there's still no next chapter button 😭
404 streak #2
Chapter 1: This story got my interest. Too bad it's abandoned T^T well, gonna enjoy it eniwei~
ExoMsKungfuPandaTao #3
Chapter 39: My Fav characters:
Sungmin (DUH)
Kyuhyun and
chengchul #4
Jaebal, jaebal update TT.TT
Chapter 34: update soon please i want to know what happened
Chapter 6: The images arent avaliable anymore t.t
Chapter 1: Ooooh, now i can form a minhyun image in my head, how i didnt remeber him at first mention? Tsc tsc
This story looks to be so amazing, im looking forward
amazing art it drew me in along with the story, i read this in very busy two days and your story ''into a new world'' and now it is 6:45a.m and i should be sleeping i have to go to my class at 3:30p.m... The horror :'(
TurtleCloud24 #9
Are you a cloud?
There is not enough top Wookie in this world. I'm glad I'm not the only one to think this xD Love it. ^_^
Hwaiting Author-nim! ^_^